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Writing a literature review on maritime issues can be a daunting task.

It requires extensive research,

critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the
topic. Navigating through countless academic papers, journals, and books can be overwhelming,
especially for those with limited time or resources.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a literature review is ensuring that all relevant studies and
perspectives are included while also maintaining a coherent structure and argument. It's not just
about summarizing each source but rather identifying key themes, debates, and gaps in the literature.

Moreover, evaluating the credibility and reliability of sources is crucial to ensure the integrity of the
literature review. This involves assessing the methodology, findings, and conclusions of each study to
determine its relevance and contribution to the topic at hand.

Given the complexity and time-consuming nature of writing a literature review, many individuals
and organizations seek assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ ⇔ offers
expert support in crafting high-quality literature reviews on maritime issues.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while
ensuring that your paper meets the highest academic standards. Our team of experienced writers has
a deep understanding of maritime issues and access to a wide range of scholarly resources. Whether
you need assistance with topic selection, research, or writing, we are here to help.

Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review hold you back. Order from ⇒
⇔ today and get the expert support you need to excel in your academic endeavors.
APA Abstract Example This article is an examination of the history of gender demographics in the
field of librarianship. It helps to identify the topic which is related to the field and also determined
the gap of the research and problem identification. Like Comment Jared Bruh 10 reviews 2 followers
January 3, 2019 One of my favorite things about Corbett’s most famous book is that with clarity and
originality, he examines and interrogates Clausewitz’s main arguments. In an APA formatted paper,
the abstract is placed on its own page, directly after the title page and before the main body of the
paper. This search was not restricted to accounting journals and helped identify many research items
relevant to our research topic, resulting in a more comprehensive review of the focused domain of
accounting. However, with new digital technologies come specific risks such as spoofing or data
manipulation that need to be further analyzed. Qualities of a good abstract In addition to the
formatting requirements, the Publication Manual also provides some guidance on what other
qualities make for a good abstract. Next Article in Journal Do Rock Design Formulas Based on
Wave Flume Experiments Reliably Model Their Performance at Sea. Help Center Here you'll find an
answer to your question. Syed Iqbal Hasnain, the dynamic Vice-Chancellor, for his consistent
encouragement and guidance. I concede that this position may come across as overly instrumental
and as blindly submitting to the rules of the current publish-or-perish culture ( Becker and Lukka,
2022; van Dalen and Henkens, 2012; Weigel and Muller, 2020 ). Corbett is a well known naval
strategist and he provided some great insights with this book. The main concern of novice
researchers is to find the reason and appropriate design to do the research, and proper methodology
to answer the question. This should be according to the topic of your study. By the end, you'll know
how to create a compelling literature review and add your own ideas to the mix. Click here to buy
this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. My above example ( Ndemewah and
Hiebl, 2022 ) probably falls into the anomalies camp, as large parts of the literature we covered
shared epistemological positions that clearly differed from what is usually considered to be
mainstream accounting research (i.e. quantitative research primarily based on archival data and
carrying a positivist worldview), rendering most research in the domain we covered as featuring
abnormal epistemological positions compared with mainstream accounting research. Nova has also
worked as a technical and scientific writer. In some cases, you might also be required to state the
significance of your conclusions. Could you kindly do a video on how to use your literature review
excel template. Corbett places his emphasis on limited war for limited objectives. He was also
assaulted by Dr. Perkins on the basis of his being a black man. Qualitative research is cyclic, which
means that the research question in this approach immerses gradually into the topic. Thus, we
designed a healthy coping mechanism to help USF students deal with depression, anxiety, and stress:
dog therapy. It must ask precisely what you want to find out and be articulated and clear. I am
indebted to Hans Englund and Jonas Gerdin for having shared this analogy with me. This can be
arranged in various ways (e.g. thematically, chronologically or methodologically). For this reason,
Andiola et al. (2017) highlight specific challenges when reviewing behavioral accounting research.
How do I negotiate power relations and complexities. It is suitable when your topic has a clear
historical development or when you want to showcase the evolution of ideas over time.
