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Rationale of the study

In 2012, Havana Cuba, the Colombian government launched peace talks with the

Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) rebel organization. The current

Colombian peace deal, agreed by the government and the Fuerzas Armadas

Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) on June 23, 2016, was the culmination of four

years of peace discussions. The peace deal with the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias

de Colombia (FARC) attempts to put an end to a 52-year conflict that has cost over

200,000 lives and displaced almost 6.7 million people, or 14% of Colombia's population.

The bottom-up method, which represents victims' experiences and perspectives with

minimal external influences, has been included into the Colombian peace process that

focuses on local ownership (Kan, 2017)

In the Philippines, Carlos et al. (2004) says, it has been known as an insurgent

has been recognized as one of the most guerrilla-warfare groups in the last decade,

insurgency activities and counter-measures of military operations have not only affected

economically high societal expenses, but also caused deaths, property damages, loss

of opportunity, unfavorable travel warnings and the growth of religious and ethnic

animosity between Christian and Muslim Filipinos. Romero Rutten says that, many

thousands of former cadres of the CPP–NPA (Communist Party of the Philippines–New


People's Army) countrywide guerrilla struggle are leaving their mark on regional society

and politics decades after they departed the underground struggle (Rutten, 2004).

Locally, Davao Region particularly in Barangay Araibo, Pantukan, Davao De Oro

also encountered being a victim by influencing insurgence false propaganda to

brainwashing the beliefs of community that the government is an enemy, despite great

claims, Davao Region government trying to acquire and adopt the system of peace

agenda, and build strategic tactics only to achieve a modest disruption position, the

Government has shown the full support it can show for our AFP particular in Barangay

Araibo, Pantukan, Davao De Oro, to be more innovative, defensive and aggressive

through implementing Executive Order No.70 in controlling its enemy forces and

continuity in the Face of Changing Regional Dynamics, Contemporary Security Policy,

Internal Security, and Territorial Defense have all acquired traction (De Castro, 2019).

Some studies exist about counter-insurgency as a basis for a peace process to

obtain a lasting peace and one of them is Executive Order No. 70 known as the Whole

of Nation Approach as a counter-insurgency considered as a unique program of our

government to support the community, especially in conflict areas. It shows the

significant effect of Executive Order No.70 that the government agencies work hard to

provide the most important services to eradicate the socio-economic problems which

the insurgency parties. It also promotes the participation of former rebellious individuals

and families as well as persons and communities in conflict-affected and vulnerable

regions to achieve a just, comprehensive, and long-term national peace, based on the

rule of law, as a result, they are now desperately building a fountain of lies and

fabricating stories to destroy the people's drive against insurgency.


Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the Local Government Units (LGU’s) regarding their

converging efforts toward delivering the most needed services to eradicate social issues

that these communist groups are capitalizing. As a part local government, they can see

the possible weakness of Executive Order No. 70 as a basis for improvement that will

lead to reach a just and lasting peace.

Also, the community to determine the benefits and feedback in regard to address

their concern and problem to give specific solution. In that way, the government will

have the full cooperation and trust from the community, since the community is one of

the major concerns of this Executive Order No. 70. The result of this study would also

give an importance to the future researcher as their guide and reference in conducting

related topic to support their idea in order to obtain their objectives.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims the impact of Executive Order No. 70 in Geographically Isolated

and Disadvantage Area; Specifically in Barangay Araibo, Pantukan, Davao De Oro.

Since the government continually facing the problem of existing arm conflict between

CPP-NPA, the specific objectives of the study are the following:

1. To determine the impact of Executive Order No. 70, specifically in Barangay

Araibo, Pantukan, Davao De Oro.


2. To find out the responses of the community regarding the implementation of

Executive Order No. 70 in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantage Areas


3. To describe the lived experiences of former rebels relative to the implementation

of Executive Order No. 70 in combating insurgency.

Scope and Limitation

This study focusing on the Impact of Executive Order No. 70 in Barangay Araibo,

Pantukan, Davao De Oro. This study specifically includes the activities and programs

relying on the Executive Order No. 70, through a personal knowledge of those specific

individual in Barangay Araibo, which is one of the places where some of people are

practically experience the benefits of this. We as a researcher must observe the data

privacy act and other policies involving their information except as provided of their

concern vested on us, that some information is keep for confidentiality. Moreover, it is

important to identify how these Executive Order No. 70 more effective in some aspects.

Theoretical Framework

This theory anchored in counterinsurgency by Robert Thompson, that the

government must have a clear political goal: to establish and maintain a free,

independent, and united society that is politically and economically stable and

sustainable. The government must operate within the bounds of the law and in line with

a long-term strategy. A government must defend its base territories during the guerrilla

phase of an insurgency, not guerilla combatants. (Thompson, 1966).


Another theory anchored by David Galula a French commander during the

Algerian war, got actual expertise in counterinsurgency. In his theory says that,

counterinsurgency is not primarily military, but a combination of military, political and

social actions under the strong control of a single authority. Rather than gaining control

of land, the goal of the battle is to earn the support of the people. The vast majority of

the population will remain neutral in the war; mass support can be gained with the aid of

an active friendly minority. Implementation of orders should be done gradually with the

removal or removal of armed opponents, with public backing and ultimately, the

strengthening of positions via the construction of infrastructures and long-term ties with

the people. This must be done area by area, with a pacified territory serving as a base

of operations for conquering a nearby area (Galula, 1964).

Those theory was so relevant to this study since the issue dealt with counter

insurgency program to end local armed conflict that exist in our country in more than

50years, this theory give us an idea to support our study in relation which focus the

counter insurgency specifically the communist insurgence who continuing exploitation

the civilian particularly in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantage Areas (GIDAs)

through false propaganda and indoctrination of communist ideology establishing

underground mass base organization and massive guerrilla recruitment to fight against

the government that result conflict.


Definition of Terms

Impact - that something has on a situation, process, or having powerful effect on


Executive Order No. 70 - Institutionalized a whole-of-nation approach in obtaining

exclusive and sustainable peace-giving us an effective solution against communist-


Geographically Isolated - the physical separation of members of a population, a

population migrating to an island and becoming separated from the mainland


Disadvantaged area - is conventionally understood as a place in which people tend to

be relatively poor and are relatively likely to suffer from, misfortunes such as ill health

and social misery in more general terms.




This chapter presents the review of related literature and theoretical framework of

the study. The review of related literature discusses in detail related readings which are

connected to the topic of the present research. On the other hand, the theoretical

framework elucidates the idea which is the basis of the conduct of the study.

Executive Order No. 70

The current administration is doing enough to bring the country to a just and

enduring peace. An integral and sustainable peace through increased development and

other measures to create peace in conflict-affected and vulnerable areas is one of the

goals of the Philippine Development Plan for 2017-2022 (DSWD, 2020). The Executive

Order No. 70, also known as the Whole-of-Nation Approach, mandates that the

government prioritize and harmonize the delivery of basic services and social

development, facilitate societal inclusivity, and ensure active participation in order to

address the root causes of insurgencies, internal disturbances and tensions, and other

armed conflicts and threats (EO70, 2018).

