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Title: Navigating the Complexities of Writing a Literature Review

Embarking on a literature review can be a daunting task for any academic or researcher. It involves a
comprehensive survey and synthesis of existing literature relevant to a particular topic or research
question. The process requires not only extensive reading but also critical analysis, organization, and
synthesis of diverse sources of information. Crafting a literature review that is coherent, insightful,
and academically rigorous is indeed a challenging endeavor.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a literature review lies in the sheer volume of literature
available on most topics. Sorting through numerous articles, books, and other scholarly sources to
identify relevant material can be overwhelming. Moreover, determining which sources are most
authoritative, credible, and pertinent to the research question adds another layer of complexity.

Another challenge is synthesizing the information gathered from various sources into a coherent
narrative. It requires the writer to analyze and interpret the findings, identify patterns and trends, and
construct a logical argument that contributes to the existing body of knowledge. This process
demands both analytical skills and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, ensuring that the literature review is structured in a clear and organized manner poses a
significant challenge. It requires careful planning and attention to detail to arrange the content in a
way that effectively communicates the key themes, debates, and gaps in the literature.

Given the complexities involved in writing a literature review, many researchers and students seek
assistance to navigate this challenging task. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for those
in need of expert guidance and support. With a team of experienced academic writers and
researchers, ⇒ ⇔ specializes in crafting high-quality literature reviews that meet the
highest academic standards.

By outsourcing the task to ⇒ ⇔, individuals can save time and effort while ensuring
that their literature review is meticulously researched, well-written, and professionally presented.
Whether you are a graduate student working on a thesis or a researcher preparing a scholarly article,
⇒ ⇔ can provide the assistance you need to streamline the process and produce a
literature review that stands out.

In conclusion, writing a literature review is a complex and challenging endeavor that requires careful
planning, extensive research, and critical analysis. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for
those seeking expert assistance in crafting high-quality literature reviews. With their team of
experienced academic writers and researchers, ⇒ ⇔ can help you navigate the
complexities of writing a literature review and produce a scholarly work that makes a meaningful
contribution to your field of study.
Systematic reviews can therefore provide the clinician with high-quality and timely research
evidence to provide an answer to a focused clinical question (or questions). Remember a
comprehensive literature review is, at its most fundamental level, an original work based on an
extensive critical examination and synthesis of the relevant literature on a topic. Although not all
systematic reviews conduct meta-analyses, many do and present their findings in the form of forest
plots. They are often collaborative and tag, for instance, inclusion- and exclusion criteria. Table 7
Data Collection form completed for Maxwell et al., 1998. Therefore, to make the literature look
appealing, they need to know some of the methods that can help them improve their review. What to
consider when critically appraising a systematic review. When you include the subject heading in
your search you will find articles about a subject even if the authors of the article have chosen other,
adjacent words to describe the article themselves. May require the author to adopt a guiding theory,
a set of competing models, or a point of view about a topic. Context: In the last decade, software
development has been characterized by two major approaches: agile. More information can be found
at: Systematic Review Data repository: PROSPERO: In addition, many journals also publish
systematic reviews, and some journals will additionally publish systematic review protocols, there
are even now dedicated journals for systematic reviews ( ). However, in a systematic literature
search, it is recommended that you specify the search field manually instead. It does not require
approval and asks direct questions from human beings. A variety of tools and databases allow you to
search for citation data, including Web of Science, Google Scholar and SpiderCite. This chapter
provides an overview to help prepare you for this process. The more search blocks you have, the
narrower your search will be; the narrower your search, the greater your risk of excluding relevant
articles. How many documents did you find in total as per inclusion and exclusion criteria? 2. This
kind of networking can be instrumental in acquiring the diverse skill mix required of coauthors to
produce a well-researched and relevant review. Young scientists often have to skim through many
articles and face difficulty in identifying a suitable research paper. You will include relevant theory
and empirical research. The most comprehensive systematic reviews will also search for studies
published in languages other than English, although this can be time- and cost-prohibitive. For
example, groups of scholars disagree about the best way to measure a physiological event, and as a
result, use different instruments and methodologies. Additionally they represent a chance to publish
without (or before) undertaking primary research. Taking into account the interpretation above, the
forest plot in Figure 4 concludes that the new oral anticoagulants reduced the risk for a composite
end point of stroke and systemic embolism compared to warfarin and were also associated with a
lower risk for key secondary efficacy outcomes (ischemic and unidentified stroke, hemorrhagic
stroke, all-cause mortality, and vascular mortality) compared to warfarin. Protocols will also set out
how studies will be searched for, and how (and which) data will be collected, analyzed and
combined. Time-Honored Wisdom: African Teachings for VUCA Leaders Time-Honored Wisdom:
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Tech Talk - SHAP and Shapley Discussion Systematic Literature Review Sample 1. 1.Introduction.
