Social Networking Sites Review of Related Literature

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Social networking sites have become an integral part of modern society, with billions of users

worldwide engaging in various platforms daily. As such, understanding the impact and implications
of social networking sites is of paramount importance. One crucial aspect of delving into this topic is
conducting a literature review, a task that often proves challenging for many researchers.

Writing a literature review requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing
literature related to the topic at hand. It involves sifting through numerous academic papers, books,
and other sources to identify relevant studies, theories, and findings. Additionally, synthesizing these
diverse sources into a coherent narrative requires skill and precision.

One of the primary challenges researchers face when writing a literature review is ensuring
comprehensive coverage of the topic while also maintaining focus and relevance. With the vast
amount of literature available on social networking sites, navigating through the sea of information
can be overwhelming. Moreover, distinguishing between credible sources and less reliable ones adds
another layer of complexity to the process.

Furthermore, synthesizing the findings from various studies and integrating them into a cohesive
narrative can be daunting. Researchers must critically analyze each source, identify common themes,
and evaluate the strengths and limitations of existing research. This requires not only a deep
understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to critically evaluate scholarly work.

Given the complexity and time-consuming nature of writing a literature review, many researchers
may find themselves in need of assistance. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. Our team of
experienced writers specializes in crafting high-quality literature reviews on a wide range of topics,
including social networking sites. With their expertise and dedication, they can help you navigate the
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By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while also
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In the first half of 2018, Tik-Tok was the most downloaded app in the world. You can even follow
your favorite creators so that you always know when new music comes out. The objective is pretty
simple: allowing users to get connected with the people in their area. Moreover, this effect is
expanding exponentially due to ongoing research and consistent development of these sites. Summer
Internship Report on Marketing strategies of Airtel. Strangely, social networking can also lead to
domestic crimes such as burglary; posting about a trip on social media, check-in details and other
information would provide would-be burglars with the information telling them when to strike. End
the essay with a conclusion If time permits, read through the essay to ensure that there are no
grammatical issues or factual errors. FilmAffinity is a place to discover new movies that you might
have never heard of before. Social media are the websites which are build upon the. A fringe effect
of this application in particular has increased the informal sector by a two-fold with the youth in
particular getting involved in self-employment and brand management. The recommendations made
were that social networking sites should develop features that would help integrate learning contents
into social media platforms and that virtual learning should be explored to enhance student
engagement, among others. There are many downsides, ranging from online security and child safety
to piracy and cyberbullying. However, in the wrong hands, social networking sites can cause privacy
and safety concerns. You can also create short looping videos of between 3 and 60 seconds.
Therefore, the emergence of personal computers set the stage for the emergence of social networking.
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Chapter 2-Realated literature and Studies Chapter 2-Realated literature and Studies Mercy Daracan
Viewers also liked ( 15 ) Social media-in-the-workplace Social media-in-the-workplace Text
categorization Text categorization Identifying Key Social Media Strategies for FMCG Brands to
Influence Consumer. Some studies have indicated that social media use may be led to negative
interpersonal relationship, including infidelity, divorce, disrespect, detachment which often occurs
suicide, increases loneliness. Offers a rating features that was not established in the developed
CAMPUS BASED Social Networking System. Kaberks! Allow member to connect to people in their
personal networks and community, creating a new online interactive resource that is based on a
trusted network of friends and associates on the internet. ( ). Indeed, we note the current trend that
social networking sites are becoming a prime source for divorce case evidence due to public over-
sharing. The purpose of this paper was to determine which specific social networking sites, dating
sites and apps, led to more marriages and which ones led to more divorces. This research aims to
answer these questions and explore the effects of using SNSs (namely on
interpersonal relationships. A Study on Retailer’s Perception on Soya Products with Special
Reference to T. The findings highlight the importance of considering students' general academic
achievement as a moderator of the relationship between social networking use and learning
performance, and also the importance of considering the impact on specific levels of learning. Social
networking sites enable greater interaction with. I will be adding more and more to this guide in
coming months. Gordhamer (2009) has related social media marketing to the relationship marketing
where firms need. Mukesh Latwal organisation study on HCL Infosystems organisation study on
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the literature of the social media first and analyzed the honey comb model which explains the seven.