On December 2018, President Duterte signed Executive Order No. 70, which

established a whole-of-nation strategy to ending local communist armed struggle by

forming a National Task Force (NTF) that will lead the process of building a national

peace framework (Clavite, 2019). Executive Order (EO) No. 70, s. 2018, adopting the

whole-of-nation approach against insurgency through the creation of the National Task

Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), is effective and provides

a better alternative to the intermittent peace talks which the Communist Party of the

Philippines (CPP) - New Peoples’ Army (NPA) and National Democratic Front (NDF)

have taken advantage of over the years.

The NTF-ELCAC, as a development-centered initiative, promotes welfare programs

such as the delivery of housing, education, social protection, health, and basic services

to our people (Uy, 2021). Apart from this, it will also assess, alter, or combine the

framework's policies, programs, and activities. In the event of a ceasefire, the task

group will establish strategic communication, advocacy, and peace constituency plans.

It will also develop capacity-building initiatives to allow local chief executives and peace

organizations to participate in and organize local peace engagements, discussions, and

interventions (Romero, 2018).

In addition, it refocuses government strategy on armed conflicts as a symptom of

broad and deep-rooted societal problems, rather than just a military concern. To be

clear, the CPP-NPA-NDF is the world's longest-running communist insurgency. The

United States (US), the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), Australia,

Canada, and New Zealand have all designated it as a terrorist group. In December

2017, President Rodrigo Duterte issued Proclamation No. 37434, designating the CPP-

NPA as an entity labeled and/or recognized as a terrorist organization (Uy, 2021).

Moreover, Cario say that the task force's formation does not compel the agencies

to develop new programs or services; rather, it would advise them on how to enhance

and improve the effect of their existing initiatives. The Department of the Interior and

Local Government (DILG), the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA),

the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the Philippine National Police (PNP), and

the Department of Justice (DOJ) are among the major members of the task force,

according to EO 70. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department

of Budget and Management (DBM), Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR). The task

force is also consisting of the Department. Social Welfare and Development (DSWD),

Department of Education (DEPED), National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA),

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Office of the

Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP), National Commission on

Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), and Philippine Information Agency (PIA) (Paculba, 2019).

Despite isolated blunders, the Senate Committee on National Defense and

Security, Peace, Unification, and Reconciliation believed that a whole-of-nation

approach could be the most effective anti-insurgency program, as evidenced by the

continuous and consistent reduction of the influence and strength of the CPP-NPA-NDF

(Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army). The country's communist

insurgency, which has lasted more than 50 years and is believed to be Asia's longest,

remains a serious danger to national security. The armed conflict has hampered the

national government's efforts to secure peace and order in order to achieve significant

and long-term development, particularly in the country's southern regions (Moaje, 2021).

Along from this, president Duterte boosted this all-encompassing approach by

establishing the Cabinet Officer for Regional Development and Security (CORDS), a

group of at least 16 Cabinet members tasked with overseeing peace and development

efforts in their respective regions and assisting the President in resolving problems in

government operations in a timely and orderly manner. The Cabinet Officer for Regional

Development and Security (CORDS) also aims to connect areas with national agencies

in the hopes of bridging and establishing peace, as well as putting an end to our

insurgent issues. While there is a connection between peace and order and the health

of the economy, the whole-of-nation approach emphasizes the significance of good

governance while also ensuring strategic measures for peace and security. As a result,

the whole-of-nation strategy encourages inter-agency cooperation, reflecting the local

government's commitment to a united and inclusive approach to ending insurgency

(Morato, 2019).

Success of NTF-ELCAC

The armed communist terrorist fronts in the area, notably in Ilocos Sur province,

have been demolished, according to Vigan City Mayor Juan Carlo Medina, the head of

the Ilocos Regional Development Council (RDC). Medina says that, the province's

insurgency has been reduced as a result of these efforts, and more insurgents have

surrendered (Austria 2021). While the Department of the Interior and Local Government

(DILG) announced that the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army-

National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) has been designated persona non grata in

1,546 local government units (LGUs) across the nation. DILG Secretary Eduardo M.

noted that out of the 1,715 local government units (LGUs) in the country, 1,546 — 64

provinces, 110 cities, and 1,372 municipalities — had already approved resolutions

declaring Communist Terrorist Groups (CTGs) as persona non grata in their respective

territories. The remaining 169 LGUs, he said, are discussing in their provincial, city, and

municipal councils at various levels. In addition, the CPP-NPA-NDF has been

designated persona non grata in 12,474 barangays across the country (DILG, 2020).

In addition to this, in order to sustain the program, the provincial administration

supported Executive Order 70, which established the National Task Force to End Local

Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC). “Through an immersion exercise organized

in the hinterland town of New Taokanga in the municipality of Manay, Davao Oriental

became the first province in the country to effectively pilot the new directive,”

Dayanghirang said in his report. The province is especially proud of its Happy Home

program, which is a comprehensive rehabilitation program for rebel returns. Happy

Home has provided financial aid, housing, and other social benefits to a total of 278

former rebels (Macapagat, 2019).

Furthermore, with the implementation of the Localized Peace Engagement (LPE)

the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) has been rolled out

by the Government of the Philippines (GPH). Through E-CLIP, qualified former NPA

rebels and Militia ng Bayan members are being provided with opportunities to be

productive members of society. As of 31 August, 2020, the Government of the

Philippines (GPH) had provided various forms of assistance to qualified beneficiaries

under the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP). These

include: providing 4,767 former rebels with financial benefits amounting to over PHP

353 million (US$7.3 million) from the Department of Interior and Local Government

(DILG), around PHP 190 million (US$3.9 million) was allotted by the DILG for the

construction of Halfway Houses for 35 provinces and three highly urbanized cities (Uy,


Moreover, halfway houses serve as temporary shelters for the rehabilitation and

healing sessions of former rebels going through the process of reintegration. 464 former

rebels were covered under the Department of Trade and Industry’s Livelihood Seeding

Program. 2,105 former rebels benefited from the Department of Labor and

Employment’s (DOLE) integrated livelihood program and the Tulong Panghanapbuhay

sa Ating Disadvantaged / Displaced Workers (TUPAD) program. 10,079 former rebels

including their dependents were provided assistance through the different social

protection programs of the Department of Social Welfare and Development. 53 former

rebels are now residing in housing units in the Freedom Residences in Tagum City

provided by the National Housing Authority. Four former rebels were also given

cheques for housing assistance by the housing authority, and 3,742 former rebels

graduated from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Skills

Training (Uy, 2020).

The Community Participation in Executive Order No. 70

The Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in the Caraga region are becoming more involved in

government operations, particularly in dealing with the insurgency problem. This is their

method of showing their support for President Rodrigo Duterte's Executive Order 70

(EO70), which aims to put a stop to the local communist armed war. The National

Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) Caraga has increased its capacity-building

efforts among IP leaders in the region in order to better equip and enable them to

participate to the resolution of various issues and concerns, as well as the challenges

that every community faces today (Gaitano, 2020).


Along with this, Norberto Pacio head of the Itogon Indigenous Peoples

Organization, the government's Whole-Nation-Approach initiative is just in time. He took

a lot away from the event, such as the 12 clusters in which issues and concerns were

anchored with the appropriate interventions. Pacio stated that he will campaign for

Indigenous Peoples (IP) rights in his community, something he believes many people

are still unaware of. He also stated that he will back the government's plan to put an end

to the insurgency (Aro, 2019). Subsequently, the sectoral representatives in Eastern

Visayas have pledged to help wipe out the aged-old insurgency in the region through

active participation in peace and development efforts during a two-day meeting at the M

Grand Convention Center, representatives from indigenous groups, farmers and

fishermen, women, peasants, laborers, and youth sectors signed the Eastern Visayas

Peace and Development Manifesto. Jennifer Cabadonggan the leader of the 80-

member Mamanwa tribe in Basey, Samar, claimed that the tribe has been supportive of

the government's anti-insurgency activities (Meniano, 2021).

