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Arts or “sining” is defined as the different manners of
expressing human skills and imagination in the creation of
aesthetic conditions, objects and presentations. Art is not
confined only to what is seen. Art involves the use of all the
physical senses in order to appreciate it.
The Philippines' diverse art forms showcase its
rich culture and tradition, evolving into contemporary art. ELEMENTS OF ART
Understanding these forms is crucial for Filipinos to 1. SPACE - In visual arts, space pertains to emptiness
appreciate the nation's identity and culture. which may either be positive space or negative space.
Philippine arts have evolved through three major Positive space refers to a part which is enclosed in a
traditions: Ethnic Tradition, Spanish Colonial Tradition, and shape, while negative space refers to the opposite part
American Colonial and Contemporary Arts Traditions. which the shape is enclosing.
Indigenous arts were replaced by western ones, while American 2. LINE - In visual arts, a line is a series of connected
arts focused on education and governance. Contemporary arts points. It may come in two characteristics: form
are influenced by religion, secularization, education, and (curved, dotted, or broken lines) and direction
governance. (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines). Different types
of lines may convey different meanings.
3. SHAPE & FORM - Shape is an area that is enclosed
by a line or lines. Shapes are two dimensional figures
with height and width. There are different kinds of
shapes and these are geometric shapes (triangle,
squares, rectangle, etc.), organic shapes (shapes found
in nature, e.g. shape of a leaf or cloud), abstract shapes
(asymmetrical and free flowing shapes). Meanwhile,
forms are three dimensional figures. Its dimensions are
height, width, and volume.
4. COLOR - In visual arts, color is associated with the
natural phenomenon in our environment.
Scientifically, when a light passes through a prism, it
will produce different hues of different wavelengths.
These colors may pertain to lightness, darkness,
coolness, or warmth.
5. VALUE - In visual arts, value is considered a property
of a color which pertains to its lightness or darkness.
6. TEXTURE - In visual arts, texture is the element that
appeals to our sense of feel on things, rough, smooth,
bumpy, or slippery. It pertains to the surface of an art

1. PROPORTION - Proportion refers to the relationship
of the size of elements in a body of art. For example,
when drawing a human standing beside a house, it is
important to ensure that the size of the human is
proportional to the size of the house.
2. HARMONY - In visual arts, harmony is the unity of
the artwork, specifically about the arrangement of the
related elements.
3. VARIETY - In other terms, variety may be referred to
as diversity. This means adding multiple, different
elements to break the monotony of an artwork and
make it more interesting.
4. MOVEMENT - In arts, movement is the illusion of
motion in a painting, sculpture design, or in a piece of
5. RHYTHM - This refers to the repetition of certain
elements to produce a pattern. In visual arts, repeated
design elements may create a certain flow and may lead
the viewer’s eyes.
6. BALANCE - Balance refers to the even and equal
distribution of elements.
7. EMPHASIS - Emphasis is a principle which may refer
to the greater impact given on a certain element.
LESSON 2: CONTEMPORARY ARTS IN 5. SPACE - Intricate use of space. Performed and
THE PHILIPPINES positioned in a specific space such as public
• CONTEMPORARY – defined as something
“happening, existing, living, or coming into being
Integrative Art is a fusion of various art elements,
during the same period of time”. styles, and media, often found in urban areas with easy
• CONTEMPORARY ART – refers to art of any form access to various art forms and media. It combines different
and genre that produced in our contemporary time, art forms for specific viewer groups and uses computer
simply put as “art created today” applications and non-traditional materials in creating
Contemporary Art in the Philippines is influenced by unique artworks. This art form is characterized by distinct
economic, social, political, and environmental contexts, expressions and a blend of different art forms for specific
allowing artists to express their perceptions. It is diverse, audiences.
not limited to visual, literary, applied, and performing arts
genres. Other genres include pure forms and mixed art
forms, showcasing the artist's understanding of these CONTEMPORARY ART FORMS FROM
contexts. Examples from each art form are provided. PHILIPPINE REGIONS

