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Test on Gravitation (class 9)

Max Time: 30 Minutes Date:
Class: Address: Contact No:

Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. (Max Marks: 24)

Q.1 The earth attracts an apple. Does the apple also attract the earth? If it does, why does the earth not move
towards the apple?

Q.2Why does a body reach the ground quicker at poles than at the equator when dropped from the same height?

Q.3 Suppose that the radius of the earth becomes twice of its original radius without any change in its mass.
Then what will happen to your weight?

Q.4 Prove that if the earth attracts two bodies placed at same distance from the centre of the earth with the same
force, then their masses are equal.

Q.5 On the earth, a stone is thrown from a height in a direction parallel to the earth’s surface while another stone
is simultaneously dropped from the same height. Which stone would reach the ground first and why?

Q.6 Derive expression for force of attraction between two bodies and then define gravitational constant.

Q.7 Define acceleration due to gravity. Derive an expression for acceleration due to gravity in terms of mass of
the earth (M) and universal gravitational constant (G).

Q.8 Show that the weight of an object on the moon is 1/6 th of its weight on the earth.

Q.9On the moon’s surface, the acceleration due to gravity is 1.67 ms-2. If the radius of the moon is 1.74 × 106 m,
calculate the mass of the moon.

Q.10 From a cliff of 49 m high, a man drops a stone. One second later, he throws another stone. They both hit
the ground at the same time. Find out the speed with which he threw the second stone.

Q.11 Two bodies of masses 3 kg and 12 kg are placed at a distance 12 m. A third body of mass 0.5 kg is to be
placed at such a point that the force acting on this body is zero. Find the position of that point.

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