Ch. 1 Solutions

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Answers reported to 2-3 significant digits.

lbm  ft  s 2  lb f 
a) 10 2    0.31lb f
s  32.174lbm  ft 

lbm  ft  1kg   12in   2.54cm   1000 g  5 g  cm

10       1.4 10  1.4 105 dyne
s  2.20462lbm   1 ft   1in   kg 

 1000 Pa  1atm 
b) 20kPa     0.20atm
 1kPa  1.01325 10 Pa 

 lb f 
 14.696 2 
20kPa  in   2.9 lb f
 101.325kPa  in 2
 
 

c) T (F )  1.8T (C )  32

70F  1.8T  C   32

T  C   21C

T (F )  1.8T ( K )  459.67

70F  1.8T ( K )  459.67

T ( K )  294 K

in 2  lbm    2.54cm   1m  kg  m 2
2 2
d) 100       0.029
s 2  2.20462lbm   in   100cm  s2

kg  m2
 N m  J

kg  m2
0.029  0.029 J

 0.23901cal 
0.029 J    0.0070cal
 1J 

e) m  150lbm

 ft   s 2  lb f 
W  mg  150lbm  32.174 2     150lb f
 s   32.174lbm  ft 

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m  70kg

m kg  m
W  mg  70kg  9.81 2
 688 2  690 N
s s


g  cm
a) 10000dynes  10000

g  cm  1in   kg   1 ft   2.20462lbm  lbm  ft

10000       0.72
s 2  2.54cm   1000 g   12in   1kg  s2

lbm  ft  s 2  lb f 
0.72    0.022lb f
s  32.174lbm  ft 

 1.01325 105 Pa   1kPa 

b) 0.2atm      20.3kPa  20kPa
 1atm   1000 Pa 

 lb f 
 14.696 2 
20.3kPa  in   2.94 lb f  2.9 lb f
 101.325kPa  in 2 in 2
 
 

c) T (F )  1.8T (C )  32

T (F )  1.8(37)  32  98.6 F  99 F

T ( K )  T (C )  273.15

T ( K )  37  273.15  310 K

in2  lbm    2.54cm   1m 

2 2
kg kg  m2
d) 50        0.0146
s2  2.20462lbm   1in   100cm  s2

kg  m2
 N m  J

kg  m2
0.0146  0.0146 J

 0.23901cal 
0.0146 J    0.0035cal
 1J 


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 ft  lb f 
 0.7376  ft  lb f
6W  s   4.43
 1W  s
 
 

 1.341 103 hp 
6W    0.008hp
 1W 

 1atm 
b) 220mmHg    0.29atm
 760 mmHg 

 lb f 
 14.696 2 
220mmHg  in   4.3 lb f
 760mmHg  in 2
 
 

c) 310K  T  C   273.15K

T  C   36.85C  37C

T (F )  1.8T (C )  32

T (F )  1.8  36.85C   32  98.3F

 g  cm 
 1 s2  4 g  cm
d) 4.87  10 dynes 
  4.87  10
 1dyne  s2
 

 0.22481lb f 
4.87 104 dynes    1.110 lb f

 1dyne 

 9.486  104 Btu 

e) 2.2  103 J    2.1Btu
 1J 


 16oz 
a) 2.2kg    35.2oz
 1kg 

 2.20462lbm 
2.2kg    4.9lbm
 1kg 

 
lb f  101.325kPa 
b) 12 2    82.7kPa
in  lb f 
 14.696 2 
 in 

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 
lb f  760mmHg 
12 2    621mmHg
in  lb f 
 14.696 2 
 in 

 cal 
 0.23901 s  4 cal
c) 160hp  3   2.9  10
 1.341  10 hp  s
 

 4 Btu 
 9.486  10 s  Btu
160hp  3   113
 1.341 10 hp  s
 

 1056.68qt 
d) 82 gal    328qt
 264.17 gal 

 1106 mL 
  3.110 mL
82 gal 
 264.17 gal 

 0.3048m 
e) 34in    0.86m
 12in 

 30.48cm 
34in    86cm
 12in 

1.5 F  ma
gc  32.174lbm  ft

ft  s 2  lb f 
F  11lbm  3.4 2    1.16lb f
s  32.174lbm  ft 

1.6 F  ma

 1kg 
m   0.4 metric ton     400kg
 0.001 metric ton 
cm  1m   1min  m
a  800     0.0022 2
min 2  100 cm  60 s  s

 m
F   400kg   0.0022 2   0.89 N
 s 

1.7 To solve this problem, model the body as 3 cylinders with diameters D = 8” (torso) and D = 4” (two legs).

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Total force at feet: F  ma

ft  s 2  lb f 
F  150lbm  32.174 2    150lb f
s  32.174lbm  ft 

Since there are two feet, the force on each foot: F  75lb f .

