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General Topics for Discussion or Speeches

● English is easy to learn.

● Money is more important than love.
● Students should be required to study English in elementary school.
● Violence is sometimes necessary.
● Personality is more important than beauty.
● People who live in apartments shouldn't own pets.
● No job is perfect.
● Everyone is good at something.
● We are not alone in the universe.
● Life was better 20 years ago.
● The most important thing about a job is the salary.
● You can know a lot about a person from the clothes he or she wears.
● Teachers should be able to use physical punishment.
● Global warming isn't real.
● There are actions we can take to stop global warming.
● There are no such things as ghosts.
● Everyone has the right to have an opinion even if the opinion is false according to
well-known facts.
● People get offended too easily nowadays.
● What goes around comes around. (If you do good, good will come to you / If you do
bad, bad things will happen to you.)
● Parents should never hit their children.
● Table manners and etiquette have become less important in the 21st century.

Crime Discussion/Speech Topics

● Smoking marijuana should be legal.

● Police officers should not carry guns.
● Criminals who take a life (kill someone) should spend their entire life behind bars.
● Graffiti is art, not crime.
● Prisoners are sent to jail to be reeducated.

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