Sustainable Forest Management Literature Review

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Navigating the intricacies of a literature review on Sustainable Forest Management can be a daunting

task for many researchers and students. The process involves extensive research, critical analysis, and
synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of
knowledge on the topic. From identifying relevant sources to organizing and presenting information
coherently, the challenges are numerous.

One of the key difficulties lies in the sheer volume of available literature. Sustainable Forest
Management is a multidisciplinary field, and the literature spans various disciplines such as forestry,
environmental science, economics, and policy studies. Sifting through this diverse range of sources
to extract pertinent information requires time, patience, and a deep understanding of the subject

Another challenge is the need for critical evaluation and synthesis of the existing literature.
Researchers must not only summarize key findings but also analyze methodologies, identify gaps in
the current knowledge, and offer insights into potential future research directions. This demands a
high level of analytical and evaluative skills, as well as a thorough understanding of the broader
context of Sustainable Forest Management.

Furthermore, maintaining a coherent and logical structure throughout the literature review is crucial.
Arranging the information in a way that tells a compelling and organized narrative requires careful
planning and attention to detail. Researchers must ensure that the review flows seamlessly, guiding
the reader through the evolution of ideas and concepts related to Sustainable Forest Management.

Considering these challenges, many individuals find it beneficial to seek assistance from professional
writing services. Among the various options available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable
platform that offers expert assistance in crafting literature reviews. With a team of skilled writers
who possess expertise in diverse fields, ⇒ ⇔ can alleviate the burden of literature
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In conclusion, writing a literature review on Sustainable Forest Management is a demanding task

