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MILITARY MEDICINE, 183, 9/10:130, 2018

Inhalation Injury and Toxic Industrial Chemical Exposure

LCDR Omar Saeed, MC, USN; CPT Nathan L. Boyer, MC, USA; LTC Jeremy C. Pamplin, MC, USA;
MAJ Ian R. Driscoll, MC, USA; MAJ Jeff DellaVolpe, USAF, MC; LtCol Jeremy Cannon, USAFR, MC;
COL (ret) Leopoldo C. Cancio, MC, USA

ABSTRACT Toxic industrial chemicals include chlorine, phosgene, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia have variable
effects on the respiratory tract, and maybe seen alone or in combination, secondary to inhalation injury. Other consid-
erations include the effects of cyanide, carbon monoxide, and fire suppressants. This Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG)

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will provide the reader with a brief overview of these important topics and general management strategies for each as
well as for inhalation injury. Chlorine, phosgene, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia are either of intermediate or high
water solubility leading to immediate reactions with mucous membranes of the face, throat, and lungs and rapid symp-
toms onset after exposure. The exception to rapid symptom onset is phosgene which may take up to a day to develop
severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Management of these patients includes early airway management, lung-
protective ventilator strategies, aggressive pulmonary toilet, and avoidance of volume overload.

INTRODUCTION oxides of nitrogen and phosgene. Simple asphyxiants which

Patients with both burn and inhalation injury have significantly displace oxygen include carbon dioxide and methane, and
increased morbidity and mortality compared with those with chemical asphyxiants which inhibit mitochondrial activity
burn injury alone.1 The current CPG is intended to review and reduce hemoglobin carrying capacity include carbon
relevant information in the care of patients with inhalation monoxide, cyanide, and hydrogen sulfide. Treatment is gen-
injury and more specifically toxic industrial chemicals. Also erally supportive, some require antidotes. Most critically ill
included is a brief overview of the management strategies for patients require unique ventilation techniques used for acute
these patients. We intend to inform caregivers with the goal of respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
reducing some of the complications of inhalation injury.
There are multiple toxic industrial chemicals that act on the In general, the treatment of ARDS secondary to toxic indus-
respiratory tract. This CPG reviews the most common toxic trial chemicals is similar to that for smoke inhalation injury.
industrial chemicals which lead to pulmonary injury. More The care is supportive with a focus on:
information is available from the Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, - Airway management.
category.asp, and the Textbook of Military Medicine, http:// - Lung-protective ventilation strategies. - Aggressive pulmonary toilet.
warfare/biological.html. - Avoidance of volume overload or rapid fluid infusion that
might worsen pulmonary edema secondary to capillary leak.

GENERAL SMOKE INHALATION INJURY Patients requiring mechanical ventilation (MV) secondary
Smoke inhalation injury occurs from several agents. Thermal to toxic industrial chemical inhalation, in particular chlorine,
injury and chemical injury are the primary initial toxicities. are at a higher risk of developing ventilator-associated pneu-
Chemical injury occurs from several materials of combustion monia and should be monitored closely. The treatments in
and pyrolysis.2 Highly water soluble irritants such as acro- this CPG are primarily based on animal experiments. Evidence
lein, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and ammonia, and for clinical use in humans is limited.
intermediate water soluble irritants such as chlorine and iso-
cyanates are produced. Poorly water soluble irritants are Chlorine (CL2)
Chlorine is used commonly in industry. It is a commonly found
Joint Trauma System, 3698 Chambers Pass, Joint Base San Antonio, in industrial and transportation accidents and are sometimes used
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6315.
in weapons such as improvised explosive devices. Chlorine dis-
doi: 10.1093/milmed/usy073
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Association of solves in water to form hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids.
Military Surgeons of the United States 2018. This work is written by (a) US Chlorine has intermediate water solubility. Just after
Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US. exposure the patient develops mucosal irritation (tearing,

130 MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 183, September/October Supplement 2018

Inhalation Injury and Toxic Industrial Chemical Exposure

skin burning, drooling), but after large or sustained exposure burns), severe upper airway irritation, and alkali skin burns.
the patient may develop cough, shortness of breath, and High concentrations or prolonged exposure duration (patient
chest pain due to alveolar injury. If the patient develops pul- unconscious in a closed room) can produce tracheobronchial
monary toxicity, it may worsen over days. and pulmonary inflammation. It can produce respiratory fail-
Treatment is primarily skin decontamination, supplemen- ure within 2–5 minutes of exposure. Treat with skin and eye
tal oxygen, beta agonists, and ARDS ventilatory techniques.3 irrigation, alkali burn skin care, supplemental oxygen,
Inhaled corticosteroids (e.g., fluticasone) improved second- ARDS ventilatory techniques, and supportive care.3
ary outcomes in severely toxic animal models.4 Clinical data
on the efficacy of corticosteroids after human exposure to
lung-damaging agents are inconclusive as the number of OTHER COMMON CHEMICAL TOXINS RELATED
well-structured controlled studies is small and the indications TO INHALATIONAL EXPOSURES

