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A simple way to break a bad habit.

Topic Analysis:

One of the few things about ourselves that we might not have noticed is the subject that the
speaker, Judson Brewer, decided to address. According to the speaker, quitting a bad habit requires
more than simply willpower or total self-control; it also requires awareness of the harm the
behaviour causes to our body and psyche. The speaker emphasises the joy of the process, which
occurs when we are able to recognise how our poor habits are affecting us personally, comprehend
the consequences, break free from the bad habit, and eventually experience the joy of letting go.

As we learn more about a habit through time, we increasingly understand its significance.
For example, he stated that when we notice the trigger, such as observing a cool person smoking
outdoors, we have this need to be cool as well, and finally, when we end ourselves smoking.
Everything begins with what we see or feel, which causes our mind to act in a certain way,
eventually developing into a habit.

According to a study he presented, when people are instructed to smoke, the smokers
recount their terrible experiences, including the taste and smell of smoke. This demonstrates that
her sentiments are the only thing that can cause the harmful habit to start. She most likely smokes
just because she is anxious about something or is bored and believes that smoking kills the time.
To summarise, Mr. Brewer's topic is well chosen in terms of raising awareness of undesirable
habits that we are actually capable of dealing with.
Speaker Analysis:

Dr. Judson Brewer is a psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and author known for his work in the
field of mindfulness and addiction. He is an associate professor in the School of Public Health and
the Medical School at Brown University, where he serves as the Director of Research and
Innovation at the Mindfulness Centre.

Dr. Brewer's research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of mindfulness and how
it can be used to treat addiction, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. He has conducted
numerous studies examining the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on substance use
disorders, and his work has shown promising results in helping individuals overcome addictive

In addition to his research, Dr. Judson Brewer is also a sought-after speaker and has given
talks at major conferences and events worldwide. He has written extensively on the topics of
mindfulness and addiction, and his book titled "The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to
Smartphones to Love - Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits" has gained
widespread acclaim.

Dr. Brewer's work has contributed significantly to the understanding of the neurobiology
of addiction and the application of mindfulness-based approaches in addiction treatment. His
research and insights continue to impact the field of psychiatry and mindfulness-based therapies,
offering new perspectives on how to address various mental health challenges.

The speaker Judson Brewer starts his speech by telling the audience about how he used to
be a person who has a bad habit of not paying attention. For example, back in the day he learned
how to meditate, the instruction was to pay attention to your breath, and whenever your mind
wandered, bring it back. He said although it sounded simple enough he would still sit silently and
sweat through his t-shirt in the middle of winter.
Audience Analysis:

Dr. Judson Brewer audiences who attended his speech in the video are primarily students
and white-collar workers but the general idea of his speech is for people of all ages from children
to senior citizens. Although the audience never asked questions to him, it was clear and concise
that his audience understood what he was talking about.

The audience’s reactions were mostly non-verbal feedback. Though the environment was
serious and the audience was attentively silent, everytime Dr. Judson Brewer makes a joke or says
something relatable, the audience is sure to laugh or smile at the appropriate moments as he does

As he delivers his speech, he shared his experience in high school in which everyone in the
audience can relate when they were a teenager once. He talked about when he was in high school
some teenagers, including him, wanted to be cool so they decided to smoke cigarettes like one of
those rebellious teenagers. As he mentioned “see cool, smoke to be cool, feel, repeat. “Trigger,
behaviour, reward and repeat the process. Thus you developed a habit that you will do in daily life.
By mentioning this, the audience is more inclined and interested to listen to him because they feel
the same way as he did when they were all teenagers.
On what event the speech is about:

The event of the speech is that Dr. Judson Brewer studies the relationship between

mindfulness and addiction from smoking to overeating to all those other things we do even though

we know they're bad for us. Which he aims to to help people with such conditions and prevent it

from happening again and in the first place.

In his speech, Dr. Judson Brewer skillfully crafted his message, inserting funny remarks,

and relatable jokes. He emphasised on the bad habits that people keep doing in their daily lives,

addiction that destroys oneself on the inside, and when it comes to worst some people would never

recover from those conditions because they are used to it.

