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Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851)

Danish Physicist and Chemist
- played a crucial role in understanding electromagnetism

“Nag set up ng wire na may kuryente to demonstrate the heatin effect of current pero
accidentally niyang nalapit yung kuryente sa wire and napansin niya na nag twitch yung needle
nung compass kapag yung wire is connected to the battery since gawa sa magnet ang needle
ng compass napansin niya na may magnetic effect ang current.”

-Accidentally discovered that electric current can create a magnetic field / A moving charge
creates a magnetic field.

Andre-Marie Ampere
French Physicist
- inspired by orested

For his first set up, gumamit sha ng magkatabing wires then pinadaloy niya ang kuryente sa
both direction of the both wires and nagkaroon ng attraction pero if opposite naman ang
direction ng current they repulse. Walang magnet pero nagkaroon ng attraction.

- He produced a magnetic attraction and repulsion without the use of any magnets, all of it was
generated by electricity. = Electrodynamics - Electromagnetism

Michael Faraday
- If magnetism may be produced by electricity, could the reverse be possible? = Possible ba na
makapag-produce ng electricity from magnetism?

1831 “Nag set-up siya ng selonid na binubuo ng wire o coil of wire sa isang metal tube, ang wire
na ito ay naka-connect sa galvanometer (which measures current) nung sinubukan ni Faraday
na ipasok yung magnet sa tube gumalaw ang needle ng galvanometer meaning current was
detected. Pero nung nasa loob na ito nung tube bumalik sa zero yung meter, pagkalabas nung
magnet tsaka lang sha ulit na dedetect.

-Current is only detected when the magnet is moving in and out of the coil. // That a changing
magnetic field produces an electric current. Which is the reverse of Ampere and Oersted
Discovery. He called it electromagnetic induction.

Joseph Henry was the first to conduct the experiment but the had to stop it, kaya ang
naka-credit ay si Faraday. = Father of electromagnetic induction.

James Clerk Maxwell

Scottish Physicist na nag base sa aral nung mga past na theories, para malaman if pwede pag
samahin ang magnetism and electricity?

1864 = He translated Faraday’s finding into mathematical equations and then he developed
electromagnetic theory.

- If si faraday nadiscover na ang chaning magnetic field produces an electric, he decided to add
the converse. Ang sabi ni James Clerk Maxwell, a changing electric field produces a magnetic
field even in the absence of electric currents. “No need na may electric charge para makapag
propogate ang electromagnetic wave base on his theory.

Electromagnetic waves = Hypothesized that EM waves travel at the speed of light, and that light
is a form of EM

“Predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves”



So itong dillemma na ito ay nasagot ni Heinrich Hertz

1887 = Ang set up niya ay isang spark generator this is a very high voltage generator coupled to
an antenna and a metallic ring at some distance apart.

Sabi ni Hertz, kung tama si Maxwell yung Electromagnetic waves ay matra-transfer from the
spark gen to the antenna TO THE Metallic ring na mag ca-cause ng spark. When the generator
was on, there was a spark seen in the metallic ring.


Ang na generate ni Hertz sa kanyang apparatus is yung radio waves-form of EM Waves.

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