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Discrete element method modeling of

processes important for biosystems

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2772, 020002 (2023);
Published Online: 24 February 2023

Józef Horabik


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AIP Conference Proceedings 2772, 020002 (2023); 2772, 020002

© 2023 Author(s).
Discrete Element Method Modeling of Processes
Important for Biosystems Engineering
Józef Horabik

Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences

Doświadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Discrete Element Method (DEM) has found practical application in simulations of processes in many branches
of science and technology, among others in biosystems engineering. Agriculture and food engineering harvests, stores,
handles or processes an enormous amount of particulate material of biological origin. The paper presents short review of
application of DEM to model the representative unit operations of soil tillage, crop harvesting, and post-harvest processing
of agricultural materials.

Biosystems engineering, as the branch of engineering that applies engineering sciences to solve problems involving
biological systems, integrates engineering science and design with applied biological, environmental and agricultural
sciences [1]. Agriculture and food processing are among the biggest producers of final products that are in the form
of granular materials. Biosystems engineering covers the entire chain of operations performed on particulate materials
of biological origin such as: seeding, harvesting, storage, handling and processing. Unlike mineral or plastic granular
materials, these materials are usually hygroscopic and change their mechanical properties through the absorption of
moisture. To predict behavior of those materials researchers have developed several scientific methods of
investigation: empirical, semi-empirical, analytical, and with the progressive development of numerical methods, the
finite element modelling (FEM), the computational fluid dynamics (CFD).


A new method that overcomes the shortcomings of empirical, analytical and continuum numerical methods is the
discrete element method. DEM was developed by [2] and consists of an approximate solution of the equation of
motion for each particle represented numerically and identified with its specific properties such as shape, size, material
properties, and initial velocity.

Contact Models
Contact models describe interaction between particles based on physical law of force-displacement in contacts in
normal and tangent directions and the rolling movement law. The Hertz–Mindlin contact model is the most frequently
applied physical law describing elastic interactions in the normal direction. Dissipation of energy in contacts is usually
described by viscous damping or plastic deformation. The Coulomb law of friction is frequently applied to model
interactions in the tangent direction. For small size particle the adhesive interactions are necessary to included into
DEM modeling. Adhesion between particles may originate from several sources including van der Waals forces,
electrostatic forces or liquid bridges. The theory of adhesive Hertzian contact was formulated by [3]. For particles
larger than a fraction of millimeter, the most important source of adhesion is liquid bridges which, depending upon
the degree of saturation, may act in various regimes of liquid distribution. The linear cohesion interaction is frequently

The 3rd Faculty of Industrial Technology International Congress 2021 International Conference
AIP Conf. Proc. 2772, 020002-1–020002-4;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4318-1/$30.00

applied in modeling of behavior of agricultural particles [4]. Agricultural granular materials present a very wide range
of shapes, from nearly spherical, through ellipsoidal, to very complex, non-convex shapes of fruits and tubers.
Complex shapes of particles are often modeled for DEM applications by clusters of rigidly joined overlapping spheres
known as the multi-sphere method [5].

Bounded Particles Model

Last two decades brought new and advanced methods of modeling by introducing so called bounded particles
model (BPM) [6]. The model based on the beam theory, introduces elastic bonds between particles which can transmit
both force and moment up to the limiting values of the tension and bending strength of bonds [7]. The model reproduce
many features of behavior of solids like elasticity with ultimate yield, hardening and softening.

Material Parameters
Material parameters required for DEM modeling can be divided into two main groups: material properties and
interaction properties. Material properties used in DEM modeling are shape, size distribution, density, elastic and
shear modulus, Poisson's ratio, yield strength. Interaction properties, vital in DEM modeling, are coefficients of:
restitution, static and rolling friction, plastic or viscous damping, and adhesion. Some of this parameters can be easily
determined experimentally (elastic modulus, density), some other still generates problems of precise determination in
physical experiments (damping, adhesion).

In order to predict properly behavior of granular materials in DEM simulations the material parameters should be
calibrated. There are two common methods for calibrating the material parameters: direct measurement of parameters
in physical experiments (e.g. modulus of elasticity, coefficient of sliding and rolling friction), and comparison of
modeled and experimental processes oriented towards minimizing the error between the simulation and experimental
results (e.g. angle of repose, porosity, bulk density of bedding).


