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Engineering Degree, School of Agricultural Engineering, ESIER, Tunisia, 1988

M. A. Sc., University of British Columbia, Canada, 1991






(Department of Chemical Engineering)

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© Moez M. Bouraoui, 1995

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Department of CM&MUU £NfyMg£#WQs

The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada

DE-6 (2/88)

Raman spectroscopy was used to study the protein structure in raw and

salted surimi from Pacific whiting, and in gels formed by setting (32°C),

cooking (86°C) or setting followed by cooking. The intensity of the peaks

assigned to disulfide bond stretching vibrations increased considerably in the

cooked and set-cooked gels. A smaller increase was found in the gels that

were subject to setting alone. Secondary structure estimation based on the

amide I band indicated a change from predominantly a-helical structure in raw

surimi to similar proportions of a-helical and anti-parallel p-sheet after setting.

A further increase in anti-parallel p-sheet and decrease in a-helix content

occurred during the kamaboko stage. The intensity of C-H stretching

vibrations of the aliphatic residues decreased after salting, setting and

cooking. The set and cooked gel had a better gel strength and fold score

than the cooked gel which, in turn, had better properties than the set gel.

Response surface methodology was used to determine the optimal setting

and cooking time and temperature conditions resulting in a maximized gel

strength, fold score and color, (whiteness index), and a minimized gel

expressible liquid. Cooking temperature was the variable that had the

strongest influence on the gel quality characteristics. Level set programming,

a global optimization method, gave essentially the same results as a gradient

based optimization method. The results obtained by these two methods were

better than those generated by the Simplex technique.

Using a formulation composed of pink salmon surimi, salt, whey protein

concentrate and wheat starch, an optimal final product, kamaboko sausage,

was developed. In addition, when this formulation was applied to herring

surimi, the kamaboko obtained had similar gel strength and elasticity as a

commercial surimi-based product. The effects of frozen storage conditions of

roe herring on its gel making ability (GMA) were investigated. Frozen storage

at around -45°C maintained the GMA for seventy days while storage at -83°C

further increased the GMA period.

The viscous properties of a salmon surimi paste were studied using a

rotational viscometer. The paste behaved as a shear thinning fluid with a

yield stress that increased with temperature up to 21 °C. Viscosity also

increased with temperature up to 21 °C, possibly because of protein-protein

interactions. The Theological data were reasonably well represented by a

simple model which takes into consideration the effects of both shear rate and


Table of Contents

Abstract ii

Table of contents iv

List of Tables iv

List of Figures xi

Acknowledgments xiv

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1 Surimi manufacturing 3

1.2 Production of surimi-based products 6

1.3 Freeze denaturation of fish proteins 7

1.3.1 Moisture phase changes 9

1.3.2 Fish lipids 10

1.3.3 Enzymatic denaturation by TMAOase 10

1.4 Thesis outline 11

Chapter 2: Investigation of the Protein Structure of Pacific

Whiting Surimi and Gels Using Raman Spectroscopy 13

2.1 Introduction 13

2.2 Materials and methods 18

2.2.1 Materials 18

2.2.2 Raman spectroscopic analysis 19

2.2.3 Measurement of surimi gel properties 22

2.3 Results and discussion 25

2.3.1 Disulfide (S-S) bond stretching vibrations in the

450-600 cm' region


2.3.2 Backbone and side chain vibrations in the

610-2000 cm" region1

27 The tyrosine doublet near 830 and 850 cm" 1

31 Secondary structure estimation from the

amide I and III bands 35

2.3.3 C-H Stretching vibrations in the 2500-3400 cm" region


2.4 Conclusions 45

Chapter 3: Optimization of the Setting and Cooking Conditions for

Kamaboko Making from Pacific Whiting Surimi 46

3.1 Introduction 46

3.1.1 The Nelder-Mead simplex optimization method 47

3.1.2 The Gradient based optimization methods 50

3.1.3 The Level Set Programming (LSP) method 50

3.2 Materials and methods 51

3.2.1 Gel strength (compression test) 53

3.2.2 Fold score 53

3.2.3 Gel color test 54

3.2.4 Expressible liquid measurement 54

3.3 Results and discussion 55

3.3.1 Curve fitting results 58

3.3.2 Optimization results 65 Results of Nelder-Mead Simplex optimization 65 Results of NLPQLO Gradient optimization 67 Results of LSP optimization 67 Multiobjective optimization 70

3.4 Conclusions and recommendations 73

Chapter 4: Kamaboko Production from Roe Herring and Pink

Salmon 75

4.1 Introduction 75

4.2 Objectives 77

4.3 Materials and methods 78

4.3.1 Materials 78

4.3.2 General procedures 79 Surimi making 79 Kamaboko making 80 Measurement of surimi gel properties 81

4.3.3 Roe herring samples 81

4.4 Results and discussion 82

4.4.1 Frozen storage experiments 82

4.4.2 Optimization experiments 85

4.5 Conclusions 92

Chapter 5: Viscous Properties of Salmon Surimi Paste 94

5.1 Introduction 94

5.2 Materials and methods 96

5.3 Results and discussion 98

5.4 Conclusions 126

Chapter 6: Summary of Conclusions and Proposed Future Work 128

6.1 Conclusions 128

6.2 Proposed future work 130

Nomenclature 132

Bibliography 136

List of Tables

T a b l e ! Surimi production in four countries, 1985-1991 2

Table 2. Rating system of the fold test 24

Table 3. Tentative assignment of some major bands in the Raman

spectrum of the raw sample (610-2000 cm" ) 1


Table 4. Estimated proportions of the buried and the exposed tyrosine

residues 34

Table 5. Secondary structure fractions estimated from the amide I

band by RSAP for the five types of samples 38

Table 6. Experimental design for the optimization of surimi heating

conditions 52

Table 7. Experimental results 56

Table 8. Regression results where "log (G )" is the response


variable 60

Table 9. Experimental and estimated values of the 4 response

variables 61

Table 10. Regression results where "F " is the response variable
s 62

Table 11. Regression results where "C" is the response variable 63

Table 12. Regression results where "E" is the response variable 64

Table 13. Optimization of individual response variables using the

Nelder-Mead Simplex method 66

Table 14. Optimization of individual response variables using the

NLPQLO Gradient method 68

Table 15. Optimization of individual response variables using the LSP

method 69

Table 16. Multiobjective optimization results 72

Table 17. Effects of different formulations on surimi gel texture 86

Table 18. Moisture content of different products 91

Table 19. Curve fitting results of the second ISR rheograms 110

Table 20. Curve fitting results of the DSR rheograms 112

Table 21. Results of the curve fitting of the yield stress 119

Table 22. Yield stress values from the first ISR rheograms 120

Table 23. Curve fitting results of Theological data by the ST model 122

List of Figures

Figure 1. Flow diagram of commercial surimi manufacturing process 5

Figure 2. Flow diagram of a crab analog production process 8

Figure 3. A schematic layout of a Raman spectrophotometer 20

Figure 4. Example of a force profile recorded by the Instron

instrument 23

Figure 5. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 450-600 cm " 1

region showing the S-S stretching band near 530 cm 1


Figure 6. Variation with treatment of the normalized intensity of the

530 cm" band


Figure 7. Raman spectra of raw Pacific whiting surimi in the 610-

2000 cm' region


Figure 8. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 820-912 cm" 1

region, including the 830/850 tyrosine doublet, a) Original

spectra, b) Deconvoluted spectra 32

Figure 9. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 1590-1720 cm' 1

region which includes the amide I band, a) Original

spectra, b) Deconvoluted spectra 37

Figure 10. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 1220-1275 cm" 1

region which includes the amide III band, a) Original

spectra, b) Deconvoluted spectra 40

Figure 11. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 2500-3400 cm" 1

region showing the C-H stretching band 42

Figure 12. Variation with treatment of the intensity and of the area of

the -2935 cm" peak


Figure 13. Variation of roe herring kamaboko gel strength with

frozen storage 84

Figure 14. Combined effects of WPC and WS on salmon surimi gel

strength, 87

Figure 15. Combined effects of WPC and WS on salmon surimi gel

fold score 89

Figure 16. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 1 °C 99

Figure 17. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 6°C 100

Figure 18. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 11 °C 101

Figure 19. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 21 °C 102

Figure 20. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 26°C 103

Figure 21. DSR rheograms 106

Figure 22. Second ISR rheograms 107

Figure 23. DSR rheograms at 1°C 113

Figure 24. DSR rheograms at 6°C 114

Figure 25. DSR rheograms at 11 °C 115

Figure 26. DSR rheograms at 21 °C 116

Figure 27. DSR rheograms at 26°C 117

Figure 28. DSR rheograms and the predictions of the ST model 124

Figure 29. Second ISR rheograms and the predictions of the ST 125



I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my supervisors, Dr. Bruce

Bowen and Dr. Shuryo Nakai, for their invaluable supervision, help and

understanding. I greatly appreciate their contributions and their ideas. My

special thanks go to Dr. Tim Durance and Dr. Ken Pinder, my committee

members, for their contributions to this project and their guidance. I also

thank Dr. Eunice Li-Chan for her great help with the Raman spectroscopy, Dr.

Jaouad Fichtali for his contributions to this project and Mr. Dragan Macura for

his help with the IRAP project.

I extend my thanks to everyone affiliated with the Department of Chemical

Engineering and the Department of Food Science, and to all my friends in

Canada and Tunisia.

I am unable to sufficiently thank my parents, Mansour and Radhia, my dear

wife, Amna, my sister, Hella, and all my family members for their great love,

their sacrifices and their encouragements.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 1


Surimi is a Japanese term for the wet protein concentrate of mechanically

deboned and water-washed fish flesh (Okada, 1992; Lee, 1984). It is often

mixed with cryoprotectants to maintain the functional properties of its

myofibrillar proteins. The high concentration of these proteins produces,

upon cooking, an elastic and chewy texture that can be made to resemble that

of shellfish (Lee, 1984). For centuries, the Japanese have been producing

surimi mainly from Alaska pollock. Around the twelfth century, Japanese

fishermen discovered that when surimi was salted, ground and steam or broil

cooked, the end product, called kamaboko, could be kept longer (Lee, 1984).

Surimi technology has evolved to produce such shellfish analogs as crab and

shrimp. Recently, the USA has become interested in this technology

especially since it is the major producer of Alaska Pollock. Table 1 shows the

trends in surimi production in several countries (Sproul and Queirolo, 1994).

The table demonstrates that surimi production in the USA jumped from none

in 1985 to 160,000 metric tons in 1991. Other countries such as Canada,

Norway and the UK have also started to produce surimi from under-utilized

Chapter 1. Introduction

Table 1. Surimi production in four countries, 1985-1991

Production (1,0001)

Year Japan USA Korea Thailand

1985 490 0 20 10

1987 480 20 30 20

1989 390 80 30 20

1991 190 160 10 20

Chapter 1. Introduction

fish species (Hastings and Currall, 1989). In Japan, apart from pollock, other

fish species are being used for surimi production. These species include

sardine mackerel, atka mackerel and horse mackerel. Surimi of good quality

can also be made from New Zealand hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae). In

1988, New Zealand produced 22,800 metric tons of surimi from this species

(Holmes et al., 1992). Pacific whiting is another under-utilized species that

has recently been used for surimi production. It is very abundant on the West

Coast of North America from British Columbia to California (Ohshima et al.,

1993). The allowable catch of this species in the USA ranges between

140,000 and 250,000 metric tons per year (Yongsawatdigul et al., 1995).

These trends should dramatically increase the amount of fish products

available to humans; about half of the harvested fish in the world in 1986 was

reduced to animal feed (Pigott, 1986). Because of the high nutritional and

functional properties of surimi, extensive research is needed to further

develop and improve the production of shellfish analogs as well as other non-

seafood imitations from this important protein source.

1.1 Surimi manufacturing

Because Alaska Pollock is highly susceptible to freeze denaturation

(Matsumoto and Noguchi, 1992), surimi used to be produced and consumed

on a same-day basis. In 1959, Nishiya's research team discovered that by

Chapter 1. Introduction

washing out the water soluble components from the minced fish and adding

cryoprotectants such as sugar compounds and polyphosphates, the functional

properties of surimi could be maintained longer during frozen storage (Okada,

1992) . This was a threshold for the production of frozen surimi. The main

cryoprotectants used are sucrose and sorbitol. Their presence, at low

concentrations (i.e., 4% by weight) increases the amount of bound water

which decreases the displacement of water from protein surfaces and hence

reduces protein freeze denaturation (Arakawa and Timascheff, 1982;

Matsumoto and Noguchi, 1992).

Figure 1 summarizes the overall process of commercial surimi production.

The process starts with deboning and gutting to remove the head, viscera and

most of the backbone. The product is then minced and washed with water.

Washing is very important because it removes most of the sarcoplasmic

proteins, inorganic salts, and other undesirable water soluble compounds

such as blood. It is usually carried out in three to four cycles (Ohshima et al.,

1993) . Refining is then performed to remove any connective tissues, skin

scales, small bones, etc. The soft meat is selectively forced through the

perforations of a cylindrical screen [perforation size varies between 1 and 3

mm (Toyoda et al., 1992)]. The excess water due to the washing process is

then eliminated by a screw press. This dewatering reduces the moisture

content of the refined mince from 90% to around 80% (wet basis). The

Chapter 1. Introduction

raw fish (100%)

deboning and gutting


washing with water


dewa ering

blending of additives
(i.e., cryoprotectants)

filling and packaging


frozen surimi (20 to 30 %)

Figure 1. Flow diagram of commercial surimi manufacturing process

Chapter 1. Introduction

product is then mixed with cryoprotectants in a silent cutter. Then, the surimi

is extruded as blocks (i.e., 10 kg) and packed in polyethylene bags. Surimi

blocks are then frozen at -25°C or lower (Toyoda et al., 1992). The surimi

yield is between 20 and 30% (raw material weight basis); it varies with the fish

species, size and season as well as the manufacturing equipment used

(Toyoda et al., 1992). Surimi is popular because of its high nutritive value,

high protein content and low fat. For example, surimi produced by Alaska

Pacific Seafoods (Kodiac, Alaska) from Alaska pollock contained 75.3%

water, 15.4% protein, 4% sorbitol, 4% sucrose, 0.3% sodium

tripolyphosphate, and 1.0% fat and ash (Nicklason and Pigott, 1989).