The Controversy of Executive Order No. 70

For 2021, the NTF-ELCAC has a budget of P19 billion, including about P16 billion

set aside for its Barangay Development Program (BDP), which would provide incentives

to barangays that have been cleansed of insurgent concerns. Taking back the barangay

development fund, according to Esperon, would hurt the areas who needed it the most,

as well as anti-insurgency activities (CNN Philippines, 2021).

Furthermore, the resolution 707 was submitted by Senate President Pro Tempore

Ralph Recto, together with Senators Nancy Binay, Grace Poe, Sherwin Gatchalian, and

Joel Villanueva, with the goal of determining if the NTF-ELCAC is successful in carrying

out its purpose and efficient in its budget usage (Romero, 2021). Additionally, senate

Minority Leader Franklin Drilon criticized the Department of Budget and Management

(DBM) for giving the estimated P16.4 billion barangay development fund to the anti-

communist task force, claiming that the money may be utilized for political reasons in

2021 (Rey, 2020).

Moreover, Sen. Risa Hontiveros, the National Task Force to End Local Communist

Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) does not have to provide P16.4 billion in development

projects to barangays already free of communist rebel control, because the money

would be better spent on health initiatives. Under the government's anti-insurgency

campaign, 822 remote barangays will each receive P20 million from a fund set aside in

the task force's 2021 budget to improve the villages' conditions and prevent them from

falling prey to the New People's Army (NPA), the military wing of the Communist Party

of the Philippines. Existing departments may manage such development initiatives

(Salaverria, et al, 2021).

Deception in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs)

Obviously, in terms of recruiting fighters, the Communist Party of the Philippines –

New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) is similar to other insurgent groups in that they prey on

impoverished families in the countryside, particularly the younger family members,

including indigenous people, who easily turn against the government due to their

isolation from mainstream communities. In addition, they also utilize their more

educated members as campaigners on college and university campuses to attract more


idealistic individuals and maintain them as their brains; many of the above-average

students they recruit become sub-commanders or even commanders of tiny units inside

the New People’s Army (NPA) organization (Casuncad, 2006).

Definitely, in order to present the revolutionary opposition as patriots and to

generate national appeal, the umbrella front organization, the National Democratic Front

(NDF), has multiple constituent fronts, including diverse professional (teachers,

attorneys, medical), religious, labor, agricultural, and student political groups, the

National Democratic Fronts (NDF's) ten-point platform, issued in 1973, addresses

practically every subject, including democratic, economic, cultural, human rights, and

nationalism with a strong anti-foreign bent, all of which are designed to appeal to the

broadest possible audience. Furthermore, the National Democratic Front (NDF) plays a

variety of responsibilities in the revolutionary fight, including stirring up the masses,

maintaining political pressure on the government, educating the people through

propaganda campaigns and political front operations, and recruiting new members

(Spottswood, 1988).

Apart from this, the New People’s Army (NPA's) military campaign has generally

followed the Maoist doctrine of long-term guerrilla warfare. This strategic approach

implies that gaining the active support of the peasantry in the countryside is vital before

launching a successful people's revolution in large metropolitan centers of power. Most

NPA rebels are organized into armed mobile propaganda units known as Sandata Yunit

Proganda (SYP), which represent the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP's)

emphasis on ideology and indoctrination as the most effective methods of rebuilding its

mass peasant base, typically, a Sandata Yunit Proganda (SYP) will acquire a key

foothold in a chosen barangay through familial relationships (Rabasa, et al, 1993).

Apparently, those related literature are considered in this study as a basis on

how our government response to the community regarding the implementation

Executive Order No. 70 to address their concern in which soon to become neutralized

conflict area were a long-running communist insurgency capitalized that has murdered a

thousand of fighters and civilians in 50years in existence, the Philippine government has

been unable to control and develop substantial nation. The government's counter-

insurgency campaign has reduced their numbers but not eliminated the organization

thus, as they work toward the more challenging long-term aim of achieving a long-term

political solution. Additionally, a genuine Executive Order No. 70 known as Whole of

Nation Approach is built on a dialogical relationship with all the people. It is sustained by

a synergy of trustworthiness among parties who are committed to relational healing. It is

best attained through conflict transformation processes using an integrated

transformative framework that touches the spiritual ethical, psycho-social, socio political,

and economic ecological aspects of national wholeness.




This chapter presents and discusses the methods of this study contains the

Research Local and Duration, Research design, Source of Data, Sampling Technique,

Data Gathering, and Data Analysis which is discussed in this study and is being outlines

in this portion. In drawing up the line, the tools which will be used in analyzing the data

will provide the answers to the problems stated in Chapter.

Research Local and Duration

The research local of this study conducted in Barangay Araibo, Pantukan, Davao

De Oro, an area which is one who absorb and adopt the new system and other

practices inline the Executive Order No. 70 and its benefits were in some of the local

individuals in this area are practically experienced. This study to be conducted in this

semester of school year 2020 – 2021.

Research Design

Qualitative research design applied for this study that focuses on obtaining data

through open-ended and conversational communication, as well as to offer data

summaries that support generalizations about the phenomena under the study, a

qualitative research design which involves collecting and analyzing data like opinions, or

experiences that can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new

ideas for research which tends to be flexible and focus on retaining rich meaning when

interpreting data (Sage, 2007).

Source of Data

The data was taken from ten (10) Former Rebel, ten (10) Civilians, and three (3)

Barangay officials - the core of information coming from this group as a former victim of

deception of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), obtaining their knowledge

and experience especially the impact of implementing the Executive Order No. 70 in

Barangay Araibo, Pantukan, Davao De Oro.

Sampling Technique

The data sampling that will be employed for this study is purposive sampling,

also known as selective, or subjective sampling, a form of sampling in which

researchers choose specific individuals of the public to participate in surveys based on

their own assessment. This sampling technique use since to our study have a limited

number of primary data sources that can contribute to our survey interview. Our study

has allotted time in four (4) months to be completed. Oftentimes this may include

utilizing geographic location and resources that make participant recruitment

convenient. Moreover, in qualitative research, purposive sampling is one of the most

popular sampling techniques because they align the best across nearly all qualitative

research designs (Alchemer, 2021).


Data Gathering

The following processes for data gathering are:

1. The first step for data gathering procedure is by sending a letter request

and proper coordination of stakeholders especially to the Barangay

officials of Araibo. The letter indicates the intentions of the researchers.

Noted by the adviser of this study.

2. After the letter request will be received and approved, the researchers

should observe health protocol standards like wearing mask, alcohol

sanitizing and social distancing before will begin the data collection and

seek the respondents that were identified to answer the survey interview.

3. The researchers consider and observe proper ethical standards in

administering data collection like:

 The potential participants should make their own decisions about

whether or not they wish to participate in the study and accurately

informed of the purpose, methods, risks, benefits, and alternatives to

the research (Lawrence, 2014). And protecting the anonymity and

confidentiality of research participants (Derby, 2012).

4. Afterwards, the data will be retrieved, collected, tallied, analyzed and

interpreted. They will be told that their answers would be treated with

utmost care and confidentiality.