DEM was successfully applied for modeling numerous unit operations of biosystems engineering from soil tillage,
through crop harvesting, to post-harvest processing of seeds, straw and other agricultural materials and final products.
Interactions in soil modeled at different scales (from micro- to mezo-) indicated impact of internal structure, soil
composition, size of soil particles, and cohesive interactions between soil particles on bulk behavior of soil in complex
interactions with tools during plowing, fertilization, seeding, etc. [8] indicated that behavior of soil aggregates in
uniaxial compression test is influenced by an aggregate formation and proportions of cementing agent and skeletal
particles. The micro-parameters of interactions inside the soil aggregate (mean bond normal and tangent forces and
critical bond force) provided links between the modeled and real physical behavior. [9] indicated strong impact of
cohesion on excavation and pushing processes of soil by a bulldozer blade. [10] proved impact of radius of a soil
particle on velocity field. [11] applied DEM to study bentleg furrow performance minimizing soil disturbance. The
study enabled to propose design recommendations for bentleg furrow openers geometry. Presented examples of studies
show that proper understanding of the fundamental micro-scale interactions between soil aggregates allows accurate
modeling of macroscopic behavior of soil and can be helpful in designing of tillage tools.
Several contact models were applied to contacts between spherical particles or clusters of spheres and were used
to model accurately post-harvest processes: bruise damage of apples, grain conveying, storage, discharge and
handling. [12] applied visco-elastic contact model and the multi-sphere method to predict bruise damage of apples
resulting from repeated impact loadings. [13] applied the multi-sphere method to model soybeans commingling in a
bucket elevator. [14] applied elastic-plastic and visco-elastic contact models for dry and wet rapeseed, respectively to
predict accurately discharge rate and its fluctuations. [15] , [16] applied spherical particles to model loads exerted on
silo inserts during discharge of grain and propagation of rarefaction wave during start of discharge.
Application of BPM to model interactions between agricultural materials and machinery during operational
processes allowed for better approximation of real processes. For modeling harvesting process, seeds or fruits are

usually modeled with use of the multi-sphere method while deformable straw or branches are modeled as elastic beams
with bending and tension thresholds.[17]applied BPM to predict efficiency of grain straw separation in the combine
harvester. Grain kernels were approximated by spheres and segmented straw particles were made up of rigid hollow
cylinders connected together by spherical joints providing flexibility of the particle. [18]applied similar approach to
model removal and separation of grape berries from stems in a commercial destemmer. Grape berries were
approximated by spheres and stems were built using bonded spherical particles. A berry was bonded to the end of the
main stem and each of the side stems by elastic bond of the tensile strength approximately six times lower as compared
to the strength of internal bonds of the stem. This approach appeared to be very useful in modeling particular unit
operations of crop harvesting: material transfer, threshing, cleaning.
BPM model appeared to be very useful in simulating interactions inside body of modeled objects subjected to
external loads:, grinding and milling of grain, testing strength of compacted biomaterials. [19] indicated that the DEM
modeling was able to predict correctly the size reduction of wheat kernels during milling in a roller mill and change
in particle size of the 1st break stream with the moisture content. DEM simulations of diametral compression of potato
starch tablets and wood sawdust pellets provided deeper insight into particle-particle bonding mechanisms and allowed
to reproduce well ductile, semi-ductile or brittle breakage modes which depended on pretreatment, material
composition and compression conditions [20], [21]. Wood sawdust pellets revealed a ductile breakage mode. Potato
starch agglomerates exhibited a brittle, semi-brittle, or ductile breakage mode, depending on the applied binder: sugar,
water, and gluten, respectively.
DEM proved to be useful to model interactions of biological materials with agricultural machinery at all stages of
agricultural production. It provides deeper understanding of linkage between micro- and macro-properties of
agricultural materials subjected to external loads. It becomes a convenient tool of optimization and design of
agricultural machinery [5].


There are still some challenges in improving efficiency of DEM modeling. Very complex behavior of biological
materials and strong dependence of properties on moisture content requires development of more advanced contact
models capable to describe better dynamic of processes. Further advances in DEM-FEM coupling are needed to
improve multi-scale modeling of the practical scale problems. Further advances in DEM-CFD coupling would
improve modeling of processes involving interactions of discrete particles with the gas/fluid phase such as fluidization,
pneumatic conveying or heat transfer during drying.

1. DEM has proved to be effective in studying numerous unit operations of biosystems engineering.
2. DEM allows for deeper insight into mechanisms of stress transmission in granular solids that enables investigations
of an effect of properties of individual particles on behavior of bed of particles.
3. The micro-properties introduced by the bonded particles model reproduce many features of behavior of solids
which is very helpful in modeling behavior of materials of biological origin .


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