1.2 Production of surimi-based products

Most of surimi-based products are gelled surimi. The Japanese have been

producing surimi-based products for centuries. The washed fish flesh, when

combined with certain ingredients, mixed and kneaded, and steamed, forms a

fish gel called kamaboko (Pigott, 1986). To name but a few, there is steamed

kamaboko, broiled kamaboko and fried kamaboko (Pigott, 1986).

More recently, shellfish analogs have been produced from surimi. These

include imitations of crab, lobster, scallop and shrimp (Lee, 1984). Crab

imitation has gained popularity not only in Japan and Korea but also in the

Chapter 1. Introduction

USA. For instance, because of overfishing, the US production of King Crab

plunged from 185 million pounds in 1980 to less than 40 million pounds in

1982 (Gwinn, 1992). It has continued to fall further in succeeding years. This

shortage of crab meat, along with its high price, has created a significant

market for the production of crab analogs. A crab analog manufacturing

process is summarized in Figure 2 (Lee, 1984; Wu, 1992). Surimi is also

used in such products as soups, meat pies and fish cakes.

Lee et al. (1992b) stated that the texture of surimi-based products composed

only of surimi and salt is inclined to be rubbery. To improve the texture

quality and water binding capacity as well as the product stability for frozen

distribution, other ingredients are added. These include starch (i.e., wheat or

potato starch), egg white, etc., which become entrapped within the gel matrix

thereby improving its strength and texture (Lee et al., 1992b). Modified starch

was reported to improve the gel freeze-thaw stability (Lee et al., 1992b).

Other ingredients may also be added depending on the final product desired.

These include oil, flavorings and colorants, to name a few.

1.3 Freeze denaturation of fish proteins

Frozen storage of fish products is widely used by the industry to prolong the

storage life of seafood products. However, extended storage causes the

Chapter 1. Introduction

tempering to -8 to -4°C

comminution with other ingredients

(i.e., salt, water, starch, flavor)

pumping and sheet forming (extrusion)

setting and cooking





cut mg


coo mg


Figure 2. Flow diagram of a crab analog production process

Chapter 1. Introduction

deterioration of the texture, the flavor and the color of the fish. Several

mechanisms have been postulated to explain the causes of the loss of fish

quality. Some of these mechanisms are discussed below.

1.3.1 Moisture phase changes

The formation of ice crystals could cause damage to fish proteins. These ice

crystals are larger when the product is frozen at slow freezing rates or when

the storage temperature fluctuates (Wheaton and Lawson, 1985). Ice crystals

can break cells, rupture membranes and cause drip loss upon thawing of the

fish product (Shenouda, 1980). It is, therefore, recommended to freeze the

product at fast rates allowing the passage of every part of the product through

the critical freezing zone (-0.8 to -5°C) within five to ten hours (Wheaton and

Lawson, 1985).

Matsumoto (1980) and Matsumoto and Noguchi (1992) explained that the

migration of water molecules to form ice crystals causes the dehydration of

the protein molecules. This phenomenon triggers the denaturation of the fish

myofibrillar proteins through aggregation and unfolding. A multitude of

cryoprotectants such as sucrose, sorbitol, phosphates, can be used to reduce

freeze denaturation during frozen storage (Matsumoto and Noguchi, 1992).

Chapter 1. Introduction

As water in the fish freezes out, the salt concentration increases. This

increase can cause protein aggregation. Connel (1964) reported that a salt

concentration of 10% caused the most protein damage. This damage is

reported to mainly affect the myosin proteins (Shenouda, 1980).

1.3.2 Fish lipids

Dehydration (caused by freezing) as well as exposure to oxygen (i.e., due to

poor packaging) can increase lipid oxidation during frozen storage of fish.

Shenouda (1980) reported that the oxidized products of lipids interact with the

proteins' functional groups decreasing the solubility of the proteins. It also

causes rancidity and an undesirable fishy taste. Lipid oxidation increases

with storage time and with the fat content of the fish.

1.3.3 Enzymatic denaturation by TMAOase

During the frozen storage of some fish species, especially the gadoid family

(cod, pollock, whiting, hake, etc.), an enzymatic reaction causes the

degradation of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) into dimethylamine (DMA) and

formaldehyde (FrHO) (Shenouda, 1980). This reaction, caused by the

TMAOase enzyme, is slowed at very low storage temperatures (Wheaton and

Lawson, 1985). FrHO causes cross-linking of proteins and decreases their

Chapter 1. Introduction

extractabilty. It mainly affects the tropomyosin and the heavy chains of

myosin (Childs, 1973).

There are still many uncertainties regarding the mechanisms responsible for

fish protein denaturation during frozen storage, and especially concerning the

interactions between the different mechanisms, their relative importance and

the stages at which they occur.

1.4 Thesis outline

This thesis was motivated by the need to provide alternative value-added fish

products from under-utilized fish species. It consists of a comprehensive

study of the various processing factors that play a role in the overall surimi gel

production cycle.

In Chapter 2, the mechanisms of Pacific whiting surimi gelation were studied

using the Raman spectroscopy technique. This method makes it possible to

study the proteins in intact pastes and gels without having to isolate or extract

the myofibrillar proteins.

The effects of setting and cooking conditions on the quality of the final

product (Pacific whiting surimi gel) are studied in Chapter 3. The optimal

Chapter 1. Introduction

setting and cooking temperatures and times were determined by finding the

conditions that maximize three and minimize one gel texture quality variable.

Surimi production from two under-utilized species, pink salmon and roe

herring, is investigated in Chapter 4. The effects of frozen storage conditions

on the gel making ability as well as the effects of gel improving ingredients on

the gel texture are discussed. An optimal formulation for the production of

kamaboko sausage was developed.

The viscous properties of a surimi paste consisting of the optimal formulation

obtained in Chapter 4 are studied in Chapter 5.

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

Chapter 2

Investigation of the Protein Structure of Pacific

Whiting Surimi and Gels Using Raman Spectroscopy

2.1 Introduction

Gelation is one of the most important functional properties of surimi. Gelation

is accomplished by first grinding surimi with salt to increase the solubility or

the extractability of the myofibrillar proteins. The resulting paste is then

slowly set at temperatures below 50°C before being cooked at higher

temperatures (usually above 70°C). The formed gel has an elastic and chewy

texture that can be made to resemble the texture of shellfish flesh (Lee,


A thorough understanding of the mechanisms that govern surimi gelation

would be useful for the improvement of gel quality and texture. Niwa (1992)

indicated that grinding surimi with salt causes the formation of actomyosin

from myofibrils. Myosin has a molecular weight of roughly 480,00 to 500,000

and contains over 40 sulfhydryl residues but no disulfide bonds (Nakai and Li-

Chan, 1988). Actin has a molecular weight of about 42,000 to 47,000 and

contains between 8 and 13 sulfhydryl residues but no disulfide bonds (Nakai

and Li-Chan, 1988). During the setting stage {suwari in Japanese), Gill and

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

Conway (1989) found that heavy meromyosin (HMM S-2) and light

meromyosin (LMM) fragments of the cod myosin tail region were inaccessible

to chymotryptic digestion. They assumed that tail-tail interactions took place.

When isolated, only the LMM fragments formed a gel (Sano et al., 1990).

Hydrophobic interactions have been proposed to be the most dominant

mechanism for the formation of a three-dimensional gel network (Chan et al.,

1992; Niwa, 1992; Stone and Stanley, 1992). Many studies have

demonstrated the importance of hydrophobic interactions in isolated myosin

or actin fractions, actomyosin, meat sols or salt extracts (Nakai and Li-Chan,

1988). In the presence of a hydrophobic probe, sodium anilino-naphthalene

8-sulfonate (ANS), the fluorometric intensity of actomyosin solutions from

setting flatfish increased with heating (Niwa, 1992). During cooking

(kamaboko making or gel strengthening), as more protein unfolding takes

place, interactions between exposed hydrophobic sites become stronger. In

addition, Itoh et al. (1979) postulated an increase in disulfide bonds, based on

a decrease in the SH content of carp actomyosin solution with increasing

temperatures up to 80°C. Niwa (1992) also proposed that some disulfide

bonds may be formed due to oxidation of sulfhydryl residues. Other

researchers, including Tsukamasa et al. (1993), have suggested that enzyme

(transglutaminase) catalyzed cross-linking may occur during setting.

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

In most of the reported literature, the mechanisms of protein sol-to-gel

transition have been postulated by studying the protein structure after

dissolving the gel. A great deal of uncertainty, therefore, still exists regarding

the exact chemistry of surimi gelation. Research is needed to elucidate the

mechanisms involved at each stage of gelation.

Protein molecules are polymers composed of twenty different amino acids

linked together by peptide bonds. The function of each protein depends on its

three-dimensional structure (Branden and Tooze, 1991). Due to the

difficulties in determining a particular protein's tertiary structure, the

knowledge of its secondary structure can be used to predict its overall three-

dimensional structure and consequently the protein's function (Yada et al.,

1988). The secondary structure is usually classified as a-helix, p-sheet or

random coil. Branden and Tooze (1991) explained that, for the a-helices, the

cp and \\t angles for the consecutive residues are around -60° and -50°,

respectively. (q> is the angle of rotation around the N-Ca bond, whereas vy is

the angle around the C a - C bond from the same Ca-atom.) An a-helix has 3.6

residues per turn. On the other hand, p-sheets are composed of several

regions, p-strands, of the polypeptide chain. Each strand contains from five to

ten residues. The strands are aligned adjacent to each other. The p-sheet is

called parallel when the amino acids in the aligned p-strands run in the same

biochemical direction, amino terminal to carboxy terminal. When the amino

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

acids in successive strands run alternatively once from the amino terminal to

the carboxy terminal and once from the carboxy terminal to the amino

terminal, the sheet is called antiparallel (Branden and Tooze, 1991).

Raman spectroscopy is a vibrational spectroscopic technique which can be

used to monitor changes in chemical structure and environmental changes

around atoms. The Raman scattering phenomenon which results in shifts in

wavelength of an exciting incident beam is due to inelastic collisions of the

incident photons with sample molecules. This technique is distinguished by

its ability to analyze solids as well as solutions, and therefore, has great

potential to study food systems (Li-Chan et al., 1994). Raman spectroscopy

has been used to study the myosin substructure (Carew and Asher, 1975) and

the effects of inorganic salts on myosin solutions (Barrett and Peticolas,

1978). Caille et al. (1983) reported on the effects of Mg , ATP and C a

2+ 2+

the Raman spectra of intact muscle fibers and internally perfused fibers.

Raman spectroscopy was successfully employed to study the gelation of

lysozyme (Li-Chan and Nakai, 1991) and the gelation of whey proteins

(Nonakaetal., 1993).

Since the Raman spectra of macromolecules such as proteins often consist of

broad bands from overlapping components, many attempts have been made

to apply curve^fitting or mathematical deconvolution techniques to aid in the

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

interpretation of the spectral data. Deconvolution is the unraveling of a band

containing overlapping peaks into separate peaks. This method is utilized in

many areas of science and engineering (i.e., telephone communication,

seismology, etc.) where spectral peaks are overlapping and are therefore

difficult to interpret. Deconvolution was successfully used by Luu et al. (1982)

to study solvent-solute interactions in aqueous solutions, while Mathlouthi and

Portmann (1990) used deconvolution to compare Raman spectra of water with

aqueous solutions of sweeteners. While Fourier deconvolution has been the

most commonly used method, maximum-likelihood spectral restoration or

deconvolution has recently been reported to give superior resolution

enhancement (deNoyer and Dodd, 1991). Unlike Fourier deconvolution which

ignores noise, maximum-likelihood deconvolution takes noise into

consideration. The maximum-likelihood deconvolution requires (Mendel,


• the specification of a probability model for the measured output;

• the determination of a formula for the likelihood function; and,

• the maximization of the likelihood function.

For noise with a normal distribution, the likelihood function to be maximized is

(deNoyer and Dodd, 1991):

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

P=l 1 u exp[- —j ]
1 = i -42noi 2<jt

where {y y
1( 2l y„} is a measured data set, {CH, O ,2 o } is a more resolved

spectrum, ® denotes convolution, a is the standard deviation and s is the

peak shape function. To our knowledge, these techniques have not been

applied before to the study offish myofibrillar proteins.

The objective of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of Pacific

whiting surimi gelation under different processing conditions using Raman

spectroscopy, a method that offers the major advantage of being able to study

changes in protein structure in intact pastes and gels, without having to

isolate or extract the myofibrillar proteins.

2.2 Materials and methods

2.2.1 Materials

Frozen surimi made from Pacific whiting was donated by Ucluelet Seafood

Processors Ltd. (Ucluelet, B.C., Canada). Five types of samples were

studied: raw surimi, salted surimi (ground with 3% salt in a vacuum cutter

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

[Stephan, Model VCM-5, Columbus, OH]), set gel (32°C for 19 min), cooked

gel (86°C for 12 min) and set-cooked gel (setting at 32°C for 19 min followed

by cooking at 86°C for 12 min). A more detailed description of the procedures

used for preparing surimi gels is given in section

2.2.2 Raman spectroscopic analysis

The Raman spectrum of each sample was measured on a Jasco Model NR-

1100 laser Raman spectrophotometer (Jasco Inc., Tokyo, Japan) with

excitation from the 488-nm line of a Spectra-Physics Model 168B argon ion

laser (Spectra-Physics, Mountain View, CA). A schematic layout of the

Raman spectrophotometer used is shown in Figure 3. Laser light is focused

on the sample. The resulting scattered light is accumulated by tollection

optics" and directed to a double monochromator. The latter instrument

separates the scattered light depending on its frequency. Then, the Raman

spectrum is detected before being stored in a personal computer interfaced to

the instrument (Li-Chan et al., 1994). The Raman scattering of samples

placed in hematocrit capillary tubes in a transverse/transverse arrangement

(capillary held horizontally and incident laser beam perpendicular to the

capillary axis) was measured at ambient temperature under the following

conditions: laser power, 100 mW; slit height, 4 mm; spectra resolution, 5 cm"1

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi


Laser 1—H Sample

o Double Monochromator



Figure 3. A schematic layout of a Raman spectrophotometer

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

at 19,000 cm" ; sampling speed, 120 cm" min" with data collected at every
1 1 1

cm" ; 6 to 10 scans averaged per sample. These conditions were based on


the recommendations of Nonaka et al. (1993), while taking into consideration

the nature of our samples (surimi paste and gels). Duplicate samples were

analyzed in all cases.

