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Conducting a literature review is a crucial step in any academic research process.

It involves
systematically searching, analyzing, and synthesizing existing literature relevant to a particular topic
or research question. While essential, the process can be daunting and time-consuming for many
researchers. Here are the steps involved in conducting a literature review:

1. Define the Scope: Clearly define the scope and objectives of your literature review.
Determine the specific research question or topic you aim to address.
2. Search for Relevant Literature: Utilize various academic databases, libraries, and online
resources to search for relevant literature. Use keywords and specific search terms to narrow
down your search.
3. Evaluate Sources: Evaluate the credibility, relevance, and quality of the sources you find.
Consider factors such as author credentials, publication date, peer-review status, and
4. Organize and Synthesize: Organize the literature you've gathered according to themes,
concepts, or key arguments. Identify common trends, patterns, and gaps in the existing
5. Analyze and Interpret: Critically analyze the findings of each source and interpret their
implications for your research question. Compare and contrast different perspectives and
6. Write the Review: Structure your literature review according to academic conventions,
including an introduction, body paragraphs organized by theme or concept, and a conclusion
summarizing the key findings.
7. Revise and Edit: Review and revise your literature review to ensure clarity, coherence, and
logical flow. Check for grammar, punctuation, and citation errors.

While writing a literature review can be challenging, you don't have to tackle it alone. If you find
yourself struggling with the process or short on time, consider seeking assistance from professional
academic writing services like ⇒ ⇔. Their team of experienced writers can help you
navigate the complexities of literature review writing and deliver high-quality, customized content
tailored to your specific needs. With their expertise and support, you can confidently complete your
literature review and move forward with your research project.
All these reviews have focused on a certain substantive topic within accounting research or, in the
words of Lukka and Vinnari (2014), a certain domain of accounting research. SpiderCite builds on
citation data from To use SpiderCite you need to save the publications you want to use as
your starting point in an XML, RIS or BibText-file. Greenhalgh and Peacock, 2005; Hiebl, 2021;
Webster and Watson, 2002 ). Another insight might be to identify some irregularity in the specifics
of the review sample (cf. HE LIVED IN AN APARTMENT IN NYC DURING THE LATE 1940s
AND 1950s. Work shop of your rough draft Prep Assignment for Next Class Peer Critique. In the
management literature, such inductive theory discovery reviews are often rooted in evidence-based
thinking, and they focus on analyzing empirical research items without a particular informing theory (
Leuz, 2018; Rousseau et al., 2008; Tranfield et al., 2003 ). Because such evidence-based reviews
focus on a phenomenon observed in organizational practice or a related question, they would mostly
apply to use case (i) reviews of a certain domain of accounting research. An example heavily drawing
on qualitative accounting research is the review by Hardies and Khalifa (2018). The techniques used
in analyzing data may range from simple graphical techniques to very complex multivariate analyses
depending on the study’s objectives, the research design employed, and the nature of the data
collected. Why is the research design important in the research process. Case Study: Pick a case and
describe it to explain your basic research question. For instance, in one of our review papers heavily
leaning on qualitative research ( Ndemewah and Hiebl, 2022 ), more than half of the research items
in the review sample were published in non-accounting journals, including general management,
finance and economics journals. Here are some pointers that you can use when you find the whole
process overwhelming. It is like an easy trap if you decide about the research question before
considering the proper way by which you are intending to make assumptions and analyze your data.
We will make assist you in writing your dissertation applying the appropriate and best literature
review and a laudable literate review. The following checklist may be helpful during this review:
Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies. Addressing challenges with systematic review teams
through effective Every step in the systematic review process has challenges, ranging from resistance
by review teams to adherence to standard methodology to low-energy commitment to full
participation. His 1993 text of the same name describes a reality that is very much relevant to our
everyday lives. One specific way to consider the contribution of a review paper is to step into the
shoes of a well-read scholar in the domain, theory or method covered by the literature review. All too
often, we encounter literature reviews that, at first glance, look pretty good. Other tools can help you
translate the search syntax used in different databases, for example, Systematic Review Accelerator
Polyglot. Finally, a Lit Review has its own set of in-text citations and a Works Cited list. This way
you will have a list of references in your email, and later you will be able to use them without
wasting too much time. Theory refinement and theory testing studies start from one or several
existing theoretical ideas and test and refine them by drawing on data ( Hoon, 2013; Keating, 1995;
Sutton and Staw, 1995 ). Therefore, although cumbersome, authors may need to narrow the initial
scope of the review, refine their research question(s) and re-run their search for literature. This will
give you more control over the search and will also make your search strategy more transparent.
