SR Topic 1.2

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Organizational Behavior

Topic 1. Introduction to OB

p Topic 1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior (OB)
n What is OB?
n Importance of OB
n Challenges and opportunities for OB
n Developing an OB model

O.B. 2022-2023 2
Challenges and opportunities for you
p What can OB do for you from a CV point of view?
p What is the value of OB to your career?
p Performance will give you credibility at work, but is it
p What do you need to know about OB to become a better
n Motivational tools
n Constructive feedback
n Lead productive teams and groups
n Understand, define and manage organizational culture and

O.B. 2022-2023 3
Challenges and opportunities for you

O.B. 2022-2023 4
Challenges and opportunities for you

O.B. 2022-2023 5
Challenges and opportunities for you

Kinicki, A. (2020). Organizational Behavior. A practical problem solving approach. 3rd Edition. McGrawHill.

O.B. 2022-2023 6
Challenges and opportunities for you
p Task 1
n A) Define the role you want to have, from next year, in an
n B) Taken into account how OB can help you to outperform in
your future desired work, complete the list:
p Motivational tools
p Constructive feedback
p Lead productive teams and groups
p Understand, define and manage organizational culture and changes
p …

O.B. 2022-2023 7
Developing and OB model
p Topic 1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior (OB)
n What is OB?
n Importance of OB
n Challenges and opportunities for OB
n Developing an OB model

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Developing and OB model


- Individual - Individual - Individual
- Group - Group - Group
- Organization - Organization - Organization

O.B. 2022-2023 9
Developing and OB model
p Task 2
n A) Based on the standard OB model, and taking into account the
results of Task 1, define your own OB model, completing your
Inputs, Processes and Outputs at the three OB levels.

- Individual (Values,
- Individual - Individual (Task
- Group performance,…)
- Group
(Communication - Group
- Organization (work
, creativity,…) - Organization
- Organization (Reputation..)

O.B. 2022-2023 10
Developing and OB model
p Task 2
n A) Based on the standard OB model, and taking into account the results of Task 1, define your own OB model,
completing your Inputs, Processes and Outputs at the three OB levels.

- Individual (Values, attitudes,…) PROCESSES OUTPUTS
- Group - Individual - Individual (Task
- Organization (work - Group (Communication, performance,…)
environment…) creativity,…) - Group
- Organization - Organization

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Developing and OB model
p Task 2
n Debate

O.B. 2022-2023 12

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