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Q1: Which of the following will provide additional Information about something??

a Item

b Jumbotron

c Label-danger

d Label

e None

f None

Q2: Which command is used to create a Kubernetes service??

a kubectl create service

b kubectl set service

c None

d kubectl expose

e None

f kubectl deploy service

Q3: What does the WHERE SQL operator does:?

a eliminates all row repeats from the result set

b None

c None

d changes the order of output rows

e restricts the set of rows to the selection of those records for which the condition is

f converts the value of a column or function to a different type

Q4: #!/bin/bash is commonly called as?

a None

b None

c Script Initialiser

d None of the Above

e shebang

f hashbang

Q5: Tags and test that are not directly displayed on the page are written in _____ section.?

a None

b <body>

c None

d <html>

e <title>

f <head>

Q6: Which of the following is not a style tag??

a <b>

b <i>

c None

d None

e <tt>

f All are style tags

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