Do not forget to cite your sources while discussing them accurately. Digitalization in Maritime
Transport and Seaports: Bibliometric, Content and Thematic Analysis. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10,
486. In addition, even when the methodology of the reviews is valid, there are often issues with
what constitutes a good contribution. The goal of the abstract is to provide the reader with a brief
and accurate idea of what a paper is about. Their research scope covered not only maritime transport,
but also the logistics sector. They concluded that new concepts related to DSS which support safe
shipping operations in the presence of reduced ship manning are rapidly growing, both in academia
and in industry. Cohesion: The abstract should flow logically from one point to the next, maintaining
a coherent narrative about your study. The excitement here means the activity of your cognitive
system, its ability to focus, to concentrate on the material, often a boring one. The sailor’s work
involved staying on shore and watching the stores from persons with bad intentions. Corbett argues
against the massing for force, citing the utility of dispersed forces that can find the enemy, then
allow for the concentration of friendly forces to defeat the enemy fleet. For a nautical book that is
filled with dry topics (sorry for the reverse pun), the book makes for a nice read. APA Abstracts are
a type of Abstract, which is a genre of discourse. It will be shown that, while printed books are most
conducive to learning from longer, more difficult texts, e-readers and computer displays offer
convenience and some distinct advantages to readers in particular situations. The results of analyzing
research items in the review sample are usually considered to be the review findings. Any illustration,
figure, table, or references to them. This lack of attention makes you lose some details, which are
necessary for writing a successful literary review. In addition, these reviews often portray the current
application of certain method theories in accounting research as inadequate or even incommensurate
and are, thus, critical. To provide such a critical analysis, the researcher usually needs to have a very
good understanding of the current state of this theory, not just within accounting research, but
ideally across all relevant fields to compare the application of a method theory in accounting research
with the more general state-of-the-art on this theory. This combination may enable improved
decision making, optimized business processes, and reduced harmful environmental impacts. It’s
important to remember that some publications have different labeling requirements. Listing your
keywords will help other researchers find your work. In fact, some instructors or publications may
restrict the word count to 150. Regardless of which use case is pursued, my experience of crafting,
supervising and reviewing literature reviews is that authors usually decide upfront which use case to
follow because all three use cases usually lead authors in different directions. Elliptical or incomplete
sentences should be avoided in an abstract. Example: When reviewing research on the efficacy of a
medical treatment, sections might be organized based on experimental methods, observational
studies, and clinical trials. Qualitative research is based on language and gathered using methods
such as interviews and focus groups. An APA abstract should typically be between 150 to 250 words
long. The expansion of the review sample was mostly due to relaxing my search terms and making
more extensive use of snowballing. In that case, your keywords might include “climate change,”
“bird migration,” and the region’s name. It is very important to consider thorough planning in all
stages of the research process, from developing the question to final write-up of the findings for
Writing Studies Writing studies refers to an interdisciplinary community of scholars and researchers
who study writing. Equiano’s race made some of his fellow sailor’s skeptical as it was a risky action
to let a black person know navigation. His concept — which regarded naval strategy not as an end in
itself but as a means to an end, with that end defined by national strategy — makes this a work of
enduring value. The decision on which of the three use cases to pursue in a literature review is driven
by several factors, including personal interest in certain domains, theories and research methods in
accounting research. It definitely assisted me in developing my grades in the current season.
Understand the Basics Figure out the main ideas and how they're explained. You can also draw on
government websites, provided they have a strong reputation for objectivity and data quality.
Remember, keywords are a tool for others to find your work, so think about what terms other
researchers might use when searching for papers on your topic. A similar explanation is related to the
second path, which links the themes “technology” and “study” through the concepts of “technology”
and “solutions”. “Innovation”: The concepts “digital” and “adoption” were shared between the
themes “technology” and “innovation”, with two paths connecting “technology” and “innovation”.
