Esa Snap Landdeformaation

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Practical Exercise

Measuring Ground

November 2016
Goals of the Exercise

‒ Familiarize with open source ESA

SNAP/Sentinel-1 Toolbox
‒ Training on TOPS Differential SAR
Interferometry (DInSAR) for
measuring ground deformation
‒ Provide instruction on step-by-
step interferometric processing
of Sentinel-1 TOPS data (incl.
parameters, tips etc.)
‒ End-to-end show case (Fogo
Volcano eruption)
Contains modified
Copernicus Sentinel data [2014]

Slide 2
Input Dataset

‒ A set of Sentinel-1A SLCs YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS
[downloadable @]

‒ Sentinel-1 Precise Orbits (PODs) for the corresponding S1A dates (auxiliary
[downloadable @]
[stored locally @ C:\Users\#username#\.snap\auxdata\Orbits\Sentinel-1\POEORB\2014]

‒ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset from SRTM 3 arc-sec covering the
Area of Interest (auxiliary data) &
[stored locally @ C:\Users\#username#\.snap\auxdata\dem\SRTM 3Sec]

Slide 3
Sentinel-1 TOPS
Interferometry with S1TBX

TOPS InSAR Processing

Phase Unwrapping using SNAPHU

Displacement Measurements & Geocoded Terrain Corrected
Terrain Geocoding S1 TOPS Ground Displacement Map

Slide 5

Sentinel-1 TOPS InSAR Processing

Slide 6
EXERCISE Processing Steps (PART 1)
Split IW Subswath (incl. Polarization) over AOI
Update Orbit State Vectors
Backgeocoding (DEM-assisted coregistration)
Correct for Range and Azimuth Shifts (ESD algorithm) Coregistration
Interferogram Generation (incl. Coherence)
Goldstein Phase Filtering
Phase Unwrapping (SNAPHU)
Convert Phase to Displacement
Terrain Correction Geocoding

Slide 7
Read Sentinel-1 SLC Products (directly *.zip files)

Slide 8
Sentinel-1 IW TOPS (Swath of 250km)

Slide 9
Splitting S1 SLC Products (@Subswath and Burst level)

Slide 10
Splitting S1 SLC Products (@ Subswath and Burst level)

Selection of sub-swath (IW1, IW2 & IW3), burst and polarization (VV & VH)

Slide 11
Splitting S1 SLC Products (@ Subswath and Burst level)

Extracted VV polarization channel

from S1 IW3 Sub-Swath

Slide 12
Update Orbital Information (Orbit State Vectors)

Slide 13
S1 Precise Orbits (

Automatically adding suffixes (product_*) indicating processing implemented

Slide 14
Back-geocoding TOPS SLCs (Geometric Co-registration)

The robustness of the backgeocoding

operation depends on the DEM’s
accuracy and resolution

Slide 15
Back-geocoding TOPS SLCs (Geometric Co-registration)

Slide 16
S1 TOPS Co-registered Stack


NO DATA areas between S1 bursts SLAVE

Slide 17
Improvement of Co-registration Accuracy
Enhanced Spectral Diversity (ESD)

Slide 18
Enhanced Spectral Diversity (ESD) algorithm

Implementation of the
Enhanced Spectral Diversity (ESD)
algorithm for correcting shifts in
range and azimuth direction
considering the burst overlap areas

Slide 19
S1 TOPS ESD Co-registered Stack

TOPS interferometry
requires coregistration
accuracy ≤0.005 pixel

Slide 20
Alternative Option for TOPS Coregistration (all-in-one)

Slide 21
Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferogram Generation

Slide 22
Sentinel-1 TOPS InSAR (InSAR Phase & Coherence)

Slide 23
Sentinel-1 TOPS Deburst

Removing “no data” regions between burst

and average over burst overlaps

Slide 24
Sentinel-1 TOPS Deburst

Slide 25
S1 Debursted Products (InSAR Phase & Coherence)

Slide 26
Goldstein Phase Filtering (Adaptive Filter)

Slide 27
S1 Filtered InSAR Phase


Note that filtering is applied only to

InSAR phase and not to coherence


Slide 28
Topographic Phase Removal (Differential InSAR Phase)

Slide 29
Topographic Phase Removal (Differential InSAR Phase)

Slide 30
Differential Interferogram & Simulated Topo Phase

Differential Interferogram

Simulated Topography

Slide 31
Differential Phase Filtering (Goldstein Filter)

