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Some opine that life is meaningless without career success.

In my opinion, I
partially concur with this thinking and this essay will outline why.

There are two major reasons why people may believe that work is the main goal
of life. One reason for this is that work plays an indispensable role in everyone's
lives. If people were to prioritize something else over work, they may be faced
with many financial burdens in the future. Another reason why some think this is
that career success can have profound impacts on one's life. This is because it
provides a sense of achievement, and fulfillment as well as facilitates personal
growth for those who choose to seek new challenges.

Despite the aforementioned statements, however, I do believe achieving career

success is not the main goal of living. To begin with, there exist many other
objectives than just work. For instance, people living on low-income jobs still live
life to the fullest because they are content with their accomplishments.
Furthermore, focusing on only career success may lead to many undesirable
effects. To be more specific, people may sacrifice their time, well-being, and other
aspects of life in order to become successful, which will come to haunt them later
in life after retirement.

To sum up, although work is undoubtedly an indispensable part of life, it is not

what people strive to succeed in. The most important thing is how people gain
personal growth and a sense of achievement from it. Therefore, career progress is
considerably associated with life values.
Some opine that creativity and language skills are better developed by book
readers than television enjoyers. From my perspective, I wholeheartedly agree
with this thinking.

There are two major reasons why people may think that television watchers are
worse at improving their imaginative and linguistic abilities than those who read
books. Firstly, reading requires move more involvement than watching TV. For
instance, while reading a story like Les Miserables, readers can visualize the
characters and their expressions through written words instead of blankly staring
at a screen, which greatly improves the readers' ability to think imaginatively.
Second, engaging in book reading can easily develop one's linguistic skills. This is
because the likelihood of encountering new words or grammatical structures
while reading is almost guaranteed.

Furthermore, watching television can have adverse impacts on the development

of one's ingenuity and language skills. One reason for this is that the fast pace of
the television leaves little time for the viewers to think or learn, which may result
in minor improvements. By contrast, reading allows everyone to firmly grasp the
contents of the book because it doesn't restrain the reader to a certain speed. The
second reason for this is that compared with books, the words used on TV tend to
be less intricate. Consequently, people have limited opportunities to develop their
language abilities.

In conclusion, I believe that reading books is a more efficient way for people to
enhance their imagination and language skills, while watching TV is simply more
of a source of entertainment.
Some opine that career decisions be taken more seriously by young adults, whilst
others argue that the young be given the right to freely decide on their
occupation. From my perspective, I think young people should balance between
self-interests and future career paths.

On the one hand, there are advocates of the idea of young individuals having the
freedom to select their own profession. One reason for this would be that being
able to choose work based on personal interests can have numerous benefits. To
elaborate, people will be more motivated when working a satisfying job, which
will boost their productivity. Additionally,

At the other end of the spectrum, earning potential is also

an essential factor to consider when selecting a profession. As income level will
strictly influence one's life qualities after graduation, adopting a pragmatic
approach can result in a stable life. For example, in Taiwan, many parents
encourage their children to choose technical majors due to their promising
tendencies. Thus, the significance of future development can not be ignored when
considering what to major.

To sum up, despite the fact that earning potential plays a vital role in choosing a
major, youngsters still have the freedom to select the one that they are passionate
about. However, individuals are primarily responsible for their well-being. Young
individuals should take long-term benefits into consideration so as to create a win-
win situation for both sides.

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