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SDN ASsiqnment

Ngme . Pravio Sqnlosh Lokhgnde



.1. AYite diference belueen

SDN achitecture NFV is tarqehed a

mainiy focus on daBa Sesvlce provi ders or

centers operafers

SoHodte detoed NFV helps serufce

neiudori seperates Provider $ of operafor Fo

Controlptane vifglize funct on \ike

datafo(warding plane oad balgodng <ouHas,
by centralizln g and polty management
control and proqsamna bi lil by tcans Fering
of netoosl

SDH stands for NWFstands fo

softuoare deffned netoosle funcho) virugizah

SON Uses .opentouo qs There S noo Protoco

commyqicatto etesminei yet for NFU

SDHcaAtrel SAPPos HEV is 4iven by G.TSI HFV

o peo oehwor\c foundahin

Coporate IT ack as Service poviders a Dperq he
buisness initlahS for buisnesS inHob
r i l e do0 difference betoee al oenf00 yessio

Versido of Release Number featyrey

openfloo ale of heades

,0OF Dec 2009 12 Spporting a fh table

matchin in he ffve


,1DF Feb 20 multipie tabeës, supposting

ALAH /untcash mulkt

1,20F Det 2o
Toultiple controlles,

1,30F Tun 2p2 40 mulkiple parqllel

channels D the
Soitc and Conttolle
s4pposting g00.lan PB

1, hoF Och 2013

Suppostio ophicu
poss quddual
erelopmtt and
s meter And rop table 7 H_o mey.
C. 3 dha 4able

or O openffod .

Meler able
Open flo defes 'dbstsqcfion knounaS
nete 4able

whch simply contqf9S o s of neter.

There v9etersTecieverSS packet qs înpu and

send pgcket a oufpG

Group table
G5O4p tqble represenbs SeF of qttion far
as oell as more eompl sqrding

ndisect àN, raups also

.AS geneqi Igyer o
Floo enhies to fosdar to q
enable mulHiple
snqle 4entiher

to Thave imihs
etoe 4able enables. open to. rate

and Smple OS. Tt

t ddsd Can be use fov more comploy OOS

afouP table contains 45P YOYP Aypee

Conte achon bu.

st Rxecuke the oailqole ouckG

4 WhaB he
qre Sotfuare pentfa saitChes, Exph»y
in detqtl

sofluave Openflo Suoitches

IPS Ahe simplest uay of credhag
SDN alice becque +he flou abls
foud enses gnd mach fhel&s nwoluce
aceeasl. qenerate
qene Soffiare dat7
Stsyctuse uch as
. Sorled asrays
.Hash ta8e) .

devtces prodved by
different development eams i t benave

Fo nefwos devlce tnatmus runt q

hh speed such qs. D4-bp. 406 bat i
eRA .
1oo GbPS 6nl hqr usur
Imolemenduen ue fesuible
g.5. Hou N sconsidere as a use cuse of SDM ?,

NFV stands fot netuoosk function virtualzahen
Fs a netoosl schi fecfuse Hhdt Sepesates
1ke fRrecoakl encypion inm dedicaed serers
ane moving 4hem ko virt seie s cotapsia
Nasiou fuachans a physica srv,.uhue
ulmael1 Tedkes Overal Cost

siD 6tands, tor 60tfuoaredelined nehod.
tams o sepeatlyg me data DrLO4djng
pkne AL
dkally dtchak hav fhe d p lant unchon
NVF uye df SPA
O Juyt ltke SPNNEV _ains L sepaat
suftoare rom hacdwqe
Vrfual_oveday cralel bySP helps

in tornspost Nehpodle
Explal SD

oekoosl2 needs qccqcle 930ong

Trans port
bandoidH demaod om datq cenks
rapid servetdep loyment 47 gervict pon
and pnvtde bcad hme tegpongiveness. fo caqury

Appucofion an servce pun sant He 4biy

Tever prisknn ed b dqt Conneckay

SDH qschilecue em como jeeN H 400 cthvy

pl4n conbol|er phoediddae plane

weh SDH enboNei MMaqei the d

reerere SMcs
planeyeyoucy and appucah
a n d "4Pptochi i c l a gorvte
Sa Cnboltuf
a commenuy
p4/uhonDe d h o l qdiiasktinve
dma amDAL
oneoeahoncH onaj.
h 5DN 4Thtchres s4ppiks4 modeel

pinayiuin heeoheul oraanti

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