The literature review is an iterative process because you will do at least two of them: a preliminary
search to learn what has been published in your area and whether there is sufficient support in the
literature for moving ahead with your subject. It is essential for all forms of summary—except the
narrative review—that they should include a prospectively prepared study protocol, with
descriptions of the questions to be answered, the hypotheses, the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the
selection of studies, and, where applicable, the combination of the data and the recoding of the
individual data only for pooled reanalysis. Gather assess and choose the appropriate literature. After
this first exploration, you will conduct a deeper dive into the literature to learn everything you can
about the topic and its related issues.
For more description of systematic reviews, including links to protocols, checklists, workflow
processes, and structure see “ A Young Researcher’s Guide to a Systematic Review “. Remember a
comprehensive literature review is, at its most fundamental level, an original work based on an
extensive critical examination and synthesis of the relevant literature on a topic. Those conducted
under the auspices of the Cochrane Collaboration are held in particularly high regard (7) but on a
general note, there are a number of reasons as to why caution is required in the interpretation and
application of the findings of a systematic review. A good literature review lays the foundation for
the importance of your stated problem and research question. More Features Connections Canva
Create professional content with Canva, including presentations, catalogs, and more. Secondly, even
if a systematic review has been well-conducted it might have identified significant limitations or
gaps in the current evidence base, and rightly recommend that its findings are interpreted with
caution (although this is a good rationale for conducting some new research!). General types of
questions often considered by such checklists include the following. This reduces the chance of bias
and improves the reliability of the results. However, when the relevant literature is vast, systematic
literature review follows systematic judgments that are fully informed and minimally prejudiced.
Unlike an annotated bibliography or a research paper you may have written as an undergraduate,
your literature review will outline, evaluate and synthesize relevant research and relate those sources
to your own thesis or research question. Bias is a systematic deviation from the truth; it may
overestimate or underestimate the true effect, and it may be large or small. In addition to including
all the questions needed to answer the review question and. Before beginning the systematic review,
the authors provide guidelines for determining which evidence should be included or omitted.
Unlike embedded literature reviews, which appear as part of a larger piece of work, stand-alone
literature reviews are a self-contained piece of writing that can be read on their own (Figure A.2).
Once researchers have selected a topic, the first step in their research methodology is often the stand-
alone literature review. Stand-alone literature reviews are the most common type of literature review
and are frequently assigned by professors. Often you will need to use a modified and simplified
search strategy to search for grey material. Although, secondary research is acquiring data that
already exists or relying on the results of other authors and researchers. Sometimes published reviews
will include their search strategy in the appendix. In general, there are two forms of research: primary
research and secondary research. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes.
They introduce readers to the surrounding literature while also situating your work within the larger
scholarly discussion on that topic. The level of evidence of the type of summary increases from the
systematic review to the meta-analysis of published data to the pooled reanalysis. Must include a
team of at least 2-3 and includes the critical appraisal of the literature. However, in a systematic
literature search, it is recommended that you specify the search field manually instead. However, in
order to not overlook potentially relevant aspects of major incident reporting, the literature aimed to
report from exercises and literature using a systematic method for reporting in general was included.
Should this be the case, there may be reasons to suspect that the findings are not applicable to the
patient(s) in question. Communications of the Association of Information Systems, 37 (43), 879-910.
This can be done either through conducting the review via an organization such as the Cochrane
Collaboration, or Campbell Collaboration, by registering the protocol in a dedicated database such as
PROSPERO (see link above), or through publishing with a journal. Watson, 2002), they are less
common in software engineer-. For full interpretation of data, there are a whole raft of factors that
should be considered together (not simply the statistical answer to your question); these issues are
incorporated into the GRADE approach (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development
and Evaluation) for assessing the evidence (15).
At a basic level, the term implies a survey of factual or nonfiction books, articles, and other
documents published on a particular subject. Although, secondary research is acquiring data that
already exists or relying on the results of other authors and researchers. To write a strong stand-alone
literature review, you should approach the research using a step-by-step process. Adobe Express Go
from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. Method: We conduct a systematic review of the
literature on UCASD. Fourth, analyze the patterns you noted by considering similarities and
differences between sources. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. Systematic
Reviews: the process, quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. If studies included in a review
are at a high risk of bias, one may place less confidence in their findings. There have been systematic
literature reviews that have analysed the. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as
bite-sized articles. Terminology Literature review format Literature review topics and subtopics
Locating literature review sources Choosing appropriate sources Your opinion Bibliography format.