that requires a deep understanding of the subject, critical analysis skills, and the ability to synthesize
information from various sources. For those seeking support in this endeavor, ⇒ ⇔
provides a valuable solution, offering expert assistance to streamline the process and deliver a
literature review that meets the highest standards.
Sustainable Forest Management in a Disturbance Context: A Case Study of Canadian Sub-Boreal
Forests By X. Wei and J. P. Kimmins 2,015 7. Sustainability of an Urban Forest: Bukit Timah Nature
Reserve, Singapore By Kalyani Chatterjea 4,601 8. Especially in developing counties these costs can
be prohibitive (Vianna et al., 1996). To date, most of the certified forests have been industrial and
investment ownerships. SFI works at the intersection of sustainable forests, thriving communities,
and responsible procurement. Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is another organization
contributing to sustainable forestry. Sustainable forest management and forest certification have
gained wide acceptance over the last two decades and around ten percent of the world’s forest is
now under some form of forest certification (Durst et. al., 2006). Areas managed under certified
sustainable forestry have grown steadily and the con- cept has found strong support from
environmental groups, non- governmental organizations, and even forest industry and tim- ber
investment groups (Floyd, 2002). SFI is governed by a three-chamber board of directors representing
environmental, social, and economic sectors equally. The link between the exports of tropical timber
and deforestation in the tropics is much less than generally known. Student feedback was very
positive for the process and the capstone course. It integrates concurrent research and innovation
processes within a public-private-partnership. The change in perspective occurred at the beginning of
the 1990s in response to an increased awareness of the deterioration of the environment, in particular
of the alarming loss o. Despite all sustainable forestry advantages, global deforestation rates are
alarming, especially in the tropical latitudes, and the biggest threat to forestlands is agriculture.
Understanding your plan: A guide for landowners using: Managing your woodlands: A template for
your plans for the future. The ability to distinguish and treat tree diseases or pest infestations
empowers forestry managers to save their farms and mitigate losses. They are still evolving and their
importance is increasing; their impact is contributing to new definitions of forest resource
management. FSC certifi- cation covers nearly 150 million ha of forest land in about 80 countries
(Forest Stewardship Council, 2011). Diez and Beatriz Martin-Garcia Book metrics overview. The
concept of forest sustainability dates from centuries ago, although the understanding of sustainable
forest management (SFM) as an instrument that harmonizes ecological and socio-economic concerns
is relatively new. Instructor? Request an Exam Copy As an IntechOpen contributor, you can buy this
book for an Exclusive Author price with discounts from 30% to 50% on retail price. Companies can
use chain-of-custody certification to track and communicate forest fiber content using one of three
optional approaches: physical separation, average percentage, and the volume credit method. Forest
depletion has occurred throughout human history when forests were not replanted after harvesting.
You are free to share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, as long as the
author(s) and the source are credited. In 1971, the Oregon Department of Forestry issued the Forest
Practices Act obliging timber production enterprises to replant trees after harvesting, among the
many more forest preservation requirements. After the Rio Conference several environmental groups
met to develop an independent global organization that would cer- tify forest products there were
grown using sustainable forest management. Forest sustainability and forest certification have
become critical topics in forestry curricula. Can Forest Management in Protected Areas Produce New
Risk Situations. It is perform ance-based and certification is based on a set of standards and gu
idelines, and it offers a group certification for tracts under the same management (American Tree
Farm System, 2012a). Especially ef- fective is introducing the sustainability and certification sub-
jects sequentially through the fore st policy, economic, and man- agement courses. The initial effort
led to varying levels of implementation across countries. The change in perspective occurred at the
beginning of the 1990s in response to an increased awareness of the deterioration of the environment,
in particular of the alarming loss of forest resources. On the scale of an individual building, the life-
cycle cost and environmental impact of wood products are low compared to other common building
materials. 1 Wood is renewable and has a light carbon footprint in terms of manufacturing, transport
and end-of-life recycling, re-use, or disposal. 2.
Remember that disabling cookies may affect your experience on the website. Intended primarily for
use by the Colorado State Office of the Bureau of Land Management, it contains references which
may be useful in areas other than the Central Rocky Mountain region. Download Free PDF View
PDF Forest Systems Managing forests in a changing world: the need for a systemic approach. The
bigger picture: Conserva- tion, integrity, community (Progress Report). World Commission on
Forests and Sustainable Development (1999). You are free to share — copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format, as long as the author(s) and the source are credited. The change in
perspective occurred at the beginning of the 1990s in response to an increased awareness of the
deterioration of the environment, in particular of the alarming loss of forest resources. It illustrates
how the concept of sustainability can change and how its im- portance is continuing to develop over
time. Non-foresters engaged in forest policy discussions would benefit from at least skimming it, by
reading all the chapter summaries and delving deeper into topics that interest them. Today’s
stewardship-type management plan, the established family forest management plan that the USDA
Forest Service requires as a multiple-resource, sustainability-oriented man- agement plan for federal
cost-share funding eligibility, includes the same elements as an ATFS management plan. Going back
to the ATFS standards discussed above, the dif- ference in table information shows the forest
sustainability principles that this management template emphasizes. We took a “living lab” approach
to support the evolution of the Greater Luxembourg forest. In this chapter, we first start with
providing a typology of various SFM-focused programs and policies that, we believe, capture the
spectrum of SFM governance structures. Both ecological and economic problems result from
