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2ND Semester 2020-2021


1. Module 6: Electrochemistry (Supplemental Topic)

2. Introduction
Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry which deals with the relationship between
electric energy and chemical energy. It explores how chemical processes cause electrons to
flow. The flow of electrons is called electricity, the movement of electrons from one element to
another during a reduction- oxidation ("redox") reaction. This the driving force in

Electrochemical reactions find applications in many industries like in metallurgy,

electroplating (chrome plating, silver plating copper plating, gold plating, electroless plating,
etc.), electrolysis and even in medicines.

A redox reaction is a reaction that involves a loss of electron/s of one element and a
gain of electron/s by another atom. The number of electrons lost by one is gained by another.
This, effect change in the oxidation state of the elements involved. So, a redox reaction is a
reaction in which one species is reduced and the other is oxidized. These reactions are
important for a number of applications, including energy storage devices (batteries),
photographic processing, and energy production and utilization in living systems including

When a substance loses an electron, its oxidation state increases; thus, it is oxidized.
When a substance gains an electron, its oxidation state decreases, thus being reduced.
3. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the chapter, the learner should be able to:
3.1. Write and name the different sources of electrochemical energy
3.2. Differentiate electrolytes from non-electrolytes and reduction reaction from oxidation
3.3. Discuss the construction and operation of a given cell.
3.4. Write the reaction happening in a half cell
3.5. Determine the electrode potential of a cell
3.6. Identify what kind is a given cell

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3.7. Explain the application of electrochemistry in the practical and industrial sense.
3.8. Relate the chemistry of an electrochemical cell to chemical reactions (i.e. REDOX
3.9. Elucidate the principle of a solar cell, name the types and diagrammatically illustrate
each type of solar power systems

4. Learning Contents
4.1. Electrolytes
Anelectrolyte is a substance, which conducts electricity both in solution and in fused
state. Some examples are sodium chloride, hydrochloric acids, copper sulfate solution, etc.
The substances that do not conduct electricity either in solution or in fused state are
There arestrong electrolytes andweak electrolytes and their strength is based on their
capacity to produce electrons during a reaction. Strong electrolytes ionize completely in solution,
like for example, sodium hydroxide, potassium chloride, etc. Strong acids and bases and all
salts are considered strong electrolytes while weak acids and bases are classified as weak
electrolytes. They ionize only partially in solution.
4.2. Electrochemical Energy
4.2.1. Energy Transfer Electrochemical Energy

Electrochemical energy is the energy derived from chemical reactions and

converted to electricity. The energy is related to fuel cells, photo electrochemical and
energy storage systems such as batteries, super capacitors or ultra-capacitors.

A capacitor is a device that work works similar to a battery: store electrical

energy. The only difference is that while batteries carry out chemical reactions to
produce electrons, capacitors do not; they simply store energy.

The generation of electrochemical energy is driven by chemical reactions known

as reduction-oxidation reactions. While all reactions have accompanying enthalpy
change, redox reaction are the only reactions that can produce the needed energy for
small-scale purposes. Redox Reactions

A redox reaction is a reaction that involves a loss of electron/s of one element
and a gain of electron/s by another atom. The number of electrons lost by one is gained
by another. This, effect change in the oxidation state of the elements involved. So, a
redox reaction is a reaction in which one species is reduced and the other is oxidized.
These reactions are important for a number of applications, including energy storage
devices (batteries), photographic processing, and energy production and utilization in
living systems including humans.

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When a substance loses an electron, its oxidation state increases; thus, it is

oxidized. When a substance gains an electron, its oxidation state decreases, thus being
reduced. General Rule for Redox reaction

a. When there is a lose of electrons, the process is oxidation and the element
oxidized is the reducing agent. (Lose of electrons, oxidation process, reducing agent

b. When there is a gain in electron, the process is reduction and the element that
gains electron is the oxidizing agent (Gain of electrons, reduction process, oxidizing
agent (GEROA).