Analysis of Data

Since the study will use a survey interview to obtain the objectives, the

researchers will utilize thematic analysis. The researchers will determine the theme from

the transcribed statements of the data. A thematic analysis strives to identify patterns of

themes in the interview data. It is a flexible method which you can be used for

explorative studies, where one doesn’t have a clear idea of the patterns in the data. In

addition, thematic analysis is a method for identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns

(themes) within data (Braun & Clarke, 2006).

Due to the nature of qualitative research, disagreements may occur among the

various components involved. Some important ethical concerns are those related to the

use of anonymity, confidentiality, and informed consent (Richards HM, Schwartz LJ,

2002). To avoid unpleasant personal issues, researchers should always be informed of

the precise purpose of their participation in a study. It is necessary to assess the

likelihood of being exposed to vicarious trauma as a result of the interviews (Dickson-

Swift V, James EL, Kippen S, 2005).




This chapter discuss about the results and discussion from the gathered data of

this research obtained from the respondents. Generally, this research aims to determine

the impact of Executive Order No. 70 in Barangay Araibo, Pantukan, Davao De Oro as

this place encountered being a victim due to the influence of false propaganda to

brainwash the beliefs of people about the government.

The goal of the study, research questions, data collecting, and analysis are all

discussed in this section. The study's results and conclusions, as well as proof of

trustworthiness, will be presented here. The researchers began the data collection

process with a list of semi-structured questions and conducted single-person guided

interviews. Before or during the interview, none of the participants expressed any

specific requirements. The respondents were eager to share their experiences,

particularly with former rebels. Furthermore, in order to preserve their identities and

confidentiality, the researchers did not reveal their names.

Our respondents compose of ten (10) former rebels, ten (10) civilians and three

(3) barangay officials a total of twenty-three (23) participants were interviewed since

they are qualified for the criteria set by this study. Only one (1) audio-recorded interview

was meticulously transcribed and translated from Cebuano dialect to English language

among the twenty-three (23) respondents. The transcripts of each response were coded

and examined to develop different themes.

The themes emerged from the respondents’ views and were arranged based on

the study’s’ objectives. To maintain the utmost anonymity of the respondents' identities,

we used their numbers while presenting them. In a specific manner, the results will be

interpreted through the major themes identified in this data.

The impact of Executive Order No. 70

Three key themes emerged from the data gathered on the participants'

experiences with the impact of Executive Order No. 70, notably in Barangay Araibo,

Pantukan, Davao De Oro. These themes helped us determine which core ideas to

express and were extracted from their answers on the research questionnaires and

during the interview. These are the following: NTF-ELCAC resulted to neutralize

insurgency, NTF-ELCAC and the expansion of peace and order.

Figure 1. The thematic analysis diagram on the impact of Executive

Order No. 70.

The impact of

Executive Order No. 70

NTF-ELCAC resulted to neutralize NTF-ELCAC and the expansion of

insurgency peace and order

The two themes discussed the impact of Executive Order No.70 specifically in

Barangay Araibo, Pantukan, Davao De Oro. It talks about the suitability and effects of

NTF-ELCAC in that said area to determine on how they acquired the benefits from it.

NTF-ELCAC Resulted to Neutralize Insurgency

Having been able to draw the general idea of this theme, it clearly explains that

the program of NTF-ELCAC is suitable in fighting the armed conflicts. All of the

respondents agreed that the implementation is accurate upon solving the issue in the

community. The impact of this program is seen to be positive as it gives the people an

opportunity to live their safe life by giving back their faith to the government.

The perspectives of the civilians show a positive view on their responses

regarding the suitability of the program by the NTF-ELCAC to fight the armed struggle.

Respondent 1 agreed to the implementation of the program, with a response:

(For me yes, kay makita nato no nga naa jud dako na impact ning
mga programa kay ubay-ubay jud ang nag surrender. ug nays pud ang
programa sa NTF-ELCAC.)

“For me, yes, because I can see that there is a great impact of this
program in such sense that they are slowly surrendering. Also, this
program of NTF-ELCAC is good.”

It is evident in her response that the implementation exhibits good result because

many from the movement had decided to surrender to the government.

Respondent 2, also says that:


(Sa akong opinion, haum sya kay nakita nato nga grabe ang
pagpaningkamot sa atuang gobyerno aron mabatukan n inga pakigbisog.
Gani isa ang akong bana sa naka binipisyo ani. Nisurender siya tungod
nakita niya na naningkamot jud ang government aron mapakusgan nila
ang programa.)

“In my opinion, it is suitable because we can see that the

government is doing its best to achieve this unity. That is my husband is
one of those beneficiaries. He surrendered because he has seen that the
government is exerting effort to strengthen the program.”
The respondent explained that the program is suitable and even added how the

government shows its effort to this program. Another consideration is that the

experience she had because her husband has become one of beneficiaries of it after


Respondent 3 said that:

(Haum kay nakita nato nga huyang na ang NPA ug makita nato sa
balita nga nabungkag na gani ang uban. Sauna magpameeting sila permi
sila, permi sila moingun nga sila ang tinuod nga gobyerno pero karon naa
na ang tinuod nga gobyerno maong di nata pailad ug usab.)

“It is aligned because we can see that the NPA is now seen as
weak and also, we can see in the news that others are split. Back then,
when they conducted meetings, they would say that they are the real
government but now we have our own government that is why we should
not be fooled again.”

This statement clearly shows that the implementation of the program has

stopped the NPA from recruiting the people which can be seen as one great impact of

the program.

Which evidently shows that they already have been fooled by the shadow government

and also believes that they should not be fooled again. All the civilian respondents have

agreed to the implementation of the program when it comes to its suitability to the


While, on the perspectives of the Respondent 5 shows how great the

implementation of the program is stated that:

(Para sa akoa haum ug tama jud nga naa ning ELCAC kay makita
nako sauna nga grabi jud kadaghan ang NPA diria sa amoang barangay
naa gani to’y time nga dria sila nag anniversary pero karon wala nami
nakita og daghan napud surrenders.)

“For me, it is suitable to have this NTF-ELCAC because before

there’s a lot of NPAs here in our barangay, sometimes they celebrate an
anniversary here but now we haven't, and many also surrenders.
He emphasized the changes brought by the program.

One of the respondents’ statements say:

(Haum sa akuang panan-aw tungod kay dako gyud ug epekto ang

kining ELCAC aron maparalisa ang kalihukan tungod kay ginalantaw sa
ELCAC ang ugat sa pakigbisog sama nalang sa kawad-on ug kulang nga
serbisyo ug kini makita karon nga nilihok na ang gobyerno.)

“In my perspective, the program is precise because it has great

effect to stop the doings of NPA now that the ELCAC visions the root of
this problem, for instance, the lack of good service and now it is seen that
government is working on it.”
Additionally, another respondent also says that:

(Oo, kay sa akong nakita wala na gyud kayo naga apil sa

kalihukan, kay anaa nay mga panginabuhian ang katawhan kay naan a
may mga investor nga nisulod sa atuang lugar. kini bunga ni sa programa
sa ELCAC.)

“Yes, as far as I can see, there’s no longer participating in the

movement, because the people already have livelihoods and there are
investors who have come into our area. It is the result of the ELCAC

Showing his perception about the matter, the program is seen to be appropriate

in addressing the problem, demands and exhibits the good work of the environment.