You may start by defining inclusion parameters (e.g., qualitative vs. quantitative studies, date
published, location of study, etc.). You should also record keywords to search for your topic and
build search strings that will help you find sources (e.g., exercise AND mental health AND
adolescents). Additionally, you can show mapping as per different keywords that make sense for
reviewers and readers. Because most historical writing uses the Chicago Manual of Style as a
reference system, most historiographies will also require you to use the Chicago Manual of Style.
SLRs differ from stand-alone literature reviews because they follow a rigorous review protocol that
is objective and comprehensive so other researchers may replicate the work. You can then combine
the different blocks with AND. Which principles constitute a user-centered agile software
development approach? A systematic literature review is a more transparent and less biased review
that is utilized to address empirical questions. While systematic reviews can be challenging and time-
consuming to conduct, they can also be extremely rewarding. Commonly for systematic reviews of
the effectiveness of treatments, the question will follow a “PICOS” format (to define the Population,
Intervention(s), Comparison(s), Outcomes and Study designs of interest to the review). Unlike an
annotated bibliography or a research paper you may have written as an undergraduate, your
literature review will outline, evaluate and synthesize relevant research and relate those sources to
your own thesis or research question. Every year, there is a great increase in the number of scientific
publications. The pooled effect estimate is mostly represented in the form of a diamond. Keep in
mind that it may not always be possible to alter your strategy to such an extent that all your key
articles are found without your results becoming too comprehensive. Narrative reviews A mostly
provide a broad overview of a specific topic. The outcome measured here is all-cause stroke and
systemic embolism, ischemic and unspecified stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Codes related to the
iterative and incremental design and development principle. Stand-alone literature reviews are the
most common type of literature review and are frequently assigned by professors. By scanning titles,
abstracts and subject headings, you may find additional, useful search terms.
On this page, we will review a few things worth thinking about when you intend to conduct and
report a systematic literature search. Ovid is a database platform used for many different databases.
Here are the steps to follow when creating a literary review. You may also want to use a program
that can help you screen your references, such as Rayyan. Parallel tracks Parallel interwoven creation
tracks. SLRs may be quantitative (by only reviewing quantitative studies), qualitative (by only
reviewing qualitative studies), or mixed methods (by reviewing both quantitative and qualitative
studies). Those conducted under the auspices of the Cochrane Collaboration are held in particularly
high regard (7) but on a general note, there are a number of reasons as to why caution is required in
the interpretation and application of the findings of a systematic review. These themes will also be
used as the headings for your Matrix, which will be discussed in detail in Section B: Planning and
Researching. There are many different kinds of reviews, and the kind that will suit you best will
depend on a variety of factors, for instance, how much time you have, as well as what kind of
research question you’re working with. Interacting with experts in the field will ensure the best
approach and will help foster new collaborations in your area. Primary research designs and study
characteristics are appraised, data synthesized and results interpreted (4). Systematic reviews are
currently considered as one of the highest forms of research evidence and it can be tempting to view
a systematic review as providing “the definitive answer” to a clinical question. Otherwise, you might
do your literature review using a research paper management platform such as Mendeley, Papers,
Qippa, Cita, Sente, and others. Step 8. Data Extraction with Exclusion and Inclusion Criteria: 1. As a
study of the research on a particular topic, it is arranged by key themes or findings, which may lead
up to or link to the research question. This approach aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of
transcript reconstruction, particularly in complex genomic regions. A wide search means that not all
search results will be relevant. Results The method section describes the individual steps for the
extraction of the relevant points which must be considered in the systematic summary of scientific
articles. At the moment, KI does not have a license for these kinds of programs. A few examples.
News Production Workflows in Data- driven, Algorithmic Journalism: A Systema. When analyzing
the result set, it became apparent that, while. Gather data from many different, independent studies
that look at the same research question and assess similar outcome measures. Use the search strings
created in Step 2 to search the databases. You may start by defining inclusion parameters (e.g.,
qualitative vs. quantitative studies, date published, location of study, etc.). You should also record
keywords to search for your topic and build search strings that will help you find sources (e.g.,
exercise AND mental health AND adolescents). Address how your approach to the topic reinforces
or rejects previous approaches as well as how your work contributes to the larger body of knowledge
on your topic. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for
every channel. Hypothermia to reduce neurological damage following coronary artery bypass surgery.
