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Title: A Swing Towards Success: Unveiling Dubai Golf's Hiring Strategies for 2024

[Caterer Middle East Magazine Introduction]

Caterer Middle East Magazine: Greetings, readers! Today, we have the pleasure of engaging with Mr.
Adithya Iyer, the HR Manager of Dubai Golf, a renowned entity boasting over 20 restaurants, 6 golf
clubs, and a TopGolf facility. Our focus will be on understanding what qualities Dubai Golf is seeking
in candidates for the year 2024 and how individuals can secure a position with this multifaceted
[Question 1: Diversity of Offerings]
Caterer Middle East Magazine: Adithya, with Dubai Golf's expansive portfolio of over 20 restaurants,
6 golf clubs, and a topgolf facility, what kind of candidates is the company looking for in 2024 to
contribute to the diverse and dynamic nature of its operations?
Adithya Iyer: Our diverse offerings demand a versatile team. In 2024, we are seeking candidates who
not only possess the specific skills required for their roles but also exhibit adaptability and a
willingness to contribute across various aspects of our business, be it the culinary arts, hospitality, or
recreational services.
[Question 2: Navigating Core Values]
Caterer Middle East Magazine: You've emphasized the importance of values at Dubai Golf. How do
the company values of Fun, One Team, Passion, Creativity, Integrity, and Excellence play a role in
aligning candidates with the diverse facets of Dubai Golf?
Adithya Iyer: Our values act as a unifying force across all our ventures. Candidates who resonate with
Fun, One Team, Passion, Creativity, Integrity, and Excellence embody the spirit of Dubai Golf.
Whether they are working in a restaurant, golf club, or topgolf facility, these values ensure a
consistent and positive experience for our customers.
[Question 3: Visionary Contributions]
Caterer Middle East Magazine: Dubai Golf has a visionary goal of being "The Trusted leader that
creatively delivers memorable experiences to a global community." How can candidates contribute to
realizing this grand vision, and what support does Dubai Golf provide to help them achieve this?
Adithya Iyer: Candidates are key contributors to realizing our vision by infusing creativity into their
roles. Whether it's crafting unique culinary experiences, organizing events, or providing top-notch
service, each employee plays a role in creating memorable moments. Dubai Golf supports them with
training, resources, and a collaborative environment that encourages innovative thinking.
[Question 4: Elevating Customer Service]
Caterer Middle East Magazine: Dubai Golf's purpose is to "deliver service excellence by exceeding
our customer's expectations." How does the organization ensure that candidates not only meet but
consistently exceed customer expectations in such a diverse set of offerings?
Adithya Iyer: Our recruitment process places a strong emphasis on candidates who have a customer-
centric mindset. Training programs are designed to instill the principles of service excellence across
all departments, ensuring that every employee, regardless of their role, understands the importance of
surpassing customer expectations.
[Question 5: Unleashing Creativity]
Caterer Middle East Magazine: Given the emphasis on creativity, how does Dubai Golf nurture and
encourage creativity among its employees, and what kind of candidates are particularly valued for
their innovative contributions?
Adithya Iyer: Dubai Golf encourages a culture of creativity by fostering an environment where ideas
are welcomed and celebrated. Candidates who bring a fresh perspective, innovative solutions, and a
passion for thinking outside the box are highly valued. We seek individuals who can contribute to the
continuous evolution and enhancement of our offerings.
[Question 6: Balancing Tradition and Innovation]
Caterer Middle East Magazine: With a mix of traditional golf clubs and a modern topgolf facility, how
does Dubai Golf ensure that candidates appreciate and balance both the traditional and innovative
aspects of the business?
Adithya Iyer: We seek candidates who appreciate the rich traditions of golf while embracing the
modernity of our topgolf facility. Our onboarding and training programs provide a comprehensive
understanding of both aspects, allowing employees to seamlessly navigate the traditional and
contemporary elements of Dubai Golf.
[Closing Remarks]

Caterer Middle East Magazine: Thank you, Adithya, for providing us with valuable insights into the
hiring strategies of Dubai Golf for 2024. It's evident that the organization is seeking versatile, values-
driven individuals to contribute to its diverse and dynamic array of offerings.
Adithya Iyer: It was my pleasure. We look forward to welcoming passionate individuals who share
our values and are ready to embark on an exciting journey with Dubai Golf.

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