Spectral smoothing (to improve the signal to noise ratio), baseline correction,

normalization against the C H bending vibration at -1450 cm" , maximum-


likelihood spectral restoration or deconvolution (to unravel overlapping

peaks), integration (to determine peak areas) and other computations were

performed using LabCalc (Galactic Industries Corp., Salem, NH) with Square

Tools (Spectrum Square Associates, Ithaca, NY) software on an IBM

compatible (486DX-33) personal computer. Estimation of the secondary

structure composition of the samples based on the Raman spectra in the

amide I region was carried out using the Raman spectral analysis package

(RSAP) of Przybycien and Bailey (1989), which is based on the algorithms of

Williams (1983) for least-squares analysis of the amide I band. Assignments

of some peaks in the Raman spectra to specific vibrational modes of amino

acid side chains or the polypeptide backbone were made according to

published literature (Tu, 1986; Colthup et al., 1990; Li-Chan et al., 1994).

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

2.2.3 Measurement of surimi gel properties

The quality of the surimi gels obtained after setting alone, cooking alone, and

setting followed by cooking needs to be studied in order to try to correlate it to

the Raman spectroscopy results. The surimi gel quality tests performed were

the compression test and the fold test. The compression test is an indicator

of the gel cohesiveness. It was carried out using an Instron Universal Testing

Instrument (Model 1122, Canton, Massachusetts). The test consisted of

compressing a surimi gel cylinder, having a diameter of 30 mm and a height

of 20 mm, to 90% deformation at a cross head speed of 20 mm/min. The

variation of force with time was recorded. The gel strength was the product of

the force and the distance at the point of rupture (Lee, 1984) (see Figure 4).

The distance at the point of rupture was calculated by multiplying the time of

rupture by the cross head speed. The fold test indicates gel elasticity. It was

conducted by folding a 3 mm thick slice of surimi gel (diameter = 30 mm)

slowly in half lengthwise and then in half again while examining it for

structural failure. A rating score from 1 to 6 was used. The rating system is

shown in Table 2 (Lanier, 1992).

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

Figure 4. Example of a force profile recorded by the Instron instrument

C h a p t e r 2. R a m a n spectroscopy o f surimi

Table 2. Rating system of the fold test

Fold score Gel condition

6 No crack showing after folding twice

5 No crack showing after folding in half

4 Cracks gradually when folded in half

3 Cracks immediately when folded in half

2 Does not break by finger pressure

1 Breaks by finger pressure

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

2.3 Results and discussion

The set gel had a gel strength of 246 ± 35 (n=4) and a fold score of 3

while the cooked sample had a gel strength of 2972 + 87 (n=4) and a

fold score of 4. The set and then cooked gel had the best properties

consisting of a gel strength of 3897 + 104 (n=4) and a fold score of 6.

Raman spectra were measured in three wavenumber regions for each

sample. These regions were 450-600 cm' (to assess S-S stretching of

disulfide bonds), 610-2000 cm" (to estimate secondary structure and various

side chain vibrations) and 2500-3400 cm" (to evaluate C-H stretching

vibrations of aliphatic residues). The Raman spectra were reasonably


2.3.1 Disulfide (S-S) bond stretching vibrations in the 450-600 cm' 1


Figure 5 shows the Raman spectra of the five types of samples studied. A

major peak was found at 529 cm" (raw, salted and set samples) or at 531 cm"
1 1

(cooked and set-cooked samples), assigned to the S-S stretching vibrations

of disulfide bonds in a gauche-gauche-trans conformation (Li-Chan et al.,

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

Wavenumber ( c m " ) 1

Figure 5. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 450-600 cm " 1

showing the S-S stretching band near 530 cm" 1

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

1994). Although the normalized intensity of this band increased only slightly

after salting and setting, a considerable increase was observed in the cooked

gel and especially in the set-cooked gel (Figure 6). This may be attributed to

either an increase in the number of disulfide bonds or a change in the

environment around existing disulfide bonds during the gel strengthening

stage at high temperatures. Increase in the intensity of the Raman band

around 528 cm" was previously observed upon gelation of hen egg white

lysozyme at high temperature (Li-Chan and Nakai, 1991), whereas thermally-

induced gelation of whey proteins resulted in decreased intensity of the S-S

stretching bands near 508 cm" (Nonaka et al., 1993). An increase in disulfide

bonds due to gel strengthening of fish proteins was proposed by Itoh's group

(1979) who found that the sulfhydryl content of carp actomyosin solution

decreased with increasing temperature. Therefore, it is thought that the

cooking treatment caused a considerable increase in the number of disulfide

bonds of the surimi gels of this study.

2.3.2 Backbone and side chain vibrations in the 610-2000 cm' region 1

The Raman spectrum of raw surimi in this region is shown in Figure 7. A

tentative assignment of the major peaks of this spectrum to vibrational modes

of the amino acid side chains or peptide backbone is depicted in Table 3.

Further detailed analysis of selected bands in this region was carried out.

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi


Raw Salt Set Cook Set & cook


Figure 6. Variation with treatment of the normalized intensity of the 530 cm


Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi


Wavenumber ( c m 1

Figure 7. Raman spectra of raw Pacific whiting surimi in the 610-2000 cm


Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

Table 3. Tentative assignment of some major bands in the Raman

spectrum of the raw sample (610-2000 cm" ) 1

wavenumber (cm" ) 1

761 Trp

834, 850 Tyr

879 Trp

940 a-helix

1005 Phe

1062 p-sheet

1128 Backbone C-N stretch

1213 Tyr, Phe

1254 Amide III

1303 CH bending or amide III (a-helix)

1322, 1342 Trp

1403 Asp, Glu C O O "

1450 C H bending

1658 Amide I

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi The tyrosine doublet near 830 and 850 cm" 1

The original and the deconvoluted Raman spectra in the wavenumber region

from 820 to 912 cm' for the five types of samples are shown in Figures 8a

and 8b, respectively. Special attention was given to the bands located near

830 and 850 cm' 1

because of their usefulness in monitoring the

microenvironment around tyrosyl residues (Li-Chan et al., 1994). This

tyrosine doublet band arises from vibrations of the para-substituted benzene

ring which are affected by the environment and the involvement of the

phenolic hydroxyl group in hydrogen bonding. In the case of tyrosine

residues which are exposed to the aqueous or polar environment and act as

simultaneous acceptor and donor of moderate to weak hydrogen bonds, the

intensity ratio of the doublet bands (Uso/sa)) usually ranges from 0.90-1.45, but

can be as high as 2.5. On the other hand, U50/830 values for tyrosine residues

which are buried in a hydrophobic environment and which tend to act as

hydrogen donors usually range between 0.7 and 1.0, and can be as low as

0.3 in the case of extremely strong hydrogen bonding to a negative acceptor

(Tu, 1982; Li-Chan et al., 1994).

The intensity ratio ISSO/KJO of raw and salted surimi were 1.18 and 1.14,

respectively suggesting that the tyrosine residues of these samples were

mainly exposed. The ISSO/KJO ratios decreased to 0.59 and 0.22 for the set and

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

gOO 860 820 890 870 850 830

Wavenumber (cm ) Wavenumber (cm ) 1

Figure 8. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 820-912 cm" region,

including the 830/850 tyrosine doublet, a) Original spectra, b) Deconvoluted


C h a p t e r 2 . R a m a n spectroscopy o f surimi

set-cooked samples, respectively. This suggests that some tyrosine residues

became buried in a more hydrophobic environment and were involved as

strong hydrogen bond donors after these samples were processed by setting

as well as setting followed by cooking. On the other hand, the sample which

received only the cook treatment had a high USO/KJO ratio of 3.1, indicating that

some of the tyrosine residues became exposed to a more polar environment

and were involved as strong hydrogen bond acceptors on the surface of the

protein molecule. Tu (1986) developed an equation for estimating the

proportions of the buried and the exposed tyrosine residues. The equation is:

0.5 N buried
+ 1.25N exposed ~ '850/830

where N is the mole fraction (N b uhed +N exposed = 1). The numerical constants

in this equation were obtained by fitting the general form to the X-ray

diffraction data of Kannan et al. (1975). Table 4 lists the proportions of the

buried and the exposed tyrosine residues (TR) estimated by Tu's equation.

This table shows that the TR of the raw and the salted surimi were mainly

exposed. Setting caused most of the TR to become buried. The negative

numbers shown for the cooked and the set-cooked samples show the

limitations of Tu's equations at too high or too low values of USO/KIO- However,

these numbers might be an indication that all the TR of the cooked sample

were exposed whereas all the TR of the set-cooked gel were buried.

C h a p t e r 2. R a m a n spectroscopy o f surimi

Table 4. Estimated proportions of the buried and the

exposed tyrosine residues

Sample '850/830 N exposed N buried

Raw 1.18 0.91 0.09

Salted 1.14 0.85 0.15

Set 0.59 0.12 0.88

Cooked 3.1 3.47 -2.47

Set-cooked 0.22 -0.37 1.37

C h a p t e r 2. R a m a n spectroscopy o f surimi Secondary structure estimation from the amide I and ill


The -CO-NH- amide or peptide bond has several distinct vibrational modes,

with the amide I band near 1650 cm" and the amide III band near 1250 cm'
1 1

being most easily identified in the Raman spectra of proteins. The exact

location of these bands depends on the secondary structure of the

polypeptide chain, and these features are therefore useful for estimating

secondary structure fractions of proteins. Due to possible overlap of bands

from the solvent water in the amide I region and from miscellaneous C-H

bending and aromatic ring vibrations in the amide III region, it is

recommended that both regions be analyzed in order to obtain a more reliable

interpretation of the changes in the secondary structure of proteins. The

Raman spectra of the surimi and gelled samples were, therefore, measured in

both regions, and maximum-likelihood deconvolution was used to enhance

the resolution of individual components contributing to the broad bands in

each of these regions.

The amide I band arises primarily from in-plane peptide C=0 stretching

vibrations and also has contributions from in-plane N-H bending vibrations.

Generally, proteins with high a-helical content show an amide I band centered

around 1645-1657 cm" while those with predominantly p-sheet structures


Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

have a strong band at 1665-1680 cm" . Proteins with a high proportion of


undefined or random coil structure have the amide I band centered near 1660

cm' . The original and the deconvoluted Raman spectra in this region are

shown in Figures 9a and 9b, respectively. For the raw surimi, a major band at

1656 cm" suggestive of a-helical structure and a minor band near 1679 cm"
1 1

typical of 3-sheet structure are present. The salted surimi indicates a trend

towards uncoiling of helices with the major band centered near 1661 cm' , 1

while the minor band near 1683 cm" is suggestive of p-sheet or turns. For

each of the three remaining samples, increasing dominance of the band

assigned to p-sheet structure was evident.

The results of quantitative estimation of the secondary structure fractions

using the RSAP program for least squares analysis of the amide I region are

shown in Table 5. This algorithm has been reported to overestimate

antiparallel p-sheet content and underestimate a-helical content, but is useful

to assess relative changes in the secondary structure of proteins as a function

of different treatments (Przybycien and Bailey, 1989). The results suggest

that raw surimi contained predominantly a-helical structure with a smaller

proportion of antiparallel p-sheet, in agreement with visual inspection of the

deconvoluted spectra. Grinding with salt resulted in a slight increase in the

random coil or unordered fraction, at the expense primarily of the a-helical

fraction. After setting, similar proportions of a-helical and antiparallel p-sheet

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

Figure 9. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 1590-1720 cm" region

which includes the amide I band, a) Original spectra, b) Deconvolved


C h a p t e r 2. R a m a n spectroscopy o f surimi

Table 5. Secondary structure fractions estimated from the amide I band by

RSAP for the five types of samples

Treatment total a-helix antiparallel parallel p- total random

p-sheet sheet coil

Raw surimi 0.44 0.24 0.00 0.32

Grinding with salt 0.37 0.26 0.00 0.37

Setting 0.36 0.41 0.00 0.23

Cooking 0.09 0.31 0.20 0.40

Setting & cooking 0.20 0.49 0.00 0.31

C h a p t e r 2. R a m a n spectroscopy o f surimi

were observed. Further increase in antiparallel p-sheet resulted upon

cooking after setting, while the cooked gel without prior setting showed an

increase in parallel p-sheet structure and a dramatic decrease in a-helix

content. Similar trends were noted by examining the amide III band in the

Raman spectra of the different samples. The amide III band results primarily

from the C-N stretching and N-H in-plane bending vibrations of the peptide

bond. It is less intense and located in a broad region from 1260-1300 cm" for1

proteins with high contents of a-helical structures, p-sheet structures usually

lead to a more intense band near 1238-1245 cm" while random coil structures

appear near 1250 cm" . 1

Figures 10a and 10b show the original and the

deconvoluted Raman spectra in the region which includes the amide III bands

from 1230-1300 cm" . Detailed inspection of the bands suggests that raw and

salted samples contain several bands in the amide III region typical of high a-

helical contents. The heat-set sample has increased the intensity of the

component bands near 1234-1242 cm' suggesting an increased proportion of


p-sheet structures. The trend towards higher p-sheet structure at the expense

of the a-helical content is even more evident in the cooked and set-cooked

gels. The cooked gel shows two main component bands in this region, while

the set-cooked gel shows only one major band at 1247 cm" with smaller

bands near 1280-1290 cm" . 1

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

Figure 10. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 1220-1275 cm" region

which includes the amide III band, a) Original spectra, b) Deconvoluted


Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

The Raman spectra in the amjde I and III regions thus collectively indicate a

trend toward decreasing a-helical content and increasing p-sheet content

upon setting, which became more pronounced after the cooking treatments.