Modern technology and easy access to remote areas

have led to the creation of numerous artworks from various
regions, including 17 Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao Island
groups. These works are exhibited in various halls and
museums, allowing viewers to understand the contemporary art
expressions of artists who aim to share their culture, situation,
and issues.
The distinct features of Contemporary Philippine Art include:
1. COMMUNAL NATURE - as it reflects the
relationships build around the bonds of community and
Contemporary Art in the Philippines is highly society.
regarded and appreciated by many, often unaware of its 2. INTUITIVE - as Filipinos are immersed to their
existence. Many artworks express the artist's thoughts and consciousness of themselves, their community and
feelings, reflecting current events, issues, and social their culture.
concerns affecting their society. These works have earned 3. HOLISTIC - as individuals, groups of people and
admiration from both local and international audiences. events are perceived in their entirety as well as the
Contemporary Philippine artists use diverse art unitive use of art materials and forms.
media, often local materials, to create multifaceted, 4. CREATIVE PROCESS - as the artist puts more
expressive artworks that reflect the artist's personal emphasis on now their work was made than on the
experiences and observations. These artists create in their
artwork itself.
personal context, allowing viewers to appreciate their work
5. MULTI-FOCAL - as it considers everything and
through all senses. Viewing art is not just a detached
experience but a deep personal experience, allowing everyone, the wide perspective of the artwork as well
viewers to immerse themselves in the artist's mind and heart. as both artist and viewer.
Contemporary Philippine Art is influenced by
social, historical, geographical, ideational, personal, and
technical factors, which artists incorporate into their work CONTEMPORARY ART FORMS IN
to create an expressive reality that is deeply rooted in their
hearts. REGIONS
The Philippine Contemporary Art can be classified into
ELEMENTS OF CONTEMPORARY ART seven major art forms. These are painting, sculpture,
Contemporary Arts have different elements that are put architecture, film, literature, music and theater, and dance.
together to come up with a distinct artwork. These elements
Philippine contemporary arts can be described into
1. APPROPRIATION - This relates to the modifications visual arts, literary arts and performing arts. Visual art is an
made by the artist. It is an act of integrating previous expression of artistic ideas through images, structures, and
pieces into a new creation. tactile work. Some visual artworks are integrated which means
2. HYBRIDITY - This refers in the use of different art it combines several mediums to create new and unique artwork.
mediums that are put together. Creation of art through Painting, sculpture, architecture, and film are examples of
the use of unusual materials and their combination. visual arts.
3. TECHNOLOGY - Its application highlights the
creativity of the artist. 1. PAINTING - Painting the expression of ideas and
4. PERFORMANCE - Carried out for viewers to emotions, with the creation of certain aesthetic
experience. Evolve to emphasize spontaneous qualities, in a two-dimensional visual language. The
elements of chance. Interpreting various human elements of this language - its shapes, lines, colors,
activities such as ordinary activities like chores, tones, and textures are used in various ways to produce
routines and rituals, and socially relevant themes sensations of volume, space, movement, and light on a
such as poverty, commercialism, and war.
flat surface. The first paintings here in the Philippines 5. LITERATURE - According to Lombardi (2020),
are commissioned works during Spanish colonization. literature is a term used to describe written and
sometimes spoken material. Derived from the Latin
word literature meaning “writing formed with letters”.
literature most commonly refers to works of the
creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction,
non-fiction, and in some instance, journalism, and

2. SCULPTURE - The sculpture is an art form in which

hard or plastic materials are worked into three- According to Lombardi (2020), literature is a term used to
dimensional art objects. Filipino sculptors came to be describe written and sometimes spoken material. Derived from
known in the middle of the 19th century. These are the Latin word literature meaning “writing formed with letters”.
some of the sculptures in the Philippines. literature most commonly refers to works of the creative
imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction, and
in some instance, journalism, and song.
6. MUSIC AND THEATER - Contemporary music in
the Philippines incorporates elements from Western art
music and latest entertainment trends. Filipino music
has a rich tradition dating back to pre-Western times,
and is present in various regions from birth to death.

3. ARCHITECTURE - Architecture is the art and

practice of designing and constructing buildings. In
relation to that, Philippine architecture was
characterized as simple, rational, and functional. In the
20th century the young Filipino who studied in
American colleges and institutes introduced the
neoclassic style in building structures. However, after
World War II, real estate development started to take
place. Theatre is a collaborative fine art form involving live
performers presenting real or imagined events to an audience
through gestures, speech, song, music, or dance.

4. FILM - Film, also known as cinema, is a visual art

form that imitates experiences using moving images.
The Philippine film industry, which began in 1897,
features themes like martyr wife, superheroes, action,
7. DANCE - Dance, the movement of the body in a
melodramas, and comedies.
rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given
space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion,
releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the
movement itself. Dances in the Philippines vary from
Region to Region.

Apart from visual arts, there are Philippine

contemporary art forms that can be described as literary arts.
Literary Arts are an expression of ideas through writing.
Literary arts can be categorized as poetry, prose, and drama. In
the Philippines, literary arts are greatly encountered in

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