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The Philippine National Health Research

System, with its goal to enhance health

status through research, generates the
National Unified Health Research Agenda
(NUHRA) as one of its core areas, alongside
ethics, utilization, resource mobilization,
system monitoring and evaluation, and
capacity building. While the NUHRA serves
as the country’s template for health research
and development efforts, the Regional
Unified Health Research Agenda (RUHRA) is
more relevant to regional problems and gives
direction at the regional level.

The RUHRA presents the identified health

research priorities. It should guide
researchers and funders alike in the
Northern Mindanao Consortium for
development of more relevant health Health Research and Development
research in the region for the next six years. Tel: (088) 858-3931 to 33
The previous health research agenda of the
region had two major focus areas: 1) health
technology development and 2) health
related concerns. Some of the health needs
and research gaps in the region include a
lack of studies on non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) and a low health worker to
population ratio. Philippine National
Health Research System
Bicutan, Taguig City
(02) 837-7535; (02) 837-7536
Substance abuse Occupational health
The Regional Health Research and Researches on risk factors of and Researches on occupational hazards
interventions for substance abuse and health
Development Consortium (RHRDC) of each
region was included in the identification Environmental health and sanitation Indigenous population health
process of health research priorities through Researches to address knowledge gap Researches on the health practices and
the conduct of a consultation. The regional on environmental health gaps in health services delivery
consultation for Region X was held on 18-19 Mental health
Non-communicable and
May 2017 facilitated by the Alliance for lifestyle-related diseases Researches on the mental health status
Improving Health Outcomes, Inc. The Researches on risk factors associated of the population and review of current
consultation was attended by 26 participants. with NCDs interventions and services
Their input, together with technical papers Emerging and re-emerging infections
Health systems research
and situationers defining the national and Researches to evaluate the health service Researches to improve services for
regional status of health research, was delivery network and human resources for infectious diseases
considered in the formulation of the NUHRA health program Drug discovery and development
and RUHRA. Researches on drug development from
Adolescent sexuality and
locally available plants and other sources
reproductive health
The research priorities and perceived needs Researches on reproductive health with Hospital equipment and
particular focus on adolescent practices biomedical devices
of each representative were raised through
and behaviors Researches on health technology
small focus group discussions. Each group
Disaster risk reduction management development for better health services
suggested research topics which were
grouped under 19 general themes. These and climate adaptation for health Information and communications
themes were prioritized using criteria with Researches for a resilient health system technology for health
designated scoring weights established by HIV/AIDS Researches on innovative technologies
the stakeholders. The themes were ranked Researches on the control and for healthcare services
using the following criteria: management of human immunodeficiency Diagnostics
 public health at 30%, virus and acquired immunodeficiency Researches on diagnostic kit development
 magnitude of the problem at 25%, to aid health services
 relevance at 20%, Nutrition Health for social sciences
Researches on effective interventions
 responsiveness to the national health Researches on behaviors and practices
to improve nutrition and its effects on health
policy at 15%, and
 feasibility at 10%. Food safety Functional foods
Researches on food intake behaviors Researches on food product development
and its effects on health from locally-sourced agricultural products

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