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Writing a literature review for financial management systems can be a daunting task for many

individuals. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize information
from various sources to provide a comprehensive overview of existing literature on the topic.

One of the primary challenges of writing a literature review is the sheer volume of academic papers,
articles, books, and other sources available. Sifting through this vast amount of information to
identify relevant and credible sources can be time-consuming and overwhelming.

Additionally, organizing the information in a coherent and logical manner while addressing key
themes, trends, and debates in the field requires careful planning and attention to detail. It's essential
to strike a balance between summarizing existing research and offering insightful interpretations and

Furthermore, maintaining academic rigor and ensuring that your literature review is up-to-date with
the latest developments in the field adds another layer of complexity. It often involves constantly
revisiting and revising the review as new research emerges.

Given the challenges involved in writing a literature review, many individuals may find it beneficial
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In conclusion, while writing a literature review for financial management systems can be
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Dattachaudhuri A, Biswas S, Sarkar S, Boruah AN (2020b) Transparent decision support system for
credit risk evaluation: an automated credit approval system. Tyoelakeyhtio Elo Indistinguishable
from Magic: How the Cybersecurity Market Reached a Trillion. For instance, Liu et al. ( 2021 )
propose a logistic regression model empowered with cross-features generated through deep neural
networks, which they apply to multiple public and business datasets from real-world credit risk
assessment applications. Further, partial dependence plots (see Fig. 3 ) visualize the model by
showing how a single variable influences the prediction outcome aggregated for several observations.
Currently, multiple XAI methods apply to areas of Finance such as risk management and the stock
market. The outcomeshows that the general alertness in relation to the techniques and planning tools
related to the finance among women are in the current scenario is still not satisfactory.Thestudy has
also addressed various aspects that are crucial and significant that is also related to the financial
concept, financial products,and services etc. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as
single issues or ongoing subscriptions. These areas may benefit from applying new yet unused XAI
methods, which we do not list in our overview in Table 5, or from comparing research between the
methods mentioned above to acquire a broader perspective on the subject at hand, e.g., comparing
transparent models and post-hoc explainability. Alternatively, existing knowledge in the company
about specific XAI models can be used, and possible application scenarios can be identified. The
study concludes that the legal systems are in place in all areas, as well as the attendant procedures,
rules and regulations. In case external liabilities are more than that of the assets of the company, it
shows the unsound. Particularly in Finance—and the correspondingly sensitive data—e.g., privacy
awareness is of decisive importance and may even be required by regulation. It also makes an
attempt to identify the major players in the field of financial literacy and summarize their growing
efforts in the field. Foreign exchange market (forex market) Foreign exchange market (forex market)
Commercial papers Commercial papers Foreign banks in india Foreign banks in india Kumar
Mangalam Birla committee Kumar Mangalam Birla committee investors' perception towards
investment avenues with reference to mangalore. Within the next step, we evaluated these
publications in detail according to their full texts. A ratio equal to or near 2: 1 is considered as a
standard or. The founders of AI gave the first definition as “ making a machine behave in ways that
would be called intelligent if a human were so behaving ” (McCarthy et al. 1955, p. 11). More
recently, Russell et al. ( 2016 ) systematized eight currently discussed definitions by seeking human
intelligence or rationality and focusing on either thinking or acting. Thus, explainability is twofold,
leading to model explainability, i.e., the ability of the system to reveal its inner workings, and human
understandability, i.e., the capability of humans to understand the factors and the knowledge
contained within an AI model. Microfinance: is a source of financial services for small businesses
lacking access to banking and related. Accordingly, it makes sense to extend the focus of previous
research to the yet understudies pressing areas as well as further Finance areas not yet that present in
the scholarly discussion. A series of tangible trends underpin the growing worldwide interest in
financial literacy as a major life skill, thus, this study set to review the influence of financial literacy
on the performance of the SMEs from Nigeria's context. As most articles were published in outlets
without a rating by VHB, we conclude that research predominantly took an application point of
view, thus, possibly, neglecting the theory-building and development part of research. The practical
use of such systems is highly regulated. The relevant literature is investigated based on two
directions. Training should be the focus of any future technical assistance, following the lead of
existing IMF training programmes. Table 3 provides an overview of the respective articles dealing
with specific XAI goals. A low inventory turnover implies over-investment in inventories, dull
business, poor quality. A great number of people from both developed and developing countries are
reported to be financially illiterate. Model-specific methods can only be applied to their respective
category of AI models such as, e.g., ensembles and multiple classifier systems, support vector
machines (SVMs), and neural networks. 3 For the latter, simplification techniques like DeepLIFT
compute importance scores for multi-layer neural networks. Here, using AI that is by design
interpretable, as its outcome consists of parameters of fuzzy inference rules (transparent XAI model),
supports the cause of XAI (Bekiros 2010 ).
