IBM Unit 2 - Introduction To Entrepreneurship by Kulbhushan (Krazy Kaksha & KK World) - Unlock

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(KOE-060) Made by: Kulbhushan
AKTU 3rd Year Downloaded from: Made By:

L: 3, T: 0, P: 0 Internal Marks: 30+20=50 External Marks: 100 Total Marks: 150 Credit: 3

AKTU 3rd Year


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Unit 2: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
2.1 Enterprise 2. Control over decision-making: Entrepreneurs have
 Enterprise refers to a business or company engaged complete control over the decision-making process
in commercial, industrial, or professional activities for their businesses, allowing them to make quick
with the aim of making a profit. It involves identifying and effective decisions.
opportunities, taking risks, and using resources 3. Opportunity for unlimited income: Entrepreneurs
effectively to create and deliver products or services have the potential to earn unlimited income, as their
to customers. success is directly linked to the success of their
 In simple words, an enterprise is a venture or business.
organization that operates for the purpose of 4. Creative expression: Entrepreneurs can bring their
generating revenue and contributing to the economy. own unique ideas and vision to life through their
businesses, allowing for creative expression and
2.2 Entrepreneur
5. Job creation: Entrepreneurs have the ability to
 An entrepreneur is someone who starts and runs create jobs and contribute to the growth and
their own business. They take risks and make development of the economy.
decisions about how the business operates, including 6. Personal fulfillment: Entrepreneurship can provide a
its products or services, marketing strategies, and sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction, as
finances. individuals are able to pursue their passions and
 Entrepreneurs are often driven by a desire to create make a positive impact on society.
something new or solve a problem, and they are 7. Continuous learning: Entrepreneurs are constantly
willing to invest time, money, and effort into their learning and adapting to new challenges, allowing for
venture in order to make it successful. personal and professional growth.
 Successful entrepreneurs are typically innovative,
adaptable, and persistent, and they are able to
identify and pursue opportunities that others may 2.5 Features and Characteristics of
not see.
Entrepreneurship / Entrepreneur
The features and characteristics of entrepreneurship are
2.3 Entrepreneurship
as follows:
 Entrepreneurship refers to the process of starting, 1. Innovation: Entrepreneurs are known for their ability
organizing, and managing a new business venture to innovate and bring new products or services to
with the goal of making a profit. It involves taking the market.
risks, identifying opportunities in the market, and 2. Risk-taking: Entrepreneurs are willing to take
creating innovative products or services to meet the calculated risks to pursue their business goals.
needs of customers.
3. Passion: Entrepreneurs are passionate about their
 Entrepreneurship is essential for economic growth businesses and are willing to work hard to make
and job creation, and it plays a vital role in shaping
them successful.
our society.
4. Opportunity-driven: Entrepreneurs are always
looking for new opportunities to create value and
2.4 Benefits of Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneur grow their businesses.
Entrepreneurship has numerous benefits, some of which 5. Creativity: Entrepreneurs are creative and have the
are: ability to think outside the box to come up with new
solutions to problems.
1. Independence and flexibility: Entrepreneurs have
the freedom to work on their own terms, set their 6. Independence: Entrepreneurs value their
own schedules and choose the projects they want to independence and are often driven by a desire to be
work on. their own boss.

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7. Leadership: Entrepreneurs possess leadership and strategies that enable them to achieve their
qualities that enable them to inspire and motivate goals.
their team to achieve their goals. 5. Resource management: Entrepreneurs must be
8. Self-motivation: Entrepreneurs are self-motivated skilled at managing resources effectively, including
and have a strong drive to succeed. financial, human, and physical resources, to ensure
9. Adaptability: Entrepreneurs are adaptable and can the success of their business.
adjust to changing market conditions and business 6. Marketing and sales: Entrepreneurs need to be able
environments. to effectively market and sell their products or
10.Visionary: Entrepreneurs have a clear vision of services to their target customers.
where they want to take their business and are 7. Networking and relationship building:
committed to achieving their goals. Entrepreneurs must develop and maintain strong
11.Customer-focused: Entrepreneurs have a strong relationships with suppliers, customers, investors,
focus on meeting the needs of their customers and and other stakeholders to build a successful business.
delivering value to them. 8. Financial management: Entrepreneurs must be able
to manage their finances effectively, including
creating and managing budgets, forecasting revenue
2.6 Difference between Entrepreneurship & and expenses, and securing funding as needed.
wage employment 9. Leadership and management: Entrepreneurs must
be able to lead and manage teams effectively,
Entrepreneurship Wage Employment including hiring and training employees, delegating
Own boss. Work for others. tasks, and providing feedback and support.
Make own plans. Follow instructions.
Responsible for every Not responsible for each
decision of his company. decision of the company. 2.8 Entrepreneur vs Manager
Creative activity. Routine job. Entrepreneur Manager
Earning can be negative Earning is fixed, never Persons who establish a Individuals responsible for
sometimes, generally negative. company or enterprise and administering & controlling
surplus. takes a financial risk to get a group of people in the
Creates wealth, contributes Does not create wealth. profits. company or enterprise.
to GDP. They are the owners of the They are the employees of
Do not have an exact age Have a specific retirement company. the company.
limit to exit their career. age limit. They bear all financial and
They do not bear any risks.
other risks.
2.7 Functions/Roles of an Entrepreneur They focus on starting the They focus on the daily
business and expanding the smooth functioning of the
Some of the common functions/roles of an entrepreneur company. company.
include: Their key motivation is the Their motivation comes
1. Identifying opportunities: Entrepreneurs are skilled achievements of the from the power that comes
at recognizing market gaps and identifying company. with the position.
opportunities to create new products or services to Their reward is the profit Their reward is the salary
meet the needs of customers. they earn from the they draw from the
2. Innovation: Entrepreneurs are typically innovators company. company.
who are constantly looking for new and better ways They can be casual in their Their approach to every
to create value for their customers. role and have an informal problem is formal, and they
3. Risk-taking: Entrepreneurs are willing to take approach. take a scientific approach.
calculated risks to achieve their goals, whether it's The decisions tend to be The decisions are
investing in a new venture, entering a new market, intuitive. calculative.
or launching a new product. They do not need to be They are trained to
specialized in any particular perform tasks and are
4. Planning and strategizing: Entrepreneurs need to be
trade. specialists in their domain.
able to develop and execute effective business plans