Another response agreed by saying that:

(Oo, haum gyud ni nga programa aron labanan ning NPA, tungod
ang ELCAC nag silbi siya nga katubagan sa mga problema sa katilingban
nga kanunay ginagamit sa NPA. Maong wala nay rason ang tao nga mo
sumpa ug mao kini ang hinungdan nga mawala na ang NPA.)

“Yes, this program is very accurate to fight the NPA. Because of the
ELCAC, it serves as the answer to the problems to the community that is
used by the NPA always. That is why the people has no reason to join the
rebels and a reason to take away NPA.”

It clarifies that the government is also at fault and becomes the reason why the

people had to join the movement. However, the response shows that it answers the

problem of the community that because of this program, the people would give their

trust to the real government.

Apart from this, Vinoya (Brigadier General, Commander of the Army’s 3rd

Infantry “Spearhead” Division), he said that the insurgencies is badly hurt of the

significant results and suitability of the EO 70 and its program in the respected areas,

hence, they are now desperately building a fountain of lies and fabricating stories to

destroy the people’s drive against insurgency while the government agencies are

converging their efforts toward delivering the most needed services to eradicate

social issues that these communist groups are capitalizing (Vinoya, 2019).

NTF-ELCAC and The Expansion of Peace and Order


Despite the fact that civilians and former rebels are different, they still share the

same thoughts regarding the effect of the implementation of the program especially

when it come to the issues of peace and order. Even with the different perspectives

about the matter, there is no opposing arguments as both discussed about the great

effect of the program that leads to offer a helpful outcome to the community not just with

the peace and order but also in different industries.

With the responses of the people from the community, it resulted to statements

that give an emphasis about the good effects made by the program especially to the

issues of peace and order in the Barangay.

One of the respondents said that:

(Hapsay, wala nay mga buto-buto sa palibot makatarong na mi og

tulog. Di nasad mi mabalaka sa among pamilya.)

“It is peaceful, there are no explosions around that we can sleep

well. We are also not worried with our family.”

This shows the struggle of the people while dealing with the NPA around them.

However, it also explains that they are at peace after the implementation of the


Aside from having a good night sleep, another response dealt with how well the

business is after the implementation:

(Naay nindot nga epekto ang ELCAC labi na sa peace and order
kay dili nami mahadlok mag Negosyo ug kusog napud ang amoang halin.)

“There is a good effect of ELCAC especially when it comes to the

Peace and Order because we are not afraid to do business anymore and
our income becomes better.”

Also, the tourism in the said place has become safe and secure as evident in this


(Dako gyud ang epekto sa ELCAC para makab-ot ang kalinaw og

kahapsay sa amoang lugar, gani makita nga ubay-ubay ang mga turista
nga nagsulod sa amoang lugar tungod kay wala na ang kahadlok.)

“There is a big effect by ELCAC in reaching the peace and order of

our place that we can see that the tourists are visiting our place without

This is to say that the struggle of people in their economy is actually the cause of

the armed conflicts but because of the implementation, businesses and tourist

destination are being redirected.

On the other hand, the former rebel answered that:

(Hapsay ug malinawon na gayud ang amoang lugar. Daghan ang

maayong programa sa gobyerno nga miresulta sa kalamboan.)

“Our place is in peace and order. There are many programs from
the government which resulted to a development.”

The effect of the program is then drawn on the development of the community as

it has achieved peace and order.

One of the former rebels reveal that:

(Daku kaayo syag ipikto dinhia sa atuang barangay kay tungod

pareha sauna nga nay mga taga bukid nga kaila nato ang mga tao tanan
halos kay gahi murag ilaha tanan. Murag kung naa kay kaila nga NPA
okay kayo sa imoha, kanang gahi ka perminti kung baga gubot perminti
kay ksyempre halos mga tao diria kay nay mga kaila nga NPA so halos
halos pud jud tanan mga gahi maong gubot siya perminti kung nag
padayun pa tong pagpanglihok sa taga bukid.)

“It really has a great effect here in our barangay because compared
to what happened then, people who have friends from the highlands
shows superiority that is why it very chaotic. Almost most of the people are
friends with the NPA that is why it would always be chaotic if the
movement continues to manipulate the place.”

In this statement, it clearly shows that the implementation has great effect

because it stopped the place from being chaotic and disregarded the possible violent

consequences of the superiority as presented.

EO 70 harmonizes the delivery of basic services and social development

packages in conflict-affected and vulnerable communities in pursuit of the county’s

peace and development agenda, it also highlight the importance of community

participation in building peaceful and orderly barangays and the role of barangay, while

local chief executives and their city administrators tackled these accomplishments, as

well as planned actions to sustain their local peace initiatives in their respective

localities (DILG, 2021).

Response of the Community

Opinions of people regarding the implementation of the program is one of the

main objectives of the research as they give information about this matter. Their

experiences are very useful to obtain the information needed. It is indeed a fact that

their thoughts upon experiencing the insurgence are necessary to attain display the

impact of the implementation of the program.

Figure 2. The thematic analysis diagram on the response of the community.


Response of the

Wider Community
Responsive Government Induced Participation

The two themes discussed how the community response to NTF-ELCAC

program in Barangay Araibo, Pantukan, Davao De Oro. It describes the positive

outcome in terms of good governance as well as the participation to the program to

overcome insurgency specially in conflict area.

Responsive Government

It is a great part of the program NFF-ELCAC to have an organization regarding to

the livelihood because those people before without income have a good income today.

They just work hard to earn income every day, they have the source of their daily

expenses and every day they can earn income.

This theme discussed on how the government implement the program and what

are the responses of the community to determine if the program is in favor to them.

One respondent said that:

(Ok ang ilahang implementasyon. Naa jud unity sa mga agency sa

government aron mohatag serbisyo.)

“Their implementation is good. There is unity in the government’s

agency to provide service.”

This statement has been regarded to as how the government builds partnership

to different agencies to provide opportunities to the people in the community. The

coordination of the government had helped them to solve the existing problems in the


It is supported by this response:

(Maayo sd ang ilang pag implement niini tungod kay naa jud makita
nga kabag-uhan. Unta mag tuloy-tuloy nani ug ilaha pang dungagan ang
ilahang programa labina ang FARM to market road diin importante jud

“Their implementation is good because the changes are visible. I

hope this would continue and they should add programs to this
implementation especially the road from farm to market which is very

Because of its effectiveness, the people are expecting that this program would

continue sharing opportunities to people. With the good progress of the program, the

respondent even emphasized the help, it gives to the drivers with this statement:

(Ok man, kay makita nato naa jud sila program. Pareha ani sa
amua nagtukod sila ug Drivers Association diin nakatabang pud. Pareha
atong naa ang taga LTO nakatabang jud aron ma lesinsya me. Sauna
kami pa ang moadto gasto kayo kay layo.)

“Their program is visible, for example here in our place, they

established Drivers Association which is also helpful. Also, with the LTO
that helped us to acquire license because back then we were the ones
who would go there which is very expensive.”

With this help, even most of the respondents are very thankful to have this

program because it helps them to survive in their everyday living.


As evident as it is, this is one of the responses:

(Sa akoang kasinatian nindot gyud, kay natagamtaman nako ang

nindot nga programa diri labi na kining gipanghatag nga mga sidlings ug
livestock diin nahimo na namo nga source of income.)

