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Process to be followed for MOE (Constructive Delivery of Title Deeds) for existing Home Loan

customers to whom the Top-Up Loan is being offered.

1Execute the HOME LOAN/LAP Product loan documents.

Strike off the Special Power of Attorney (SPOA) and MOE in the LAP Product loan document.
Use the attached MOE (Constructive Delivery), this is to be executed for the additional loan amount that has
been sanctioned.
The MOE should be stamped with the stamp duty as applicable to equitable mortgage by deposit of title
deeds in respective states where the borrower had deposited the title deeds for the principal loan. The
stamping is to be done by the customer himself on the blank document before he executes it. The stamp
amount is to be borne by the customer. The stamp duty is applicable on the Top – Up loan amount that has
been sanctioned.
A photocopy of the MOE is to be handed over to the borrower and a receipt of having received the same to
be obtained on a separate paper, which is to be kept with the loan documents.

1. On this day of , residing at

, (hereinafter referred to as "the Borrower") attended the office of ICICI BANK Limited at
Nagpur (being the security trustee for ICICI Group Enterprise (ICICI) and hereinafter
called "Security Trustee") and saw of the Security Trustee.

2. The said stated that the documents of title, evidences,

deeds and writings more particularly described in the First Schedule hereunder written (hereinafter
called *"the existing/said title deeds") in respect of the Borrower's immovable properties situate at

, and more particularly described in the Second Schedule hereunder written were deposited with
the Security Trustee on the ___ day of __________ and further deposited by way of constructive
delivery on the ___ day of __________by the Borrower with the Security Trustee, in
order to create security, by way of joint mortgage
by to
gether with all buildings and structures thereon more particularly described in the
Second Schedule hereunder written and all plant and machinery attached to the earth or
permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth, both present and future, for
securing the due repayment, discharge and redemption by the Borrower to :-
a) ICICI of its Rupee loan of Rs. /- vide loan agreement Dated __ between ICICI and the
Borrower and

b) ICICI of its Rupee loan of Rs. /- vide loan

agreement dated Between ICICI and the Borrower,
together with all interest, liquidated damages, commitment charges/front end fees, premia on
prepayment or on redemption, remuneration payable to the aforesaid trustees, costs, charges, expenses and
other monies under the respective loan agreements as amended from time to time.

3.Mr. on the same day accorded and gave oral consent to Mr . f

the Security Trustee to continue to hold and retain the said title deeds more particularly described in
the First Schedule hereunder written as and by way of mortgage by deposit of title deeds by way of
constructive delivery on all the Borrower's immovable properties situate
more particularly described in the Second
Schedule hereunder written together with all buildings and structures thereon and all plant and
machinery attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth, both present
and future, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the said immovable properties").

4. Whilst giving such oral consent Mr. Dated that he did so with intent to
create security on the said immovable properties as aforesaid.

5. The aforesaid oral consent was given by Mr. in the presence

of Mr. . of the Security Trustee.
(List of documents of title, evidences, deeds and writings)



(Description of the entire immovable properties)

together with all buildings and structures thereon and all plant and machinery attached to the earth or
permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth, both present and future.

Signature ____________________
(on behalf of the Security Trustee)

Dated t his _ day of _,

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