Part A establishing the fundamental of principles of professional ethics for professional accountants
and also provide conceptual framework for applying these principles. Control system rests on
adequate and comprehensive analysis of enterprise-wide risks. Padmanabhan B, Fang X, Sahoo N,
Burton-Jones A (2022) Machine learning in information systems research. For instance, post-hoc
explainability methods are independent of the AI models they explain, which might require a distinct
legislative approach for the former than for the latter. Use the balance sheet to review the financial
condition of a business, as of a given period, by looking at how it manages its Asset, Liabilities and
Equity. It identifies the gap between the current (problem) state and desired (goal) state of a process
or product. The term Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion has become a buzz word and the
reason behind this is Pradhan Mnathri Jan Dhan Yojana and the quote given by honourable Prime
Minister Shri Narender Modi is “ Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas ”. We also try to look on the accounting
standard parts which allow creative accounting and how it should be modified by the accounting
authorities to reduce the effect of creative accounting because in present scenario, the accounting
standards have some loopholes which provide alternative methods of accounting e.g. Recognition of
revenue, methods charging for depreciation, recognition of cost etc. Accuracy is the primary goal of
any appraisal system. The paper would use secondary data from different sources like newspapers,
websites, research papers, etc. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Vendor Management System on a regular
basis to manage contact.. Retrieve Here The Role Of Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
In. Rosati R, Romeo L, Goday CA et al (2020) Machine learning in capital markets: decision support
system for outcome analysis. David Zibriczky Fast ALS-Based Matrix Factorization for
Recommender Systems Fast ALS-Based Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems David
Zibriczky EPG content recommendation in large scale: a case study on interactive TV pla. LIME is
a rule extraction technique and builds locally linear models around the prediction of the model that it
tries to explain (Ribeiro et al. 2016 ). Other well-known model-agnostic techniques, such as Shapley
Additive explanations (SHAP), fall within the feature relevance explanation. Share to Twitter Share
to Facebook Share to Pinterest. This unintelligibility creates a barrier concerning explainability and
ultimately hinders the practical deployment of AI models, especially in highly-regulated application
domains like Finance. In addition, this study only examined Finance areas pressing and predestined
for applying XAI in Finance or even requiring explainability. Besides, we limited the search to
publications since 2010 to provide a more recent overview of current research in a rapidly changing
environment of XAI research endeavors. This paper summarizes the growing efforts in the field of
financial literacy.An attempt has been made to understand the meaning of financial literacy and
identify the need for it taking into consideration the previous research and literature as back ground.
Please it has been extensively used in Canadian and UK literature since the Trudeau also established
the Foreign Investment Review Agency to regulate foreign investment in the economy and limit the
takeover of Canadian-owned. Supplementary file1 (PDF 179 KB) Rights and permissions. It is
expected to largely change society through productivity-enhancing automation and job replacement.
