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Drafters: The memories of dumped stories

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandoms: No Fandom, Multi-Fandom
Additional Tags: Bad Ideas, Scrapped ideas/abandoned projects, Abandoned Work -
Unfinished and Discontinued, How Do I Tag, I'm Bad At Tagging, I
Don't Even Know, I Tried, Inspired by Roleplay/Roleplay Adaptation,
Rating May Change, Varied rating, Rants
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-21 Words: 566 Chapters: 2/?
Drafters: The memories of dumped stories
by MarniebookKarmine


When the ideas flow, here lays the privacity and snapped stuff that I left behind until get some

Kind of a story recorder where I can have some remembers and/or ways to recycle it and
reference furthermore.

Contains ocs and/or fiction stuff that ended up not happening at the end of the day
Idea 1: cherry skies

Starting off with the first concept that I drafted long time ago. A simple dumb idea for a silly
Spanish story that ended up abandoned in the deeps.

Cherry star was technically a concept regarding two planes of existence: the space and the
earth, where the contrast was awfully evident. There was kind of lack of logic when comes to
those living in the space plane, but didn't care at first.

The story was regarding of a space traveler that after be gone in a long time "abandoning" his
wife, mother in law and his future daughter, ended up in scearch his daughter and try reflex
how everything went in a downhill and even, exploring the earth.

I remember exactly that this ended in chapter six the original, tried to di a continuation that
ended up discarded or even deleted one of these.

Supposedly it has some drawings for interpretation but it is from less. At the end of the day,
would get better for the future, maybe as more than just text and become some sort of mini

The first ever story that I reported at the end, into this dumb book draft. Maybe of reference if
I ever recycle and relate this book soon or later
Idea 2: Tama-Call, Call-machi and "Dismiss"

A new update, this time leaving each concept of scrapped ideas since I got a new one in
hands. Usually wished there was a classification for mixed types of rating but here we are
(also updated it to explicit since it takes concepts with certain capacities)

First scrapped concept (kinda) - Tama-Call: This one was the most successful one I got in
hands since then: 37 hits, and one kudos of explicit rating.

The concept was related towards the idea of a toy centered for adults and know their
shapeshifters mate which tends to become anything, transforming into a home improvement
and kind of secret relationship.

One of the highlights of this concept was the second chapter: audition. Which is the first one
I done and has kind of conflict air for obtain said product.

Second scrapped concept - Call-machi: this one was a remake and revamp of the first
concept, but more planned into somebody recovering back after leaving university, and after
move on and get a job as a bartender, meets one of the coworkers that was a shapeshifter.

Usually this one is odd, but saved one specific highlight for this one: a villain which instead
of be physical, it is a struggle metaphorically of a addiction caused in the past

This is one of these concepts that ended up begin scrapped with watching one version, yet the
second will remain lost.

Except it was more slice of life plus less explicit.

Third concept - lost "dismiss": the names a code. Technically it was related to a world
where it has a organization hunting down monsters that were hidden in society: vampires,
werebeasts, shapeshifters and elfs.

Usually was going to be protagonized by a DJ and her boyfriend, along her little brother. But
as today, decided discard it completely. Maybe I can bring a one shot regarding these stories
or even short ones for show what I meant their ideas.

Wished never be brewing these since some of them might fail, but at the end of the day.
These are stories that wished reached the light.

At least I can remember as something, and maybe, take them back.

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