Critical Analysis: Do not write a mere description of those studies, including your opinions on them
and record all their weaknesses and strengths. However, since I had a non-tenured co-author on
board in the above example ( Ndemewah and Hiebl, 2022 ), to submit to the conventions of the
field, as I did not want my beliefs to get in the way of my co-author’s career prospects. Similarly,
keep track of the materials that you have with you. Forensic anthropology is a further subspecialty
that analyzes skeletal remains of the recently deceased within a legal setting.
This workshop will: Consider the ways proposals differ from other types of academic writing
Explore common components of many research proposals at this level. A related problem is that some
accounting researchers seem to dislike integrating research from other research fields in literature
reviews geared toward an accounting readership (see Section 4.2.2). This limited openness to
research from other disciplines and skepticism toward evidence-based reviews may be related, as
theory discovery via literature reviews often occurs when confronting research from different
disciplines on the same phenomenon ( Breslin and Gatrell, 2023 ). Qualitative and quantitative
strategies should be seen as complementary rather than being thought of as incompatible. Citation:
List all the sources studied for review and give credits wherever it is due. Compared with
quantitative research papers, which usually compress accounting and related phenomena into
variables that can be included in statistical analyses ( Messner et al., 2017 ), the findings sections of
qualitative accounting studies are often more extensive. Read Later Add to Favourites Add to
Collection Report What do you think. Despite the growing interest in systematic reviews, traditional
approaches to reviewing the literature continue to persist in contemporary publications across
disciplines. The study results can also be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals published by
academic institutions and reputed publishers both at home and abroad. A good literature review
should also highlight what areas don’t fit together, and which pieces are missing. Adding a number
after N will determine how many words you want to “allow” between your two terms. These authors
review gender in accounting research and identify “two persistent pitfalls” (p. 385) in this literature,
and thus, portray large parts of it as inadequate. More than one reason is suspected for such misuse
or misdirection. Justifying the Problem Once the problem situation has been identified and clearly
stated, it is important to justify the importance of the problem. Source of Support: Nil Conflict of
Interest: None declared. Furthermore, this section shifts the emphasis from broad perspectives to a
single aspect of the investigation. Introduction The theoretical field as a major and an essential
component is also undergoing systematic changes, development and improvement with investigates,
writings, and publications in professional, academic and scientific ways. Subject headings, however,
will need to be adjusted to each database’s controlled vocabulary list. Such reviews may, therefore,
predominantly extract the necessary information from the methods sections of the research items in
the review sample ( Dai et al., 2019; Feldermann and Hiebl, 2020 ). This research method depends on
the “power of words and images,” but does not offer the assimilated meanings such as numbers and
equations; it is rather “an attentive search of meaning and understanding” and an attempt for
profound comprehension and awareness of the problems and phenomena. Actually, the ultimate
success of the project depends on selecting a clear and convenient question. The purpose of the
exploratory research process is to progressively narrow the scope of the topic and transform the
undefined problems into defined ones, incorporating specific research objectives. However, in a
systematic literature search, it is recommended that you specify the search field manually instead.
This helps create a coherent narrative and highlights the connections between different works.
Reviews following use case (ii) are similar to the above example of Lukka and Vinnari (2014), who
use the application of actor network theory in management accounting research to illustrate the
differences between domain and method theory. To see which publications that have cited these
articles, click on Citation Report, which you’ll find on the right side of the search box. If that’s your
result, then you’ve retrieved all your key articles. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature
and develop an understanding of the complexities and challenges faced by students and new
researchers in preparing journal papers. 7 Research Challenges (And how to overcome them)
Fortunately, many of the research challenges you will face—from choosing a topic, to finding study
participants, to staying sane throughout the process, and every step in between—have already been
addressed by members of the Walden community. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific
writer. Never on a Sunday! Is there a best day for submitting an article for publication. The
qualitative research question delineates the procedures that are executed in the study and provides a
map to the readers by which they can trail the researcher's intentions and actions in the study.