As for the list of XAI goals, we base our coding of XAI methods on prior literature (e.g., Arrieta et
al. 2019 ). We distinguish between transparent AI models, which are interpretable without any
further additions, and so-called post-hoc explainability, which complements existing AI models to
create or improve their interpretability. The search took place from October 2021 to January 2022 to
provide the most recent picture of current research, up to and including the year 2021. Moreover,
and most importantly, this study supports policymakers in establishing more specific regulations and
prerequisites for using AI-based systems in Finance. This study aggregates yet scattered research on
XAI in Finance to provide more copious and easier access to XAI in Finance, and thus brings us one
step closer to unlocking the full potential of such systems in this industrial sector. Open Access
funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. Download Free PDF View PDF ASR Chiang Mai
University Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities The Financial Literacy of College Students:
Evidence From India Manju Dahiya This article attempts to assess the financial literacy of college
students in India through the application of a questionnaire. Carta SM, Consoli S, Piras L et al
(2021) Explainable machine learning exploiting news and domain-specific lexicon for stock market
View This Document A Guide To Public Financial management literature - WHO Capacity and
political and economic realities pose for the ideal PFM system. Mba projects free Foreign exchange
market (forex market) Foreign exchange market (forex market) neelakshi81 Commercial papers
Commercial papers Tata Mutual Fund Foreign banks in india Foreign banks in india Mirali
Madhuchhand Kumar Mangalam Birla committee Kumar Mangalam Birla committee Suaj investors'
perception towards investment avenues with reference to mangalore. Furthermore, some national
authorities, e.g., the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, enforce additional
requirements on the financial industry in particular, e.g., about the traceability of decisions and thus
increased transparency (Pasquale 2015; BaFin 2018 ), which has always played an essential role
(Vishwanath and Kaufmann 1999 ). This process gives the researchers on idea on how to monetize
the system to avoid some conflict issues. Still, the domain continuously uses and adapts to new
technological opportunities (Gimpel et al. 2018; Zheng et al. 2019 ), like AI and XAI. More
precisely, forthcoming researchers should focus on underrepresented areas. In this vein, this study
should anchor XAI usage in Finance. Nevertheless, these industries are predestined for the
application of AI systems due to the vast amounts of available data and automatable processes.
Hence, Finance managers planning to adopt XAI might consider our work an initial overview. We
included peer-reviewed publications in leading international journals and conference proceedings to
ensure high-quality standards. However, the reasons for these recommendations are often not
transparent or comprehensible, leading to implementation resentment. Accordingly, this paper
supports them in identifying already acceptable methods from a regulatory point of view, especially
by motivating future research in this field of application. We also try to look on the accounting
standard parts which allow creative accounting and how it should be modified by the accounting
authorities to reduce the effect of creative accounting because in present scenario, the accounting
standards have some loopholes which provide alternative methods of accounting e.g. Recognition of
revenue, methods charging for depreciation, recognition of cost etc. Sageder M, Mitter C, Feldbauer-
Durstmuller B (2018) Image and reputation of family firms: a systematic literature review of the
state of research. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. Also, in this, we follow
other SLRs (e.g., Bouncken et al. 2015; Sageder et al. 2018; Malinova and Mendling 2021 )..
References Abdel-Karim BM, Pfeuffer N, Hinz O (2021) Machine learning in information systems-a
bibliographic review and open research issues. Research from other sectors is also included to the
extent that it. Our review provides an easy-to-follow, low-threshold, comprehensive overview for
interested practitioners willing to get acquainted with XAI in Finance. In simple words it indicates
the number of times average debtors. To the best of our knowledge, there is no research reviewing
the application of XAI in Finance on a broader level, albeit the necessity to implement XAI methods
to ensure legally binding traceability and transparency of decisions made by the system in the
financial industry. The purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for recommender system- and
financial experts to work out further scientific contributions in this field. We provide basics of XAI
method application in Finance, next to areas of Finance where XAI employment is likely fruitful and
pressing. Although liquidity ratio is more rigorous test of liquidity than the current ratio, yet it
should. American Journal of Business Education course, this essay addresses financial statement
analysis, including its impact on stock valuation, disclosure, and managerial behavior. Summing up,
the search focused on publications addressing XAI in the financial context while excluding prior
research emphasizing AI or other application scenarios (e.g., Healthcare, Automotive). In 1988, they
sent copies of questionnaire to auditors and companies and got 15(out of 22) respondents that had
had experience of auditing companies (7%) never encountered problem of creative accounting, 73%
had found between 1 and 5 examples and 3(20%) had come across more than 5 examples. History
revealed various socio-demographic and psychosocial factors. Besides, theorists may benefit from
our study employing it as an overview of current research on XAI and especially in Finance. Er zijn
al Dance 4 Fans lessen voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar, maar natuurlijk verzorgen wij deze ook voor jeugd
en volwassenen. Analysis of the data on Ratio: Ratio analysis is one of the techniques of financial
analysis to evaluate the financial condition and performance of a business concern.
