Definition of Software

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Definition of Software

Today, there are various types of the application software used in systems,
but what exactly is software? The definition of software isn’t easy to maintain
as it has changed drastically as the software itself has evolved. To understand
the software better, one has to realize that, like most things technological, the
software has undergone significant changes over the years.

Application software is developed to help the users complete a particular

process; it could be communication, research, creativity, etc. This computer
program is designed to conduct one function only. It could be educational,
business, professional or personal.

Today, it is entirely different from what it started to be. Basically, the software
is a form of an extension of a command to a system. You can encode
particular software to act a certain way in a system. This scenario is what
makes it attachable to the system, and any system comprises various kinds of
such software. Without software in a system, it would be impossible to run
anything on it. Software majorly comes in two types: system software and
application software. Let’s discuss one by one.

1. System Software
System software is essentially software that has come within a system
and performs as a part of it. These are pre-installed in the design, and it
is not very easy to remove them from the system. Software like a
debugger or the run command is all coded inside a system. Many of
your daily functions on a system are performed by such system
2. Application Software
Application software, on the other hand, offers a diverse range of add-
on features and is available too in an ‘add-on’ format. The range of
application software has been seen from disk games and floppy drive
applications to any applications available online today.

Diverse types of application software offer different features. Each such

application software is designed to make your life easier in one way or
another. A lot of these focus on helping the user’s efficiency. Picking the
proper application for your use is very important, and it is always
advisable to do background research for the same.

One of the significant and essential things to note about application

software is that it cannot run independently. To run application software,
you have to use a system platform capable of supporting it. This kind of
software stands out and has a great user experience centered around
language development. That being said, it is only generated for a
specific system purpose. This scenario is why application software is
generally installed according to the user’s requirements. During the
installation procedure, the user has a certain level of decision-making
power. System software does not give the user this liberty and comes

You can find various types of application software in your system that
you have used at some point or the other. While there exists different
kinds of software applications, some of the most common are web
browsers, players, and other known applications.

Difference between System and Application

System software is pre-installed into a system and cannot usually be altered.
Most system software applications are seldom realized by users when they
are in use. While this software may be almost exclusively installed
beforehand, there are a handful of exceptions to this like:

 Device Drivers – Device drivers are generally considered to be

additional data to system software that update it. This scenario may
include everything from an exclusive update to simple bug fixes. It is
usually recommended that one should update their device drivers every
once in a while. While these come in externally, they are additional code
that helps system software to run faster and smoother. You can find
such drivers through manual procedures as well as through regular
updates. When your system requires new updates, it needs system
drivers that can update it.
 Translators – Translators are a must for most developers that have to
translate loads of code. They are not used by everyone and are mostly
in use to translate bulks of source code into machine language code
that can run error-free.

Application software, on the other hand, is technically non-essential to add to

the system. This kind of software can serve a long range of requirements and
hence comes under many such labels. For example, you can find types of
enterprise application software or even information worker software.
You can easily find its use in various domains and depending on the field of
work you’re in, you’ll indeed find some of these around you. Some examples
of these are databases, Spreadsheets, enterprise, and word software.

These always serve a single need and are extremely well developed
considering their smaller span of specialization. Depending on your software
needs, you can choose the apt application software that best suits yours as
well as the PC’s needs. More often than not, the user can find various
competing application software to give the solution to a similar problem and
offer a similar service.

What precisely is Application Software, its

functions & what are its types?
Application software can be seen as detailed computer programs that perform
specific functions. These functions can range from educational and
professional needs to entertainment and travel needs; the variety of options is
simply undeniable. These can also be referred to as productivity programs or
simply end-user programs. Application software is like icing on the cake, the
base of which can be seen in system software. They are meant to fulfill
different roles that help enhance your system’s overall utility by delivering
value on different fronts.

What are application software and its types then becomes an important
aspect to explore. All kinds of computer-based application software come with
selective utility. Their role is to assist you with specific processes related to
communication, productivity, or simply creativity. Together, they are meant to
help you with the everyday tasks you need to engage with on your computer.
Be it the most complex calculations or simple note-taking; application software
helps you with it all.

Application Softwares come with assigned specific functions, and they remain
within these confines whatsoever. Let us take examples of browsers,
PowerPoint presentation apps, note-taking apps, etc. Each of them has a
defined role that they cling to with a string of supportive features.