Identify Gaps Highlight areas where existing research falls short. They’ll also be the studies most
commonly cited in textbooks and, of course, Wikipedia (but please don’t use Wikipedia as a
source!). Encourages Scholarly Dialogue: Integrates your work into ongoing academic discussions,
influencing future research. But they can also be part of a story of science working the right way:
finding and correcting errors, and publicly acknowledging when information turns out to be
incorrect. It is not only about giving out a synopsis of existing information but also recording your
interpretation of the same. They also present one repository currently being built for readings by
underrepresented authors that are Black, Indigenous or people of color. The questions may help
bring your subject into sharper focus and provide you with the first important steps towards
developing your topic. Addressing challenges with systematic review teams through effective Every
step in the systematic review process has challenges, ranging from resistance by review teams to
adherence to standard methodology to low-energy commitment to full participation. Possible
solution: The only magic trick we can offer here is to use some online formatting services. The main
concern of novice researchers is to find the reason and appropriate design to do the research and the
proper methodology to answer the question. So, when you’re piecing your literature review together,
remember to pay homage to the classics, even if only briefly. However, it’s (generally) unlikely to be
as academically sound (i.e., well-researched, objective and scientific) as a journal article, so you need
to be a lot more sceptical when considering this content and make sure that it has a strong, well-
reasoned foundation. By exaggerating the importance of findings, writers are seen to undermine the
impartiality of science, fuel skepticism and alienate readers. You mentioned cataloging references, I
would like the template for excel. Possible solution: Analyze your state, decide whether you are too
excited or not enough. In line with the incommensurate category proposed by Locke and Golden-
Biddle (1997), Modell (2022b) also suggests ways in which these shortcomings in institutional
research on management accounting can be rectified. This link opens in a new window Contact a
Librarian Ask a Librarian Definition: A literature review is a systematic examination and synthesis of
existing scholarly research on a specific topic or subject. A research report should contain sections on
an executive summary, background of the problem, literature review, methodology, findings,
discussion, conclusions, and recommendations. Only when we changed this argument and identified
two opposing theoretical positions as being dominant in our review sample and letting these guide
the analysis of our results were the reviewers more convinced and recommended minor revisions or
acceptance right away. The type of paper you want to write (Definition, Analysis, Narration, etc.)
can also be a useful way to begin thinking about your research question. Let’s quickly recap on the 7
most common literature review mistakes. Therefore, although cumbersome, authors may need to
narrow the initial scope of the review, refine their research question(s) and re-run their search for
literature. If reporting these details would take up too much space in the main review article, many
publishers nowadays offer online appendices where additional and more technical details can be
reported (for examples, see Ndemewah and Hiebl, 2022; Tank and Farrell, 2022; Weigel and Hiebl,
2022 ). It does not provide researchers with a set of rules to be followed or give them a comforting
sense of security and safety backup against possible mistakes on the road to knowledge. Source:
UCCS As I mentioned, this doesn’t mean that your literature review can’t include the occasional
blog post or news article. You can also find out which search terms were used to index your key
articles. The contributors can submit their manuscripts adhering to the policies and format for
possible publication of their papers. Systematic reviews usually rate at the top of evidence hierarchy
since they analyze and evaluate results from all available, original research articles that answers a
specific research question. It establishes the need for the research and indicate that the writer is
knowledgeable about the area. The advantage of such a literature review, thus, lies in suggesting
alternative ways to analyze a phenomenon or field of study, which may suggest a different future
direction ( Hoon and Baluch, 2020; Jones and Gatrell, 2014 ).
One method is to interpret how or why specific developments occurred. If you do so, however, you
risk missing material that may have been added retrospectively to the database. Studies that obtain
data by interviewing respondents are called surveys. Subject headings, however, will need to be
adjusted to each database’s controlled vocabulary list. It depends on the requirements of your
educational institution and your professor, so it is better to deal with the needed ratio from the very
beginning, not to rewrite it further. By scanning titles, abstracts and subject headings, you may find
additional, useful search terms. However, for the vast majority of your literature review, you need to
put things into your own words. The library also offers a workshop called “ Improving your
literature search strategy.”. Although the topic may retain your interest and you may be committed
to undertake such a study, it is important to recognize that some topics of personal relevance may
also be deeply significant and difficult to research. Definition: A literature review is a systematic
examination and synthesis of existing scholarly research on a specific topic or subject. Subscripts
will help you find more relevant sources for your paper. Understand the process of analysis Essential
Characteristic of a Researcher. In other words, a research article uses expert sources as support for
your thesis, whereas a Literature Review discusses the sources. Search filters are sets of search terms
chosen to restrict a search to a selection of references, such as articles based on method or study
type. Isn’t it true that writing necessitates a greater amount of effort. A research process can be
compared with a route map. Presentation Outline: What “Literature Review” is and its importance.
You should never cite a source that you haven’t read. This allows you to organize your thoughts and
discoveries into a logical totality. Writing and reviewing the Literature is the key for doing the ends
of each academic and even other guidelines problem and others. Organisation: Organise all your
sources in some order. In addition, these reviews often portray the current application of certain
method theories in accounting research as inadequate or even incommensurate and are, thus, critical.
The map analogy is useful for the researcher because several alternatives exist at each stage of the
research process. The personal computer offers an excellent opportunity for data editing and coding
processes. I refer to the “review sample” as the group of research items selected for closer analysis in
a literature review. Based on what you find, you may decide to alter your question in some way
before going too far along a path that perhaps has already been well-covered by other scholars.
Selected approach determines the research design to be followed. Note: This article gives the views
of the authors, and not the position of the LSE Impact Blog, nor of the London School of
Economics. So, how should you structure your literature review. In essence, a well-crafted literature
review informs and elevates your research, ensuring its relevance and impact within your academic

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