Conduct a search in PROSPERO, for example, to ensure that there are no ongoing projects that
resemble yours. Should this be the case, there may be reasons to suspect that the findings are not
applicable to the patient(s) in question. Additionally, you may review the literature of different
disciplines to find deeper meaning and understanding of your topic. Furthermore, in the end, you
have to map your results as per your research questions.
This is sometimes referred to as being like combining apples and oranges (10). There are several
different frameworks available that might be able to help you structure and delimit your research
question. The search terms within each block are combined with OR, then the blocks are combined
with AND. Just like any other document, a literature review consists of an introduction, body, and
the conclusion. The following are the examples of spreadsheet table headings: a) date of search, b)
database code, c) database, d) search string, e) title, and f) abstract or something similar depending
upon your study. In clinical research, it is common to use the PICO-structure: P opulation, I
ntervention, C ontrol and O utcome. Data extraction is also often independently performed by two
authors with disagreements being solved by arbitration and discussion. There is generally a total
sample size for control and intervention groups. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your
question. For example, the participants may not be similar to your patients or the setting may differ
from that in which you work (e.g., community versus acute care), the intervention may not be one in
which you are interested (perhaps it is not feasible to implement in your setting) and the outcomes
may not be relevant (e.g., you may be interested in mortality but the review has considered only
anxiety). The campbell collaboration was founded on the principle that systematic reviews on the
effects of interventions will inform and help improve policy and services. Procedures for
documenting the search process are given in Table 2. Embedded historiographies are shorter and may
only need to be two or three paragraphs. Unlike an annotated bibliography or a research paper you
may have written as an undergraduate, your literature review will outline, evaluate and synthesize
relevant research and relate those sources to your own thesis or research question. You will include
relevant theory and empirical research. It tests your own research question against what is already
known about the subject. Empirical literature reviews present their summaries in quantifiable terms
using descriptive and inferential statistics. Carefully select sources that will provide current and
credible information on your topic. General types of questions often considered by such checklists
include the following. These can be particularly useful for informing policy decisions about which
interventions are most effective. The first stage of any systematic review should be to define the
research question. They are therefore a good way of rapidly obtaining current information on
research on a given topic. Delete Replies Reply Sam Young 17 May 2018 at 05:45 Thanks David.
Fig. 3 illustrates. This re?ects that, while the idea of integrating. It contains a brief note on literature
review including definition, elements, strategies, and its types. You can then export the references
from the list to EndNote or another reference management program. Integrates findings from a large
body of quantitative findings to enhance understanding, draw conclusions, and detect patterns and
relationships. Having established the protocol, the next step is to search relevant electronic databases,
reference lists and other sources as determined by the search strategy, to seek studies meeting the
eligibility criteria. Nipple body jewelry includes the nipple barbells and the nipple shields. Virtual
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Address how your approach to the topic reinforces or rejects previous approaches as well as how
your work contributes to the larger body of knowledge on your topic. Every year, there is a great
increase in the number of scientific publications. As such the organization you choose to work with,
or your own team or reviewers, should have strong input from relevant groups with appropriate
expertise that can provide you with peer review and team members in order to achieve your review.
Depending on the topic, you may want to supplement your search with a multi-disciplinary database
like Web of Science, or subject-specific databases, such as CINAHL, PsycInfo or ERIC. Ideally you
should represent the meta-analysis visually on a see fig. In unhappy thoughts, I might note if the text
is fairly hard going and perhaps needs a few reads, or any contradictions I might have picked up.
Unlike embedded literature reviews, which appear as part of a larger piece of work, stand-alone
literature reviews are a self-contained piece of writing that can be read on their own (Figure A.2).