defores- tation. McConnell, G. (1966). Private power and American democracy. Originally the
central concept was sustained-yield and maximum timber production and then multiple-use and
other non-timber values gained importance. Edited by Lameed Gbolagade Akeem Global Exposition
of Wildlife Management. By continuing to use the website, you consent to our use of cookies. Their
importance is apparent and app ears to be increasing as public pressure and market demands create a
need for these educa- tional programs to focus on sustai nability principles. His interests include the
broader fields of natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, livelihoods, as well as
climate change adaptation and mitigation. The ATFS does not start with the forest man- agement
plans capstone course. The change in perspective occurred at the beginning of the 1990s in response
to an increased awareness of the deterioration of the environment, in particular of the alarming loss o.
These family forests tend to be small (Straka, 2011) and 53 percent of family forests are less than 40
ha (But- ler, 2008). This is made possible by the EU reverse charge method. This approach pro- motes
practices that are environmentally, socially, and eco- nomically consistent. Her specialty is the
development of technologies for satellite monitoring of natural and artificial landscapes and surface
feature change detection. Forests improve the environment on a planetary scale. A large portion
(over 40%) of this forest is privately owned and poorly maintained, thus returning to a wild state
with positive (biodiversity) and negative impacts (spread of illness, fire risk). Country Loading.
Message of recommendation Dear Librarian. Forest Sustainability Certification Systems The last two
decades of the twentieth century saw the devel- opment of forest sustainability as a recognized
global problem.
Durham, NC: Forest History Society. Straka, T.J. (1993). Forest res ource management plans—A
landowner- oriented approach. Content Alerts Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open
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to get in touch. Through sequestration of carbon and offsetting fossil energy that would otherwise be
required, just one tree can clean 330 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year. 4 All
of this helps lower the construction sector’s significant contribution to global climate change. The
aim was to restore a more sustainable balance across various forest functions, in part by adopting a
multiple-use management approach. The range of projects using wood continues to widen, including
high-rises and many other innovative structures, and interiors where wood is chosen as much for its
beauty and appeal to the senses as for its high performance. Okia Global Perspectives on Sustainable
Forest Management. There is no universal recipe for every forest, and the list goes far beyond the
above-mentioned practices. SFI is governed by a three-chamber board of directors representing
environmental, social, and economic sectors equally. Forestry Chronicle, 78, 240-244. Maser, C.
(1994). Sustainable forestry: Philosophy, science, and eco- nomics. Open Access is an initiative that
aims to make scientific research freely available to all. Forest health and vitality can be threatened by
climate change, invasive pests and pathogens, the severity of wildfires, illegal logging, and global
deforestation. The public’s focus was on massive deforestation of tropical rainforests and the rapid
loss of biodiversity. This makes sense as that plan type was part of the model for the ATFS plan. This
small tract size for family forests has significant impacts on the practice of sustainable forest
management (Kilgore et al., 2007; Butler, 2008; Daniels et al., 2010; Straka, 2011). Williams, M.
(2006). Deforesting the earth: From prehistory to global crisis, an abridgement. For example, tracking
palm oil supply chains enables manufacturers to meet their RSPO commitments to stop palm oil
deforestation. This is likely to be the first type of management plan the new forester is asked to
develop (Straka, 1993). Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (2012). For top prize
winner Malaysia, this represented an annual increase of over 20 percent, taking the PEFC-certified
forest area in Malaysia to over 5.2 million hectares. Recent Problems and New Directions for Forest
Producer Cooperatives Established in Common Forests in Japan By Koji Matsushita 1,646 9.
Muhammad Farid, A.R., Mohammad Azmi M.I. and Amir S. These sc hemes took two forms:
process-based and performance-based. Managing your woods: A tem- plate for Your plans for the
future, management plan template. So, raising public awareness encourages a sparing and responsible
attitude to forests, contributing to nature protection. FSC certifi- cation covers nearly 150 million ha
of forest land in about 80 countries (Forest Stewardship Council, 2011). According to FAO
estimates, the extent of the world’s forest decreased by some 180 million hectares between 1980 and
1985. Satellite monitoring is capable of promoting this noble mission by guarding the forest heritage
and tracking tree growth. Recent articles Agribusiness solutions Carbon Credits: How They Work
And Benefit The World Generating carbon credits — certificates crucial for encouraging businesses
to reduce their GHG emissions — while seemingly challenging, may be made easier with modern
technologies and expert support. Specific training boosts foresters’ proficiency in sustainable forestry
techniques. It’s based on principles of collaboration, unobstructed discovery, and, most importantly,
scientific progression.
A Mixed-Motive Perspective from the Dadia-Soufli-Lefkimi Forest National Park, Greece By Tasos
Hovardas 1,612 2 IMPACT OF THIS BOOK AND ITS CHAPTERS 31,938 Total Chapter
Downloads 1,948 Total Chapter Views 14 Crossref Citations 29 Web of Science Citations 36
Dimensions Citations Order a print copy of this book IntechOpen Sustainable Forest Management
Case Studies Edited by Julio J. Process-based systems focus on a sys- tematic approach to
management and performance-based sys- tems specify performance standards that must be obtained.
Methodology for Forest Ecosystem Mediating Indicator - Case Mt. Please contact: Christophe
Ponsard, CETIC, Belgium This email address is being protected from spambots. The Forest
Stewardship Program was established in 1991 by the USDA Forest Service as a vehicle to encourage
develop- ment of multi-resource family forest management plans. It is perform ance-based and
certification is based on a set of standards and gu idelines, and it offers a group certification for
tracts under the same management (American Tree Farm System, 2012a). Kilimanjaro, Tanzania By
John Eilif Hermansen 2,851 2. The change in perspective occurred at the beginning of the 1990s in
response to an increased awareness of the deterioration of the environment, in particular of the
alarming loss o. Going back to the ATFS standards discussed above, the dif- ference in table