In summary, he delivered his speech with full research and facts gathered altogether. All

the audience simply agreed to his speech because Dr. Judson Brewer is respectful manner and no

judgement with a little funny remarks towards the audience. All in all, his speech was well received

by his audience.

Purpose of the speech:

Dr. Judson Brewer talks about the benefits of mindfulness in his TED Talk, "A simple way
to break a bad habit," which is about how to stop bad habits and get over addiction. He offers tips
and techniques on how to use mindfulness to better understand our cravings, stop harmful
behaviours, and develop healthier habits.

The purpose of Judson Brewer's speech, "A simple way to break a bad habit," is to inform
people about the benefits of using mindfulness as a potent tool for quitting undesirable behaviours.
Brewer's mission is to educate people on the psychological processes that underlie addiction and
habit formation and how mindfulness can break these cycles. The speech provides useful methods
and advice for developing awareness, curiosity, and impartial observation of our cravings, ideas,
and feelings. The audience can acquire the information and skills necessary to kick bad habits and
promote better ones by comprehending and using these concepts.

The next purpose is to persuade the audience of the effectiveness and value of mindfulness
in breaking bad habits. By presenting scientific evidence, personal stories, and logical arguments,
it aims to persuade listeners to adopt a mindful approach to habit change. It highlights the benefits
of mindfulness in promoting self-awareness, reducing stress, and fostering personal growth.

Besides, the purpose of his speech is to inspire and motivate the audience to take control
of their habits and make positive changes in their lives. Through real-life examples and relatable
anecdotes, it demonstrates how individuals can overcome challenges, develop self-awareness, and
cultivate healthier behaviours. It encourages listeners to embrace curiosity and self-compassion as
they navigate the journey of habit change.

In addition, the speech also serves a practical purpose by presenting a simple and effective
method for breaking bad habits. It introduces the concept of mindfulness and encourages
individuals to apply it to their daily lives as a way to disrupt the habit loop. It offers actionable
steps and techniques that listeners can implement to break free from unwanted patterns.
Reason of video choice:

The reason we as a group chose this video to write an analysis upon is because it offers an
abundance of logical and reasonable reasons that make it a compelling subject to analyse. Firstly,
the topic of breaking bad habits is without a doubt relevant in today's society. It resonates well
with us as students. We desperately wish to change, such as smoking, playing video games, or
excessive smartphone use. By diving into this video, one can explore a practical approach to
addressing these daily struggles, gaining valuable insights that can be applied to one’s self and
self-improvement in general,

Secondly, Judson Brewer's credibility as a famous psychiatrist and neuroscientist adds

significant weight to his ideas and methodology. With his professional background and expertise
in the field, Brewer's TED Talk becomes trusted and well known by many. He has written and
published numerous books which provide an opportunity to delve into the scientific foundations
behind his approach, for example, his book “Unwinding Anxiety” which offers a comprehensive
approach to understanding and overcoming anxiety. From what I’ve read online, Brewer
showcases his scientific expertise evaluating the evidence and research that support his claims to
help people overcome anxiety. This, nonetheless proves his credibility and general ability to help
people of many backgrounds and ages.

Thirdly, considering the social impact of habit change adds a crucial dimension to the
analysis. Breaking bad habits can have profound effects on individuals' lives and well-being,
influencing not only their personal growth but also their relationships, productivity, and overall
happiness. By analysing the video, one can explore the potential societal implications of adopting
Brewer's approach. This includes examining how it might positively impact mental health,
contribute to a healthier lifestyle, and enhance self-control, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling
and balanced existence.

In a nutshell, the video offers an abundance of reasons that make it an excellent choice for
analysis. Its relevance to us, the credibility of the speaker, the simplicity of his method, will
undoubtedly benefit everyone who wishes to improve themselves for the better.

Reference of reason of video choice:

Brewer, Judson. 2021. Unwinding Anxiety. New York: Avery. 9780593330457.

Brewer, Judson. 2021. Unwinding Anxiety. New York, USA: Avery. https://static.fnac-

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