LITERATURE REVIEW Positive Accounting Theory Positive accounting theory explains why. This
is predominantly known as understandability in the XAI literature and denotes specifically the model
characteristics that help a human understand how the AI system works (Montavon et al. 2018 ).
Additionally, this is tied to interpretability, which we can define as the ability to provide a model
with meaning in understandable terms to humans through, e.g., transparency, if an AI model is by
itself understandable. Zhu Y, Yi C, Chen Y (2020) Utilizing macroeconomic factors for sector
rotation based on interpretable machine learning and explainable AI. More precisely, forthcoming
researchers should focus on underrepresented areas. The application of AI models may improve this
process by handling large amounts of data and detecting anomalies, thus revealing potential money
laundering cases. In: Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on AI in finance. This is
where Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods can help to counteract these adoption and
implementation hurdles and exploit automation's full potential in regulated industries like Finance.
On the contrary, they argue, the purpose of financial reporting is to obtain cheap capital. Footnote 2
In research, AI is considered a subarea of Computer Science (CS) (Shapiro 1992 ). Lusinga M,
Mokoena T, Modupe A, Mariate V (2021) Investigating statistical and machine learning techniques
to improve the credit approval process in developing countries. Fetch Content Chapter 3: Literature
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Read Article The Impact Of Management Information System On The Overall. The study would
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literacy, the sources of financial matters, the challenges they meet and their attitude and behaviour in
obtaining their financial goals. A look at the role Payroll Tax Reduction - One Approach to a Carbon
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figures which are fed twice a year to the investing public have all been changed in order to protect
the guilty. These factors could improve efficiency and transparency through direct payments to
suppliers and contractors, reduced prices due to gains based on the time value of money, as well as
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units within government on execution, reporting, and thoroughness of budget transactions. Literature
review The current ratio and the quick ratio rely on the values identified as current assets and current
liabilities in the Statement of Financial Position.. Return Doc FACTORS INFLUENCING THE
COMPANIES’ PROFITABILITY A synthetic picture of the company’s financial position and
Literature review of financial analysis computed mainly as rates of the balance sheet, such as Fixed
Assets Ratio, Sales to Current Assets Ration, Sales to equity Ratio, Debt Ratio, Gross Margin Return
on. This process help the researcher on how to make a efficiency and user friendly system that could
be useful for the people. Indistinguishable from Magic: How the Cybersecurity Market Reached a
Trillion. The volume of sales can be increased by following a liberal. Tone at the top: the effects of
gender board diversity on gender wage inequal. The focus on XAI application in specific Finance
areas may impose another limitation.
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CHAPTER II. By locking-in asset prices, derivative products minimize impact of fluctuations in
asset prices. The last step of the SLR covered the coding of the final publication set. But there are
also some sentiments of greed, self- sufficiency than those related to good behavior. In: Proceedings
of the first ACM international conference on AI in finance. Research questions and method 17
operating and financial review, risk reporting and the corporate governance statement. In. Fetch Doc
Corporate Social Responsibility And Financial Performance. A ratio equal to or near 2: 1 is
considered as a standard or. View This Document Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
The Washington State Legislature funded a modern enterprise-wide payroll and HR management
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System Review Date Issued. Generally, they are easy to understand for a human decision-maker as
they easily represent input features and the output variable. Up-and-coming scientists may evaluate
the application of other XAI methods, e.g., rule-based learners or SVMs, to these areas to advance
research and help practitioners employ AI models complemented with explainability. Foreign
exchange market (forex market) Foreign exchange market (forex market) Commercial papers
Commercial papers Foreign banks in india Foreign banks in india Kumar Mangalam Birla committee
Kumar Mangalam Birla committee investors' perception towards investment avenues with reference
to mangalore. It also makes an attempt to identify the major players in the field of financial literacy
and summarize their growing efforts in the field. The respondents were asked about different
questions related to financial literacy like saving Bank Deposits, Post Office Saving Schemes,
Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Stock market etc. In the lower bar of Fig. 7, we can see the
distribution of the rankings the respective publication outlets received. In: Proceedings of the 44th