You can search for millions of humorous GIFs to use in text messages, emails, social media, and
Hi5 also allows the user to create personal photo albums, play online games, and set up a music
player in the profile. Colors or fonts that strain the eyes will discourage the user from spending time
on the website. But, it’s more feature-rich and is often focused on professionals. Or, you can leave
your own reviews and make recommendations to others. Geocities,, and
had many of the functionalities now common in social networking platforms. These sites encouraged
users to interact with others through chat rooms. Newer generations of social networking sites
emerged in the early 2000s, with Orkut being the most well-known. Hence, it was not accessible to
the general public. Other studies have found evidence for harm what have indicated that social media
use may be not so beneficial for some individuals especially in married life. To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Social Networks, Media and Audiences: A Literature Review. Emotional Intelligence and Work
Performance Relationship: A Study on Sales Pe. Myspace Music was redecorated in 2008 and 2009,
making it more like an online music store similar to iTunes and Rhapsody, along with the ability to
create playlists. Thats like having this list and forgetting to put facebook up. Moreover, social media
marketing has a role within the wider marketing mix and the sites have the added purpose to aid the
development of tangible purposes. Assistant Professor, School Of Business Studies, Islamic
University of Science and Technology, Awantipora. This concept is only a decade old but has
reached every social and. You can also share photos and videos and audio messages, using Viber.
Social media marketing is a new marketing strategy which almost every business is adopting to
reach. We really want any new site to be private and secure. Some people are more active, while
others are less so. The developed CAMPUS BASED Social Networking system was designed to be
visually appealing by putting up flashing images that takes the attention of the viewers and
encourage them to become a member of the site. Introduction to social media overview of web 20
and social media tools how epa and other agencies are using these tools agency and government
wide policies governing use of tools case studies todays discussion. These are clever in how they
increase job mobility and revolutionize job satisfaction. Literature review on effectiveness of the use
of social media. They want to do this by creating an online environment that you can trust and is safe
for everyone. Probably more now. It’s used by 93% of people with smartphones in South Korea. A
Literature Review on the Business Impacts of Social Network Sites. The results show that
entertainment needs are the most influential factor in pathological Snapchat use, the fear of a
negative evaluation is the most influential factor on depression, and social needs are the most
influential on life satisfaction. Public Sector Reforms and Outsourcing Services in Nigeria: An
Empirical Evalu. You can voice call, video call, text and make groups and servers on it. While they
MIGHT get you a closed network or a specific audience, it doesn’t cater for interaction with all of
the platform.
I have never created a Facebook account yet through accounts of Friends I see my full name
identified. Volume 3, pp. pp.186-202. Shirky, Clay. 2011. The Political Power of Social Media.
Geocities,, and had many of the functionalities now common in social
networking platforms. These sites encouraged users to interact with others through chat rooms.
Newer generations of social networking sites emerged in the early 2000s, with Orkut being the most
well-known. As society proceeds and creeps into a vastly technological age with people becoming
more mobile and more global, it is only fitting that new developments take place is social fields along
with all others. Host annual fantasy leagues each year with PEXFL (Pinoy Exchange Fantasy
League) and B.A.N.O. (Basketball Association of New Owners) currently on its third and second
year respectively, both of which are second-rate fantasy basketball leagues with incorrigible general
managers. It is available in many different languages franging from English and French to German
and Portuguese. Recently there has been a dramatic increase in the presence and use of Social
Networking Sites (SNSs) which has undoubtedly had an effect on the way people communicate.