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for administration of corticosteroids are unclear.5 Prone posi- Cyanide (CN)
tioning MV maybe effective.6 Nebulized bicarbonate has not Cyanide is released in structural and vehicle fires and in occu-
reliably improved outcomes.3,5,7,8 pational settings of chemical or synthetic material combustion.
It is used in manufacturing of pesticides and synthetic materi-
Phosgene (CARBONYL CHLORIDE, COCl2) als, metal extraction, and in chemical laboratories. Cyanide
Phosgene has a sweet, pleasant smell of mown hay. It is inhibits mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase thereby halting cel-
poorly water soluble, not noxious and does not prompt lular respiration and aerobic metabolism. Early or mild effects
escape from the location by the victim. It was used in WWI are mostly neurologic (dizziness, headache, nausea, and anxi-
as a chemical weapon. It is produced from the combustion ety). Late or severe effects are coma, seizure, respiratory
of chlorinated hydrocarbons (welding, fires) and from syn- depression, hypotension, and tachycardia. Acute lung injury
thesis of solvents (degreasers, cleaners). The primary symp- and pulmonary edema can occur in severe cases. Coma pre-
tom is delayed ARDS (up to a day after exposure), which cedes apnea, and then hypotension develops. The triad of
can be very severe. The mechanism of toxicity is release of severe toxicity is hypotension, altered mental status, and lactic
hydrochloric acid and reactive oxygen species and free radi- acidosis (commonly > 8 mmol/L).9 Treat with oxygen, MV,
cals in the lung epithelial layers. Decontamination is typi- and rapid administration of an antidote. Hydroxocobalamin, the
cally not needed once the patient leaves the exposure. Treat most commonly available antidote (sold as Cyanokit), binds to
with observation, supplemental oxygen and ARDS ventila- CN to form cyanocobalamin, which is nontoxic and excreted in
tion techniques. the urine. The standard dose of 5 g is infused intravenously
over 15 min. A second dose of 5 g can be administered in
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) patients with severe toxicity or poor clinical response. It is gen-
Hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten eggs and is a chemical irri- erally regarded as safe. Red discoloration of the skin and urine
tant. Exposures occur in waste management, petroleum, natural is common which may interfere with colorimetric assays.
gas industries, and asphalt and rubber factories. The gas acts Hydroxocobalamin has been compared with sodium nitrite
like cyanide and inhibits cytochrome oxidase, preventing mito- (300 mg) and sodium thiosulfate (12.5 g), prior treatment
chondrial oxygen use and cellular respiration. At lower doses, options, and was found to be superior with less toxicity and the
H2S causes skin and mucous membrane irritation. At high con- latter two therapies are now not recommended for severe cya-
centrations, it produces a “knockdown” effect, a sudden loss of nide toxicity.10 Treatment with nitrites carries significant risk of
consciousness. At these concentrations, it can produce seizures, hypotension and methemoglobinemia, which can further jeop-
myocardial ischemia, keratoconjunctivitis, and upper airway ardize tissue oxygen delivery.
and pulmonary injury. Treat with skin irrigation, supplemental
oxygen, removal from exposure, intravenous sodium nitrite Carbon Monoxide (CO)
(300 mg), and supportive care.2 Inhalation of sodium nitrite is Carbon monoxide is released from the combustion of carbon
associated with methemoglobinemia and hypotension. Infuse it containing compounds with combustion engines and cooking
over 5–7 min. stoves in enclosed spaces. CO has a high affinity for hemoglo-
bin and displaces oxygen when present. This displacement of
Ammonia (NH3) oxygen ultimately leads to decreased oxygen delivery at the tis-
NH3 is a common industrial and household chemical used as sue and mitochondrial level.11 Symptoms of CO toxicity include
a fertilizer, refrigerant, cleaning agent. NH3 has a pungent confusion, stupor, coma, seizures, and myocardial infarction.12
odor. It is also used in plastic and explosive synthesis. NH3 CO levels are traditionally measured using a cooximeter, in a
is transported under pressure in liquid form at sub-zero tem- blood gas lab; however, this testing may not always be avail-
peratures. It reacts with water upon release, to form ammo- able and a high index of suspicion must be present as elevated
nium hydroxide (NH4OH), a strong base, which produces CO maybe present despite normal PaO2 and SpO2 readings.
mucosal irritation (tearing, skin irritation, eye pain, and Newer non-invasive CO-oximetry may allow for early diagnosis

MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 183, September/October Supplement 2018 131

Inhalation Injury and Toxic Industrial Chemical Exposure

and better monitoring.13 Treatment of CO poisoning involves REFERENCES

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