international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval. We find
a balanced distribution by looking at the publication form the authors in our subsample chose. Thus,
we developed a multiple classification-coding scheme (i.e., coders can assign one publication to
several classifications). We also discussed about different types of creative accounting and parties
involved in it and what are the motivation factors so that people are involved in creative accounting
techniques. Due to the recent increase in publications, a reasonable amount of overlap between
specific research streams emerged. Real estate: a property consisting of the land, its natural resources
and the buildings on it. This means that an average one dollar invested in stock will turn into ten
times in sales. Finally, our research results also emphasize the need for XAI compared to mere AI
deployment in Finance. The development of a barangay office management system enables the users
to manage and print barangay citizen’s request and financial records and reports such as: payroll for
honoraria and allowance, Disbursement Voucher, purchase orders, etc. ( Fifty-
four publications finally matched the search criteria and research goals. Figure 2 shows the individual
observations, plotting the mortgage rate on the x-axis and the bank solvency (measured as the level
of regulatory capital among risk-weighted assets) on the y-axis. Narrative Reporting: Analysts’
Perceptions of its Value and Relevance Literature review 10 3. Looking for existing XAI applications
in their specific Finance areas, they may consult our study to learn about ready-to-employ solutions
to add transparency and explainability to their yet black-box nature AI-based systems or not-yet
automated processes. Individuals’ electronic financial transactions are highly personal (Achituve et
al. 2019 ). Thus, applications based on these transactions include the risk of privacy intrusions and
discrimination. I really appreciate this and will send thank yous to each in Read more Advertisement
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It also makes an attempt to identify the major players in the field of financial literacy and summarize
their growing efforts in the field. There is found to be slackness in observing and enforcing the rules
and regulations. Literature review The current ratio and the quick ratio rely on the values identified
as current assets and current liabilities in the Statement of Financial Position.. Return Doc FACTORS
INFLUENCING THE COMPANIES’ PROFITABILITY A synthetic picture of the company’s
financial position and Literature review of financial analysis computed mainly as rates of the balance
sheet, such as Fixed Assets Ratio, Sales to Current Assets Ration, Sales to equity Ratio, Debt Ratio,
Gross Margin Return on. Part B and Part C illustrates how the conceptual framework should be
applied in specific situations where Part A is not applicable code recognizes that accounting. By
HRMantra - YouTube Payroll For all by HRMantra hrmantra. Average inventory and cost of goods
sold are the two elements of this ratio. Average. Insurance rider: provision of an insurance policy that
that provides additional benefits at additional cost. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. A Combination of Simple Models by Forward Predictor Selection for Job Recomme.
Investment Return 10 Return on Equity 10 Earnings per Share 10 2. With hindsight a few favorable
circumstances to this concept can be identified, circumstances first related to the economical advent
of world states but at the same time to need of economic entities to create for them a good
reputation in an increasingly competitive and tough economic environment. In a county like India,
the half populace is female thus financial education is must for all irrespective of gender; their
commitment to financial development is an unquestionable requirement. Doran D, Schulz S, Besold
TR (2017) What does explainable AI really mean. It is essential and beneficial to have a broad
understanding of XAI in Finance regarding specific goals, methods, and areas. Starting with review
of prior literature surveys, the current study advances personal finance literature by presenting recent
studies on financial literacy, the link between financial literacy and financial management behavior,
and financial inclusion. Practitioners, such as legislators, regulators, and Finance managers, benefit
from our research, as we provide basics of XAI methods employed in Finance, a yet dispersed
research area. It identifies the gap between the current (problem) state and desired (goal) state of a
process or product. Get Document Human Resource Information System (HRIS): - IOSR Journals
Human Resource Information System (HRIS): Important payroll, management, and accounting
functions within a business. Financial institutions may use this classification to present value-adding
products to customers like digital financial advisors. Footnote 3 Transparent models must satisfy
specific properties to be explainable to decision-makers. Derived results of an SLR target researchers
and practitioners (Kitchenham et al. 2011; van Aaken and Buchner 2020 ). Upload Read for free
FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is
Scribd. Our research offers broad guidance for scientists to understand the growing emphasis on XAI
in Finance research, which we also found in other domains (Wells and Bednarz 2021; Islam et al.