Ex. H2 + F2 → 2HF
ONH: 0 → + 1(2) Lose 2e ,
H is RA, Oxidation

ONF: 0 → - 1 (2) Gain 2e ,
F is OA, Reduction

Note:For oxidation process, e-s are lost; means the e- are on the right side of the
reaction Oxidation Number (ON) of Elements

The key to properly evaluate redox reaction is to assign oxidation number to each
element in the reaction. The chemical formula gives a clue as to the ON of an element
in the compound. Determining ON of Elements in a Compound
a. The sum of the ONs of element in a neutral compound is equal to zero.
HF ONH = +1 ONF = -1 sum ON = +1 + (-1) = 0
H2O ONH = +1 ONO = -2 sum ON = +1(2) + (-2) = 0
HNO3 ONH = +1 ONO = -2 ONN = +5
Sum ON = +1 + 5 + (-2)(3) = 0
NOTE: Central atoms have multiple ONs like S, N, Cl, C, etc. Whether they are in
neutral or ionic form, their ONs are the same.

b. Pure elements in their natural state are given an ON of 0. This include diatomic
molecules like H2, O2, N2, etc.
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Ex. H2 + F2 → 2HF ON of H2 = 0 ON of F2 = 0

c. ON of monoatomic ions is equal to their charge.

Ex. Na+ ONNa+ = +1
Cl ONNa+ = -1

d. ON of polyatomic ions must equal their charges

Ex. SO-2
ONO = -2 ONS = +6
ONSO = +6 + (-2)(4) = -2

e. F always has an ON of -1
f. Alkali metals (those in the 1st column of the periodic table): ON = 1.
g. Alkaline-earth metals (those in the 2nd column of the periodic table): ON= 2.
h. Hydrogen is always H (+1) except when combined with metals (MHx - metal
Ex. KH - Potassium hydride MgH2 – Magnesium hydride
i. ON of Oxygen is almost always O (-2) in compounds. Exceptions are O-O, O-F
and H2O2(ONO = -1) Balancing Redox Reactions
a. Write reaction in ionic form
b. Assign ON for each element
c. Identify and write half reactions for the elements that changed in ON.
d. Balance the half reactions by inspection
e. Count the number of electrons lost or gained in the reaction
f. Balance the number of electrons using appropriate multipliers here necessary
g. Add the two half reactions and simplify

Ex. Balance the ff reaction: Al(s) + 2HCl(aq) → AlCl3(aq) + H2(g)

+ - +3 -
Step 1 Al(s) + 2H (aq) + 2Cl (aq) → Al (aq) + 2Cl (aq) + H2(g)
Step 2 0 1 -1 3 -1 0
Step 3 Half reactions: Al(s) → Al (aq)
0 +3
H (aq) → H2(gas)
+1 0
Step 4 Half reactions: Al(s) → Al (aq)
2 H (aq) → H2(g)
Note : make proper adjustments in the ionic equation
+3 - -
Step 5 e- gained/lost Al(s) → Al (aq) + 3e 3e lost 1H

- + -
2e + 2H (aq) → H2(g) 2e gained
+3 -
Step 6 (Al(s) → Al (aq) + 3e ) x 2
(2e- + 2H (aq) → H2(g) )x3
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+3 -
Step 7 2Al(s) → 2Al (aq) + 6e
- +
(6e + 6H (aq) → 3H2(g)
Overall: 2Al(s) + 6H+(aq) → 2Al+3(aq) + 3H2(g) Mechanism for Energy Transfer by Redox

a. Reactants are mixed in direct contact

b. Energy in the form ofenthalpy change may be seen asrelease (orintake ) heat
c. If reactants are separated, they connected via external circuit to generated electric