To estimate the weight at the hips, first estimate the mass above and below the hips. Assume the person is 6

feet tall (3ft above the hips, 3ft below the hips).

Volume above the hips:  D 2 h   (8in) 2  3 ft   1 ft   1.05 ft 3


4 4  12in 

 

 4in   3 ft  
1 ft 
Volume below the hips: 2  D2h  2 
  0.52 ft

4 4  12in 

Assume a constant density throughout the body:  

Vabove 1.05 ft 3 1 2
 3
 
Vbelow 0.52 ft 0.5 1

mtotal  150lbm  100lb f above the hips and 50lb f below the hips.

ft  s 2  lb f 
Force at hips: F  ma  100lbm  32.174 2    100lb f
s  32.174lbm  ft 

Pressure: P 

F 75lb f lb f lb f
Foot: P    5.97 2  6.0 2

 4in  in in

F 100lb f lb f
Hips: P    2.0 2
A  8in 2
  in

1.8 20-kg mass

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F  ma

 m
F  200kg  9.81 2   196 N
 s 

 0.22481lb f 
F  196 N    44.1lb f
 1N 

20-lbm mass

F  ma

 s 2  lb f 
F  20.0lbm  32.174lbm   20.0lb f
 32.174lb  ft 
 m 

 4.4482 N 
F  20.0lb f    89.0 N
 1lb
 f 

1.9 gM  gE

1  1  m
FM  m  g E    40.0kg   9.8 2 
6  6  s 

FM  65.3N

 0.22481lb f 
FM  65.3N    14.7lb f
 1N 

1.10 Data:

- mbody  mass of the swimmer’s body = 150lbm

- water  density of water  0.036

- mdf  mass of the displaced fluid

- body  density of the swimmer’s body

- Vdf  volume of displaced fluid

- 95% body volume below water; 5% body volume above water

mbody  mdf

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mbody   waterVdf  water 

Since 95% of the body volume is below water, mdf  0.95  mbody .

lbm  0.95 150lbm 

150lbm  0.036  
in3  body 

body  0.0342

The answer makes sense because the human body consists primarily of water. It is reasonable that the

densities of the swimmer’s body and water are similar.

1.11 Data:

- F force exerted by swimmer

- B buoyant force

- mg  force of swimmer on water

- water  density of water

- Vdb  volume of displaced body

- b  density of body (can either use body  0.0342 from Problem 1.10 or assume

b ~  water  0.036 )

- Vb  volume of body

- Assume that 80% of the torso is underwater.

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Volume in water: Vdb  2  700in3  0.8  2000in3  3000in3

Total volume: Vb  400in3  2000in3  2  350in3  2  700in3  4500in3

Force balance:

B  F  mg  0

 g  water Vdb   F   g  b Vb   0

F   g  b Vb    g  water  Vdb 

ft  lbm   s 2  lb f  ft  lbm   s 2  lb f 
3   3  
F  32.174 2 
0.0342 4500in 3
   32.174 2 
0.036 3000in 3
 
s  in   32.174lbm  ft  s  in   32.174lbm  ft 

F  45.9lb f (using body  0.0342 from Problem 1.10)
in 3

F  54lb f (using b ~  water  0.036 )

Model the liposome as a sphere with surface area A  4 r  4  0.5 m  3.14 m .

2 2 2

The surface of the spherical liposome is packed with phospholipid heads. In order to estimate the charge on

the liposome, we must estimate the charge on the number of phospholipid molecules. We can simplify the

problem by picturing the surface area of the spherical liposome as a flat lipid monolayer with phospholipid

heads packed together as tightly as possible. (note that liposomes are actually bilayers, but awe are only

interested in the charge on the outside surface, so a monolayer model will suffice.) We represent the

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phospholipid heads as circles of the same diameter. The two most common circle packing arrangements are

square packing and hexagonal packing.