These changes could be due to an unfolding of helical structures, followed by

the formation of sheet structures possibly through intermolecular interactions

between exposed hydrophobic residues. Chan et al. (1992) also reported an

unraveling of the coiled helical structure of fish myosin after heating to 50°C,

followed by exposure of hydrophobic residues. Moreover, Niwa (1992)

reported an increase in the hydrophobicity of actomyosin solutions caused by

setting. He also indicated that during cooking (kamaboko stage), the

interactions between the exposed hydrophobic sites become stronger.

2.3.3 C-H Stretching vibrations in the 2500-3400 cm' region


Figure 11 shows the Raman spectra of the five samples in this region, which

corresponds to various C-H stretching vibrations of primarily aliphatic

residues. For each sample, a major peak is shown between 2932 and 2939

cm" . A slight increase in wavenumber of the Raman shift was observed in the

gelled samples compared to the raw and salted surimi. However, information

on interpretation of this shift is lacking in the literature. Arteaga (1994)

reported that a slight shift to higher wavenumbers was observed upon

addition of water or deuterium oxide to simple organic solvents such as

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi



W Set

-<-( Cooked

I 1 I 1 1
3250 3000 2750 2500

Wavenumber ( c m - 1

Figure 11. Raman spectra of surimi and gels in the 2500-3400 cm" region

showing the C-H stretching band

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

alcohols, dioxane and dimethyl sulfoxide. Several proteins also showed a

shift to higher wavenumbers in the presence of urea compared to non-

denaturing aqueous buffers. It was speculated that protein unfolding with

resulting exposure of methyl and methylene groups should produce spectral

changes to higher Raman shifts.

The normalized intensity as well as the area of the peak assigned to C-H

stretching vibrations decreased in the gelled samples compared to the raw

and salted surimi (Figure 12). Again, the interpretation of these results is not

clear, due to the scarcity of information in the literature on the study of amino

acid C-H stretching vibrations. One may speculate that the higher Raman

shifts and decrease in the intensity of the vibrations of the C-H stretching

band demonstrate changes in the environment of aliphatic C-H groups caused

by surimi gelation. Larsoon and Rand (1973) also found that the intensity of

the 2930 cm' peak increased with increased degree of polar environment of

the hydrocarbon chains.

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

Raw Salt Set Cook Set & cook


Figure 12. Variation with treatment of the intensity and of the area of the
~2935 cm' peak

Chapter 2. Raman spectroscopy of surimi

2.4 Conclusions

This study demonstrates the application of Raman spectroscopy to investigate

changes in the protein structure of intact surimi and gels from Pacific whiting.

Several important changes were observed during surimi processing. The

intensity of the peak assigned to disulfide bond S-S stretching vibrations

increased slightly after the setting treatment and considerably after the

cooking treatment. Setting decreased a-helical content and increased p-

sheet content. This trend was more pronounced after the cooking treatments.

A slight increase in the Raman shift and a decrease in intensity of C-H

stretching vibration of aliphatic residues was observed following the cooking

operations. These changes could be caused by an unfolding of helical

structures followed by interactions between the exposed hydrophobic

residues through formation of intermolecular sheet structures.

The gel properties, gel strength and fold score of the set and cooked gel were

higher than those of the cooked gel. The properties of the latter gel were

better than those of the gel that was subjected to the setting treatment alone.

Therefore, setting followed by cooking is the recommended method for the

manufacture of surimi gels.

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Chapter 3

Optimization of the Setting and Cooking Conditions

for Kamaboko Making from Pacific Whiting Surimi

3.1 Introduction

One of the most important functional properties of surimi is its gelation property.

When surimi is chopped with salt (usually between 2 and 3% of surimi paste

weight), its myofibrillar proteins become soluble in water (Lee, 1984). When salt

is introduced, the salt ions bind to the oppositely charged groups exposed on the

protein surface and the proteins dissolve because of their increased affinity for

water (Niwa, 1992). When salted surimi is heated, it forms a fish gel structure

called kamaboko. The formation of a three dimensional gel network requires the

occurrence of at least three cross-links on every molecule (Niwa, 1992). Usually

slow setting at temperatures below 50°C precedes cooking at higher

temperatures. This results in a stronger gel than cooking without a slow set

(Lee, 1984).

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Individual effects of heating parameters on surimi gelation have been studied.

For instance, Douglas-Schwartz and Lee ( 1988) tested the effect of setting for

20 minutes at four temperatures; 40, 60, 80 and 90°C. They found that setting of

Alaska pollock surimi and red hake surimi at 40°C resulted in gels with the best

cohesiveness and water holding capacity. For testing the quality of surimi gels,

Lanier (1992) suggested varying setting time and temperature but cooking

temperature was constant (90°C for 15 minutes). Still, there is a lack of

information about the combined effects of setting time and temperature as well

as cooking time and temperature on gel quality especially for surimi made from

Pacific whiting, an abundant species on the Pacific coast of North America. To

obtain this information, an experiment was designed to study the individual and

combined effects of setting and cooking conditions on the gel quality variables.

" Then optimization was performed to determine the processing conditions which

resulted in the best surimi gel.

What follows is a brief description of some the optimization techniques that were

used in this study.

C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f p r o c e s s i n g c o n d i t i o n s

3.1.1 The Nelder-Mead simplex optimization method (Khuri and Cornell,

1987; Walters etal., 1991).

This is a 'direct search method" For k independent variables, it uses a

geometric figure; a simplex that is composed of k+1 points or vertices Pi

(i=1,2,..,k+1). The objective function Yj = f(Pj) is evaluated at each vertex. For a

minimization problem, the point having the maximum Y, P , is replaced by a new H

point according to one of these operations:


The reflection of P is P* which is defined by:


P* = ( 1 + a ) C - a P H

where C is the centroid of the points other than P H , a > 0 is the reflection

coefficient (i.e., a = 1/2, 2/3, or 1). If Y < Y* = f(P*) < Y , [Y = min (Yi), 1 < i <

k+1], then P is replaced by P* and the process is restarted.



If Y* < Y , then P* is expanded to P by using the following equation:


Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

P E =YP* + ( 1 ^ ) C

where y > 1 is the expansion coefficient (i.e., y = 1.5). If Y E = f(P ) < Y , then

replace P by P and restart. Otherwise, if Y = f(P ) > Y , then replace P by P*


and restart the process.


If the reflection of P to P* results in Y* > Y| for all i * H, then a new P is to be


defined as the old P or P* selecting the point that has the lower Y value. Let us

define P as:

P C = P P H + (1-P)C

where p < 1. If Y = f(Pc) > min (Y ,Y*) then replace all the values of Pj with
c H

(Pi + P )/2 and restart the process. Otherwise, replace P with P and restart.

To check the optimization results obtained by the Nelder-Mead simplex method,

another type of optimization technique was used. This method is a gradient

based method that is described below.

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

3.1.2 The Gradient based optimization methods

These optimization methods use the partial derivatives of the objective function

in order to find the direction of search. For a minimization problem and when the

steepest descent method (a common gradient based method) is employed, the

gradient vector at a point gives the direction of the greatest decrease in the

objective function and, therefore, guides the transition from one point to another

until an optimal value is found (Edgar and Himmelblau, 1988). The NLPQLO

gradient based method uses a quadratic approximation of the objective function

(Vaessen, 1984).

The simplex method and the gradient based method are local optimization

methods, e.g., they are only able to find a single minimum even though other

minima having lower objective function values may also be located in the

constrained search field. A global optimization method was used to assess the

results obtained by the two local techniques. This global method is the Level

Set Programming technique.

3.1.3 The Level Set Programming (LSP) method

The fact that LSP is a global optimization technique is very useful when dealing

with problems having many local optima. The LSP theory was initially presented

C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f processing c o n d i t i o n s

by Chew and Zheng (1988). This nonlinear programming technique belongs to

the direct search category. It does not need gradient evaluations and is mainly

based on the determinations of the objective and constraint (if any) functions at

solution points. An optimization software based on this method was developed

by Yassien (1993). The method consists of randomly generating solutions

having objective functions less than or equal to a pre-selected value called the

level set value (LSV). The mean of these values defines a new LSV and hence

a new level set interval. The search process continues at progressively

decreasing LSV until the convergence criteria are satisfied. Then, the global

solution or set of solutions is determined (Yassien, 1993).

The objective of this study was to determine the optimal setting time and

temperature and cooking time and temperature resulting in Pacific whiting surimi

gel with the best combination of gel strength, fold score, color and expressible


3.2 Materials and methods

The Response surface methodology (RSM), central composite design was used

in order to correlate the response variables to the independent variables. Table

6 depicts the experimental design. For four independent variables, it consists of

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 6. Experimental design for the optimization of surimi heating conditions

Factors CODES
-2 -1 0 1 2
X, setting temperature (°C) 20 30 40 50 60
X2 setting time (min.) 0 10 20 30 40
X3 cooking temperature (°C) 70 75 80 85 90
X4 cooking time (min.) 5 15 25 35 45

X1 X2 X3 X4

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
-2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
0 -2 0 0
0 2 0 0
0 0 -2 0
0 0 2 0
0 0 0 -2
0 0 0 2
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

2 (16) factorial settings, 2x4 (8) axial settings and 6 center point replicates

(Khuri and Cornell, 1987). The four independent variables were setting

temperature (X^, setting time (X ), cooking temperature (X3) and cooking time

(X4). Experiments were carried out on Pacific whiting surimi donated by Ucluelet

Seafood Processors Ltd. (Ucluelet, B. C , Canada). For each set of processing

conditions, surimi was mixed with 3% salt (total weight basis) before being set

and cooked as in section The setting and cooking conditions are

depicted in Table 6. The quality of the obtained surimi gels was tested by

performing the following quality tests.

3.2.1 Gel strength (compression test)

This test is an indication of gel cohesiveness (Lee et al., 1987). The procedure

for this test can be found in section 2.2.3.

3.2.2 Fold score

This test indicates gel elasticity (Lee, 1984). It was performed according to the

procedures outlined in section 2.2.3.

C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f processing conditions

3.2.3 Gel color test

The whiteness of a surimi gel sample (thickness = 50 mm, diameter = 30 mm)

was measured using a color measurement instrument (Hunterlab, Model

Labscan II, Reston, Virginia). The test consists of measuring L (lightness) on a

0-100 scale from black to white in shades of gray, a denoting redness (if

positive) or greenness (if negative), and b indicating yellowness (if positive) or

blueness (if negative). The "whiteness" index, C, for the overall color evaluation

is (Lanier, 1992):

C = 100-[(100-L) +a + b ] 2 2 2 05

3.2.4 Expressible liquid measurement

Expressible liquid is a measure of the water binding ability of the gel. It was

measured by compressing a surimi gel cylinder (20 mm height and 30 mm

diameter), using the Instron Universal Instrument (Model 1122, Canton,

Massachusetts) at a cross head speed of 10 mm / min, into a 1 mm thick disk in

1.9 minutes and absorbing the expressed moisture in two pieces of filter paper

for five minutes. Free water is more easily expressed upon compression than

bound water. Expressible liquid, Ei, is defined as (Niwa, 1992):

C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f p r o c e s s i n g c o n d i t i o n s

E, (%)=(Wi-W )x 100/ Wi f

where Wj is the weight of the surimi gel before compression while W is the f

surimi gel weight after compression.

These quality tests were conducted in triplicates.

The optimization techniques used were the Nelder-Mead simplex method

(Arteaga, 1992), the NLPQLO gradient based method (Vaessen, 1984) and the

Level Set Programming method (Yassien, 1993). Xi had a lower limit of 22°C

and an upper limit of 45°C. X and X 4 varied between 10 and 40 minutes. The

lower and upper limits for X 3 were 70 and 90°C, respectively.

3.3 Results and discussion

Table 7 summarizes the results of the optimization experiments. For each set of

independent variables, setting temperature (X^, setting time (X ), cooking 2

temperature (X3) and cooking time (X4), it shows the corresponding response

variables, namely gel strength (G ), fold score (F ), color (C) and expressible
s s

liquid (Ei). G values were higher for cooking temperatures of 80°C and above.

The fold score values were also better at these cooking temperatures. A lower

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 7. Experimental results

Row X, x 2 Xa X4 Gs 1 c 4

(°C) (min.) (°C) (min.) ( Fs (%)
1 30 10 75 15 130 2.0 55.7 18.1
2 50 10 75 35 940 3.5 55.1 16.0
3 30 30 75 35 230 3.0 56.4 16.7
4 50 30 75 15 330 2.5 55.6 16.2
5 30 10 85 35 2860 5.0 55.8 19.1
6 50 10 85 15 3080 4.5 55.6 13.0
7 30 30 85 15 3950 6.0 57.6 19.3
8 50 30 85 35 720 3.0 55.2 14.5
9 40 20 80 25 2540 5.0 55.9 19.5
10 40 20 80 25 2160 5.0 56.3 19.5
11 30 10 75 35 520 4.0 56.5 16.5
12 50 10 75 15 150 2.5 54.1 17.4
13 30 30 75 15 110 1.5 56.9 18.9
14 50 30 75 35 720 3.0 56.8 14.4
15 30 10 85 15 3680 5.0 56.8 21.1
16 50 10 85 35 1470 3.5 55.6 14.9
17 30 30 85 35 3640 3.5 55.5 20.3
18 50 30 85 15 1270 3.0 55.4 14.3
19 40 20 80 25 2120 5.0 54.9 18.8
20 40 20 80 25 2940 6.0 59.1 12.4
21 20 20 80 25 3050 6.0 68.1 13.2
22 60 20 80 25 3050 6.0 65.4 12.7
23 40 0 80 25 2920 4.0 59.6 13.1
24 40 40 80 25 2800 6.0 59.9 12.1
25 40 20 70 25 340 2.0 67.2 16.7
26 40 20 90 25 1620 3.0 67.0 14.8
27 40 20 80 5 2810 6.0 58.3 10.4
28 40 20 80 45 2150 5.0 53.5 19.1
29 40 20 80 25 2960 6.0 60.7 12.5
30 40 20 80 25 2960 6.0 61.4 13.0

'Arithmetic mean (n=3)

Chapter 3 .Optimization of processing conditions

fold score, however, was observed for surimi cooked at 80°C without previous

setting. This shows the effect of setting on the gel elasticity and supports the

findings of Lanier et al. (1982) who reported that surimi gels prepared by setting

prior to cooking were more elastic than those that were directly cooked. Setting

at 50°C for 30 minutes followed by cooking at 85°C for 35 minutes resulted in

weaker and less elastic gels than were obtained under the same cooking

conditions but at a setting temperature of 30°C for 30 minutes. This could be

due to the gel softening phenomenon, called modori in Japanese, which usually

occurs when surimi is heated at temperatures between 50 and 70°C. Niwa

explained that proteolytic degradation of myosin at the modori temperature

range may be the cause of gel softening. Most of the C values were higher than

55 which corresponds to grade 4 according to the classification reported by

Lanier (1992). (Grade 1 corresponds to C > 60.0.) Seven out of eight of the

combinations that resulted in a fold score of 6 also resulted in low expressible

moisture. This supports the deduction of Tagagi (1973) that the more elastic the

surimi gel the lower the expressible moisture. The six center point replicates

were reasonably reproducible for G , F and C. However, three points resulted

s s

in high E, whereas the other points gave low E, values. Since these six points

resulted in high fold scores, it is thought that the high values of E observed for

three points could be due to experimental error. In most of the cases, less

moisture was expressed from gels that were cooked at 80°C and above.