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2.9 Role of entrepreneurship in economic 2.10 Barriers/Challenges to entrepreneurship
development Barriers to entrepreneurship are the obstacles or
challenges that make it difficult for individuals to start,
Entrepreneurship plays a significant role in the economic operate or grow their own businesses. Some common
development of a country in several ways: barriers to entrepreneurship include:
1. Job creation: Entrepreneurs are job creators who 1. Lack of access to finance: One of the biggest barriers
establish new businesses, thus increasing to entrepreneurship is the inability to secure funding.
employment opportunities and reducing Many entrepreneurs struggle to obtain the necessary
unemployment rates. capital to start or grow their businesses, which can
2. Innovation: Entrepreneurs are known for their limit their ability to succeed.
innovative ideas that lead to the development of 2. Regulatory and legal barriers: Entrepreneurs may
new products, services, and technologies, which can face various regulatory and legal barriers such as
drive economic growth. complex business registration processes, high taxes,
3. Economic growth: Entrepreneurs can stimulate and cumbersome licensing requirements.
economic growth by establishing new businesses and 3. Lack of infrastructure: Lack of infrastructure such as
expanding existing ones, thereby creating wealth and electricity, water, and transportation to set up and
generating revenue. run their businesses can limit their ability to operate
4. International trade: Entrepreneurs can help develop efficiently.
international trade by establishing export-oriented 4. Limited access to information: Lack of market
businesses and promoting the export of goods and information, industry trends, and customer insights
services. can limit their ability to develop products or services
5. Wealth creation: Entrepreneurs create wealth not that meet customer needs.
only for themselves but also for their employees, 5. Cultural and social barriers: Some cultures or
investors, and the economy as a whole. societies may view entrepreneurship as a risky or
6. Investment: Entrepreneurs can attract investment to unattractive career path, leading to social stigma and
a region or country by establishing successful disapproval.
businesses, which can attract foreign direct 6. Lack of skills and education: Entrepreneurs require
investment and promote economic development. specific skills and knowledge to successfully start and
7. Infrastructure development: Entrepreneurs can play run their businesses. Lack of these skills or education
a vital role in the development of infrastructure by can limit their ability to compete effectively.
investing in transportation, communication, and 7. Fear of failure: Entrepreneurs must take risks to
other vital infrastructure projects. succeed, and the fear of failure can prevent some
8. Increased competition: Entrepreneurship leads to from even attempting to start a business.
increased competition, which can help to lower 8. Limited access to markets: Access to markets is
prices and improve the quality of goods and services, critical for entrepreneurship. However, many
ultimately benefiting consumers. entrepreneurs face challenges in accessing markets
9. Tax revenue: Entrepreneurs can contribute to the due to factors such as location, competition, and
tax revenue of a country through their businesses, limited networks.
which can lead to increased government spending on 9. Market competition: Entrepreneurs may face
public goods and services. significant competition in their industries, making it
10.Regional development: Entrepreneurs can promote challenging to establish and grow their businesses.
regional development by establishing businesses in This can be especially true for small businesses that
underdeveloped regions and promoting the growth lack the resources of larger competitors.
of local industries. 10.Lack of mentorship and support: Starting a business
can be a lonely and challenging journey, and many
entrepreneurs lack the mentorship and support they
need to succeed. This can include access to networks,
mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs, and
business coaching.

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