When circles pack against one another, there is inevitably void space. Hexagonal packing is the more

efficient because it minimizes this vacant space; we assume that phospholipid heads pack into a liposome

with this configuration. To calculate the percentage of the total space occupied by phospholipid heads,

draw a hexagon around each circle such that the circle touches the hexagon at the midpoints of its sides.

The distance between the midpoints of opposite sides of the hexagon is 2r , and the lengths of the sides of

the hexagon are 2r / 3 . The area of the hexagon can be found by splitting in into six equilateral triangles

with base 2r / 3 and height r , so the total area of one hexagon is

1   1   2r 
A  6   bh   6       r   2 3r

2   2  3 

Now the proportion of the place occupied by circles, or the “packing efficiency,” is the area of one circle

divided by the area of one hexagon:

Acir  r2 
   0.907  90.7%
Ahex 2 3r 2 2 3

Since the total surface area of one liposome is 3.14  m 2 , the area occupied by phospholipid heads is

Alipid  0.907 3.14 m2   2.85 m2

Since the diameter of one phospholipid head is 1nm or 10 3  m , the cross-sectional area of one head,

represents one circle in the place, is

Ahead   r 2    5  104  m   7.85  107  m


Thus the total number of phospholipid molecules contained in one liposome is given by the total occupied

surface area of the liposome divided by the area of one phospholipid head:

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Alipid 2.85 m 2
  3, 630, 000 phospholipid molecules per liposome
Ahead 7.85  107  m 2

The total charge on the outside surface of one liposome is simply the number of phospholipid molecules

multiplied by the charge on one phospholipid head:

q  ne  (# heads)(charge / head)

 1.6021 1019 C 
q   3,630,000 phospholipids   13
  5.82  10 C
 phospholipid 

This amount of charge is enough to attach a liposome to a negatively-charged strand of DNA for

penetration through cell membrane.

1.13 Assume a surface tension of 20 dynes / cm .

a) P

 dynes   
2  20 
 cm   10000 m  4000dynes  1mmHg 
P      3mmHg
100 m  1cm  cm 2  1333.2 dynes 
 cm 2 

b) P

 dynes   
2  50 
 cm   10000  m  10000dynes  1mmHg 
P      7.5mmHg
100 m  1cm  cm2  1333.2 dynes 
 cm 2 

c) P

 dynes   
2  50 
 cm   10000 m  40000dynes  1mmHg 
P      30mmHg
25 m  1cm  cm 2  1333.2 dynes 
 cm 2 

1.14 mapple  m  102 g

a) W  mg

 m   1kg  kg  m
W  102 g  9.8 2     1.0 2  1.0 N
 s   1000 g  s

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 0.22481lb f 
W  1.0 N    0.225lb f
 1N 

b) Estimate the cross-sectional area of the toothpick as A  1mm2 .

1.0 N  103 mm  6 N
P 2    1.0 10 2  1.0 10 Pa

1mm  1m  m

 lb f 
 14.696 2  lb
P  1.0 106 Pa  in   145 2f  145 psi
 1.01325 10 Pa 
 
 

 1atm 
P  1.0 106 Pa    9.87atm
 1.01325 10 Pa 

c) Estimate the palm as a square with 10cm sides. ( A  100cm2 )

1.0 N  100cm  N
P    100 2  1.0  10 Pa

100cm 2  1m  m

 lb f 
 14.696 2  lb
P  1.0  102 Pa  in   0.0145 2f  0.0145 psi
 1.01325 10 Pa 
 
 

 1atm  4
P  1.0 102 Pa     9.87 10 atm
 1.01325 10 Pa 

d) Estimate the area of the table as A  1m2 .