4.2.2 Applications of Electrochemistry Lead-acid batteries: These are invented by the French physician Gaston Plante
in 1859. These are the first rechargeable batteries for commercial use. They are
dependable, simple to manufacture and inexpensive on a cost-per-watt basis. They also
have low self-discharge, high specific power capable of high discharge current and good
low and high temperature performance. That’s why they are used in automobiles, golf carts,
forklifts and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS).
However, some downsides are also noted: slow charge (takes 14-16 hours), low
specific energy; poor energy-weight ratio; must be stored in charged condition to prevent
sulfation; limited cycle life (repeated deep-cycling reduces battery life); flooded versions
require watering and not environmentally friendly. Torch batteries. Torch batteries are specific battery pack accessories for use
with a torch. Torches are a necessity for every household and business. Examples of
troches are flashlights, penlights, etc. torch batteries are meant to be disposable. Ex. button
cells, AA, AAA, C, D or specific battery packs. Electrochemical Cells (ECC)
An ECC is a system consisting of two half-cells in which
electrodes dip into electrolytes. A half-cell is composed of a metal
electrode immersed in the corresponding solution of the metal ion.
Full Cell

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A representation of a full cell Two half-cells

Batteries use chemical reactions to do work on charge and produce a voltage

between their output terminals. In lead-acid batteries, the reaction of lead and lead
oxide with sulfuric acid produces a voltage as shown below: Voltaic Cells

Avoltaic cell (also referred to as “galvanic ”) is an electrochemical cell in
which a spontaneous reaction generates an electric current. This type is able to
produce an electric current because of potential difference between the two
electrodes. An example is shown on the left figure combining a zinc half-cell with a
copper half-cell.
Anelectrolytic cell (EC) is an electrochemical cell in which anelectric current
drives an otherwisenon-spontaneous reaction
A half-cell is a portion of the ECC in which half-reaction takes place.
Ex.Zn-Zn ion half-cell consists of aZn metal dipped in aZn sulfate solution:
Half-cell reaction: Zn → Zn2+ + e

Cu-Cu ion half-cell consists of aCu metal dipped in aCu sulfate on

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The figure above is a coupling of a Zn-Zn ion and a Cu-Cu ion half-cells. Dry Cell
A cell without a liquid component is called a dry cell . Examples of this type
are Daniel cell and alkaline battery.
Construction and Working. The anode of the cell is Zinc container containing
an electrolyte consisting of NH4Cl, ZnCl2 and MnO2 to which starch is added to
make it thick paste-like so that is less likely leak. A graphite rod serves as the
cathode, which is immersed in the electrolyte in the center of the cell. The
electrode reactions are given below:
Anodic reaction: Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e- Oxidation
Cathodic reaction 2MnO2(s) + H2O + 2e- → Mn2O3(s) + 2OH-(aq) Reduction

NH4(aq) + OH- → NH3(g) + H2O (l)


2MnO2(s) + 2NH4(aq) + Zn2+(aq) + 2e- → [Zn(NH3)2]Cl2(s)

Reduction OAR

Cell Overall reaction (COAR)

Zn(s) + 2NH4(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) + 2MnO2(s) → Mn2O3(s) + [Zn(NH3)2]Cl2(s) + 2H2O

The dry cell is a primary battery since no reaction is reversible by supplying

electricity. The dry cell is very cheap to make. It gives a voltage of about 1.5V. Daniel Cell
This cell consists of a zinc rod as anode dipped in zinc sulfate solution
(electrolyte) in a glass tank and copper rod as cathode dipped in copper sulfate
(electrolyte) in another glass tank. Each electrode is known as a half-cell. The two
half cells are interconnected by a salt bridge and zinc and copper electrode are
connected by a wire through voltmeter. (See section for the details of the
reaction on this.)
4.2.3. Understanding the Cell Parts of a Cell
a. High-resistance voltmeter registers the voltage showing the difference
between the anode ad the cathode.
b. The anode is the negative electrode (Zn in the case of the Zn-Cu couple). Zn
produces electrons more readily than Cu; the Zn is more reactive than Cu and so has
the greater tendency to lose electrons
c. Thecathode is the positive electrode (Cu).
d.Salt bridge is a device used to connect theoxidation and reduction half-cells
of an ECC. It maintains electrical neutrality within the internal circuit, preventing the
cell from rapidly running its reaction to equilibrium. It allows the flow of ions but
prevents mixing of the different solutions that would allow direct direction of the cell