Choosing the right application software for professional and personal

purposes is essential. The right choice on this front can help enhance utility
and boost overall efficiency. It is therefore important not to go in for the wrong
resources that are cumbersome and time-consuming. Let us take a look at the
essential application software that can rescue you professionally and

Types of Application Software

Application software can broadly be categorized into the following types. The
category you opt for depends on your work-related needs. However, this is a
broad classification of general application software. Looking at these, it
becomes easier for us to establish a general definition of software when
talking about application software.

1. Web browsers
2. Presentation software
3. Spreadsheet software
4. Graphic software
5. Word processors
6. Database software
7. Multimedia software
8. Education software
9. Information software
10. Content access software

1. Web browsers: These types of application software assist the users in

accessing websites and conducting research. They help users retrieve
information and explore the World Wide Web. Prevalent web browsers
are Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, Safari, etc. These
browsers allow users to access search engines like Google, Bing,
Yahoo, etc., to conduct research and surf the web.

As a software application, web browsers facilitate easy surfing of the

internet. You can make use of these to quickly locate information across
the web.

2. Presentation software: This application software is built for personal

and professional use. It is designed to assist the users in creating
presentations with information and ideas. These software applications
used by businesses gives the ease of making a presentation at the push
of a button.

Some of the key elements of presentation software are:

 Text editor: Presentation software contains the option of a text
editor, where one can put their text and style it.
 Multimedia files: Presentation software contains the facility of
adding and animating graphics, texts, multimedia, and videos.
 Slideshows: Presentation software help in conducting a
slideshow for the presentation also.

A few famous examples of this are Microsoft’s PowerPoint,

Google Slides, and Apple’s Keynote. These presentation
applications are essential to creating an engaging and informative

They allow the easy visual presentation of data with the help of
various tools. Information can be presented easily in the form of

3. Spreadsheet software: Representation of data in tabular form is

possible through spreadsheet software. They allow easy calculations
through formulas and functions.

Spreadsheet software that helps analyze, store, and organize data.

They assist in effortlessly conducting complex calculations and
managing data. All the data is neatly arranged in rows and columns.
Users can use spreadsheet software to perform mathematical
calculations. The most used application software in this field is Microsoft
Excel, Google Sheets, and Apple Numbers.

4. Graphic software: Graphics software allows easy editing of visual data.

It makes room for picture editing and illustration.

Graphics software assists users in creating illustrations and pictures

through software. Examples of application software include Adobe
Photoshop and PaintShop pro.

5. Word processors: Word processor software allows formulation,

beautification, and manipulation of text. They allow a wide variety of
features to make room for effective text consolidation and editing.

This software helps the user input, edit, format, and give text output.
Moreover, these types of software help create an exquisite visual
experience by providing access to a thesaurus, synonyms, etc. Apart
from that, the software includes font styles, colors, size, etc.
Examples of application software are Appleworks, Wordpad, Notepad,
Google Docs, Microsoft Word Docs, etc.

6. Database software: Known popularly as database management

software, this software helps with effective data management. This
software allows easy organization of data and effortless access to it.

DBMS or Database Management System is an application built for

managing, extracting, storing, and searching for information within a
single database. While searching DBMS, this software accesses data
through modification. A few examples of DBMS are MS Access, Oracle,
and MySQL.

7. Multimedia software: Such software allows easy creation of audio,

video, or pictorial files. They deal with all basic multimedia creation and
sharing. They come with a wide variety of tools to facilitate the same.

This software is specially built to record, create and edit audio and video
files. It is a significant part of the entertainment, telecommunications,
and media industry.

Multimedia software helps in enhancing the visual and auditory

experience of any multimedia. Users can combine audio, texts, images,
and animations in multimedia software.

8. Education software: Any software that enhances the learning

experience is called education software. This kind of software is used in
classroom setups where teachers impart knowledge to students. For
example, education software makes it easier to conduct lectures with
visual and auditory experiences to make learning fun and easy.
Standards of education software include ProProfs, Schoology, Google
Classroom, TalentLMS, Litmos, etc.

Academic or educational software is designed to take care of learning

and tutorials. Functional across various academic domains, they allow
easy and immersive education.