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1.0 N N
P  1 2  1.0 Pa
1m 2 m

 lb f 
 14.696 2  lb
P  1.0 Pa  in   1.45 104 f  1.45  104 psi
 1.01325  10 Pa 
 
 

 1atm  .6
P  1.0Pa    9.87 10 atm
 1.01325 10 Pa 

1.15 Data:

g  1lbm  100cm  lbm
-  H 2O 1 3     62.4 3
cm  453.593 g  3.2808 ft  ft

- SGH2 SO4  1.834

 H SO
SGH 2 SO4  2 4

H O 2

 lb  lb
H 2 SO4
 SGH 2 SO4   H 2 O  1.834  62.4 m3   114.5 m3
 ft  ft

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I. PA  PH2O  0

PA  PH2O  H2O gh

lbm  ft   s 2  lb f   1 ft 2
PA  62.4 3  32.174 2  10 ft  
ft  s   32.174lb  ft   12in 
 m 

lb f
PA  4.34
in 2

II. PB  PH2O  0

PB  PH2O  H2O gh

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 
lb  ft   lb f   1 ft  2
PB  62.4 m3  32.174 10 ft   
ft  s2   32.174 lbm  ft   12in 
 s 2

lb f
PB  4.34

Therefore, the pressures at the bases of both tanks are equal ( PA  PB ) .


I. PA  PH2 SO4  0

PA  PH2 SO4  H2 SO4 gh

lbm  ft   s 2  lb f   1 ft 2
PA  114.5  32.174   8 ft  
 32.174lb  ft   12in 
ft 3  s2   m 

lb f
PA  6.36
in 2

II. PB  PH 2 SO 4  0

PB  PH2 SO 4  H2 SO 4 gh

lbm  ft   s 2  lb f   1 ft  2
PB  114.5  32.174  10 ft  
 32.174lb  ft   12in 
ft 3  s2   m 

lb f
PB  7.95

Therefore, the pressure on tank B is greater than in Tank A  PB  PA  . This makes sense because a

greater amount of fluid exerts more force per square inch.

1.16 Molecular weights: N2 : 28.01g / mol; O2 : 32.00 g / mol; Ar : 39.95g / mol

Composition (mole percentage): N2 : 78%; O2 : 21%; Ar :1%

To simplify this problem, set the molar basis as 100 moles.

 g 
mN2  0.78 100mol   28.01   2185 g
 mol 

 g 
mO2  0.21(100mol )  32.00   672 g
 mol 

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 g 
mAr  0.01100mol   39.95   40 g
 mol 

mtotal  2185 g  672 g  40 g  2897 g

Mass percents: wt %  100

2185 g
N2   0.754  75.4wt %
2897 g

672 g
O2   0.232  23.2wt %
2897 g

40 g
Ar   0.014  1.4 wt %
2897 g

Mass percents differ slightly from mole percents.

1.17 Calculate the molar mass of acetaminophen (noted as A):

 12.01g   1.008 g   14.01g   16.0 g  g

M A  8   9   1   2   151.16
 mol C   mol H   mol N   mol O  mol

Calculate the number of moles of acetaminophen in one Tylenol© tablet:

 1g   mol 
nA   325mg      0.00215mol
 1000 mg   151.16 g 

Determine the number of moles of the individual elements:

 8mol C 
nC   0.00215mol A     0.0172mol C
 1mol A 

 9mol H 
nH   0.00215mol A     0.01935mol H
 1mol A 

 1mol N 
nN   0.00215mol A     0.00215mol N
 1mol A 

 2mol O 
nO   0.00215mol A     0.0043mol O
 1mol A 

Calculate the mole fraction of the individual elements:

0.0172mol C
xC   0.4
0.0172mol C  0.01935mol H  0.00215mol N  0.0043mol O

0.01935mol H
xH   0.45
0.0172mol C  0.01935mol H  0.00215mol N  0.0043mol O

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0.00215mol N
xN   0.05
0.0172mol C  0.01935mol H  0.00215mol N  0.0043mol O

0.0043mol O
xO   0.1
0.0172mol C  0.01935mol H  0.00215mol N  0.0043mol O

Calculate the mass of each element in the tablet:

 12.01g 
mC  0.0172mol C    0.207 g C
 mol C 

 1.008g 
mH  0.01935mol H    0.0195g H
 mol H 

 14.01g 
mN  0.00215mol N    0.0301g N
 mol N 

 16.0 g 
mO  0.0043mol O    0.0688 g O
 mol O 

Calculate the mass fractions of the individual elements:

0.207 g C
wC   0.64
0.207 g C  0.0195 g H  0.0301g N  0.0688g O

0.0195 g H
wH   0.06
0.207 g C  0.0195 g H  0.0301g N  0.0688 g O

0.0301g N
wN   0.09
0.207 g C  0.0195g H  0.0301g N  0.0688g O

0.0688 g O
wO   0.21
0.207 g C  0.0195 g H  0.0301g N  0.0688 g O

1.18 mNi  mCr  mo  mtotal

17 g  23g  40g  80g

Calculate mass fractions:

wi 

17 g
wNi   0.213
80 g

wCr   0.288
80 g

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40 g
wO   0.5
80 g

Calculate number of moles:

ni 

17 g
nNi   0.290mol

nCr   0.442mol

40 g
nO   2.5mol

ntotal  nNi  nCr  nO

ntotal  0.290mol  0.442mol  2.5mol  3.232mol

Calculate mole fractions:

xi 

xNi   0.0896

xCr   0.137

xO   0.774

Calculate average molecular weight:

M av   xi M i

 g   g   g 
M av  0.0896  58.69   0.137  52   0.774 16 
 mol   mol   mol 

M av  24.7

1.19 Ti-6Al-4V alloy: 90wt % Ti, 6wt % Al, 4wt % V

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Mass fractions:

wTi  90wt %  0.90

wAl  6wt %  0.06

wV  4wt %  0.04

Molecular weights:

M Ti  47.88

M Al  29.982

M V  50.942

Set the hypothetical mass as 100g to simplify the problem.

mi  wi 100 g

mTi  0.9 100 g  90 g

mAl  0.06 100 g  6 g

mV  0.04 100 g  4 g

Calculate the number of moles:

ni 

90 g
nTi   1.88mol

nAl   0.22mol

nV   0.079mol

ntotal  nTi  nAl  nV

ntotal  1.88mol  0.22mol  0.079mol  2.18mol

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Calculate the mole fractions:

xi 

xTi   0.86

x Al   0.10

xV   0.036
 
 Check:

i  0.86  0.10  0.036  1 

Calculate the average molecular weight:

M av   xi MWi

 g   g   g 
M av  0.86  47.88   0.10  26.982   0.036  50.942 
 mol   mol   mol 

M av  45.9

g g g
1.20 Co20 Cr10 Mo : M Co  58.933 ; M Cr  51.996 ; M Mo  95.94
mol mol mol

Calculate total mass:

 g   g  g
mtotal  20  58.933   10  51.996   95.94
 mol   mol  mol

mtotal  1794.56

Calculate mass fractions:

wi 

 g 
20  58.933 
wCo  
mol 
 0.657

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 g 
10  51.996 
wCr     0.290

wMo  mol  0.053

Calculate mole fractions:

mtotal  20  10  1  31mol

xCo   0.645

xCr   0.323

xMo   0.032

Calculate average molecular weight:

 g   g   g 
M av   xi M i  0.645  58.933   0.323 57.996   0.032  95.94 
i  mol   mol   mol 

M av  59.82

1.21 Data:

- trachea: DT  18mm, vT  80cm / s

- bronchi: DB  1.3mm, vB  15cm / s

g g
- air  1.84  104 ;  air  0.0012 3
cm  s cm

Calculate volumetric flow rate:

 2
V  Av  Dv

 cm   1cm 
VT  18mm 
 80  
4  s   10mm 

cm3 cm3 L
VT  203.5  204  0.204
s s s

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 cm   1cm 
VB  1.3mm 
 15  
4  s   10mm 

cm3 mL
VB  0.199  0.199
s s

Calculate mass flow rate:

m V

cm3  g  g
mT  V air  204  0.0012 3   0.244
s  cm  s

cm3  g  mg
mB  V  air  0.199  0.0012 3   0.239
s  cm  s

Calculate molar flow rate:

It is necessary to calculate Mair in order to calculate the molar flow rate.

