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English Worksheet


A Tale of Generosity and Selfishness

Once upon a time, there was a kind old magician who lived in a village. He had
a magic pot that could help anyone with their problems. People loved him because
he always used his magic to help them. But when he passed away, his son got all his
magic stuff.

Unlike his dad, the son was greedy and selfish. He didn't like helping others and
thought only fools couldn't use magic for their own gain. One night, when an old
man came asking for help finding his lost donkey, the son yelled at him to go away.
Suddenly, the magic pot started bubbling, and their house filled with donkeys!

Later, a lady came crying, asking for help to save her sick daughter. But the son
turned her away too. Then, the magic pot made the
house fill with water. The villagers saw what
happened and didn't help him because they thought
he deserved it.

Finally, the son realized he was wrong to be

selfish. He started helping others like his dad did,
and the magic pot stopped causing trouble.

Read the above passage carefully and answer the questions.

1. How did the villagers feel about the old magician?



2. What happened to the old magician's magic after he passed away?


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English Worksheet


3. How was the young magician different from his father?



4. Why did the son get punished by the magic pot?



5. What happened when the old man asked for help finding his lost donkey?



6. How did the son change his behaviour in the end?




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