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reactants using a KCl in the salt bridge. Representation of Half-cell Reactions
For the Zn/Cu couple:
- o
Oxidation half reaction: Zn2+
+ 2e ⇋ Zn(s) E = - 0.76 V release e- more
- o
Reduction half reaction: Cu2+
+ 2e ⇋ Cu(s) E = + 0.34 V release e- less
- o
Zn(s) ⇋ Zn2+ + 2e E = + 0.76 V

- o
: Cu2+
+ 2e ⇋ Cu(s) E = + 0.34 V
Overall reaction: Zn(s) + Cu2+
⇋ Zn2+
+ Cu(s) E = + 1.10 V

The overall reaction is also called the net reaction . This is generally referred to as
cell reaction . ECC Notation
Cell notation is the shorthand way of writing cell reactions. For the Zn-Zn ion half-
cell and Cu-Cu ion half-cell, the notation is:

Zn(s)| Zn2+
| Cu(s)

| = indicates a phase boundary such as between a solid terminal aNd the

electrolyte solution
║ = means a salt bridge connects two electrolytes Hydrogen electrode
When the half-cell involves a gas , an inert material such as platinum serves as
a terminal and an electrode surface on which the reaction occurs.
In a hydrogen electrode,
+ -
Anode half-cell reaction: H2 (g)→ 2H(aq) + 2e
Notation: Pt | H2(g)| H(aq) ║

To write such an electrode as a cathode:

║ H(aq) H2(g) Pt | Two related substances in solution rather than a metal in a solution of its
Ex. a) Mixture of Br2 (l) and Br(aq)
Notation: Br2 (l) , Br(aq)| Pt

b) Mixture of Fe2+
and Fe3+
Notation: ?
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9 EC with Concentration, Pressure and Molarity

Write them indicating the pressure and concentrations.
Ex. Zn(s) | Zn2+(1.0M) ║H(aq) | H2(1.0 atm) | Pt

Electrode Concentration Cells

Two identical electrodes of different concentrations are dipped in the same
electrolytic solution of the electrode metal in a cell.
Example: Amalgam concentration cells are produced by mixing various
proportions of lead and mercury. It is represented usually as:
Hg - Pb(C1) | PbSO4 (aq) ║ Hg - Pb(C2)

where: C1 and C2 are concentrations of the electrolytes

Problem . Give the over-all reaction for the following ECC:
Cd(s)| Cd2+(1.0 M) ║ H(aq) | H2(1.0 atm) | Pt

Cd(s)| Cd2+(1.0 M) ║ H(aq) | H2(1.0 atm) | Pt


Required: Over-all reaction of the given cell

Solution: The reactions are:

Cd(s) → Cd2+
+ 2e
+ -
2H(aq) + 2e → H2 (g)

overall reaction: Cd(s)+ 2H → Cd2+
+H Ans.
(aq) 2 (g)

4.2.4. Potential Difference

Potential difference or difference in electric potential is the difference in electric
potential (also referred to as electrical
pressure) between two points (half-
cells). It can be measured by a voltmeter
with volt (V) as a unit (SI). Electric Potential (EP)
At the ANODE: The
oxidation half-reaction is ready to
produce surplus e s;high EP
At the CATHODE: The
REDUCTION half-reaction is ready to use

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up surplus e s;low EP
Each redox couple MUST ALWAYS refer to a pair of species: the reduced form
andthe oxidized form .
a. Reduction potential of the redox couple is a measure of how easily the
oxidized species accepts an electron to change to the reduced species.
b. Oxidation potential of the redox couple is a measure of how easily the
reduced form donates an electron to change to the oxidized form. It is the
NEGATIVE of the REDUCTION potential.
Example: The reaction Zn(s) → Zn2+
+ 2e happens easily
The reaction Zn2+
+ 2e → Zn(s) doesn’t

Hence, the redox equilibrium lies well to the left as follows:

