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SESSION 2023-2024
Experiential Learning Activity
Class: VII Subject: Maths Month: May


Multiplication of decimal numbers.

To find the product of two decimal numbers, say, 0.7 ×0.5 using activity method.


(i) Concept of decimal numbers.

(ii) Concept of product of two natural numbers.
(iii) Concept of area of a rectangle.

(i) A plane white sheet of paper

(ii) A pencil
(iii) An eraser
(iv) A scale
(v) Crayons of two different colours (say green and red)


STEP 1: Construct a square of convenient side on a white sheet of paper as shown below. We assume
that side of this square denotes length of unit implying that the area of the square will be
1 unit × 1 unit = 1 square unit.

STEP 2: Divide this square into 10 equal strips by drawing 9 equally spaced horizontal lines so that
each horizontal strip of the square represents 10 = 0.1 square unit area of the original square as
shown in figure.
STEP 3: Shade top 5 horizontal strips (smaller term of product) green so as to represent
0.1×5=0.5 square unit area as shown in the figure.

STEP 4: Further divide the square into 10 equal strips by drawing 9 equally spaced vertical lines as
shown in the figure so that the whole square is divided into 10×10 = 100 small identical
1 1 1
squares. Each small square represents 0.1 ×0.1 = 10 ×10 = 100 = 0.01 square unit area.

STEP 5: Shade extreme left 7 vertical strips (larger term of the product) red as shown below.
Thus , the red shaded region represents 0.1 × 7 = 0.7 square unit area.

(i) The
(i) The doubly-shaded (green-red) region containing 7×5 = 35 small squares represents
0.1 ×35 = 0.35
(ii) We observe that the length of doubly-shaded (green-red) rectangle = 0.1 × 7 = 0.7 and
Breadth of doubly-shaded rectangle = 0.1 ×5 = 0.5
Therefore , Area of doubly-shaded rectangle PQRS = length ×breadth = 0.7 × 0.5 =0.35

Students to write and perform the activity creatively and submit the same to the
respective subject teachers.

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