C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f p r o c e s s i n g c o n d i t i o n s

Each one of these response variables was fitted by an empirical equation in

order to correlate them to the independent variables. The empirical equation

has the general form:

Y = Bo + £/3iXi + f BnXi j
+2 ^PaXiXj
i=l i=l i=l ;'=i+l

where X 4 are the input variables which influence the response variable Y

while Po, Pi(i=1,...,4) and Py (i=1,...,3; j=i+1,..., 4) are the model parameters. This

is the second order model (SOM) used in the Response Surface Methodology

(Khuri and Cornell, 1987).

3.3.1 Curve fitting results

Curve fitting was carried out using the Systat 1990 (Systat, Inc., Evanston, IL)

software. The parameter estimates obtained by the multiple, stepwise

regression of the measured gel strengths are shown in Table 8. Only the terms

that significantly affected the model (P < 0.05) are included in the table and were

taken into account in the optimization procedures which are discussed in section

3.3.2. The logarithm of the gel strength was used in the regression analysis as

the unaltered values, presumably because of their two-orders-of-magnitude

range (from 110 to 3950, yielded poor regression results (R < 0.50). 2

Table 8 shows that cooking temperature had the strongest influence on gel

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 8. Regression results where "log (G )" is the response variable


Coefficient R z
Standard Error of


Po -114.024 0.858 0.180

01 0.284

p 3

P4 0.285

Pl3 -0.004

P33 -0.014

P34 -0.004

C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f processing conditions

strength while setting temperature and cooking time had less effect on G . s

However, setting time, at least in the range of 10 to 40 minutes, did not affect G . s

Table 9, which compares the experimental and estimated values of G , F , C and s s

Ei, also demonstrates that the G s data were well fitted by the SOM. The

experimental data of F were also reasonably well fitted by the SOM (Tables 9

and 10). F was mainly dependent on the cooking temperature. The three other

independent variables affected F only slightly. Table 11 shows that the curve

fitting results for the color variable were worse than those of the other response

variables. The higher the setting temperature and/or the cooking temperature,

the lower the whiteness index of the surimi gel. Setting time and cooking time

did not affect color. Measured E, data were well fitted by the SOM (Tables 9 and

12). The model parameters listed in Table 12 demonstrate that the higher the

cooking temperature and/or time, the lower the expressible liquid. For all four

response variables, the quadratic parameters had very little influence on the

overall fit.

The fact that cooking temperature was the variable that had the most influence

on the gel cohesiveness, elasticity and water holding capacity shows the

importance of the cooking stage on the gel texture. At the cooking stage, as

found in Chapter 2, more disulfide interactions take place and the p-sheet

content increases. This could result in better gel texture.

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 9. Experimental and estimated values of the 4 response variables

Row# log G s log G s Fs Fs

C C E, E,
(exp.) (est.) (exp.) (est.) (exp.) (est.) (exp.) (est.)
1 2.12 2.11 2.00 1.96 55.7 56.8 18.1 19.2
2 2.97 2.88 3.50 2.76 55.1 54.9 16.0 15.2
3 2.37 2.55 3.00 1.61 56.4 55.5 16.7 17.3
4 2.52 2.44 2.50 1.68 55.6 56.2 16.2 17.1
5 3.46 3.52 5.00 3.53 55.8 55.4 19.1 19.7
6 3.49 3.39 4.50 4.17 55.6 68.7 13.0 14.4
7 3.60 3.78 6.00 4.64 57.6 56.7 19.3 19.6
8 2.86 3.14 3.00 1.61 55.2 67.4 14.5 14.6
9 3.40 3.33 5.00 4.61 55.9 58.3 19.5 13.0
10 3.33 3.33 5.00 4.61 56.3 58.3 19.5 12.0
11 2.72 2.55 4.00 2.33 56.5 55.5 16.5 17.3
12 2.17 2.44 2.50 2.40 54.1 56.2 17.4 17.1
13 2.02 2.11 1.50 1.25 56.9 56.8 18.9 19.2
14 2.86 2.88 3.00 2.05 56.8 54.9 14.4 15.2
15 3.57 3.78 5.00 5.36 56.8 56.7 21.1 19.6
16 3.17 3.14 3.50 2.32 55.6 67.4 14.9 14.6
17 3.56 3.52 3.50 2.80 55.5 55.4 20.3 19.7
18 3.10 3.39 3.00 3.45 55.4 68.7 14.3 14.4
19 3.33 3.33 5.00 4.61 54.9 58.3 18.8 13.0
20 3.47 3.33 6.00 4.61 59.1 58.3 12.4 13.0
21 3.48 3.36 6.00 4.99 68.1 52.6 13.2 21.9
22 3.48 3.30 6.00 4.23 65.4 64.0 12.7 14.7
23 3.47 3.33 4.00 2.54 59.6 58.3 13.1 13.0
24 3.45 3.33 6.00 1.10 59.9 58.3 12.1 13.0
25 2.53 0.95 2.00 -1.54 67.2 55.1 16.7 16.5
26 3.21 2.87 3.00 1.42 67.0 67.5 14.8 16.3
27 3.45 3.24 6.00 5.35 58.3 59.1 10.4 21.8
28 3.33 3.43 5.00 3.87 53.5 56.5 19.1 20.0
29 3.47 3.33 6.00 4.61 60.7 58.3 12.5 13.0
30 3.47 3.33 6.00 4.61 61.4 58.3 13.0 13.00

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 10. Regression results where "F " is the response variable

Coefficient R 2
Standard Error of


Po -354.198 0.80 0.627

Pi 0.631

p 2

p 3

P4 0.848

Pl3 -0.008

P22 -0.007

P33 -0.047

P34 -0.011

C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f p r o c e s s i n g c o n d i t i o n s

Table 11. Regression results where "C" is the response variable

Coefficient R 2
Standard Error of


Po 388.221 0.667 1.911

Pi -4.776

p 3

Pl3 0.063

P33 0.029

P44 -0.001

C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f p r o c e s s i n g c o n d i t i o n s

Table 12. Regression results where "E" is the response variable

Coefficient R 2
Standard Error of


Po 245 0.892 0.895

P3 -5.1

P4 -1.868

P11 0.013

Pl3 -0.016

P33 0.034

P34 0.010

P44 0.020

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

The generated equations for the response variables were then used to

determine the optimal processing conditions.

3.3.2 Optimization results

Using the empirical equations found for each variable as objective functions,

three optimization techniques were used to determine the best set of

setting/cooking times and temperatures in each case. These were the Nelder-

Mead Simplex method, the Level Set Programming method, and the NLPQLO

Gradient method. Results of Nelder-Mead Simplex optimization

The results of optimizing one response variable at a time (maximizing G , F and

s s

C, and minimizing Ei) using the Simplex method are shown in Table 13. This

table contains the optimal processing conditions (Xj, i=1,2 4) along with the

corresponding values for the four response variables. The optimized values of

log (G ), F
s S| C and E, were 4.08, 6.41, 70.8 and 12.3, respectively. Apart from

the Ei value, the other optimized values were better than the best experimental

results. The processing conditions corresponding to a maximized C, 70.8,

resulted in a negative F value. This is a further indication that SOM fit of the

color values was relatively poor.

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 13. Optimization of individual response variables using the Nelder-Mead

Simplex method

Variable Maximize G s
Maximize F s Maximize C Minimize Ei

* (°C) 22.0 24.1 45.0 45.0

X (min.)
36.1 21.1 40.0 24.3

XaCC) 87.4 85.9 90.0 81.1

X 4 (min.) 10.0 10.0 40.0 25.8

log (G ) s
4.08 4.00 2.23 3.40

F s
3.98 6.41 -4.80 4.26

C 51.7 53.2 70.8 60.8

E, (%) 28.3 26.0 20.3 12.3

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions Results of NLPQLO Gradient optimization

Table 14 depicts the results of optimizing the response variables using the

NLPQLO gradient method. These results include the optimal processing

conditions and the corresponding response variable values. The optimized

values of log (G ), F , C and Ei were 4.08, 6.64, 72.7 and 12.3, respectively. The
s s

maximized F and C values were higher than those obtained by the Nelder-Mead

Simplex method indicating that the Simplex optimizer likely found only local

maxima for these two response variables. In addition, the processing conditions

corresponding to a maximized C resulted in better values of log (G ), F

s s and Ei

than those obtained by the Simplex technique. Results of LSP optimization

The optimization results obtained using this method were almost the same as

those obtained by the NLPQLO gradient method (see Table 15). The optimal

setting time values for G , C and Ei were considerably different from those

obtained by the gradient method. However, these response variables, as

indicated in Tables 8, 11 and 12, respectively, were independent of setting time

over the range from 10 to 40 minutes. Hence, the results of the global LSP

method confirmed the results of the local gradient method for the independent

variables limits specified in section 3.2.

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 14. Optimization of individual response variables using the NLPQLO

Gradient method

Variable Maximize G s Maximize F s Maximize C Minimize Ei

* (°C) 22.0 22.0 45.0 45.0

X (min.)
2 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0

XaCC) 87.5 84.9 90.0 81.2

X 4 (min.) 10.0 10.0 10.0 25.8

log (G ) s
4.08 3.99 3.14 3.40

F s
6.34 6.64 3.13 4.53

C 51.7 52.1 72.7 60.9

E, (%) 28.4 27.0 18.5 12.3

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 15. Optimization of individual response variables using the LSP method

Variable Maximize G s Maximize F s Maximize C Minimize E t

X, (°C) 22.0 22.0 45.0 45.0

X (min.)
2 23.8 17.4 30.8 28.0

X3(°C) 87.5 85.0 90.0 81.2

X 4 (min.) 10.0 10.0 10.0 25.8

log (G ) s 4.08 3.99 3.14 3.40

F s
6.09 6.68 1.94 3.80

C 51.7 52.0 72.7 60.9

E. (%) 28.4 27.0 18.5 12.3

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions Multiobjective optimization

As can be seen in Tables 13 to 15, the optimal conditions for the optimization of

one response variable (e.g., G ) did not give satisfactory results for the other

response variables (i.e., F , C and Ei).

s Therefore, multiobjective optimization

had to be performed in order to simultaneously optimize the four response

variables in question. To fulfill this task, the multiobjective problem was

transformed into a single objective problem. This was achieved by dividing each

variable by its maximum experimental value and forming a single objective

function, Z, as the weighted sum of these normalized variables (de Neufville,

1990). Each variable was normalized in this fashion in order to put all the

response variables on the same scale. The expression for Z is:

Z = w, [log(G )/3.60]+ w (Fs/6)+ w (C/68.1) - w (E,/21.1)

s 2 3 4

where Wi,...,w are weights that are chosen arbitrarily taking into consideration

the importance of each response variable so as to generate acceptable results

for all the four response variables. The terms involving gel strength, fold score

and color were added because they were to be maximized. However, the

expressible liquid term was subtracted because it was to be minimized (Yassien


C h a p t e r 3. O p t i m i z a t i o n o f processing conditions

Several combinations of w (k=1 k 4) were tried. Some of these combinations

along with the corresponding results are shown in Table 16. Those results were

obtained using the LSP method. Emphasis was put on maximizing gel strength

and fold score without excessively compromising color or the expressible liquid.

In most cases, the color variable was assigned a low weight, 0.1, because its

objective function was not well fitted to the measured color data. The Z values

could not be compared because the weights in each row were different. The row

in the bold font seems to give satisfactory results for all four response variables.

These results consisted of a gel strength of 3980, a fold score of 5.4, a gel

whiteness index of 60.5 and an expressible liquid of 15.6%, corresponding to

setting at 39.2°C for 17.4 minutes followed by cooking at 82.8°C for 14.7


Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

Table 16. Multiobjective optimization results

w 2 W 3 w 4 Xi x 2 Xa X4 log G s F s
c E, z

1 1 1 1 44.8 17.0 83.2 16.9 3.5 5.0 62.4 13.9 2.0

1 6 0.1 3 36.6 17.4 83.5 11.3 3.6 5.8 59.7 18.2 4.4

1 5 0.1 3 39.2 17.4 82.8 14.7 3.6 5.4 60.5 15.6 3.4

1 6 0.1 3.5 38.5 17.8 83.0 14.1 3.6 5.5 60.3 16.1 4.0

1 6 0.1 4 40.9 17.4 82.6 16.8 3.5 5.2 61.0 14.5 3.6

1 8 0.1 5 40.3 17.4 82.6 15.9 3.5 5.3 60.7 14.9 4.7

9 0.1 5 38.9 17.5 83.1 14.1 3.6 5.5 60.6 16.0 5.6

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

3.4 Conclusions and recommendations

The experimental results on the effects of processing conditions on surimi gel

quality showed that high cooking temperatures (80°C and above) resulted in

better gel cohesiveness, elasticity and water holding capacity. They also

showed the importance of the setting treatment prior to sample cooking.