+ 2e ⇋ Zn(s) Electromotive Force (emf): Ecell

The potential difference

(voltage) measured across the
electrodes is less than the
maximum possible voltage of the
cell. This is because the actual flow
of electrons reduces the electrical
pressure, thus, a cell voltage has its
maximum value when no current
Formula: V= where: V = potential difference; E = energy,
Q = charge, coulomb
The amount of work done in moving an electrical charge through a conductor
from point of high EP to one of lower electrical potential depends upon the amount
of charge and the potential difference.
The amount of work that can be done is directly proportional to the enthalpy
change, △H for the redox reaction (strictly △G the free energy change which also
incorporates entropy, S.
The maximum potential difference (voltage) between electrodes of a voltaic
cell is referred to as theelectromotive force (emf) of the cell or Ecell

Electrical work = charge x Potential difference

W=QxV where: W = energy E E = Q x V

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1 V = 1 J/Coulomb

Charge of 1 electron = 1.60 x 10-19C

Charge of 1 mole of electron = (1.60 x 10-19C) x (6.02 x 1023) = 96,500 coulombs

1 Faraday = 96,500 coulombs
The Faraday constant is the amount of charge in one mole of electrons
W = -F x Potential Difference
= the work done to move 1 mole of electrons through a circuit, J
Wmax = - n x F x Ecell
Wmax = maximum work attainable by an ECC
n = no. of moles of electrons
Ecell = potential difference of an ECC
F = Faraday constant
Illustrative Problem . The cell described below has an emf of 0.650 V
Pt |H2(g ) | H+(aq ) ║Hg22+(aq )| Hg (l) | Pt
Calculate the maximum electrical work of this cell when 0.50 g H2 is consumed.
Given: Pt |H2(g ) | H+(aq ) ║Hg22+(aq )| Hg (l) | Pt
Ecell = 0.650 V H2: m = 0.50 g consumed
Required: Wmax
+ 2+
Solution: For the ecc: Pt |H g( ) | H a( q ) ║Hg (aq )| Hg (l) | Pt
2 2

The reaction is
2+ -

Hg (aq) + 2e → 2Hg (l)

+ -
H (g) → 2H (aq) + 2e

2+ +
Hg (aq) + H (g) → 2Hg (l) + 2H (aq)
2 2

From the rx, the no. of moles of electrons transferred is n = 2, so

W =-nxFxE
max cell

= (- 2 mol x 96,500 C/mol)(0.650V)

= - 1.25 x 10 J

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For the m = 0.50 g H , the maximum work is proportional to the number of


moles, =(0.50 g)/(2 g/mol)

5 4
Wmax = 0.25 mol x(-1.25 x 10 J = -3.09x10 J Standard Electrode Potentials

Standard electrode potential or standard cell potential (Ecell) is potential of a
cell measured under standard conditions, that is, will the species in their standard
states (1 M for solutions and about 1 M for concentrated solution of salts.
Acell emf is a measure of the driving force of the ECC reaction. The anodic
reaction has a definite oxidation potential. The cathodic reaction has also a definite
reduction potential

Ecell = Oxidation potential + reduction potential

The voltage CANNOT be measured just for a half-cell BUT ONLY for a
complete cell . Hence, to describe the REDUCTION POTENTIAL for a particular redox
couple, the emf is measured for a cell where the other half-cell is the STANDARD
REFERENCE ELECTRODE. Thereference electrode is usually assigned a potential of
zero and the potential of the other electrode is obtained relative to this measuring the
cell EMF. Typically, thereference chosen is thestandard hydrogen electrode .

Thestandard conditions are 1 atm pressure of any gas; temperature of 298K

(25 C) and a concentration of 1 mo./dm-1 (same as moles/L; 1 dm-3 = 1 liter)

Example: For a cell with a Zinc electrode connected to a hydrogen electrode:

Zn acts as anode, so the oxidation potential of Zn/Zn2+ = 0.76V.