Other important kinds of software can be seen in content access

software, Freeware, Shareware, etc. Each of them fulfills a specific
function that allows easy computer usage and redefines technology in
our day and age. Such involvement with the software makes it
necessary to ponder the vital question that revolves around the future of
software. Let us look at the future of software, and what potential
custom software has in store.

The Future of Softwares and Custom

With the world taking an entirely technological turn, the future of software
seems brighter than ever. Various application softwares continue to emerge
and evolve, and these applications together aid the everyday tasks that we
fulfill through the use of computers. Software applications have now begun
taking to a new tangent with such excessive demand in the market for them.

Due to the current need and craze for varied software applications, custom
software development has become an inevitable reality. The presence of
customization in this field helps create precise and unique software
applications that speak for a particular brand, business, or idea.

Users/organizations can have a unique software tailor-made for their

organization. Organizations vary in size and functions; based on this, they can
ask their software developers to customize a software best suited for their

The simplest and the most complicated of software ideas can now be put to
work with the help of proper ideation and with the assistance of a top software
development company. This is why it is relatively easy and suitable to say that
the future of application software seems to be hogging all the limelight.
Conclusively, the application software will continue to develop and evolve on
the go.

Benefits of Application Software for

Every organization, professional, or educational needs application software.
Application software has many hidden benefits like:
Informed Decision Making: Many applications software help conduct risk
analysis and resource management. These elements are essential for every
organization, and application software help solves such obstacles.
Magnified Productivity: With data management and organizational skills,
application software help eliminates risks, thus enhancing the productivity of

Flexible and dedicated operations: Application software helps delegate

tasks and manage resources. Application software can seamlessly work in an

Enhance Customer Relations: CRM software can help an organization

manage its customers and interactions with them without a hitch. An
organization can immensely benefit from application software with
spreadsheets, calendars, and calendars.

Data Security: Application software comes with a great deal of security.

Users can have their application software custom-made to suit their needs
and thus intelligently process data.

Custom-made software: Organizations can get their software built for

themselves. Many software service providers custom make application
software according to the organization’s need.

Seamless Management: With zero to almost nil human errors, application

software is excellent in eliminating risks, conducting research, differentiating
tasks, and providing solutions. Application software helps in providing a
seamless experience and management.

Type of Business Software You Should

Clearly understanding application software is significant. Business application
software is the type of software that helps solve a particular organizational
problem. These applications are specifically built to support a complete
business function and enhance the efficiency of the operations. A few helpful
and popular types of business software include:

 ERP Software or Enterprise Resource Planning

This software helps in the smooth functioning of everyday business
activities. These activities may include accounting, project management,
risk management, procurement, supply chain management,
manufacturing, etc.
An ERP Software helps an organization plan a budget and predict and
report a financial result. In addition, the software helps in cost
reductions and creating standard operating procedures.
 Resource Management Software
Resource Management Software helps allocate and assign roles to
employees as per a project’s requirement. In addition, it helps in the
smooth functioning of multiple projects and the resources used in them.
Some popular resource management software is Mavenlink,, Forecast, etc.
 Project Management Software
Project Management software helps plan and divide resources in a
project in the best manner for the product. These kinds of software help
in quality management and compiling documents. This software might
also play a role in administration systems. Trello, Basecamp, and Zoho
Projects are excellent examples of these project management software.
 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software
Customer Relationship Management Software is essential application
software that helps businesses efficiently administer their conversations
and interactions with their customers. It provides easy data analysis and
helps in reaching the perfect target customer. The leading CRM
software examples are Salesforce, NetSuite CRM, Sales Cloud, and
Zoho CRM.
 BPM (Business Process Management) Software
Business Process Management Software is built to optimize business
processes methodically. It helps in modeling, defining, and automating
workflow processes with the premium intention of increasing the results
in a business. In addition, this software helps in minimizing the risks and
errors. The current leading software in BPM is Zoho Creator, Kissflow,
ProcessMaker, and Nintex.
 Educational Software
This software is developed to assist in imparting tips and tricks to the
users. It makes the learning process easy and can help employers
impart a fun learning experience for their employees. This software
conducts lessons and creates content and classrooms for professional
and student-related data. Examples of this application software are
Google Classroom, Talent LMS, ProProfs, Litmos, etc.

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For Senior Secondary Schools.
By odudimu olutayo olugbenga
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