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The Inaugural Year 7 Museum Exhibition

Welcome to Year 7- let’s get to know each other!

TASK: Choose an object, image or symbol that tells a story from your own life experiences. Give
context to your chosen object by writing about the item and how it relates and connects to you.
1. Submit your written narrative (300 words)
2. Create your museum frame and caption (100 words)
3. Deliver a short oral presentation (1-2 minutes)

LENGTH: Your story needs to be between 300 words and be written in organised paragraphs. You
may type your story if you wish to.

Use the questions to assist in selecting and organising your ideas:

 What
 When
 Where
 Why
 Who
 How

DUE DATE: Monday 15th February, 2021

Year 7 English

Creative Writing Performance Descriptors

Creative Writing Performance Descriptors

MARK RANGE DESCRIPTOR: typical performance

Very High Medium Low Very

high 80 - 70 - 80 60 - low
90 - 90 70 40 - 60

A title which is extremely interesting.

A beginning that captures attention.

A varied and flexible use of language and considered

sentence construction.

Ideas are structured coherently and developed in detail.

The clear, confident voice of an author.

A high level of accuracy in the technical skills of

grammar, spelling and paragraphing.

The purpose of the piece is very clear and the conclusion

is interesting and appropriate to the task.


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