Standard electrode potentials are usually listed asreduction potential , i.e. by

reversing the oxidation potential.
So, reduction potential of Zn/Zn2+ = EZn = - 0.76V Standard Reduction Potential

The value of an electrode potential is independent of the amount of species

in the reaction. Thus, the ff has THE SAME electrode potential:
Cu2+(aq ) + 2e-

2Cu2+(aq ) + 4e-

Illustrative Problem
Given: Zn-Cu cell described as: Zn(s) | Zn 2+(aq )║Cu 2+(aq) | Cu(s)

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Req’d: Calculate the emf from standard potentials

Sol’n: The half-cell reaction are:
Oxidation: Zn(s) Zn 2+ + 2e - Anode
2+ -
Reduction: Cu (aq) + 2e Cu(s) Cathode
Looking for the standard reduction potential (Table)
Cu 2+(aq) + 2e- Cu(s) ECu = +0.34 V
EZn = reduction potential of zinc
2+ -
Zn (aq) + 2e Zn(s) EZn = - 0.76 V

 (- EZn) = +0.76V is the oxidation potential of Zn

(- EZn) = +0.76V is the oxidation potential of Zn for the half-cell reaction; or EZn = -

Zn(s) Zn 2+(aq) + 2e -
The cell emf is: Ecell = ECu + (- EZn)
Ecell = ECu – EZn
= 0.34V – (-0.76V)
= 1.10V

Common standard reduction potentials

Reaction Reaction Potential, E (V)
F2(g) + 2e → 2F-(aq) +2.87
Li+(aq) + e- → Li(s) -3.04
Mg + 2e- → Mg(s) -2.37
Al3+(aq) + 3e- → Al(s) -1.66
Pb2+(aq) + 2e- → Pb(s) -1.12
Zn2+(aq) + 2e- → Zn(s) -0.76
Cr (aq) + 3e- → Cr(s) -0.74
Fe2+(aq) + 2e- → Fe(s) -0.41
Co2+(aq) + 2e- → Co(s) -0.28
Ni2+(aq) + 2e- → Ni(s) -0.25
Sn2+ + 2e- → Sn(s) -0.13
2H (aq) + 2e- → H2(q) 0.00
Cu2+(aq) + 2e- → Cu(s) +0.34
I2(s) + 2e- → 2I-(aq) +0.54
Ag+ + 2e → Ag(s) +0.80
Br2(l) + 2e- → 2Br (aq) +1.07
Au+ + e- → Au(s) +1.50

Illustrative Problem (The Quick Method)

Calculate the emf for the following voltaic cell: Al(s) | Al 3+(aq) ║Fe 2+(aq) | Fe(s)
Given: Thevoltaic cell: Al(s) | Al 3+(aq) ║Fe 2+(aq) | Fe(s)
Req’d: emf of the cell

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Solution: emf = the standard electrode potential of the cathode minus

the standard electrode potential of the anode
E ocell = E ocathode - E oanode
= - 0.41V – (-1.66V)
= +1.55V
Note: The correct allocation to cathode or anode will keep the signs correct
4.2.5. Solar Cell

Asolar cell is a device in which solar energy is converted to electrical energy. This is
also called aphotovoltaic cell . Example is silicon solar cell. Principle

The basic principle involved in solar cells is based on thephotovoltaic (PV) effect.
When sun rays fall on the two layers of semiconductor devices, potential difference
between the two layers I produced. This potential difference causes flow of electrons and
thus produces electricity. Construction

The solar cell consists of p-type

(Si doped with Boron) and a n-type (Si
doped with Phosphorus). They are in
close contact with one another.

a. P-type solar panels are

made in such a way that when light
hits them electrons are knocked off
free from silicon atoms. The cell is
designed to block the electrons
knocked off from the Si atoms from
going back from where they came
from. So instead, they travel through a fine grid of wires on the top of the cell to its back
and while making that trip they generate power.