However, setting should be performed at temperatures below 50°C. The data

were well fitted by a second order model which allowed four objective functions

to be generated for the four response variables; gel strength, fold score, color

and expressible liquid. The optimal processing conditions corresponding to

individually maximizing G , F and C, and minimizing Ei were determined using

s s

the Nelder-Mead Simplex optimization and the NLPQLO gradient optimization.

The results obtained using the latter method appeared to be closer to the global

optima than those of the Simplex method. The results obtained using a global

optimization method, LSP, essentially confirmed the results of the gradient

method. Multiobjective optimization was also conducted to simultaneously

optimize the four response variables. It gave a set of setting and cooking times

and temperatures which led to satisfactory values for all four response variables.

However, these optimal processing conditions are only applicable to Pacific

whiting kamaboko sausages having the size used in this project. The same

Chapter 3. Optimization of processing conditions

methodology can be followed to determine the optimal processing conditions for

other species and for other surimi-based products.

The ingredients used for this work were Pacific whiting surimi and salt. For

further studies, it is recommended that the gel texture improving ingredients

(GTII) such as starch, egg white or whey protein concentrate be taken into

account in the RSM experimental design. The concentrations of these

ingredients would therefore be considered as independent variables to be

optimized. This will allow a comprehensive study of the effects of setting and

cooking temperatures and times along with the effects of the GTII on the surimi

gel characteristics.

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

Chapter 4

Kamaboko Production from Roe Herring

and Pink Salmon

4.1 Introduction

Alaska pollock has been the most popular species for the production of

surimi. This is due to its accessibility, subtle flavor and relatively large size,

among other characteristics (Holmes et al. 1992). However, with the increase

in surimi production, the stocks of Alaska pollock have decreased

dramatically. For instance, the pollock biomass in the eastern Bering Sea

was estimated at 5.3 million metric tons in 1989, a 47% decline since 1986

(Holmes et al., 1992). This situation has encouraged the use of other species

such as whiting, cod and New Zealand hoki.

Roe herring (Clupea pallasi) is a species that is abundant on the coast of

British Columbia, Canada. Its annual harvest is between 15,000 and 40,000

tons. The catch is almost exclusively aimed at collecting herring roe, a very

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

popular commodity in Japan. The male fish and the remainder of the female

fish, after roe collection, are either wasted or reduced to fish meal. Making

surimi or a related commercial product from the leftover herring could be a

good alternative. Kamaboko of average quality was obtained from fresh North

Sea herring (Hastings et al., 1990). The quality of kamaboko was worse

when North Sea herring was frozen at -30°C for six months. Nakai (1993)

found that no kamaboko could be made from herring surimi that was frozen at

-35°C for three months.

In this study, an attempt was made to produce acceptable surimi-based

products from herring that was frozen at different conditions in the form of raw

fish. However, due to the limited availability of roe herring and because its

small size makes surimi production difficult, another species was also tried.

Pink salmon (Oncorynchus gorbuscha) is very abundant on the British

Columbian coast and is mainly used for canning. It is characterized by its

large size and relatively low cost. Therefore, Pink salmon was also utilized to

produce surimi and kamaboko.

When washed fish mince is the only component of a surimi-based product,

the texture tends to be rubbery and freeze-thaw stability is often poor (Lee et

al., 1992). To improve the texture of the final product, several ingredients can

be added. In this study, the ingredients used were salt, whey protein

C h a p t e r 4. P r o d u c t i o n o f s a l m o n and herring k a m a b o k o

concentrate and wheat starch. Salt was used to improve the solubility of

surimi myofibrillar proteins. Kim and Lee (1987) explained that starch is

mainly used as a filler ingredient. Upon heating, it swells and increases water

uptake. This improves the firmness and the cohesiveness of the surimi gel

matrix. Wu et al. (1985) reported that starch does not directly interact with the

surimi protein matrix nor significantly influence its formation. Several studies

have reported the use of whey protein concentrate in the manufacture of

surimi-based products (Burgarella et al., 1985; Chung, 1990; Lee and Kim,

1986). It is also used as a filler. Its gel strengthening effect has been

reported by Lee et al. (1992b). Thus, there was a need to investigate the

combined effects of salt, wheat starch and whey protein concentrate on

kamaboko made from pink salmon and roe herring.

4.2 Objectives

a. To study the effect of frozen storage conditions on the kamaboko

making ability of roe herring.

b. To optimize a formulation consisting of surimi, salt, whey protein

concentrate and wheat starch for kamaboko made from pink salmon surimi

and from roe herring.

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

4.3 Materials and methods

4.3.1 Materials

Frozen, whole, roe herring was purchased from a local fishing company (Sung

Fish Company, Vancouver, B. C.) on May 17, 1994. The company kept this

fish frozen at -40°C for approximately one month (since mid-April 1994). It

was transported to our laboratory where 11 pounds (lb) were stored at -83°C,

70 lb at -45°C and 70 lb at -35°C. The fish comprising the last sample were

soaked in glycerol (10% solution) for 24 hours before further frozen storage.

The cryoprotective effect of glycerol has been reported by Matsumoto and

Noguchi (1992).

Due to the limited quantity of herring in our possession, pink salmon was

selected for the tests relating to the optimization of the kamaboko formulation.

Pink salmon is suitable for this type of study because the surimi preparation

from it is less labor intensive and because there is also a commercial

incentive to produce surimi from this species. It was therefore intended to

optimize the kamaboko formulation with salmon surimi and to use the

resulting optimum conditions to prepare roe herring kamaboko. Fresh pink

salmon was purchased at the end of July 1994. It was kept frozen at -35°C for

C h a p t e r 4. P r o d u c t i o n o f s a l m o n and herring k a m a b o k o

two months before salmon surimi was made from it. After four months of

storage at -35°C, the salmon surimi was then used in the optimization

experiments. To improve the texture of salmon kamaboko, several

ingredients were used. These are salt, modified whey protein concentrate

(WPC) (Alaco Surimi Plus), wheat starch (WS) and water. The ingredient

combinations and their respective concentrations are listed in Table 17.

Two Japanese surimi-based products (Maruu Kamaboko Shiro and Kibun

Hanpen-L), which were made from Alaska pollock, were used as commercial

target products.

4.3.2 General procedures Surimi making

The fish was filleted, minced, washed 4 times in a 0.3% salt solution (the

volume of the solution was five times the volume of the fillets), and mixed with

cryoprotectants [4% sucrose (meat weight basis), 4% sorbitol, 0.15%

tripolyphosphate and 0.15% sodium pyrophosphate] in a silent cutter (Hobart

Manufacturing Co., Model 84142, Don Mills, Ontario) for 5 minutes. These

procedures were performed at 4°C. The surimi was stored frozen at -35°C.

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko Kamaboko making

Surimi, partially thawed at room temperature for one hour, was chopped, in a

vacuum cutter (Stephan, Model VCM-5, Columbus, Ohio), at low speed for

two minutes. Then 3% salt (total weight basis) was added and the mixture

was mixed at low speed for three minutes. Finally, mixing was performed

under vacuum (to prevent oxidation) at high speed for one minute. Circulating

ice chilled water in a jacket allowed the mixing to be carried out at

temperatures below 10°C as recommended by several researchers (i.e., Lee

et al., 1992a; Douglas-Schwartz and Lee, 1988; Lanier, 1992). When WS

and WPC were used, the mixing procedure was different. Surimi chopped at

low speed for two minutes, was mixed with salt at low speed for two additional

minutes. The paste was then blended with WS (premixed with water) and

WPC for two more minutes at low speed. The paste was finally mixed at high

speed and under vacuum for one minute. Using a meat stuffer (Kitchenaid,

Model K5-A, Troy, Ohio) the paste was stuffed into sausage casings having a

diameter of 30 mm and a length of 140 mm. These sausages were then

subjected to setting at 45°C for thirty minutes in a Blue M water bath (Model

MW-1120A-1, Blue Island, IL) and then cooking at 90°C for half an hour (in a

second Blue M water bath). The end product, kamaboko sausages, were

immediately cooled in ice for fifteen minutes and kept at room temperature

overnight before testing. The setting and cooking conditions were selected in

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

light of previous experiments aimed at optimizing the processing conditions

for kamaboko made from fresh herring (Nishimura et al., 1993). Measurement of surimi gel properties

The quality of the kamaboko sausages was tested by performing the punch

and die test and the fold test. The punch test provides an indication of the gel

firmness, while the fold test measures the elasticity of the product (Lanier,

1991). The punch tests were performed using an Instron Universal Testing

Instrument (Model 1122, Canton, Massachusetts). A surimi gel cylinder,

having a diameter of 30 mm and a height of 20 mm, was centered under a

plunger (5 mm diameter). The plunger goes through the sample and then

through an orifice (8 mm diameter). The cross head speed was 10 mm / min.

The variation of the penetration force with time was recorded. The gel

strength is the product of the force and the distance at the point of rupture

(see Figure 4). The fold test was carried out according to the description

given in section 2.2.3.

4.3.3 Roe herring samples

On May 18,1994 surimi was made from about 30 pounds of whole herring

(one day after its purchase). The surimi was stored frozen at -35°C. On the

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

following day, kamaboko was made from this surimi and its quality was

evaluated by performing the punch and the fold tests. Surimi and kamaboko

were made from herring stored at -35°C and at -45°C for forty days. Fish

stored at the latter temperatures for 130 days was used to produce surimi and

kamaboko. Finally, surimi and kamaboko were made from frozen fish stored

at -35°C, at -45°C and at -83°C for 190 days.

4.4 Results and discussion

4.4.1 Frozen storage experiments

After 40 days of storage at -35°C the glycerol soaked roe herring gave a

punch test score of 51 and a fold score of 3. The sample which was

stored at -45°C for the same period of time resulted in a punch test score of

61 and a fold score of 3. By comparison, kamaboko made from frozen

herring before the cold storage was initiated (i.e., at the time when the frozen

herring was purchased from Sung Fish Co.) gave a punch test score of 61 and a fold test value of 3. From these results it appears that the fish

stored at -45°C without the use of glycerol gave the same gel strength and

fold test values as the sample before prolonged frozen storage. These results

C h a p t e r 4. P r o d u c t i o n o f s a l m o n and herring k a m a b o k o

are similar to the findings of Fukuda (1991) in which he concluded that freeze

damage of surimi made from cod, salmon, sardine and mackerel and frozen

for six months could be reduced at cold storage temperatures lower than


However, Figure 13 shows that after 130 days of storage, the sample stored

at -45°C had a gel strength of 43 and a fold score of 2 while the sample

soaked in glycerol and stored at -35°C had a gel strength of 37 and a

fold score of 2. Thus, a notable decrease of gel strength occurred between

40 and 130 days of frozen storage. After 190 days of frozen storage, the

sample stored at -83°C had a gel strength of 57 and a fold score of 3.

This sample had maintained reasonable gel quality. By comparison, the gel

strength values of the samples stored at -45°C and at -35°C for 190 days

decreased further to 36 and 33, respectively. These two samples had

a fold score of 2. Hastings et al. (1990) also found that the frozen storage of

whole herring for six months at -30°C resulted in a kamaboko having a gel

strength about half of that of kamaboko made from fresh herring.

The deterioration of the gel making ability of roe herring after prolonged

frozen storage could be due to the denaturation of myofibrillar proteins, a

phenomenon suggested by many researchers (i.e., Watabe and Hashimito,

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

70 - x — 3 5 C + glycerol
—I 45 C
-83 C

20 4-

10 4-

50 100 150 200

Time [days]

Figure 13. Variation of roe herring kamaboko gel strength with frozen storage

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

1987; Matsumuoto and Noguchi, 1992). This denaturation seems to be

prevented by frozen storage at ~45°C up to forty days. Frozen storage at

-83°C for 190 days maintained the gel firmness and elasticity. These findings

are similar to those of Watabe and Hashimito (1987) who reported a decrease

in the myofibrillar protein fraction caUsed by frozen storage of Alaska pollock

surimi at -20°C and at -30°C. This decrease, however, did not occur for the

storage temperatures of -40 and -80°C. These researchers concluded that

frozen storage at -40°C or lower temperatures prevented protein denaturation

and maintained the gel making ability of Alaska pollock surimi.

Because of the complexity of the mechanisms responsible for the

deterioration of the gel making ability of frozen fish muscle, it is

recommended, for future studies, that Raman spectroscopy be used to

investigate the changes that take place during the freeze denaturation of fish


4.4.2 Optimization experiments

The results of the formulation optimization experiments are shown in Table

17. Figure 14 shows the variation of gel strength with whey protein

concentrate and wheat starch. The combined effects of the latter ingredients

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

Table 17. Effects of different formulations on surimi gel texture

%WPC %WS % Water Gel Strength Fold % Moisture

# Starting Material added ( Score

1 SS S
0 0 0.00 58.9*+ 5.5" 3 71.8

2 SS 2 3 2.24 65.4±14.7 4 69.6

3 SS° 2 5 7.08 79.6+12.9 6 69.2

4 SS 2 7 11.92 68.3±9.6 6 70:2

5 SS 4 3 7.80 86.2±7.7 4 70.4

6 SS 4 5 12.64 61.7±7.3 6 69.6

7 SS 4 7 17.49 45.6+4.5 6 69.3

8 SS 6 3 13.36 53.6±7.7 4 69.8

9 SS 6 5 18.20 50.5±6.1 5 70.1

10 SS 6 7 23.00 51.3+6.6 6 69.3

11 SS 4 0 0.00 72.2+6.2 3 69.4

12 SS 0 5 0.00 64.7±5.4 4 69.3

13 SS 2 5 0.00 104.7±7.8 4 66.7

14 HS h
2 5 7.00 74.4* ±3.3 6 NM"

15 MKS m
99.7*+8.6 6 74.2

16 KH-L k
84.2* ±2.3 6 71.5
Salmon surimi plus 3 % salt
Herring surimi plus 3 % salt
Optimal formulation
Maruu Kamaboko Shiro
Kibun Hanpen-L (Boiledfishcake)
" Not measured
* Arithmetic mean (n=5-7)
* Arithmetic mean (n=3)
** Standard deviation

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

Figure 14. Combined effects of WPC and WS on salmon surimi gel strength

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

on the fold score are depicted in Figure 15. Formulation 5, consisting of

82.2% salmon surimi (total weight basis), 3% salt, 4% WPC, 3% WS and

7.8% water, gave a gel strength of 86.2 and a fold score of 4.