In addition, Table 11 shows what has been researched in the papers and what is missing in the
papers, on the basis of which future research directions have been presented. Here are some key tips
to help you create an exceptional literary analysis: Define Your Scope Clearly outline the boundaries
of your literature review. Excessive details on methods or procedures: Keep descriptions of methods
brief and focused on main steps. Corbett looked for clues in the future direction of naval warfare in
then contemporary conflicts like the Spanish-American War and the Russo-Japanese War. If your
research aims to identify factors that cultivate employee loyalty and commitment, your literature
review needs to focus on existing research that identifies such factors. Andreea Bendovschi
Computer Science, Law 2015 111 PDF Save Understanding and overcoming cyber security anti-
patterns Klaus Julisch Computer Science Comput. An example heavily drawing on qualitative
accounting research is the review by Hardies and Khalifa (2018). We also have a small collection of
books for this Maritime Research Project. On a similar note, be explicit about the implications and
significance of your findings. Style, most simply, refers to how you say something as opposed to
what you say. This is not to say that the reviewers or we were wrong; we just started from different
epistemological positions. At the same time, given the lack of systematically generated advice in the
literature, the challenges and potential solutions I discuss in this qualitative insights piece rest on my
own experience and are, thus, subjective. Even if the information is closely tied to information used
in the paper, it does not belong in the abstract. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict
of interest. Reviews following use case (ii) are similar to the above example of Lukka and Vinnari
(2014), who use the application of actor network theory in management accounting research to
illustrate the differences between domain and method theory. Nevertheless, from my personal
observations, some tendencies can be identified. Schroder-Hinrichs Political Science, Business 2010
45 Save. 1 2. Related Papers Showing 1 through 3 of 0 Related Papers Tables 4 Citations 12
References Related Papers Stay Connected With Semantic Scholar Sign Up What Is Semantic
Scholar. Print Friendly Literature Reviews Getting started What is a literature review. In the
following, I mostly use examples of literature reviews published as standalone papers, as these
examples can be more easily traced by the reader. Describe the procedure and parameters of the
Even if the information is closely tied to information used in the paper, it does not belong in the
abstract. Read Later Add to Favourites Add to Collection Report What do you think. It is beneficial
when examining how different theories contribute to the understanding of a phenomenon. For
instance, the combination of the Internet of Things and sensors may provide data on cargo status in a
timely manner, which consequently improves decision making. It is highly recommended that the
researchers exactly understand the nature and character of their inquiries and the knowledge they
choose to create before adhering to a distinct research methodology based on scientific knowledge.
Reread your essay before writing the abstract to refresh your memory. Journal of Marine Science and
Engineering. 2022; 10(4):486. You should be able to demonstrate your understanding by comparing
and analysing one study with another. That is, I have not experienced such theory issues for the use
case (iii), namely, methodological literature reviews ( Feldermann and Hiebl, 2020; Hiebl and
Richter, 2018 ), including one focusing on qualitative accounting research ( Feldermann and Hiebl,
2020 ). Think of an abstract as a highly condensed summary of your entire paper. In addition, some
publications require a statement of significance in addition to the abstract. You can find more
information on how to formulate a great abstract in chapter 3. I explore the Western Body Positivity
movement, the effects of the United States’ hegemonic beauty ideologies, and my experiences as a
white, fat woman alongside Shrill. The information in this guide comes straight from the source: The
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7 th edition. For an experimental
report, your abstract should: Identify the problem. As always, be sure to follow your teacher’s
guidance for length and format. Researchers first ought to figure out the planning of qualitative
research and how to choose the methodology. The first third or half of the book is quite excellent in
that regard. Thus, forming the research question in a proper way and selecting appropriate
methodology can guarantee original, interesting, and applied knowledge, which at least can increase
our understanding about the meaning of certain conditions for professionals and patients and how
their relationships are built in a particular social context. Finally, it is literature review, general
reading, and discussion with an expert supervisor that can help you find the right topic. What makes
an APA Abstract unique are the following elements: the abstract must be a single-paragraph
summary of the paper’s content that is between 150 to 250 This enables the work to be indexed
correctly in the archive and associated with appropriate scholarly conversations. Adopting a 'critical
friend' role in supporting would-be systematic reviews and avoiding individual responses to police
use of the 'systematic review' label, we go on to identify methodological solutions to mitigate these
pitfalls. Top five countries according to their number of journal papers. They are: Conciseness: An
abstract should briefly summarize the key points of your study. It particularly helps to improve the
research standards, and also it helps to identify the novel methods for research scholars. Join
thousands of product people at Insight Out Conf on April 11. For instance, qualitative accounting
studies usually feature thick descriptions of accounting phenomena and their embedding in social
and organizational contexts ( Lukka and Modell, 2017; Messner et al., 2017 ). In particular, research
case studies of accounting phenomena usually feature detailed accounts of the events that took place
in the case organization ( Lee and Humphrey, 2017 ). The shelter will also bring job opportunities,
volunteer work, experience, and a higher morale for students. As with any other source, be wary of
any government website that seems to be pushing an agenda. Writing the Abstract The abstract is a
concise summary of your paper.