information shows the forest sustainability principles that this management template emphasizes.
Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item
on Amazon. These studies represent a wide variation of experiences from developing and developed
countries, and should clarify the current status of SFM worldwide and the problems associated with
its implementation. Durham, NC: Forest History Society. Straka, T.J. (1993). Forest res ource
management plans—A landowner- oriented approach. The United States, Canada, and Europe have
significant en- vironmental regulations that encompass both private and public forest lands. Many
federal cost-share programs require such a management plan. Over time the product that flowed from
the sustained yield forest was expanded to include more than timber, including wildlife, recreation,
water quality, and aesthetics. These ownerships will need to be addressed as certifica- tion grows
(Washburn, 1999). The classic timber-oriented pl anning exercise stressed fun- damental field skills:
stand delineation, timber cruising, inven- tory, stand and stock tables, volume projections, and stand
pre- scription using silvicultural (applied forest ecology) founda- tions. Institutions and companies,
registered as VAT taxable entities in their own EU member state, will not pay VAT by providing
IntechOpen with their VAT registration number. The link between the exports of tropical timber and
deforestation in the tropics is much less than generally known. Essentially, forest certification assures
consumers that the timber purch ased was managed with eco- logical and sustainable forest
management principles. Deforestation impacted Mediterranean Europe in ancient Greece and the Ro-
man Empire; in the mid- to late-Middle Ages much of the rest of Europe was deforested; during the
early centuries of the Common Era it impacted Central Asia and China; and the United States was
clearcut region by region in the mid- to late nineteenth century. They are still evolving and their
importance is increasing; their impact is contributing to new definitions of forest resource
management. Muhammad Farid, A.R., Mohammad Azmi M.I. and Amir S. T his means that all prior
course work is combined into one terminal cohesive forest resource management plan (Straka, 1993).
We describe a capstone course at Clemson University under development that uses the management
standards and management plan template of the American Tree Farm System as a framework for
students to develop actual forest man- agement plans for local forest owners. Libraries are offered a
20% discount on retail book prices. Edited by Andrew A. Oteng-Amoako New Advances and
Contributions to Forestry Research. Moreover, because of better economic value, tropical forests
providing timber for export tend to be better managed. EOSDA Forest Monitoring eases foresters’
efforts to upkeep and regenerate forests, thus improving sustainable forest management practices.
Williams, M. (2006). Deforesting the earth: From prehistory to global crisis, an abridgement.
How? By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the
business interests of publishers. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Production
costs can sometimes increase by up to 25 percent. This allows consumers to identify environmen-
tally-friendly products and direct their purchasing power to firms producing those products. To learn
how to manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Utilizing the ATFS management
template and sustainable forest management certification system works very well to integrate the
concepts into the capstone course. Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. Despite
their multiple benefits to all sectors of global society, official reporting of production volumes of
NWFP is sparse, erratic or inaccurate due to a complex system that is opaque and with inadequately
understood value chains. All three of these standards require independent audits by competent and
accredited certification bodies. Sustained yield is an elemental forestry system that produces a
sustained annual flow of timber. Similarly, globalization of forest sector operations has necessitated
creation of transnational SFM initiatives to ensure conformity to the same standards across the value
chain. These sc hemes took two forms: process-based and performance-based. Today, it remains one
of the most widely used building materials—from ordinary lumber and light-frame residential
construction to highly engineered, advanced products suitable for almost every building type. As
multi-stakeholder views of managing forests and forest resources have become prominent over the
years, SFM has also evolved and adapted to meet these divergent interests. Paid employees and
volunteers replant billions of trees worldwide in the U.S., Pakistan, China, Africa, and other
countries. The concepts of sustainability and forest certification are now important components of
forest resource management courses. Sustainable Forest Management Practices Forest conservation
in modern forestry utilizes multiple techniques: Afforestation and reforestation enlarge forest areas on
our planet. Tropical rainforest covers 7% of the world’s landmass, representing 1.7% of the earth’s
surface. RSPO addresses the problem of palm oil deforestation by demanding commodity
certification and zero deforestation in palm oil manufacturers’ supply chains. A large portion (over
40%) of this forest is privately owned and poorly maintained, thus returning to a wild state with
positive (biodiversity) and negative impacts (spread of illness, fire risk). This means that there are a
multitude of partnerships and. The ATFS specifically designed these standards for small woodland
owners, with requirements for scale of operations practiced on family forests in the United States
(American Tree Farm System, 2012a). All of the relevant credits are shown in Figure 1. However, the
foundation and emphasis is forest sustainability. In 2007 the “Forest Instrument,” a global agreement
on the frame- work for national action and international cooperation to ad- vance sustainable forest
management, was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Obstacles to a Conceptual
Framework for Sustainable Forest Management Under REDD in Central Africa: A Two-Country
Analysis By Richard S. The course offered a hands-on approach for students to create management
plans us- ing actual certification standards and the system’s management plan template. Adaptive
management must be part of the rocess as it is required by PEFC. The Convention defined it as “a
strategy for the inte- grated management of land, water, and living resources that promotes
conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way.” The approach has three objectives:
conservation, sus- tainable use, and equitable sharing of benefits. Participants are mainly forest
industry firms and timber investment management organizations.

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