Formulation 3 composed of 83% salmon surimi (total weight basis), 3% salt,

2% WPC, 5% WS and 7% water resulted in a gel strength of 79.6 and

a fold score of 6. Since the objective was to maximize both the gel strength

and the fold score, formulation 3 was chosen to be the optimal formulation.

The characteristics of the gel obtained from this optimal formulation are very

close to those of commercial Kibun Hanpen-L (Boiled fish cake) (see Table

17). However, the gel strength of kamaboko produced from this optimal

formulation was 20% lower than that of Maruu Kamaboko Shiro, the second

target product. When compared to a control formulation (salmon surimi plus

3% salt), the optimal formulation caused a 35% increase in gel strength. It

also increased the fold score from 3 to 6. Formulations having a 6% WPC

consistently gave weak gels. Moreover, formulations consisting of 5% and

7% WS resulted in better fold score values than those containing 3% WS.

When the cumulative proportions of WPC and WS reached 11 % or higher

(i.e., formulations 7, 9 and 10), the corresponding fold score values were very

good but the gel strength values were low. The individual gel texture

improving effects of WPC and WS are demonstrated by formulations 11 and

12. These results confirm the findings of Kim and Lee (1987) who reported

the gel strengthening effect of starch and Lee et al. (1992b) regarding the

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

Figure 15. Combined effects of WPC and WS on salmon surimi gel fold score.

C h a p t e r 4. P r o d u c t i o n o f s a l m o n and herring k a m a b o k o

gel strengthening effect of W P C .

The amount of added water was calculated in a way that the final product

moisture content had to be around 70% (wet basis). The moisture contents of

the ingredients used are shown in Table 18. Although the addition of water

decreased the gel strength, it improved the product elasticity.

The optimal formulation (formulation 3) which was developed for surimi was

applied to surimi made from fresh herring. The product had a gel strength of

74.4 and a fold score of 6. These gel quality values are close to those

of Kibun Hanpen-L which is the lower quality target product. However,

because the composition of roe herring (i.e., fat content, protein content,

proportion of dark muscle) is different from that of pink salmon, the optimal

formulation for salmon is not necessarily the optimal formulation for herring.

Therefore, more research should be conducted to find the optimal formulation

for herring kamaboko.

C h a p t e r 4. P r o d u c t i o n o f s a l m o n and herring k a m a b o k o

Table 18. Moisture content of different products

Sample % Moisture

Salmon surimi 74.9

Herring surimi 73.6

WPC 5.1

WS 14.1

Salt 0.2

C h a p t e r 4. P r o d u c t i o n o f s a l m o n and herring k a m a b o k o

4.5 Conclusions

Kamaboko made from an optimized formulation consisting of 83% pink

salmon surimi (total weight basis), 3% salt, 2% WPC, 5% WS and 7% water

gave gel strength and fold score values close to those of Kibun Hanpen-L

(Boiled fish cake), which was used as a target product. When this formulation

was applied to surimi made from fresh herring, similar gel characteristics were


Roe herring frozen at -40°C for one month and then at -45°C for forty days

maintained its gel making ability. Further storage for ninety more days

resulted in surimi gels of lower quality. This could be due to protein

denaturation due to frozen storage. However, when roe herring was frozen

at -40°C for one month and then at -83°C for 190 days, the gel making ability

was preserved.

Pink salmon seems to have a great potential to be used for surimi-based

products. Using pink salmon to make crab analogs, for instance, could be

more profitable than using it for canning. Because of its darker color, roe

herring could be successfully used in surimi-based products that do not

require a white color. The problem of its small size can be overcome by using

Chapter 4. Production of salmon and herring kamaboko

equipment that is designed for producing surimi from under-sized fish species

such as sardines. Using male roe herring to make value-added surimi-based

products is a better alternative than simply reducing it to fish meal.

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

Chapter 5

Viscous Properties of Salmon Surimi Paste

5.1 Introduction

The viscous properties of surimi are among the physical properties that need

to be thoroughly studied before new and improved processes for surimi-based

products can be developed. These flow properties of surimi pastes are of

particular importance during the pumping and the extruding operations that

occur during food processing.

Several researchers have studied the viscous properties of actomyosin

solutions. Nakayama et al. (1979) investigated the effects of incubation at

40°C and of the additions of Na P20 and MgCI on the viscosity of carp
4 7 2

actomyosin. The viscosity changes of croaker actomyosin solutions during

gelation were studied by Wu et al. (1985). They found that viscosity

decreased with temperature up to 31 °C. It then increased quickly, peaking at

36°C and then rapidly decreased. Owusu-Ansah et al. (1988) also observed

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

similar trends of viscosity variation with temperature for sucker myosin. They

found that viscosity peaked at 43°C. Jimenez-Colmenero and Borderias

(1983) and Borderias et al. (1985) stated that the apparent viscosity of

proteins from frozen fish isolated in high ionic strength solutions can be used

as a quality index for frozen fish proteins. Groninger et al. (1983) used

viscosity measurement to assess changes in processed frozen fish muscle. A

test for the viscosity of surimi diluted (599% by weight) in a 3.5% salt solution

was used as a Japanese standard test for the quality evaluation of frozen

surimi protein (Hamann and MacDonald, 1992). The apparatus to be used for

this test is a Brookfield viscometer (Tokyo Keiki Type C). Scott et al. (1988)

found that the viscosity of Alaska pollock surimi, diluted in accordance with

the Japanese standard test, decreased with frozen storage time of the headed

and gutted Alaska pollock up to 128 days. The effects of incubation time and

temperature on the viscosity of a surimi paste (30% surimi, 2% salt, 1.2% beef

plasma protein and 66.8% water) were studied by Park et al. (1994). The

viscosity of the paste incubated at 5°C remained close to 40 Pas. When the

paste was incubated at 25°C, the viscosity increased to 80 Pa.s after 20 hours

of incubation. The viscosity of the paste incubated at 40°C for 30 minutes

increased to 65 Pa.s. However, the viscosity of the paste incubated at 60°C

for 30 minutes decreased to 10 Pa.s. The viscosity increases at 25 and 40°C

were attributed to intramolecular binding of myofibrillar proteins whereas the

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

viscosity decrease at 60°C was thought to be due to proteolytic degradation of

the myofibrillar proteins.

In the manufacturing of surimi-based products, surimi is mixed with

ingredients (i.e., salt, starch, etc.) in a silent cutter. The resulting viscous

paste is then pumped before being cooked and extruded (Wu, 1992). Hence,

it is important to study the viscous properties of surimi in the paste form.

The objective of this work was to study the viscous properties of a salmon

surimi paste having an optimum formulation for kamaboko making. The

results should help to clarify the flow behavior of this minced fish muscle.

5.2 Materials and methods

The surimi used was the same salmon surimi described in Chapter 4. The

optimal formulation, which was selected in section 4.4.2, was used to make

the surimi paste for the Theological studies. As in section, partially

thawed surimi was cut in a vacuum cutter (Stephan, Model VCM-5, Columbus,

Ohio) at low speed for two minutes. Then 3% salt (total weight basis) was

added and the mixture was chopped at low speed for two minutes. Then 5%

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

wheat starch, premixed with 7% water, and 2% whey protein concentrate

(Alaco Surimi Plus) were added. This order was recommended by Wu

(1992). The ingredients were blended at low speed for two minutes. Finally,

mixing was performed under vacuum and at high speed for one minute.

There are several methods for the measurement of viscosity. The glass

capillary method is based on the measurement of the time for a known volume

of fluid to pass through a length of capillary tubing. The orifice viscometers

are simple instruments for quick measurements. The method consists of

measuring the time needed for a volume of fluid to flow through an orifice.

This method, however, is less accurate than the glass capillary method

(Bourne, 1982). Other instruments include the capillary viscometer, the falling

ball viscometer and the coaxial rotational viscometers. The latter type of

viscometer is very popular because it allows the study of the time-dependent

Theological behavior of the fluid, permits the continuous variation of the shear

rate, can handle Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids and can be equipped

with a temperature control feature. For these reasons, the viscous properties

of the salmon surimi paste (kept in ice) were studied using a rotational

viscometer (Haake Rotovisko, Model VT500, Haake, Germany). A sensor

with a profiled cup and spindle, SVP, was used to reduce slippage. The inner

cylinder (rotor) has a radius of 10.65 mm and a height of 31.45 mm, while the

outer cylinder has a radius of 11.55 mm. Experiments were carried out at five

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

temperatures; 1,6, 11, 21 and 26°C. For each temperature, the paste was

put in the cup and kept there for ten minutes to come to temperature. Then,

the sample was sheared at shear rates increasing linearly from 0 to 400 s" in 1

ten minutes. After that, the shear rates decreased from 400 to 0 s" in ten 1

minutes. Finally, the sample was sheared again for ten minutes at rates

increasing from 0 to 400 s'\ Experiments were carried out in duplicate. A

personal computer to which the viscometer was interfaced was used to vary

shear rates and to record the corresponding shear stress values.

The Systat 1990 (Systat, Inc., Evanston, IL) software was used for the

regression analysis.

5.3 Results and discussion

Figures 16 to 20 are surimi paste rheograms at temperatures of 1, 6, 11, 21

and 26°C, respectively. Each figure shows an increasing shear rate (ISR)

rheogram, a decreasing shear rate (DSR) rheogram and a second ISR

rheogram. For all the temperatures, the first ISR rheogram was not smooth or

reproducible. This could be due to the fact that the paste was initially at rest

or that the structure was being ruptured by the applied shear, possibly

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

• Increase D, 1st T=1 C •* •••
• Decrease D • • • ••••
550 4- A Increase D, 2nd

500 A .OS


A A A n

400 A *

A * °

350 4- A A

• A •

A a

£ . 300 A •

(0 A n D

A •


250 4-

200 4-

150 4-



H h
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 16. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 1°C

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

+ Increase D, 1st T = 6C
a Decrease D
•••• ^ —6'
A Increase D, 2nd • ^rW 3


500 -0° .^AA"

450 • • A AAA


„ 350
2A A

A6 k

(0 300 AD

250 •


150 +



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
D [1/s]

Figure 17. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 6°C

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties


• Increase D, 1st T = 11 C
• Decrease D ,fio n

A Increase D, 2nd


550 AA

D A A A " A-A-AA-

D nO A A


500 A A A

450 •• •
_D2 a A


• A


350 AD


250 4-



100 4-


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 18. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 11°C

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

• Increase D, 1st
• Decrease D
600 A Increase D, 2nd
• • •

550 A* U

•A A •
*Aa = D
• A A A A A AA A

500 A A
D dO A A ^ A A


A A^
450 +


A "
A °

250 +

200 +




+ +
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 19. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 21°C

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties


• Increase D, 1st T = 26C

• Decrease D
A Increase D, 2nd


350 •

• •

300 nrf 3

n 0 0


<L 250 D A A A

• " A A
° A A

A° A


150 4-



04 H h
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 20. Rheograms of salmon surimi paste at 26°C

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

causing oscillations. After ten minutes of shearing, however, the DSR

rheogram and the second ISR rheogram became relatively smooth and

monotonic. These rheograms show that shear stress did not vary linearly with

shear rate. Therefore, surimi paste had a non-Newtonian behavior.

Moreover, a yield stress [shear stress at zero shear rate, or the shear stress

required for the material to flow (Tung, 1989)] was observed. This yield stress

increased with increasing temperature (for T < 21 °C). For all the

temperatures and for shear rates lower than 220 s" , the DSR rheograms and

the second ISR rheograms were very similar. However, at temperatures of

11°C and above and for shear rates higher than 220 s' , the shear stress

values of the second ISR rheograms became considerably lower than those of

the DSR rheograms. This hysteresis could be due to the loss of structure of

the paste that could occur at higher temperatures and especially after

shearing at higher rates for more than 25 minutes. It can be deduced that this

surimi paste behaved as a shear thinning fluid with a yield stress. The

existence of hysteresis despite the low ramp speed (40 s" / min) that was

used to increase and decrease the shear rate, demonstrates that the paste

rheology was time dependent and had a slow recovery.

Park et al. (1994) found that the viscosity of a Pacific whiting surimi paste

started to increase after 20 hours of incubation at 25°C, and did not increase

for an incubation temperature of 5°C. This is thought to be due to the

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

relatively low concentration of surimi (30% by weight) in the paste they

studied. (The surimi concentration of the paste used in this project is 83% by


The DSR rheograms for the five temperatures used are shown in Figure 21

while the second ISR rheograms are depicted in Figure 22. Both of these

figures demonstrate that for the same shear rate, provided D < 200 s" , shear

stress values increased with temperature up to 21 °C. This is thought to be

caused by the protein-protein interactions which increased with temperature.

As suggested by Douglas-Schwartz and Lee (1988), actomyosin from salmon

could be less thermally stable than actomyosin from species living in warmer

waters. This increase of shear stress with temperature differs from the results

of Wu et al. (1985) who found that the viscosity of croaker actomyosin

solutions decreased with temperature up to 31 °C. This could be due to the

high concentration of surimi used in this study. Shear stress values at 26°C

were the lowest. This is possibly due to the fact that the paste started to gel

and the shear stress readings could have been influenced by slippage or by

the rupture of gel structure near the cup wall. It was attempted to run the

experiment at 31 °C but the spindle could not rotate because the required

torque was above the operating range for the rheometer. The gelling effect

on the sample was apparent when it was taken from the cup.