2022 ). When looking at the disciplines that focused on XAI in Finance, we found a minority of
research rooted in the Finance discipline. Download Free PDF View PDF MEASUREMENT OF
FINANCIAL LITERACY AARF Publications Journals, monika aggarwal The need for financial
literacy has become increasingly significant with the deregulation of financial markets and the easier
access to credit; the ready issue of credit cards; the rapid growth in marketing of financial products
and the government's encouragement for people to take more responsibility for their retirement
incomes. Although liquidity ratio is more rigorous test of liquidity than the current ratio, yet it
should. Accordingly, this represents an important future research endeavor to examine and consider
compliance with existing laws and regulations during the development and testing of methodologies.
Fetch Document Does Financial Performance Depend On Hotel Size. By this the researcher can
make the design and function that is unique for this system, and a user friendly system. This
evidence has led to the launch of financial literacy programs in many countries. The images or other
third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless
indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material.
It may be characterized by excessive complication and using innovative ways of characterizing
income, assets and liabilities. Furthermore, some national authorities, e.g., the German Federal
Financial Supervisory Authority, enforce additional requirements on the financial industry in
particular, e.g., about the traceability of decisions and thus increased transparency (Pasquale 2015;
BaFin 2018 ), which has always played an essential role (Vishwanath and Kaufmann 1999 ). These
are the some questions for which we want to search the answer. In 1988, they sent copies of
questionnaire to auditors and companies and got 15(out of 22) respondents that had had experience
of auditing companies (7%) never encountered problem of creative accounting, 73% had found
between 1 and 5 examples and 3(20%) had come across more than 5 examples. Benard Mulwa
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PA: A Legacy of Academic Excellence, Leadership Prowess. The study concludes that the legal
systems are in place in all areas, as well as the attendant procedures, rules and regulations. Horizontal
analysis also known as trend analysis is a financial statement analysis technique that shows changes
in the amounts of corresponding financial statement items over a period of time. Majak Download
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Plan Questions Checklist Dissertation Topics Information Management Howard Zinn Chapter 4
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Sample. The average collection period ratio represents the average number of days for which a firm.
At the same time, there are Russian sensitivities to take into account. Ashok Leyland has not good
not position in solvency ratio. A relatively high current ratio is an indication that the firm is liquid
and has the ability to. These goals, presented in Table 1, relate to what XAI aspires to compel. The
trade debtors for the purpose of this ratio include the. Tone at the top: the effects of gender board
diversity on gender wage inequal. In: Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on AI in
finance. For instance, they could enhance their employees’ technical skills by educating them about
XAI methods from our aggregated research endeavors, e.g., decision trees, a rather widely applied
XAI method in Finance, or ensembles and multiple classifier systems, a yet relatively rarely used
XAI method in Finance. 5.3 Future research The results reveal several further research avenues worth
evaluating: We highly encourage future scientists to further enrich the research on XAI application in
Finance. Since cash is the most powerful working capital component, the collection and payment of
cash must be studied carefully. Hello everyone! Today we'll cover the very basics on how to become
a res. As a result enhancing financial literacy and personal finance education becomes relevant policy
in developed and high income countries since the mid-1900s. Ratio analysis is one of the techniques
of financial analysis to evaluate the financial condition. In this vein, the need for XAI emerged, as it
supports the evaluation and justification of AI systems (Zheng et al. 2019; Meske et al. 2022 ).
Recent calls for, e.g., trustworthy (Thiebes et al. 2021 ) or sustainable AI (Bawack et al. 2022 )
underline the need for an exaggerated concept of AI. Who are the parties who will get the benefits of
creative accounting and what is the after effect of creative accounting on the life of the organization.
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology in Agriculture by SOUMIQUE A. The study
also investigates the relationship between the dimensions of financial literacy. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript. GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media with
custom GIFs. Dr Jay Prakash Singh, Associate Professor Department of Education Netaji Subh.
Padmanabhan B, Fang X, Sahoo N, Burton-Jones A (2022) Machine learning in information systems

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