“It is good because I experienced the program especially the

seedling they gave and livestock which become the good source of

To summarize, this clearly illustrates and expresses the favorable response that

the people in the community have had to the program's implementation. Given the

changes that have occurred in the community, it is now clear that it is advantageous to

the community, particularly those who have been released from the NPA.

Additionally, Brigadier General Abraham Casis stated that, the heart of this

approach is good governance, coupled with the dynamic participation of residents in

communities. This will be the key in addressing the scourge of communist insurgency in

the country, keeping the peace is a shared responsibility, for without us having

ownership of it, peace can never be achieved (Casis, 2019).

Wider Community-Induced Participation

This theme arose that the respondents had experiences specially in Barangay

Officials on how and what are their participation to the program as part of the function in

that said area.

The NTF-ELCAC program is an initiative of the national government to address

the gaps on basic services and infrastructure in conflict areas just like in Barangay

Araibo, therefore we need to implement the projects or programs that community really

needs, and if the projects are properly implemented, it might encourage more rebels to

return to the fold of the law.

One of the respondents shares steps on how they stablish the program, he


(Unang- una sa pag implementar niini nakig-alayon ta sa mga

nagkadaiyang ahensya labi na sa atoang mga kasundaluhan ug di
malikayan nga kining mga NPA masuko tungod kay gibuhat nato ang
makaayo sa katawhan, ug di na sila makahimo ug mga balak nga

"First and foremost, we work with other agencies, particularly our

AFP, in the implementation of this program, and obviously, these NPAs
are enraged because we are doing what is good for the people, and they
can no longer make propaganda poems."

Additionally, according to another respondent that they do their task in a strategically

approach to catch their attention to ensure that they can benefits program:

(Sa pag implementar niini, ang nahimong partisipasyon sa

barangay mao ang pag-awhag sa mga tao nga mo salmot sa mga tigum
nga mo partisipar sa mga aktibidadis. Sa una alanganin sila kay basin
pareha ra kaniadto nga puro lang saad, pero karon ila na judt napamatud-

"The barangay's participation in the implementation is to encourage

people to attend the meeting and activities." They were cautious at first
since they could have been the same as before, but they've now been

We also want to encourage more rebels to turn away from the armed struggle

and reform themselves to become an asset for peace and development for their


Moreover, Rolando Asuncion the Regional Director for Central Luzon of the

National Intelligence Coordinating Agency, and Deputy Cabinet Officer for Regional

Development and Security (CORDS) III. He said, the government cannot resolve the

communist insurgency by itself and needs the full support and participation of all

stakeholders, there is a need for solidarity and cooperation, of not only us from the

bureaucracy, but among the different sectors of society (Asuncion, 2019).

The lived experiences of former rebel (FR) and local residents

Some of the respondents claimed that the lack of service from the government

led the people to commit such mistake. Losing the hope promised by the government,

the people have nothing left to choose but to join the armed movement to survive. Some

of the former rebels said that it was not easy to become part of the movement as it is

like about risking your life to death considering the chaos brought by the rebels to the

community. In this theme, the lived experiences of the former rebels will be discussed

through presenting their perspectives about the implementation of the program.

Figure 2. The thematic analysis diagram on the lived experiences of former rebel

(FR) and local residents.

The lived experiences of former

rebel (FR) and local residents

Before the After the

implementation of implementation of
implementation Before the

These two themes discuss about the implementation of EO no. 70 (NTF-ELCAC)

before and after, to construct the idea on how they adopt and absorb those experiences

in both former rebel and civilian respondents, to sum up the concreate information in

which can provide a good data for this study.

Before the Implementation of NTF-ELCAC

In this theme, the respondents share their experiences before the NTF-ELCAC

implemented, on how they lived and sustain their daily routine in conflict area. This

difficulty faced by the person who joined the movement shows that there is no good

effect when done even if the aims are for common goods. It is really difficult to avoid

their commands when you already have the responsibility upon joining them.

A respondent shared his experience before the implementation of the program:

(Gigamit me aron sa pagkuha ug supply ug di mi musugot, dilikado

kayo maong lisud gyud.)

"We are accustomed to receiving supplies, and failing to do so

would be quite harmful, which is why it is so difficult."

This can be supported by an answer from a respondent:

(Sa wala pa ni nga programa, sa matag karon ug unya sa dihang

anaa pa ako sa rebulusyon aduna gyud kami makuha nga masa aron
mosampa sa armadong kalihukan tungod kini sa kakulangon sa

"Before this program, when I was still in the revolution, we could

truly recruit individuals to join our movement, and this was due to the
government's lack of resources."

Additionally, another respondent also say that:

(Sa wala pa ang ELCAC nakahigayon gyud ang kalihukan sa

pagtukod og shadow government tungod lig-on ang suportang masa.)

"Before the implementation of ELCAC, there was a real movement

and the formation of a shadow government due to widespread public

The former rebels had to the things that do not follow their will just to survive in the

cruelty of the situation. However, the consequences of supporting the movement only

helped them to build the shadow government, forming a rebellious act that are against

the real government.

It is easy to understand that the people were left with not even one choice

because of the false promises of the government. Some people in the community are

even giving their trust to the armed movement because they have to survive.

Respondents 18 also stated that:

(Sa wala pa ni nga programa, ang NPA ang nahimo namo nga
dangpanan panahon nga nay problema ug panagbikil. Ila gyud kini dayun
nga aksyunan. Ug bahin sa panginabuhian labi na sa negosyo pait gyud.
Sa panahon nga naa mi problema di dayun mi matagad sa gobyerno.)

"Previously, when there was an issue or misunderstanding, the

NPA was our collaborator." They would promptly take action. However, it
is quite tough to make a living. We can't seek the government for support
directly in times of need."

Also, the lacking was the reason why some of the rebels have to go that far in

order to get the attention of the government to take actions that they failed to do in the

first place.

Moreover, another repondents said:

(Sa wala pa ang ELCAC, wala mi rason nga mosurrender tungod

Nakita pa namo nga aduna pa gyud kulang ang serbisyo sa gobyerno ug
nakita gyud namo nga wala gyud laing kadangpan ang masa kun dili ang
armadong kalihokan.)

"We had no reason to surrender prior to its implementation because

we can see that the government's service is still insufficient." And we
realized that we could only seek assistance from the armed movement."

In fact, other respondents proved that they afraid before, she said:

(Ay grabi gyud to sa wala pay ELCAC kay halos tanan tao dri kay
masa sa taga bukid. Naa gani tong student nako sauna grabi gyud sya ka
devoted sa NPA. Mahadlok jud mi ato niya. Maygani kay nag surrender.)

"It was really bad before ELCAC because virtually everyone here is
an insurgency mass; I even had a student in the past who was really loyal
to the NPA; we were terrified of him, but now I appreciate him for

They cannot ensure the safety before and even in schools some students are also

have a connection in CPP-NPA, and even (habal-habal) drivers are are not exempted of


He said:

(Sa wala paning ELCAC, kami ang silbi driver aning mga NPA,
mohatod ug bugas, ug uban pa nilang supply. Peligroso gyud kay basin
ba u ug madakpan me sa mga army.)

"Before the ELCAC, we were the NPAs' drivers, delivering food and
other supplies." It's really risky because the armies might come after us."

They become a servant of the CPP-NPA before in some reason and they are

totally afraid for their security to the possibilities happened in time.