Slide 32
Differential Phase Filtering

Slide 33
S1 Filtered DInSAR Phase

Wrapped Interferogram

Wrapped Differential Interferogram

Slide 34
Spatial Subset over AOI

Slide 35
Spatial Subset over AOI

Save to “coregi_stack_esd_ifg_deb_dinsar_flt_sub.dim”

Slide 36
S1 TOPS Filtered DInSAR Phase (Wrapped)

Slide 37
Geocoding of Wrapped DInSAR Phase & Coherence
Range-Doppler Terrain Correction approach

Slide 38
Range-Doppler Terrain Correction

Slide 39
Terrain Corrected
S1 TOPS Differential Interferogram & Coherence Levels

Slide 40

Unwrapping using SNAPHU

Slide 41
EXERCISE Processing Steps (PART 2)
Split IW Subswath (incl. Polarization) over AOI
Update Orbit State Vectors
Backgeocoding (DEM-assisted coregistration)
Correct for Range and Azimuth Shifts (ESD algorithm) Coregistration
Interferogram Generation (incl. Coherence)
Goldstein Phase Filtering
Phase Unwrapping (SNAPHU)
Convert Phase to Displacement
Terrain Correction Geocoding

Slide 42
Phase Unwrapping
Statistical-cost Network-flow Algorithm for Phase Unwrapping (SNAPHU)

Slide 44
Phase Unwrapping
Export to SNAPHU format

Export files required by SNAPHU to “…\outputs\snaphu” folder

Copy wrapped phases to “…\outputs\snaphu”

Slide 45
Phase Unwrapping
Virtual Machine (VM) Setup

Download and install the

dedicated Linux VM on
Windows to run SNAPHU
and apply phase

Open the VMware player

and browse for the
virtual machine

Edit the virtual machine

settings to increase the
memory and setup a
shared folder between
Linux and Windows.
Slide 46
Phase Unwrapping
VM Initialization

Password: sar01

Slide 47
Phase Unwrapping
Working in Linux Terminal

Right Click and select

“Open Terminal Here”

Slide 48
Phase Unwrapping
NAVigating to Processing Folder

> cd /mnt/hgfs/snaphu/

Slide 49
Phase Unwrapping
Running Predefined Unwrapping Command

Unwrapping command
for the specific data
inputs can be found in

> snaphu -f snaphu.conf Phase_VV_03Nov2014_27Nov2014.snaphu.img 7546

Slide 50
Phase Unwrapping
SNAPHU Processing

Elapsed Time

Slide 51
Phase Unwrapping
Import from SNAPHU format

Slide 52
Phase Unwrapping
Import from SNAPHU format

Slide 53
Unwrapped Differential Phase (in radians)

Slide 54

Displacement Measurements &
Terrain Geocoding

Slide 55
EXERCISE Processing Steps (PART 3)
Split IW Subswath (incl. Polarization) over AOI
Update Orbit State Vectors
Backgeocoding (DEM-assisted coregistration)
Correct for Range and Azimuth Shifts (ESD algorithm) Coregistration
Interferogram Generation (incl. Coherence)
Goldstein Phase Filtering
Phase Unwrapping (SNAPHU)
Convert Phase to Displacement
Terrain Correction Geocoding

Slide 56
Conversion of Unwrapped Phase to Displacement

Slide 57
Ground Displacement along the Line-of-Sight (LOS)

Slide 58
Geocoding of Sentinel-1 Ground Displacements

Slide 59
Geocoding of Sentinel-1 Ground Displacements

Slide 60
Terrain Corrected
S1 TOPS Ground Displacements

Slide 61
Selection of Local Reference

Slide 62
Referencing Displacements

Slide 63
Arranging Colour Ramps

Slide 64
Spatial Profile Plots

Slide 65
Data Reprojection Geographic Lat/Lon (WGS’84)

Slide 66
Inspection of Reprojected Products

Slide 67
Export to Google Earth (*.kmz file)

Slide 68
Sentinel-1 Interferometric Data in Google Earth

Slide 69

Slide 70

Slide 71

Slide 72

Slide 73
Visualize in Google Earth

Slide 74
Lesson Learnt

‒ SNAP/Sentinel-1 Toolbox supports SAR interferometry (InSAR) for multiple SAR

missions (incl. acquisitions in TOPS mode).
‒ TOPS Interferometry requires high SAR image registration accuracy (≤ 0.005
pixel), reachable using dedicated Enhanced Spectral Diversity (ESD) approach.
‒ Phase unwrapping is performed using SNAPHU external tool (import/export to
integrated in SNAP), provided via a pre-configured Virtual Machine (VM).
‒ End-to-end processing chains can be built using the Graph Builder. (*.xml file)
and automated using scripts (batch, python etc.).

Slide 75
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