Air is approximately 79% N2 (M = 28 g/mol) and 21% O2 (M = 32 g/mol).

 g   g  g
M air  0.79  28   0.21 32   28.8
 mol   mol  mol


nT  s  0.00847 mol  8.47 mmol
g s s

nB  s  8.30 106 mol  8.30  mol
g s s

Calculate Reynolds number:

Dv  Dv  air
Re  
 air

18mm   80
cm  g  1cm 
 0.0012 3  
ReT   s  cm  10mm 
1.84  104
cm  s

ReT  939

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1.3mm  15
cm  g  1cm 
 0.0012 3  
Re B   s  cm  10mm 
1.84 104
cm  s

Re  12.7

Final answers:


 2
a) Volumetric flow rate: V  Av  Dv

  cm  cm 3
Vaorta   2.0cm    198
 63
4  s  s

Mass flow rate: m  V 

 cm3   g  1mL  g
maorta  198  1.056  3 
 209
 s  mL  1cm  s

See chart below for answers for the other blood vessel structures.

b) Molar flow rate:

It does not make much sense to calculate a molar flow rate since the molecular weight of blood is hard

to determine. If only the plasma is considered (i.e. the cellular component is removed), it might be

possible to estimate an average molecular weight based on the soluble constituents and water.

Dv 
c) Reynolds number: Re 

 2cm   63
cm  g  1mL 
1.056  
Reaorta   s  mL  1cm3 
cm  s

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Reaorta  33,300

See chart below for answers for the other blood vessel structures.

1.23 Any reasonable process is acceptable. For example:

- Use balloon as the system. Blow up the balloon by breathing in through the nose and exhaling through

the mouth to fill up the balloon. Count the number of breaths taken. Measure the diameter/size of the

balloon and estimate the volume. The time for each exhalation should also be measured.

- Recorded values should include: Vballoon , texhalation (several values), # of breaths to fill balloon

Vballoon V V volume
 , with texhalation : ( ) of air
# exhalations breaths texhalation time

Estimate or look up the volume of the trachea, Atr

V 1 1
( ) , which is gas velocity
texhalation Atr time

- Do 3 or more measurements.

- Repeat experiment for forced exhalation. Gas velocity should be higher in this example than in the

previous one.

1.24 Assume body   H 2O  1.0

In this problem, water is  60% of the body's mass , which is reasonable. Volumes in the range of

60-80 L are okay to use. 40 L is too low.

Calculate mass fraction:

mi mi
wi  
mtotal 70.0kg

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wH 2O   0.59

The molecular weight for the content labeled “Other” is unknown. There are several ways to approach this:

- Assume it is water.

- Ignore it entirely. (~1/100 of total mass)

- Assign it a molecular weight.

- Distribute its mass in relative proportion of other components

The following calculations ignore the molecular weight of “Other.”

Calculate the number of moles:

ni 

41.4kg  1000 g 
nH2O   2300mol
g  1kg 

Calculate the mole fraction:

ni ni
xi  
ntotal 2390mol

xH 2 O   0.96

Calculate the concentration:

Ci 

2300mol mol
CH 2 O   32.9
70 L L

See chart below for answers for the other components.

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1.25 Data:

- Vinjectate  2.0mL

mg  drug
- dosage  0.0210
kg  body

- mdrug  294mg

- Vsaline  30.0mL

- mbody  70kg

a) Concentration in bottle

mdrug 294mg mg
C   9.8
Vsaline 30.0mL mL

b) Drug needed for person

mg  drug
mdosage  dosage  mbody  0.0210  70kg  1.47mg drug
kg  body

mdosage 1.47mg drug mg

Cgoal    0.735 (target concentration)
Vinjectate 2.0mL injectate mL


mg mg
Dilute 9.8 to 0.735
mL mL

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 mg 
 9.8   x mL 
 mL   0.735
2.0mL mL

x=0.15mL drug

saline  2.0mL  0.15mL  1.85mL

0.15mL drug; 1.85mL saline

c) M drug  15000

mg  mol   g   103 mL 
injectate  0.735    
mL  15000 g  103 mg  L 

injectate  4.9 105  49 M


 1000mg 
a) m  5g    5000mg
 1g 

m 5000mg mg
C   20
V 250mL mL

 mg 
b) 40mL  20   800mg
 mL 

5000mg  800mg  4200mg

m  mol 
c) n  5g    0.025mol
M  198 g 

n 0.025mol
Molarity    0.1M
V 0.25L

1.27 Data:

- antibiotic X dose of 5882 mg

- volume of distribution: Vd  10 L

- bioavailability: b  0.85

- clearance rate: CL  0.1

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mD 5882mg  1g   1000mL 
CD     
V  MD  g   1000mg   L 
5mL  372 
 mol 

CD  3.16  3.16M

a) To calculate the effective concentration, it is necessary to consider the volume of distribution and


mD 5882mg mg
Cb  b   0.85  500
Vd 10 L L

b) elimination rate:

 L  mg  mg
m  CL  Cb   0.1  500   50
 min  L  min

c) The liver clears drugs from the body. If the liver is damaged, then clearance will not be normal. A low

drug concentration results in ineffective treatment. A high drug concentration results in potentially

toxic effects.