They write on blogs and in online communities and they share pictures and videos on popular sites
such as myspace and youtube. Public Sector Reforms and Outsourcing Services in Nigeria: An
Empirical Evalu. It enables you to connect with your friends and loved ones in a convenient way and
even based on your areas of interest. It's Snapchat. It's very unlikely that you will find your grandma
here. The gathering at a village market, for the purpose of information or to talk about events, can be
considered as a precursor to offline-networking. Strangely, social networking can also lead to
domestic crimes such as burglary; posting about a trip on social media, check-in details and other
information would provide would-be burglars with the information telling them when to strike. After
growing tired of the 9-5, commuting and never seeing my family I decided that I wanted to make
some changes and launched my first blog. It is one of the marvels of modern technology, culminating
years of progress and growth in the field of information and technology. Last, but not least, ensure
that you do your research. When they are given an incentive, then is the time that the young ones
believe that it is for their own good and that they should believe in the dictum of the social
networking sites bringing them close to their loved ones while making sure that they remain cool, hip
and trendy all this while with their usage patterns of the social networking sites. This feature is free
and the main difference from the latter is that questions are potentially more business-oriented, and
the identity of the people asking and answering questions is known. Thus, considering that the social
effect of these networking sites is established, the question arises as to how and why these sites
continue to influence all other fields of life. There is Twoo that I know and it is popular but not found
in your list. It has given consumers a platform for directly intervening and representing themselves
and making demands therefore making a difference. For example, the top tier includes the ability to
put on live events with audience chat, polls, graphics, and more. This study attempts to understand
the functions of the social media websites and their role. Introduction to social media overview of
web 20 and social media tools how epa and other agencies are using these tools agency and
government wide policies governing use of tools case studies todays discussion. Due to the increase
in Computer-Mediated-Communication, the world has now become an increasingly networked place
and it is now possible to connect with people through various systems, both online and offline.
Introduction To Social Media Share their feelings videos and pictures with others. Social network
sites (SNSs) such as MySpace, Facebook, and Youtube have attracted millions of users, many of
whom have integrated these sites into their. Implementation of Quality Management principles at
Zimbabwe Open University (. There are numbers of social media platforms on which you can
promote your brand, but not all have the same value. They need to understand which audience use
which platform.
Identifying Key Social Media Strategies for FMCG Brands to Influence Consumer. The social
aspects of the site allow you to react to your favorite GIFs and even share them with friends on
other platforms. Interactivity is key when it comes to social media. Though there are so many social
media sites available, I feel it is not necessary for a business to promote themselves on each and
every platform. When a person receives a friend request, he may accept or decline it, or block the
user altogether. It is available in many different languages franging from English and French to
German and Portuguese. Close to 40% of American adults have an account on Instagram. The
features established in the developed CAMPUS BASED Social Networking System were almost the
same with any other social media, but there are number of features that are put up mainly to respond
the needs of the users, these are the Take Note page, Hear Us, and Corner page. Without social
media, it is not possible for businesses to promote their brand and reach out globally. It is just one of
the many services offered by the internet. Hi5 also allows the user to create personal photo albums,
play online games, and set up a music player in the profile. Users can invite anyone (whether a site
user or not) to become a connection. Disasters, Unpublished master thesis, Victorian Emergency
Services Foundation, Victoria. It also gives appropriate search results for the best food outlets, night
entertainment places and more in your area. The Houseparty platform gained increased popularity
over the Coronavirus pandemic and has grown from strength to strength. At the end of the day,
social media is about people sharing their identities. This encryption feature has only just been made
available for WhatsApp, whereas Telegram has always provided it. These people however face strong
facts and opposition. We have a website and our page was used to direct people towards that website
and as a News site to alert members to things happening in the genealogy and family history world.
Not only does it provide quick access to the network, but it also allows for commenting on third-
party sites. After growing tired of the 9-5, commuting and never seeing my family I decided that I
wanted to make some changes and launched my first blog. Companies can get feedback on products,
answer questions, and interact with those that are supporting them. Social Media and Higher
Education Literature Review. You can check the platform help center to learn more about the site.