Other respondents also share to us his experience on how he is victimizes the

extortion he said:

(Sauna gyud kay maglagot ko aning NPA kay akuang gamay nga
pangita ilaha pa gyud gipangayuan. Laliman ka anang tag dos pesos sila
kada boardfeet unya og di ko mohatag letsunon akuang chainsaw.)

"Previously, I was irritated with this NPA because they demanded

my little income, paying two pesos per board foot, and I refused to let my
chainsaw burn."

Additionaly, another repondents also stated that:

(Sa wala pa ang ELCAC kami ang nahimong dangpanan sa

kauban, kami ang nahimong lungga panahon nga adunay ingkwentro sa
laing lugar, kami ang tig pakaon sa kauban.)

"Before ELCAC, we were the NPA's refuge; after an encounter

somewhere, we became the refuge; we are the ones that feed the

Those statement proved that the CPP-NPA is a plague in the community in which

small entries cannot waved their presence for the exemption from their cruelty.

Some of the respondents regret their action before that result unwanted situation.

She said:

(Grabi akong kasubo kay tungod sa among pakigbisug nawala ang

akuang bana sa amoang kiliran ug hangtod karon wala pa gyud nako siya

"Because of our false stance, I lost my husband by our side, and I

have never seen him since."

We cannot dispute that being brainwashed by the enemy platform might lead to

disappointment, as this respondent experienced while blaming the erroneous stand

before, which resulted in missing someone's life.

Another respondent also gives his statement, said that:

(Sa wala pa ang ELCAC, nahimong walay pulos ang barangay

tungod kaya ang NPA nagmugna ug ilahang kaugalingon nga gobyerno,
ug dinhi ang ilang mga linyada mura ug si kinsa dina mo respeto sa tinood
nga gobyerno, matawag nato nga salot gyud).

"Before the ELCAC, the barangay was meaningless since the NPA
built its own government, and we might call them a plague for insulting the
legitimate government."

This statement gives us an idea how the CPP-NPA employing their powers and

authority before the NTF-ELCAC even the barangay is manipulated and trying to

empress the community that they are true government which is the CPP-NPA and

continuous for exploitation their false propaganda into individual.

It is an ironic turn of events because the movement was supposed to be the

enemy of the people while the government should have been the people are calling out

for help. However, it better to claim that there has to be a problem first before a solution.

That is, the government is one of the main causes of such problem.

In addition to this, Usec. Ricardo Jalad (Administrator, Office of Civil Defense &

Executive Director, National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council), he said

that the same impoverished communities are also vulnerable to natural hazards and

disasters, the presence of the NPA, with its armed interference and brigandage, prevent

government humanitarian support from reaching our people who both need and deserve

assistance (Jalad, 2020).

After the Implementation of NTF-ELCAC

As perceived by the people, the implementation of the said program (NTF-ELCAC)

resulted to a great impact that has been very helpful to the community. In this regard, the

real government is on its effort in solving the problem. The implementation of Executive

Order 70 provided a way in order for the rebels to change their mind and create a change

to fix what is needed to be fixed.

In the event that the people have come to realize the importance of changes, the

consequences are seen as a positive way to be at peace.

A respondent said that:

(Karon nga naa na ang ELCAC nahimo syang tulay aron undangan
na nako ang dugay nan ga paglatas sa bukid aron sa gipangandoy nga
kabag-ohan, nakita na namo ang sinseridad sa gobyerno).

"Now that we have the ELCAC, I can stop travelling to the

Highlands for the changes I've been yearning for for a long time." I can
finally recognize the government's honesty."

To prevent making the incorrect decisions, the rebels must determine the

government's sincerity. It's possible that they'll have to go through this and that just to get

what they desire. "It is such a relief that this initiative is now in place since we can live

comfortably, there is a supply of seedlings, and most significantly, we are no longer

afraid," one respondent stated. The relief that people feel after experiencing chaos is

something they are entitled to. Solving such a challenge is a major achievement for the

government. The fact that people are going to their former homes instilled a sense of


(Sa naa na ning ELCAC, mikunhod ang mga masa nga nisampa,
ug nagka anam-anam na usab kawala ang supurta sa masa ngadto sa
kalihukan, ug ang ELCAC usab maoy nag agda kanako aron muambak
ug mubalik na sa akung pamilya ug sa atung gobyerno).

"Now that an ELCAC exists, individuals who joined the campaign

have opted to surrender, and support is waning. And it was because of the
ELCAC that I decided to return to my family and the government."

This statement from the respondent is indeed a broad form of realization.

He said:

(Sa naa na ang ELCAC, amuang nasinatian nga mas nindot diay
kung naa ang tinood nga gobyerno kay dili ta mahadlok ug naa nay mga
nisulod nga dagko nga programa sa amuang lugar labi na sa natad sa

“Now that we have the ELCAC, we realize that it’s really good to
have our government because it draws out our fear and we have big
programs especially in the tourism industry.”

Moreover, according to another respondent said:


(Nahigmata na mi sa kamatuoran nga sayup diay amoang

gidapigan, nabati namo ang pagpangga sa tinuod nga gobyerno sa amoa,
hapsay na ang panimuyo ug hamugaway na).

“We then realized the truth that we are at fault for partnering to the
wrong group, we felt the real care from the true government to us. We are
now living in peace.”

With everything being considered, even if the government is the reason, it is also

the solution to build a greater change for the lives of the people in the community. The

positive effects are the manifestation of a sincere governance. The sincerity is what

makes the government trustworthy.

Furthermore, this respondent supports the idea saying that:

(Sangko langit jud ang akoang kalipay tungod nahapsay amuang

lugar ug kauban na nako permi akuang bana).

"My happiness is like heaven since my home has become a secure haven
for me, and my husband is always at my side."

Moreover, other respondents also stated that:

(Malipayon me nga naa ning ELCAC, kai na hatagan me ug

opportunity asip mga former rebel nga maka adto sa Manila ug Hong
Kong ug balik deri kai gehatagan ug mga panginabuhian ug nagpa
salamat gyud me).

"We are grateful to have this ELCAC; they will provide us with
opportunities to travel to MANILA and Hong Kong as former rebels, and
they will provide us with livelihoods when we return home, and we thank
them very much for that."

And most respondents shared comparable experiences on how they feel the

presence of the program where the government main concern in relation peace,

development, opportunities and other activities that may give lighten both civilian and

former rebel that the government is ready to serve them in all times.

While other respondent expresses the idea saying that:

(Sa naa na ang ELCAC, mapasalamaton me karon wala nay

asawa nga mawad-an ug bana tungod sa mali nga pakigbisug).

"With ELCAC in place, we can finally be thankful that no wife will

lose her husband due to a misguided philosophy."

In addition, another respondent become grateful for his statement said that:

(karon hapsay na ang kinabuhi ug ang mga kaniadto nga kalaban

nahimo na nato nga amigo ug tig panalipud).

“Now life is fine and our former enemies have become our friends
and protectors”

As we can see from their statement, every rebel has a narrative to tell, and the

government must take into account that each rebel has their own motivations in order to

construct a better society. Furthermore, the people are praying for the program's success

and for the government to strengthen its support so that people do not have any motive

to form rebellious groups and can live in peace and order.

