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Accounting for Government and Nonprofit Organization 1

Course Project

Name: [Nova, Nevan Keev, V.]

Student No. 2024-0134793
Program: BSA - Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Date: March 21, 2024

Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organizations

Nonprofit Organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are organizations created to further
a specific developmental or charitable goal and are neither privately owned businesses nor government
agencies. In this course project, make an essay discussing your understanding about Nonprofit and
Nongovernmental Organizations.

Essay: What is your understanding of Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organizations? Discuss

Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) is a type of organization wherein they are not
associated nor dependent on any affiliation with a person or organization. Rather, their main goal and purpose is
to promote social, ethical, or environmental improvement/goals. In addition, these Nongovernmental
Organizations are different from other types of organizations (i.e. companies) since their main goal is not to
generate profit but to address a specific social issue such as poverty, crime, and civil rights. While NGOs
operate under different structures and missions, their common and end goal is to serve the public and improve
the current situation.

In my understanding, NGOs main roles in society are the following:

1. Advocacy - NGOs often bring light to social issues which may have been forgotten by the public. Issues such
as public health, gender rights, and discrimination are some of the issues which NGOs aim to change through
public help and policy changes.
2. Service - NGOs provide essential services to the poor and impoverished communities. NGOs provide easily
accessible healthcare, education, food, and clean water to these communities. In addition, they are able to fill in
the gaps by the government.
3. Social improvement - NGOs mainly aim to eradicate social issues such as lack of basic human rights, disease,
poor sanitation, malnutrition, and deforestation.

Course Project
NGOs mainly get their funding for their operations through different methods. The most evident ones
are the donations that they get from individuals or companies that believe and want to contribute to the NGOs
mission. The second one is grants given by both local and international governments in order to fund the NGO’s
projects. Membership fees are also a source of funds for NGOs since these fees add to their financial needs.
Through these different funding sources, NGOs are able to survive, fund their projects, and help the society.

NGOs serve as an important part of our society since they provide invaluable help to people and fill the
gaps left unattended by the government. In addition, they draw attention to urgent and/or forgotten social
concerns which have a deep and profound impact on the marginalized communities (e.g poor communities).
Furthermore, these NGOs do all this social work without monetary benefit or to gain revenue. Given their
impacts to society and social welfare, it is right and fitting that they be granted tax exemptions as a way of
recognition for their contributions to the betterment of our society.


ACTG6487: Lesson 7: Non-profit Organizations and Nongovernmental organizations. (2020).

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