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MP Campus platform

Big Blue Button

User Manual

Enrollment How do I join the meeting?
How do I enroll as a registered user? The event will be open to enter a few minutes before it begins

You will see in your notification all events you have You find the date/time and location in the description
been invited to (bell icon in the right upper corner)
You can join by clicking on the yellow button "Join meeting as a
By clicking on the specific event, you will be directed to
participant", while we join as "moderators"
the event's page
Starting page
How do I join?
After joining, your page will look like this

You have an overview of all functions within the event

You can choose if you want to join with picture and sound

We recommend to mute your microphones first de-/activates shows you de-/activates

sharing of
your screen
your joined the your camera
microphone meeting

Is my microphone/camera on?
At the bottom of the starting page you can see if
you joined with sound or without

Please mute your microphone if you joined with sound

You can easily do this by clicking on the symbols one

time only

How can I activate my microphone?
We ask you kindly to keep your microphone muted
during trainings session

If needed, you can easily open your audio channel

audio settings
If you ever have problems with your audio settings, you
can easily manage by clicking on the "Phone" icon at
the lower toolbar

A window opens up where you can choose your

microphone and your headset/sound speakers

Choose your preferred option
How do I activate my camera?
It's always nice to know your other team member,
therefore we would kindly ask you to join the

You find the Camera icon at the lower toolbar

webcam settings
After activating your camera, two windows will pop up
first you have to allow access to your camera by clicking
on the left button within the window on the left, upper
A list of your connected webcams will open

Choose your preferred camera
your camera Join the meeting
Settings settings
click to save

How can I change the language?

You can choose from different languages

Open the menu by clicking on the three buttons at the top

right corner of your screen

"Settings" is the second point of the toolbar that

opens up

If the settings are in German

Choose "Anwendungen", the first point on the left side
Automatically, you will be directed to the menu to change

A drop down menu will show next to "Sprache", which you

can open by clicking on the arrow on the right
Choose your language

Confirm by clicking the dark blue button

"speichern" at the top of the page
the public
your profile
icon to see
the chat
list of
Say "hello" to other members participants Everybody's
You can see all members who have already
joined, when their cameras are activated

You will find their names in each camera window

Chat function
You find the option to the group chat on the
left toolbar

You can select a single recipient or just write in the group


The icons for all participants are round, while the

moderators (trainers and tutors) are square

How do I act during the classes?
Keep your microphone muted, please

If you want to say or ask your tutor/group anything, please raise

your hand first
You find the hand icon at the lower, right bottom of the screen Reacting
When your tutor allows you to speak, unmute your microphone BBB offers possible reactions between you and your group
Mute your microphone afterwards again
Select the member you want to response to from the "list of
by clicking on the three dots next to the participant's name a
drop down menu opens

You are being offered various reactions, that you can choose
from like "applause", "like" or "confused"
You can use this function to communicate, support and entertain
your training partners, especially when they hold their
You see the reaction withinin the participant's icon
Break out Session How do we work in small groups?

Your tutor can create break out rooms for assignments in

smaller groups

They can either choose the participants for each room or

choose by chance
Once you've been assigned to a group, a new tab and you
have to confirm if you want to enter meeting room X

You confirm by clicking the blue button

Automatically, the sound of the main meeting room will be
Nonetheless, once you entered your break out room,
you have to allow the usage of your camera and open
the microphone again

You will find a clock at the top of the screen, which shows you
the remaining time of your break out session

Once the time has run off or when the tutor decides
to, you will be redirected automatically to the main
meeting room

The tab closes automatically, too

Presentation How do I upload my presentation?

You can only upload data, if your tutor had given you the
approval to upload (for presentation only)

You can upload different types of documents

You click on the + button on the bottom left side of your


Once you reach the selectional menu, you choose the second
point "manage presentation"

A new window opens up and allows you to make a selection

what you want toupload

You can "drag and drop" the data or browse through

your PC to choose the exact place

You find the name of the selected data over the upload

Once you selected the correct document, you need to

press the "confirm" button to finalize the upload

As soon as the upload begins a small pop up window shows

on the right top corner of the frame
How do I use the whiteboard?
BBB offers a whiteboard function

Your tutor has to give approval to you

Once you join a breakout room, you automatically have the

rights to use all functions connected to this feature

As soon as you've received the rights, a vertical toolbar appears

on the right side of your screen
You can choose tools like a pen, different shaped items or free

You can adjust the color, size of the brush stroke and even
remove your entry

This function is especially helpful for group works and of course

to collect ideas from all participants

The presentation that is currently uploaded functions as the

"canvas" you will be able to draw on
Notes How to write notes while listening?
Big Blue Button offers a note function, so you don't
have to skip between tools and can pay full attention
while listening to your tutor's presentation

You find the topic "Notes" on the left side of your frame

By clicking on "shared notes" a pop up menu opens up

The note functions are just like in any other text app you

You can choose between bold, italics and underline

and many more features

Those notes are public to your group members

We recommend this function especially for assignments and

group projects during your training
Polls Polls
Your tutor can create polls which appear on the main screen
while your tutoring session is running

The poll will pop up at the right lower corner of your screen

The tutor can choose between 4 different answering options:

Yes-/or No-questions


4 possible answers, you can choose from

User response - field

After the creator of the poll received enough responses to

have representative data, they can share the results with the
You find the poll results at the same spot where the poll was
When your public chat is visible, the poll results will be seen
there, too. It is kept just like a response of a participant

Every answer will be published anonymously

Video Link How do I upload a video link ?

You can only upload a link, if your tutor had given you the
approval to upload

If you want to upload a link to share it with your group

members, you have to click on the blue + icon at the left
bottom of the presentation frame

The function to share external links is the third on

by selecting it, a new window pops up

You can enter an external URL or paste a copied link

Finally, you need to confirm it by clicking on the "share

a new video" button

You can share video material from different platforms

such as Vimeo, YouTube, Twitch, Dailymotion and
Screen Sharing How do I share my screen ?

If you want to share your screen, you can do it easily by

clicking on the screen-icon

You find it at the right bottom of your presentation screen

A new window will open up and you can select what exactly
to share with your group

You can choose between:

the whole screen

a window

a selected browser tab

After making your selection you need to confirm your choice

by clicking on the blue share-button within the open window

Now your tutor and your group members can seen

everything you literally share with them
Technical Choose the 4th button "Help"

You will be redirected to a overview of several video tutorials

that will explain the program in greater detail

Keep in mind, some functions are only available if the tutor

gives approval
What if I need help?
Don't hesitate to ask us for help :)

If you need further assistant with Big Blue Button, go

check out your menu on your right upper side of the
Log out How do I log out?

To log out or leave your meeting, you click on the menu on

the right upper side of the screen

Select the "leave the meeting" - button

A new window opens up to inform you you have successfully

logged out

By clicking "ok" you will be redirected to your home


You will then be redirected to the event's home page

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