Essay On Animal Handling Experince

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My experience with working at the vets and

handling the animals there are many different
types of handling that go on in a veterinary’s
practice like when they come for checkups or
vaccinations or even come to get their stitches
out. Handling different animals can sometimes be
very tricky and stressful and even emotional.

When I handle animals, I am very confident, and I

stay calm. When this cat named Jess that came for
her vaccinations, I used a towel to cover her with
so that she did not try and scratch the vet nor me.
Whilst the vet was giving her the injection, I
started talking and patting her and this made her
calm down and not panic too much. And this
worked well because she lay very still and was
very calm. And some dogs that come to the vet
wearing a muzzle because some of them were
quite aggressive and it stopped them from biting
When I am working at the vet, I do a lot of
consultation handling I usually hold the animals in
a way that is difficult for them to escape. And I
talk to them all of the time when a producer is
happening to also helps the producer get done
quicker. I am always kind and gentle to the
animals. I try and hold the dog so when clipping
its nails, I don’t cut them, or I get assistance from
the other veterinary nurses if i am struggling. I am
better at handling smaller animals that are not
that strong, and I need to practice handling bigger
and stronger animals.
If animals are sick or have jested had surgery, I
handle them with extra care. And after an animal
wakes up after their surgery and are drowsy and
are disoriented, I closely monitor them until they
are properly awake. I do this so that if they have a
bad reaction when waking up, I can act quickly.

And animals that have sore areas and stiches or

needle entry point need to be closely monitored.
And I also handle elder animals will handled
carefully. Because they are delicate and frail, and
it is important that I take care of the elderly ones.
And If I feel stressed or want to run away when
something goes wrong or even when I start to
panic, I do some breathing exercises to calm my
self down. And I even listen to my favorite song
that makes me feel so much better.

The reason why I want to handle animals for a

living is because animals are kind and gentle
companions. I just love working and caring for
them. When I have a bad day, or even when I am
upset about something or worried. I go sitting and
patting the animals by doing this it makes me feel
better and makes me worry less. And I love to
learn about animals behaviour and learn about
their body and how it works as well as get them
better when they are sick.

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