Once researchers have selected a topic, the first step in their research methodology is often the stand-
alone literature review. By application of scientific strategies, it is possible to minimize error and bias
to provide a more reliable and precise estimate of an intervention’s effectiveness. The GRADE
approach provides guidelines for making recommendations based on research evidence, which you
may find help you to consider how to interpret the findings of systematic reviews (see and for
further guidance). The methods of an OSR are similar to those of a systematic review with the
exception that where systematic reviews focus on primary research studies, OoRs evaluate and
combine information from systematic reviews. There are several different options for searching in
Embase (via In the search example below, we show how you can structure the search
in a similar way as in Medline Ovid. For more description of systematic reviews, including links to
protocols, checklists, workflow processes, and structure see “ A Young Researcher’s Guide to a
Systematic Review “. You will need to search the cognate literature before claiming there is “little
previous research” on your topic. Since you search many databases, you will also likely end up with
duplicate references. Research groups and researchers contacted (Names and contact details). At a
basic level, the term implies a survey of factual or nonfiction books, articles, and other documents
published on a particular subject. Reviewed articles may be summarized in the form of tables, and
can be further structured using organizing frameworks such as a concept matrix. The main reason is
that most of the time the students end up writing a literature review that is just a summary. For
example qualitative studies can suggest reasons. When you test search, you simultaneously discover
what terminology is common in the field, and thus find more search terms. Dr. Mark Matthews
Student Learning Development Finding your way in the woods. OR Agile, scrum, extreme
programming, lean, crystal clear, feature driven development, dynamic software development. These
terms are often not clearly allocated in the literature. The following are the examples of spreadsheet
table headings: a) date of search, b) database code, c) database, d) search string, e) title, and f)
abstract or something similar depending upon your study. However, in a systematic literature search,
it is recommended that you specify the search field manually instead. Interacting with experts in the
field will ensure the best approach and will help foster new collaborations in your area. Workshop
Overview. Explain elements of the systematic review process. Statistical analysis (or meta-analysis)
may or may not be used to analyze the results of the included studies. The information at the bottom
of the forest plot relates to the data that has been pooled from all the included studies. A systematic
review review protocol organization city country.
Try to explain points of similarity or difference by considering the authors’ individual historical
perspectives, source usage, methodology, or structure. This approach aims to improve the accuracy
and efficiency of transcript reconstruction, particularly in complex genomic regions. However, when
the relevant literature is vast, systematic literature review follows systematic judgments that are fully
informed and minimally prejudiced. That is, that you review the citations and references for the
included publications. In both stand-alone and embedded historiographies, you must support your
arguments and analyses with examples from the sources. Focuses on broad conditions or problems
for which there are competing interventions and highlights reviews that address those interventions
and their effects. When you search for literature using quotation marks, the search becomes more
precise; you will only find articles where that exact phrase is used and miss articles that contain
variations on that phrase or a similar combination of search terms. Unlike an annotated bibliography
or a research paper you may have written as an undergraduate, your literature review will outline,
evaluate and synthesize relevant research and relate those sources to your own thesis or research
question. Apart from suitable databases in which to conduct your search, you will also want access
to a program that can help you manage your references, such as EndNote. Systematic reviews
usually rate at the top of evidence hierarchy since they analyze and evaluate results from all
available, original research articles that answers a specific research question. Journals also often
demand that a search be updated if several months have passed since the article was submitted. At
the library, we often get questions about what exactly characterizes a systematic review, what
differentiates it from other kinds of literature reviews, and how one might best go about searching
the literature systematically. Research Questions: Please define the research questions for your study
in the first step. Step 2. Definitions: In general, we use some formal words in our study, therefore it’s
a good idea to provide definitions for these terms to make things clearer. Literature reviews and
systematic literature reviews are forms of secondary research. Dr. Mark Matthews Student Learning
Development Workshop Overview. PubMed, for instance, uses the controlled vocabulary list MeSH
(Medical Subject Headings). It is essential for all forms of summary—except the narrative
review—that they should include a prospectively prepared study protocol, with descriptions of the
questions to be answered, the hypotheses, the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the selection of
studies, and, where applicable, the combination of the data and the recoding of the individual data
only for pooled reanalysis. Workshop Overview. Explain elements of the systematic review process.
This is usually referred to as a free-text search. Integrates findings from a large body of quantitative
findings to enhance understanding, draw conclusions, and detect patterns and relationships. The
interpretation of data and conclusions drawn should be grounded in the risk of bias of the included
studies, so as to reflect the believability of the findings, as well as the direction and precision of
results relating to the benefits and harms of the interventions assessed. Systematic Literature Review
Of Templates For Reporting Literature review template the following is a simple pattern to follow
for writing up your systematic literature review. It is crucial to predefine criteria for study selection
and data analysis to ensure transparency and reproducibility while generating an effective and
meaningful systematic review. Reviewed articles may be summarized in the form of tables, and can
be further structured using organizing frameworks such as a concept matrix. Unfortunately, it is not
possible to easily retrieve a list containing all the references from several different publications. It is a
good practice to publish systematic review protocols to enhance the transparency of the process and
avoid duplication. The main reason is that most of the time the students end up writing a literature
review that is just a summary. This reduces the chance of bias and improves the reliability of the
results. Systematic reviews attempt to summarize all past research to address a specific clinical
question (or questions) using a systematic approach with methods that have been preplanned and
documented in a systematic review protocol (2, 3). Bias is a systematic deviation from the truth; it
may overestimate or underestimate the true effect, and it may be large or small.

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