Following that, some of the responses recount their journey from turmoil to peace,

which they regard as a true gift for those who have endured only to be where they are

now. These comments reflect no animosity against the government, but rather a sense of

obligation to seek assistance and have the government show them what they need to do

to protect the community's safety and security. People are truly pleased with the

program's success and hope that it will continue to improve people's lives. Our lives'

disarray isn't a constraint. Instead, we can embrace tragedy as an opportunity to better

manage our lives (Ostwal, 2017).

Furthermore, As vice chair of the NTF-ELCAC, Sec. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. claims

that the "projects of roads, school buildings, and health centers under the BDP under

NTF-ELCAC merely cover up the roots of peasant unrest in the countryside; in fact, the

projects of BDP under NTF-ELCAC were conceived through multi-sectoral consultations

with threatened/affected communities in geographically-isolated and disadvantaged

areas (GIDAS (Esperon Jr, 2021).



This chapter includes the summary of the findings from the results of the

research. This also includes the conclusion which will be discussed and will be

interpreted based on the obtained information. Lastly, the reccomendations that are

necessary for the references of the future researchers and for the individuals involved.


This study aims to determine the impact E.O. 70 in isolated and disadvantage

areas particularly in Barangay Araibo, Pantukan, Davao de Oro. The researchers seek

for the necessary information needed in the development of the study to provide

broader understanding. Comprehensive research that composes objectives which focus

on gathering the data about the impact of such Executive Order to specific target

respondents. Furthermore, one of the concerns has been the need of having a literature

review because it allows readers to learn more about the implementation of E.O. 70 and

its consequences for local residents. The substance of the literature provided enough

information to benefit both readers and researchers in order for the research to be


The data exibits the great impact of the implementation of the program of NTF-

ELCAC towards the community of Barangay Araibo. Both civilians and former rebels

agree the suitability of the program in fighting against the armed conflicts. All the

respondents agreed that the program is appropriate an accurate in solving the problem.

Also, it is perceived to have resulted into great effect especially in the issues of peace

and order. The respondents were claiming that the most effect it brings is the chnage in

the community. It is evident that the program has been delivering efficient services with

the coordination of the government agencies not just in fighting the armed conflicts but

also in addressing the problems. This shows that the such implementation gives great

impact on the lives of the civilians and the former rebels as it provides them lots of

opportunities to live with better life. This corresponding support of the government

provided a practical solution to the problems that are being manipulated by the

communists. In addition, the data gathered shows that the program led to bigger

opportunities that provide people livelihood and being able to be happy with the

changes they experience upon the implementation.

The impact of the program execution is amplified by community responses. The

civilians were delighted to see how the initiative had changed their lives. They were

grateful because they can now live comfortably knowing that their home is secure and

protected from dangerous situations. They also claimed that the program is the reason

for the end of the armed conflict. This is one of the reasons why the people should not

join the movement that tries to put dirt on the works of the environment. Moreover, the

partcipation of the community through the effort of the Barangay Local Government Unit

has a high impact on the implementation of the said program because the result shows

that people stop from recruting their constituents now that the program is helping them

to live a better life.

The people had the courage to join the movement because they cannot ask help

form the government as they kept on waiting for the falswe promises of the government.

The lack of service had led the people to prioritize their choice to survive rather. The

inconsistent governance gives the people an authority to let them realize that they need

to take action to the problems especially with the armed conflicts. The result explained

that the rebels were also the victim of brainwashing to the extent that they created their

own government and would mock the real one. Before the implementation, the former

rebels had to go through difficult experiences to survive even if it violates their


There is a great change after the implementation because it resulted to a positive

consequences that puts the rebels into realizations that there is a government to help

the, build their new lives. The implementation of the program gives the people lots of

opportunities to a better livelihood helping them sustain their daily lives. The sincerity is

what makes the government trustworthy. Every rebel has a story to tell and it must be

on the consideration that they have their own reasons and the government has to see

that in order to build a greater world. In addition, the people are asking for the success

of the program and hoping that the government would strengthen its support so that the

people cannot find any reason to create rebellious group and the people should live in

peace and order.

If a specific place can raise awareness about the insurgency, how much more on

the broader view of the country. In view to this is the confirmation of DILG that local

government units (LGU) considered the Communist Party of the Philippines-New

People’s Army-National Democratic front (CPP-NPA-NDF) as persona non grata in their

localities which means that they will not tolerate the insurgence brought by the

communists in their place.


The government's attention for the challenges that diverse sectors of society

experience has had a significant impact in addressing the shape of more than five

decades of armed struggle. According to former rebels who battled against the

government, there is a lack of program and service to the people, particularly those

associated with GIDA. As a result, they were motivated to fight against the government,

resulting in unrest and various armed conflicts that claimed many lives. The conflict also

impacted ordinary civilians, who said they were scared because of the unrest and that

there was no adequate livelihood to meet their daily needs. This cited by Uy in our

review related literature, says that the NTF-ELCAC as a development-centered

initiative, promotes welfare programs such as the delivery of housing, education, social

protection, health, and basic services to our people (Uy, 2021).

But over time they are very grateful because there is already EO 70. They see

the sincerity of the government to address the problems of society by delivering

programs and basic services to the people especially those in GIDAS like Barangay

Araibo. So they decided to go back to the government and reject the Armed struggle

and it resulted in a peaceful community, the civilians said they saw progress and

improved their state of life so they are grateful to the government and hope to continue

and further expand the NTF ELCAC program to help more people. This supported by

Capangat statement in our review related literature says that, not only in Araibo,

Pantukan, Davao De Oro have benifits of it, but also in the province of Davao Oriental

particularly in Municipality of Manay is especially proud of its Happy Home program,

which is a comprehensive rehabilitation program for rebel returns. Happy Home has

provided financial aid, housing, and other social benefits to a total of 278 former rebels

(Macapagat, 2019).

Here we can understand that the attainment of peace and unity cannot be

obtained by violent and bloody struggle, but by looking at the root and cause and giving

attention through a precise and concrete program so that we can win the hearts and

minds of the people.


Based on the preceding findings and conclusions the following are recommended.

1. Legislators should support the EO 70 program - Provide sufficient funds to

aid in the development of communities, particularly those afflicted by the


2. Livelihood and Employment – Establish decisive, institutionalized, and

responsible measures to significantly address marginalized communities and

basic sectors, as well as to balance an equitable resource distribution and create

dynamic, economic, livelihood, and income opportunities, with a particular focus

on poverty alleviation and sustainable economic interventions for basic sectors.

3. Proper Education - The people should be given proper education to protect their

community from the deception of CPP-NPA-NDF. Must strictly teach the true

spirit of nationalism and patriotism.

4. Local Government Empowerment – Ensure that the LGUs, local-based

institutions, and other stakeholders are sustainably taking the lead in peace-

building efforts at the local level.

5. Strategic Communication - Connect communication gaps between and among

government communication platforms and conduct strategic communications

efforts to effectively disseminate information on the government programs and


counter the national propaganda of the CPP-NPA-NDF, while creating an

external mechanism to facilitate public engagement and policy support.

6. Basic Services – Provide responsive delivery of basic service to contribute to

the establishment of conflict-resilient, sustainable, and economically developed

communities, through the provision of statutory and specialized programs to

conflict-affected individuals, families, and communities.

7. E-CLIP and Amnesty Program – Supervise the Reintegration Efforts for Former

Rebels from the CPP-NPA-NDF, as well as their immediate family members, and

support the immediate needs of the eligible beneficiaries in the reintegration


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