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties


600 mA—A
W wXX*
MT~ •
.A A wX* •
Decreasing D

500 X**
***A N
•P ••••
w * A A A
no 0

450 4- X* A A •
X* A

X A A • •

400 X A
A •
CL x
A n °o • •••
300 | A •

250 4- •

• T= 1 C

200 - • T= 6C

• AT=
XT =
11 C
21 C
150 - -
• • T = 26 C

100 4-

50 4-

0 4 + +
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 21. DSR rheograms

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties


550 Increasing D
*XX * A A A
A * A A £ : W a
* *°T

***X X A A A
x »H »rV
8 D
A BpD • # j;

w X . .A • • ^ • %
x x* *
• ° * •••••• * \

450 4- x x> A

0*. •
XX .A ••• ** D W

400 A • »

X AA D D ™ / •

350 A • • • *


£L 300
co • • ••••

250 +

200 • T = 1 C
• T = 6C
A T = 11 C
150 + X T = 21 C
• T = 26 C

100 4-

50 +

+ -+• +
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 22. Second ISR rheograms

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

Since the first ISR rheograms were affected by the time dependency of the

paste, only the yield stress values were calculated for these curves. The

Theological data for the DSR rheograms and the second ISR rheograms were

fitted by the Herschel-Bulkley model and by the Casson model. (Although

only half of the results are shown, all the Theological data including the

replicate results were used in the curve fitting.) These models were explained

by Bourne (1982). The appropriate model should represent the flow behavior

of the fluid over the shear rate range to which the fluid will be subjected

during processing (i.e., pumping, mixing, etc.). It should

also accurately fit the experimental data. The following is a brief description

of the two models which were found to best represent the data.

Herschel-Bulkley (HB) model:

This model is also called the power-law plastic model. It is different from the

standard power-law model in that it includes a yield stress term. It is therefore

suitable for fluids having a yield stress. The equation of this model is:

S = S + KD

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

where S is the shear stress, K is a consistency coefficient, D is the shear rate,

n is the flow behavior index and S is the yield stress. The parameters of this

model can be determined by non-linear regression based on the least

squares method.

Casson model:

This model was originally developed to simulate the flow of printing inks

(Bourne, 1982). It is appropriate for some foods with a yield stress, such as

tomato catsup and molten chocolate (Bourne, 1982). The equation for this

model is:

S 05
= So 05
+ (Kc D ) 05

where Kc is a parameter. The parameters of this model can be determined by

first plotting the square root of shear stress against the square root of shear

rate and then finding the equation of the straight line which provides the best

fit of the data points.

Table 19 shows the curve fitting results of the second ISR rheograms. The

data were well fitted by both models (R > 0.94). The values of n, the flow

behavior index in the HB model, were close to 0.5. For both models, yield

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

Table 19. Curve fitting results of the second ISR rheograms

HB model T[C] R 2
So K n Note

1 0.963 219.235 11.822 0.534

6 0.988 253.365 8.302 0.597

11 0.948 309.752 12.65 0.505

21 0.957 319.549 17.117 0.477 D<220

26 0.970 134.562 8.137 0.513

Casson model T[C] R 2

So Kc

1 0.956 215.591 0.164

6 0.989 245.365 0.153

11 0.944 311.571 0.102

21 0.954 333.741 0.119 D<220

26 0.955 137.223 0.092

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

stress values increased with temperature up to 21 °C. The yield stress values

at 26°C were the lowest.

These trends were also observed for the curve fitting results of the DSR

rheograms (Table 20). These rheograms were also very well fitted by the HB

model and by the Casson model (R > 0.96). The curve fitting results of the

DSR rheograms were slightly better than those of the second ISR rheograms.

Figures 23 to 27 show the DSR rheograms along with the predictions of the

fitted models for the five temperatures used. The curve fitting results obtained

with the HB model demonstrate the existence of a yield stress that increased

with temperature up to 21 °C. The yield stress values of the second ISR

rheograms were higher than those of DSR rheograms.

The yield stress values, S 0 [Pa], predicted by the HB model for various

temperatures, T [°C], was fitted by the following equation:

So = C Ty

where C and m are the equation parameters, and T < 21 °C. A logarithmic

transformation of this equation yields the following linearized form:

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

Table 20. Curve fitting results of the DSR rheograms

HB model T[C] R 2
So K n

1 0.997 183.145 10.021 0.576

6 0.995 217.791 14.381 0.548

11 0.994 264.433 13.383 0.562

21 0.990 285.473 19.03 0.478

26 0.965 129.023 3.336 0.751

Casson model T[C] R* So Kc

1 0.996 184.311 0.196

6 0.994 227.624 0.228

11 0.994 267.594 0.215

21 0.988 310.236 0.137

26 0.972 103.338 0.274

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

150 4-

100 4-

50 4-

0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
D [1/s]

Figure 23. DSR rheograms at 1°C

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties


• Deacrease D T= 11 C
H.B. model
Casson model



450 +


SL 350

300 | D


200 4/




— i —
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
D [1/s]

Figure 25. DSR rheograms at 11°C

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

• Decrease D T = 21 C
H.B. model
Casson model

450 +

400 +

200 +

150 4-

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
D [1/s]

Figure 26. DSR rheograms at 21 °C

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

50 4-

0 -I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 27. DSR rheograms at 26°C

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

log(So) = log(Cy) + m log(T)

The results obtained by fitting the above logarithmic equation to the S values 0

predicted by the HB model for both the second ISR and the DSR rheograms

are listed in Table 21. The fit was good for both the second ISR and the DSR

rheograms. The latter rheograms resulted in a better fit (R > 0.90). 2

However, for the pumping of surimi paste, the yield stress value that must be

overcome at the beginning of the process is the yield stress determined at the

first increasing shear rate rheogram. Table 22 lists these yield stress values

for different temperatures. These were the recorded shear stress values

corresponding to the lowest shear rate, 8.97 s~. 1

Generally, yield stress

increased with increasing temperature up to 21 °C. The lowest yield stress

value was observed at 26°C. Moreover, for each temperature the initial

yield stress was much higher than that of the DSR rheograms and the second

ISR rheograms.

The Herschel-Bulkley and Casson models depend only on the shear rate.

They do not account for the influence of temperature. The viscosity of

Newtonian fluids is found to vary with temperature according to the following

equation (Morgan et al., 1989):

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

Table 21. Results of the curve fitting of the yield stress

Rheograms Cy m R 2

Second ISR 215.406 0.130 0.874

DSR 179.205 0.148 0.915

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

Table 22. Yield stress values from the first ISR rheograms

Temperature, T Initial yield stress, S 0

(°C) (Pa)

1 371

6 462

11 457

21 522

26 329

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

ri = C exp (AE / RT)


where r| is the viscosity, T is the absolute temperature, AE is the molar free


energy of activation in a stationary fluid, R is the universal gas constant and

C is a constant.

A new model, taking into consideration both the shear rate effect and the

temperature effect, is proposed. The equation of this model is assumed to be:

S =eD + gT f h

where S is the shear stress in Pa, T is the temperature in °C, D is the shear

rate in s" and e, f, g and h are the model parameters.

The form of this

equation derives from the fact that only the yield stress appears, in most

experiments, to be a strong function of temperature. Usually, the viscosity of

most fluids decreases with temperature (Streeter and Wylie, 1985). The

system used in this study, however, was likely affected by temperature

because of changes in protein-protein interactions.

For temperatures ranging from 1 to 21°C, the DSR rheograms and the second

ISR rheograms were fitted by the above 'shear and temperature (ST) model"

Table 23 summarizes the curve fitting results. The model parameters show

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

Table 23. Curve fitting results of Theological data by the ST model

Rheograms e f g h R

DSR 9.945 0.590 178.382 0.185 0.968

Second ISR 96.915 0.240 75.893 0.251 0.903

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

that shear stress increases with increasing temperature and shear rate.

Figure 28 shows the DSR rheograms as well as the predictions of the

fitted ST model. The second ISR rheograms along with the predictions of the

ST model are depicted in Figure 29. Curve fitting by the ST model was better

for the DSR rheograms (R > 0.96). The curve fitting was also better for shear

rates from 0 to 200 s" . The time dependency of the paste was mainly present

after shearing for 25 minutes. Therefore, the ST model should be applicable

for typical residence times of the paste as it is pumped between the mixing

tank and the extruder.

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

150 4-

100 4-

50 4-

0 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 28. DSR rheograms and the predictions of the ST model

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

D [1/s]

Figure 29. Second ISR rheograms and the predictions of the ST model

C h a p t e r 5. S u r i m i v i s c o u s properties

5.4 Conclusions

The viscous properties of a salmon surimi paste composed of surimi, salt,

whey protein concentrate and wheat starch were studied using a rotational

viscometer. The paste behaved as a time dependent non-Newtonian shear

thinning fluid with a yield stress. For the same shear rate, shear stress

increased with temperature up to 21 °C. This could be caused by the protein-

protein interactions that were facilitated by grinding the surimi with salt. The

yield stress values also increased with temperature up to 21 °C. The DSR

rheograms and the second ISR rheograms, after surimi had undergone shear

for sufficient time, were well fitted by the Herschel-Bulkley model and by the

Casson model.

A new model taking into account the shear rate effect and the temperature

effect has been developed. For temperatures up to 21 °C, the DSR rheograms

and the second ISR rheograms were well fitted by this new model. Predicted

shear stress increased with increasing temperature and shear rate.

Finally, it is important to mention that the paste used in this study was similar

to what is used in the commercial manufacture of surimi-based products (i.e.,

the paste was not first diluted with water as in most previous Theological

Chapter 5. Surimi viscous properties

studies). The Theological information obtained should be useful for the

engineering design of the equipment needed for the pumping and extruding

operations that immediately follow the mixing process. However, the results

obtained here apply only for a salmon surimi paste having a specific

formulation and for temperature ranging between 1 an 26°C. A similar

approach can be followed to determine the rheological properties of other

surimi pastes.

Chapter 6. Conclusions and future work

Chapter 6

Summary of Conclusions and Proposed Future Work

6.1 Conclusions

Raman spectroscopy was successfully used to investigate the effects of

grinding with salt as well as setting and cooking on the protein structure of

raw surimi, surimi paste and surimi gels. The disulfide bond stretching

intensity increased slightly after setting and greatly after cooking at higher

temperature. These results explain the importance of the disulfide bonds and

the stages at which they occur. Secondary structure analysis showed that

setting caused a decrease in the a-helical content and an increase in the p-

sheet content. Cooking alone or preceded by setting resulted in a greater

increase of the p-sheet fraction and a further decrease of the a-helical

content. These findings suggest an unfolding of proteins allowing

hydrophobic interactions between exposed hydrophobic residues to take

place. Studies of gel properties also showed that cooking, whether preceded

by setting or not, resulted in a better surimi gel texture than the setting

Chapter 6. Conclusions and future work

treatment alone. In comparison with cooking alone, setting followed by

cooking resulted in a higher disulfide peak intensity and in stronger and more

elastic surimi gels.

Experiments on optimizing the setting and cooking conditions for kamaboko

making showed that setting at temperatures below 50°C followed by cooking

at 80°C and above resulted in surimi gels with the best gel texture

characteristics. The optimal processing conditions corresponding to

individually maximized gel strength, fold score and color, and minimized

expressible liquid were determined. Multiobjective optimization also gave the

optimal processing conditions resulting in a satisfactory combination of all

four response variables.

An optimized formulation composed of pink salmon surimi, salt, whey protein

concentrate and wheat starch has been developed. The final product,

kamaboko sausage, had gel strength and fold score values close to those of a

commercial surimi-based product. This formulation was successfully applied

to roe herring surimi. Freezing roe herring at around -45°C maintained the gel

making ability for up to seventy days. Freezing at -83°C preserved the gel

making ability for a longer period of time. However, this temperature is too

low to be used by the industry. Using male herring for surimi-based products

has a great potential in British Columbia.

Chapter 6. Conclusions and future work

A rotational viscometer was used to study the viscous properties of a paste

made from the formulation optimized in Chapter 4 and containing pink salmon

surimi, salt, whey protein concentrate and wheat starch. This paste had a

non-Newtonian shear thinning behavior with a yield stress. Apparent

viscosity and yield stress increased with temperature up to 21 °C. This could

be due to protein-protein interactions that increased the viscosity with

temperature. A new model taking into consideration the effects of shear rate

and temperature provided a reasonable representation of the rheological data

and demonstrated that up to 21 °C, shear stress increased with increasing

shear rate and temperature.

6.2 Proposed future work

For future studies, it is recommended that the mechanisms of surimi gelation

of other species be investigated using Raman spectroscopy. This method

could also be used to assess the changes of protein structure caused by the

frozen storage offish or surimi.

More work needs to be done in order to commercialize the use of herring, pink

salmon and Pacific whiting in the manufacture of surimi-based products. For

instance, new storage conditions for surimi should be determined in order to

Chapter 6. Conclusions and future work

prolong the frozen storage at reasonable temperatures (i.e., -20°C). Raman

spectroscopy could be used to investigate the changes in fish protein

structure due to frozen storage.

The viscous properties of raw surimi and of surimi paste should be studied

further using a measuring instrument, such as a capillary rheometer, that

could handle very viscous materials and hence could allow higher incubation




a redness index

b yellowness index

C whiteness index

CT model parameter of the Morgan model

D shear rate, s"1

e model parameter of the ST model

Ei expressible liquid, %

AE V molar free activation energy, J mol" 1

f model parameter of the ST model

F s fold score

g model parameter of the ST model

G s gel strength,

h model parameter of the ST model

•850/830 intensity ratio of the tyrosine doublet

K consistency coefficient of the HB model

Kc parameter of the Casson model

m parameter of the yield stress model

n flow behavior index


N buried mole fraction of the buried tyrosine residues

N exposed mole fraction of the exposed tyrosine residues

Oi more resolved spectrum

P Likelihood function

Pc contracted vertex

PE expanded vertex

PH vertex with the highest objective function value

P* reflected vertex

R universal gas constant, J mol" K"

1 1

R 2
regression coefficient

s peak shape function

S shear stress, Pa

So yield stress, Pa

T temperature, °C

setting temperature, °C

x 2
setting time, min.

X3 cooking temperature, °C

X4 cooking time, min.

yi measured spectral data

Yj objective function of the vertex Pj

Y objective function of the SOM

Wj weighting coefficient


WPC whey protein concentrate, %

WS wheat starch, %

Z multiobjective function


Greek letters

a reflection coefficient

0 contraction coefficient

00 parameter of the SOM

0. parameter of the SOM

0H parameter of the SOM

0« parameter of the SOM

Y expansion coefficient

a standard deviation

viscosity, Pa.s

® convolution



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