1.28 O2 :18 vol%; N2 : 80 vol%; CO2 : 2 vol%

a) Partial pressure

Pi  xi P , where Pi is the partial pressure, xi is the mole fraction, and P is the total pressure.

( P  760mmHg ). Mole fractions, which are needed to calculate partial pressures, can be calculated

from the volume percents. All constituents (O2, N2, CO2) are assumed to be at constant total pressure

and temperature.

For constituent i: PVi  ni RT  ni 

For the total system: PVtotal  ntotal RT  ntotal 

ni V
xi   RT  i
ntotal PVtotal Vtotal

From this, it is apparent that the mole fraction is proportional to the volume percent.

O 2 :18vol %   xO2  0.18

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N 2 : 80vol %   xN2  0.80

CO 2 : 2vol %   xCO2  0.02

O2 : PO2  xO2 P  0.18  760mmHg   136.8mmHg

N 2 : PN2  xN2 P  0.80  760mmHg   608mmHg

CO2 : PCO2  xCO2 P  0.02  760mmHg   15.2mmHg

b) Data:

- T  23C  296K

- V  2L

lb f
- gauge pressure  Pg   1500

Convert gauge pressure to absolute pressure:

lb f
Pabs  Pg  Patm ; 1atm  14.7

lb f lb f lb f
Pabs  1500 2
 14.7 2
 1514.7
in in in2

Calculate the number of moles:

PV  nRT

 
 lb f   1atm 
1514.7 2   2 L   
 in   14.7 lb f 
 
ntotal   in 2   8.48mol
 cm3  atm   1L 
 82.06  296 K  3 3 
 mol  K   10  cm 

nO2  xO2  ntotal  0.18 8.48mol   1.5mol

nN2  xN2  ntotal  0.80 8.48mol   6.8mol

nCO2  xCO2  ntotal  0.02 8.48mol   0.17mol

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c) P  752mmHg; T  22C  295K; V  1.5L

For a given gas:

1 1
 2 2
T1 T2

I. volume at STP:

STP : P  760mmHg  1atm; T  0C  273K; V  ?

 752mmHg 1.5L   760mmHg  x L 

295K 273K

x  1.37L
At STP, the volume is slightly smaller than the experimental volume.

II. volume at BTP

BTP : P  760mmHg  1atm; T  37C  310K; V  ?

 752mmHg 1.5L   760mmHg  x L 

295K 310K

x  1.56L
At BTP, the volume is slightly higher than the experimental volume.

These answers make sense. STP is lower in temperature than the experiment, therefore, the volume is

lower. BTP is higher in temperature than the experiment, therefore, the volume is higher.

1.29 O2 : 25 vol%; N2 : 73 vol%; CO2 : 2 vol%

a) Pi  xi P , where Pi is the partial pressure, xi is the mole fraction, and P is the total pressure

 P  760mmHg  .

The mole fraction is proportional to the volume percent. xi 

O 2 : 25vol %   xO2  0.25

N 2 : 73vol %   xN2  0.73

CO 2 : 2vol %   xCO2  0.02

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PO2  xO2 P  0.25  4.00 102   1.00 102 kPa

PN2  xN2 P  0.73 4.00 102   2.92 102 kPa

PCO2  xCO2 P  0.02  4.00 102   8.0kPa

lb f
b) Pg  1200 ; T  22C  295K ; V  2 L

Convert gauge pressure to absolute pressure:

lb f
Pabs  Pg  Patm ; 1atm  14.696

lb f lb f lb f
Pabs  1200 2
 14.696 2
 1214.696
in in in2

Calculate the number of moles:

PV  nRT

 
 lb f   1atm 
1214.696 2   2 L   
 in   14.696 lb f 
 
ntotal   in 2   6.83mol
 cm3  atm   1L 
 82.06   295 K   3 
 mol  K   1000cm 

nO2  xO2  ntotal  0.25  6.83mol   1.71mol

nN2  xN2  ntotal  0.73  6.83mol   4.99mol

nCO2  xCO2  ntotal  0.02  6.83mol   0.14mol

c) P  1atm; T1  25C  298K ; T2  37C  310 K

V1 V2 V T
  2  2
T1 T2 V1 T1

310 K
 1.04 (The ratio of V2 to V1 is 1.04:1.)
298 K

Upon heating, the volume of the system will increase. In this example, the volume of the system

increases by 4%.

