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Bhakti vaibhava

Canto 1, chapter 4
The Appearance of Sri Narada

1. What are the three qualifications of the congratulator of an assembly?

2. What is another name given in this chapter for Srimad Bhagavatam?
3. What general principles for preachers of Krsna consciousness can be
drawn from Sukadeva Gosvami custom of staying at the door of a
householder only long enough for a cow to be milked?
4. Give at least three wonderful characteristics of Maharaja Pariksit.
5. What is the distinction between brahmanas and parivrajakacaryas?
6. List at least five anomalies Srila Vyasadeva saw, in the duties of the
millennium and describe the solution he contemplated.
7. Explain the significance of the statement: ‘itihasa-puranam ca pancamo
veda ucyate’
8. For which three groups is the Mahabharata compiled for?
9. What exactly is the reason for Srila Vyasadeva’s despondency?
10. What is another name of Lord Brahma given in this chapter?

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