The P stands for positive because the cell has a positive base that attracts the
negatively charged electron to it.

b.N-type solar panels operates with a negative base and the electrons travel
from the negative bottom to the positive top. Both the negative and positive contacts on
their bottoms. They offer higher efficiency than the P-type solar cells. Types of Solar Power Systems

a. Stand Alone Power System (SAPS) produced by the solar panels

are solar power systems that are not connected to a grid instead are used to charge a
bank of batteries. The batteries store the power and the electrical load of the house draw
their electricity from these batteries. The diagram of a SAPS is shown on the next page.

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Basic components are a) solar panels b) battery c) charge controller and d) inverter
(optional; only when one wants a wall plug).
b. Mains Grid Connect
System (MGCS) are those tied up
in with a standard mains power
supply. When energy is being
generated by the solar panels, a
grid inverter converts that
electricity from DC to 120V AC
which can be used directly by
standard electrical appliances. At
night, the house draws energy
from the grid.
SAPS Schematic Types of Solar Panels

There are 3 common solar panel

types, namely: a)

monocrystalline panels b)
polycrystalline panels and c)
amorphous panels. Advantages of Solar

a. Solar energy is clean and non-polluting

b. It is the best source of energy
c. Solar cell do not produce noise.
d. It needs little maintenance
e. Highly realiable and long lasting.
f. Operation costs are iimal

g. Solar panel cost is decreasing

h. Solar panels are useful in non-electrification areas. Applications of Solar Cells
a. Solar cells are used in street lighs.
Types of Solar
b. Water pumps are operated by solar batteries
c. They are used in eco-friendly vehicles
d. They are used in calculators, watches, radios and TVs.
5. Exercises
1. Balance the ff reactions
a. 2Fe2O3(s) + 3C(s) →4Fe(s) + 3CO2 (g)

b. 2C8H18 + 25O2 →16CO2 + 18H2O

c. 3ClO-1
→ ClO-1
+ 2Cl-1

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d. Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)

e. MnO4- + I- → I2 + Mn 2+
2. Determine the oxidation number of the following:

a. Mn in MnO2

b. O inH2O2

c. K in KMnO4

d. S in H2SO3

e. S in H2SO4
3. Determine what is required of the following
a. Calculate the emf of the cell: Mg(s)|Mg 2+(aq)║Ag +(aq)|Ag(s)
b. What is the Ecell for Cr(s)|Cr 3+║Ag +(aq)|Ag(s)
3. Give two examples of an electrochemical cell.
4. What are the main components of an electrochemical cell?
5. Calculate the standard potential for the cell
6. Learning Materials and Supplementary Resources
A. Videos
1. Top 10 Energy Resource of the Future (
4. Electrochemistry (
5. Balancing Redox Reaction (
6. Voltaic Cells (
7. Electrochemical series (

B. Internet Pages and Sites

1. Engineering Chemistry
3.… /Basics of Electrochemistry
7. Flexible Teaching-Learning Modality Adopted

Asynchronous (module with exercises and modular quiz) and synchronous methods
ISUE - CAS - DMS - 016
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Effectivity: August 1, 2020

VIII. Assessment Task (See Module 3 Assessment Task on separate file)

IX. References

1. Brown, Larry and Tom Holme. 2012. Chemistry for Engineering Students. 2nd Edition.
Cengage Learning Asia, Pte. Ltd. ISBN 13-978-981-4392-89-0. 4th Reprint 2013. Philippines.
2. Callister, William Jr. D. 2011. Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An
Interactive e-Text. 5th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
3. Loveland, Walter, Morrissey, David J. and Glenn T. Seaborg. 2006. Modern Nuclear
Chemistry. Wiley Interscience John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication. New Jersey, USA and
4. Schartl, Wolfgang. 2014. Basic Physical Chemistry: A Complete Introduction on Bachelor
Science Level. 1 Edition. Bookboon The eBook Company. ISBN 978-87-403-0669-9.

ISUE - CAS - DMS - 016

Revision: 01
Effectivity: August 1, 2020

ISUE - CAS - DMS - 016

Revision: 01
Effectivity: August 1, 2020

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