1.30 Assume constant temperature.

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Henry’s Law: H   C  H 1 P

C is the molar concentration of the dissolved gas, P is the pressure over the solution, and H is Henry’s Law

 
Constant  H  0.74 mmHg  .
 M 

P 95mmHg
Arterial: C    128.4 M
H 0.74 mmHg

P 40mmHg
Venous: C    54.05 M
H 0.74 mmHg

This makes sense because Henry’s Law states that the concentration of a gas dissolved in a liquid is

proportional to the pressure of the gas over the liquid.


a) For sucrose concentration 6 g/L:

x i
x i 1

55.55  57.01  57.95

x  56.84

 x  x
 i 1

n 1

 55.55  56.84    57.01  56.84    57.95  56.84 

2 2 2

  1.21
 3  1

See table below for additional calculations.

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b) See plot below.

c) Using a linear fit in Excel, y  10.17 x  8.08

Peak area = 10.17 × (sucrose concentration) – 8.08

d) Peak area = 209.86

209.86  10.17  sucrose   8.08

sucrose  21.43


a) See plot below.

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The sensor responds linearly from 4-400 mg/dL. At concentrations less than 4 mg/dL, there is no data.

At concentrations greater than 400 mg/dL, the data plateaus, indicating that the changes in the sensor-

detected concentration do not correspond to changes in the chemical concentration.

b) The term “hypoglycemic” indicates low blood sugar. The term “hyperglycemic” indicates excessive

amounts of sugar in the blood. The hypoglycemic range includes sugar concentrations less than 60

mg/dL, and the hyperglycemic range includes sugar concentrations greater than 300 mg/dL.

(“Complete Home Medical Guide.” Tapley et al, editors.

c) Patch: h  1mm; SA  4mm2 ; D  5nm

Vpatch  A  h  4mm2 1mm   4mm3

4 4
Vbead   r 3    2.5nm   65.4nm3

3 3

Assume the beads are packed end-to-end.

h  1mm, D  5nm

h  D  N spheres

 103 mm 
1mm  5nm  9   N spheres
 10 nm 

N spheres  2 105 spheres that can pack along height

Assume the patch is square. ( SA  4mm  2mm  2mm )

L  D  N spheres

 103 mm 
2mm  5nm  9   N spheres
 10 nm 

N spheres  4 105 spheres that can pack along one side

l  4  105 spheres; w  4  105 spheres; h  2  105 spheres

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estimate  l  w  h

estimate   4 105  4 105  2 105   3.2 1016 spheres in patch

Another way to solve this problem is to estimate the number of spheres in the patch using the face-

centered cubic (FCC) approximation. In an FCC approximation, the spheres are stacked and offset.

volume of spheres
0.74 
total volume

volume of spheres
0.74 

volume of spheres  2.96mm3

Vsphere  N spheres  volume of spheres

 103 mm 
65.4nm3  9   N spheres  2.96mm

 10 nm 

N spheres  4.53 1016 spheres in patch

Simply dividing the patch volume by the sphere volume will overestimate the spheres which can be

packed. This incorrect method gives 6.11×1016 spheres per patch.

d) Binding capacity: 1×10-6 moles

Assume 4.53×1016 spheres in patch (as in the FCC approximation).

 23 molecules 

 6.023  10 mol  molecules
1 10 mol    13
 16
 
4.53 10 spheres sphere
 

e) The advantages of using this sensor include its ability to take real-time measurements, minimize the

risk of incidences of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, and eliminate the need to prick the test

subject’s finger for blood. The disadvantages of using the sensor include the need for the sensor to be

implanted into the body, which creates a concern of disruption due to the invasiveness of the surgical

procedure. There is also a concern of how long the sensor will last in the body without the need for a


NOTE: In a more routine sensor system, the glucose measured through the sensor would plateau relative to

the glucose concentration made by chemical measurements.

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