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Foreign Policies of the Incumbent of Ethiopia

Foreign Policy the incumbent in Ethiopia, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, has been actively
engaged in shaping the country’s foreign policy since assuming office in 2010(E.C). When he
came to the administration has introduced several key foreign policy initiatives aimed at;

 fostering regional stability especially in the north

 enhancing economic cooperation, and
 strengthening diplomatic ties with various countries.
 Mediating conflicts in the different region

Regional Diplomacy: Ethiopia under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has placed a strong emphasis
on regional diplomacy, particularly in Tigray region, Amhara region(now), and Horn of Africa
region(one of the significant developments was the peace agreement signed with Eritrea in
2010(E.C), ending decades of conflict and establishing diplomatic relations between the two
countries). This landmark agreement not only brought peace to the region but also opened up
opportunities for economic cooperation and regional integration.
Mediation Relations: Ethiopia has played a crucial role in mediating conflicts in the region,
including brokering talks between Sudanese factions during their political crisis. Prime Minister
Abiy Ahmed has been actively involved in diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and promote
peace and stability in neighboring countries.
Economic Cooperation: The Ethiopian government has been worked to enhancing economic
cooperation with various countries to attract investment, boost trade, and promote economic
Diplomatic Relations: Under Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s leadership, Ethiopia has sought to
strengthen its diplomatic relations with a wide range of countries across the globe. The
government has engaged in high-level diplomatic visits, participated in international forums, and
hosted foreign dignitaries to enhance bilateral ties and promote mutual cooperation.
Multilateral Engagement: Ethiopia actively participates in multilateral organizations such as
the United Nations, African Union, and other regional organizations to address global challenges,
advocate for its interests, and contribute to international peace and security efforts. The country
plays a significant role in promoting African unity and solidarity on various global issues.
In conclusion, the foreign policies of the incumbent of Ethiopia of The Government, are
characterized by a focus on regional diplomacy, mediation efforts, economic cooperation,
diplomatic relations with other countries, and active engagement in multilateral forums to
advance Ethiopia’s interests on the global stage.

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