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Implementing a Single Sign-On (SSO) web application involves choosing a suitable tech stack and

backend infrastructure. Here's a suggested tech stack that I can consider:

1. React or Vue.js:
- Use a modern JavaScript framework for building the frontend. React and Vue.js are popular choices
due to their component-based architecture and ease of integration.

2. HTML5 and CSS3:

- Leverage the latest web standards for building responsive and visually appealing user interfaces.

3. Redux or Vuex:
- Implement state management to handle the application's state, especially when dealing with
authentication-related data.

1. Node.js or Django:
- Choose a backend framework based on your team's expertise and preferences. Node.js (with Express)
is known for its speed and scalability, while Django (Python) provides a high-level framework with built-
in authentication modules.

2. RESTful API:
- Design a RESTful API for communication between the frontend and backend. This will be essential for
handling authentication requests and other data interactions.

3. JWT (JSON Web Tokens):

- Implement JWT for secure token-based authentication. This can be used to generate tokens after the
initial login and verify subsequent requests.

4. Passport.js (Node.js) or Django Rest Framework (Django):

- Integrate authentication middleware for managing user sessions and implementing SSO features.
Passport.js is a popular choice for Node.js, while Django Rest Framework provides similar functionality
for Django.

1. MongoDB or PostgreSQL:
- MongoDB is a NoSQL database that can be suitable for scalable applications. PostgreSQL is a robust
relational database that provides ACID compliance. Choose based on your application's requirements.

Authentication and Authorization:

1. OAuth 2.0:
- Implement OAuth 2.0 for secure authorization. This can be used to enable SSO capabilities and allow
users to access resources across different services.
Back-end as a Service (BaaS) Infrastructure:
1. Firebase Authentication:
- Consider using Firebase Authentication as a BaaS solution for handling user authentication. It
provides features like email/password authentication, social logins, and supports OAuth for SSO

2. Auth0:
- Auth0 is another powerful BaaS platform that specializes in identity management. It offers features
like multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, and social identity providers.

1. AWS or Azure:
- Host your application on a cloud platform like AWS or Azure for scalability, reliability, and ease of

2. Docker and Kubernetes:

- Containerize your application using Docker for easy deployment and use Kubernetes for orchestrating
and scaling your containers.

3. NGINX or Apache:
- Use a web server like NGINX or Apache for serving your application and handling reverse proxy

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