It’s a microblogging platform that allows users to post their thoughts, share images, and more. It is
imperative to study, explore and find novel ways to use SNS for society’s benefit. With its character
limit set to 280 characters and the presence of millions of fake bots, Twitter isn't exactly the place for
a reasoned debate. Users can also connect privately through the robust messaging system. The survey
also showed that eight out of every ten members of Congress are on Facebook on Twitter and use it
to communicate with the masses. The findings highlight the importance of considering students'
general academic achievement as a moderator of the relationship between social networking use and
learning performance, and also the importance of considering the impact on specific levels of
It even has a built-in translator to translate your chats. Answer: Social networking is an important
element in today’s world. My family have joined MeWe, where there is no tracking and no
advertising at all. There’s plenty of stickers, filters and augmented reality features to add to your
videos. Organizational Conflicts Management In Selected Organizaions In Lagos State. Moreover,
social networking is a powerful tool for learning as it can enable information and knowledge sharing.
Will this result in the strengthening or weakening of relationships. Users are only able to chat with
their Facebook friends and on a one-to-one basis, although a user may chat with multiple friends
simultaneously through separate chat interfaces. ( ). It offers you the ability to call non-Viber users
through a feature named Viber Out. Does Goods and Services Tax (GST) Leads to Indian Economic
Development. The only thing that makes the developed CAMPUS BASED Social Networking
System unique from Facebook is that this system is intended to promote dissemination of CAMPUS
BASED information such as the school’s latest events and news and developed mainly for the
collaboration of CAMPUS BASED community. With Kaberks! rating features, you know what
people think about you, they can rate each photograph in your public gallery, rate your overall
profile, or even leave some comments about you. It’s launched the careers of many professional
eSports players and continues to be a place for viewers to discover new titles. A certain landing page
may lead to improved sign up rates, but those users may not necessarily turn out to be the most
active or most likely to invite their friends. Vero want to address the issue of social media addiction.
Debates on the effect of the development of social networking sites are incessantly ongoing as the
network becomes more and more integrated and vast. It is mainly a community of people sharing in
groups. In such chats, more than 100,000 members can watch a single person doing an activity. It
also allows its users to tag them with any keywords. The music-sharing platform launched in 2008
and has steadily grown to be one of the hottest spots to discover new talent. So, social networking
can be seen as a modern extension of this age-old tradition. Another major downfall of social
networking is it absolutely kills productivity. Close to 40% of American adults have an account on
Instagram. There is also a short code in the United Kingdom which is only accessible to those on the
Vodafone, O2 and Orange networks. Members can create content on virtually any topic they choose.
So, you can do DIY tasks or home improvement projects, plan your travel agenda and so on by using
Pinterest. As per the BI intelligence report, the number of WeChat users are fast catching up with the
number of WhatsApp users. Businesses can focus on listening and interacting with the consumers of
their products. The privacy feature is meant to promote open discussions without the fear of
retribution. Meanwhile, loved ones can learn more about what’s going on in a safe and secure
From being a strategic component of modern businesses to an important tool for teachers and
students, social networking has immeasurable implications. A total of 385 couples were sampled for
the study using multi-stage sampling technique. The findings highlight the importance of considering
students' general academic achievement as a moderator of the relationship between social
networking use and learning performance, and also the importance of considering the impact on
specific levels of learning. Consumers have now become prosumers and actively curate content on
issues that they care about meaning that they can make or break a brand this is known as vigilante
marketing. “Consumers creating such content are acting as self-appointed promoters of the brand
and often have firm convictions regarding what is right or wrong for it. The privacy-focused business
model prevents user data from being shared or sold. Other studies have found evidence for harm
what have indicated that social media use may be not so beneficial for some individuals especially in
married life. Such an activity can be anything from giving a tutorial video to singing karaoke, which
helps the users earn virtual currency that they can later convert into cash. Mangold and Faulds (2009)
describe ?social media as the set of online word of mouth forums which. Retrieved on December 15,
2011: Viner, Katherine. 2009. “Internet has changed foreign policy for ever, says Gordon Brown.”