Two paths connect the themes “technology” and “organizations”. Coherent and readable: Your
abstract needs to be as clear as possible. Experimental Report Abstracts The format of your abstract
also depends on the type of paper you are writing. Its total length should be about 10 percent or less
of the length of the report. These presentations not only provide an ideal opportunity to discuss and
develop empirical qualitative accounting research ( Ahrens, 2022 ) but also to discuss the conclusions
and contributions drawn from a literature review of qualitative accounting research. 5. Conclusions
This qualitative insights piece provides an overview of the typical advantages, use cases, process
steps and outputs of literature reviews of qualitative accounting research. I concede that this position
may come across as overly instrumental and as blindly submitting to the rules of the current publish-
or-perish culture ( Becker and Lukka, 2022; van Dalen and Henkens, 2012; Weigel and Muller, 2020
). By doing this, you’ll achieve a comprehensive literature base that is both well-rooted in tried and
tested theory and current. It is through their movement that the array of qualities we admire in
animals are manifest qua animal qualities. Results. Against functionalist and formalist accounts, I
defend and develop an account of expressive-responsive movement as the primary perceptual sense
of animals. Here are some tips for choosing keywords: Core Concepts: Identify the most important
ideas or concepts in your paper. Luxemburg: Create Space. 2012. Print.Equiano, Olaudah. The
Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: Written by Himself. For instance, when
investigators used empirical research methods, their abstract will often have one or two sentences for
each major section, such as Introduction Conclusion. Then, using the primary studies in the literature
you reviewed, include the participants in the studies and the main results. However, I am afraid that
in such cases, the authors of literature reviews must also make a judgment call as to whether they
submit to the reviewer and editor’s recommendations or try to publish their reviews elsewhere. It’s
free to create an account and search billions of records. Moreover, there are other details to keep in
mind concerning how to write an effective abstract. The formatting of the abstract page is the same
as the rest of an APA style paper: double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font, one-inch margins,
and a running head at the top of the page. To be clear, such reviewer and editor opposition to
research items from other fields has been the exception in the numerous review processes of literature
reviews in which I have participated. The reason for the absence of landmark literature in poor
literature reviews is most commonly that either the student isn’t aware of the literature (because they
haven’t sufficiently immersed themselves in the existing research), or that they feel that they should
only present the most up to date studies. Definition: A literature review is a systematic examination
and synthesis of existing scholarly research on a specific topic or subject. Write it after you have
finished your paper, so you have a clear idea of what to include in this short paragraph. However, in
Leximancer, “Internet of Things”, “Big Data” and “Artificial Intelligence” are missing. The centrality
of authors with German affiliation reached 0.77, indicating that they kept a wide range of
cooperation with authors affiliated with various countries such as Italy, Sweden, Colombia, and the
People’s Republic of China, etc. Specificity: Your keywords should be specific to your research. It
should be relevant to the topic and written from secondary sources. The sailors were known to be ill-
mannered in many respects like getting very drunk and got the boat stove inorder to stop the vessel
from coming back as soon as expected. If we are late even by 1 minute, sample literature review, we
will refund your money. While the abstract page plays an important role in getting the reader
interested, it is not a sales pitch. The title of the abstract is centered at the top of the page; there is no
extra space between the title and the paragraph. These types of content have their place, especially
when setting the context for your study. The abstract is placed on its own page, directly after the title
page and before the main body of the paper.

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