The Guardian. Retrieved on December 15, 2011: Fielding, Rachel. 2011. “New Twitter gives brands
more control.” Retrieved on December 15, 2011. As per the BI intelligence report,
the number of WeChat users are fast catching up with the number of WhatsApp users. It serves as a
platform to upload numerous high quality images, especially by photographers or people who love
photography. There are many downsides, ranging from online security and child safety to piracy and
cyberbullying. Social Media and Small Businesses: A Combinational Strategic Approach under t. The
aim of WT Social is to empower members to choose their own content choices, encouraging and
breeding a community of integrity in content and community. Organizational Conflicts Management
In Selected Organizaions In Lagos State. Social Media and Higher Education Literature Review In
the Spring of 2010, ACUTA conducted a survey of its institutional members regarding their
institutions. As per the statistics revealed on Statista, approximately 4.59 billion users used social
networking sites and apps in 2022. The Groups dimension is about the extent to which each
individual can form communities and sub-. References Djik, Van. 2006. The Network Society: Social
Aspects of the New Media. Gender and personality of the SNS user may also influence what effects
the site has on interpersonal relationships. It is used across the globe by all types of professionals and
serves as an ideal platform to connect with different businesses, locate and hire ideal candidates, and
more. It’s a great platform to discover new content as well as revisit familiar favorites. Such people
can share their own collections, different ideas and learn from the experiences of other members for
better collaboration possibilities. It’s continually evolved to stay up current trends. It’s all 100% free
and no privacy issues whatsoever and no ads. Social Media and Higher Education Literature Review
In the Spring of 2010, ACUTA conducted a survey of its institutional members regarding their
institutions. It was found that in those states where was more heavily used in 2013, there
were fewer marriages in 2014. According to Chi (2011, 46), social media marketing is a connection.
Today?s customers are more powerful and busy; therefore, companies should be. Thats like having
this list and forgetting to put facebook up.
Implementation of Quality Management principles at Zimbabwe Open University (. Consumers
through social media now have the perfect medium for communicating with brands and companies
and the sites have acted as a bridge between them. Emotional Intelligence and Work Performance
Relationship: A Study on Sales Pe. They write on blogs and in online communities and they share
pictures and videos on popular sites such as myspace and youtube. To better understand the
implications of social networking on student learning, we examine the implications of student time
spent in total on Facebook and on different reasons for using Facebook through a series of ordinary
least squares (OLS) regressions. Today almost every internet user is familiar with these two words
irrespective of their profession. In India, Orkut was one of the first social networking sites to have
gained traction before the emergence of Facebook. We really want any new site to be private and
secure. Big-name gamers, athletes, and entertainers produce weekly shows. Please enable JavaScript
Source Code Top 90 Visual Basic Project Ideas The study entitled social networking application is a
platform similar to facebook, twitter and other social networking sites. Exploiting the opportunities
provided by the social media. Social media are the websites which are build upon the. Families,
friends and significant others are using Hike, Instagram, Twitter, Messenger and other applications
for regular interaction, providing social support, incite feelings of patriotism, collective identity and
social interest. Identifying Key Social Media Strategies for FMCG Brands to Influence Consumer.
An Examination of Effectuation Dimension as Financing Practice of Small and M. In particular, we
examine how post-secondary students' general academic achievement, reflected by grade point
average scores, moderate these impacts. Secretarial Performance and the Gender Question (A Study
of Selected Tertiary. Initially, the internet’s very first iteration was called ARPANET (Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network), a project of the United States Defence. FilmAffinity is a place
to discover new movies that you might have never heard of before. You can make gigantic
chatrooms full of thousands of people and have different moderators mod things. Enterprise social
networks: A literature review and research agenda. Gab prioritizes the free flow of information
online and actively promotes its dedication to free speech and individual liberty. It also works as a
messaging tool and there are a number of gamification features. Today?s customers are more
powerful and busy; therefore, companies should be. You can thus put away your storage space
concerns for your vast collection of images. It is also important to set up functionality directly on the
social network that alerts members of any new activity that involves them. So far I can say that for
the first time I’m growing a really valuable social networking profile, without all this “madness” like
endless hashtagging, follow- unfollow, or useless comments made of always the same emojis.
Celebrities follow this social platform a lot and it enables users to share, upload and rate videos.
Thanks to browser extensions and smartphone apps, you can easily save favorites, share sites, and
more. Hence, it was not accessible to the general public.

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