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INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
MILLION............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
VENTURES......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LOGO FOR KAMUSAKI MILLION VENTURES.............................................................................4
VISION STATEMENT...............................................................................................................................................................5
MISSION STATEMENT........................................................................................................................................................5
CORE VALUES........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
HISTORY AND BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................................7
PRODUCT AND SERVICES.......................................................................................................................................................8
Company Registration Services.........................................................................................................................................8
PACRA Registration:......................................................................................................................................................8
ZRA Registration:...........................................................................................................................................................9
EIZ Registration:..........................................................................................................................................................10
ZPPA Registration........................................................................................................................................................10
NAC Registration.........................................................................................................................................................11
HPCZ (Health Professions Council of Zambia):............................................................................................................11
National Council for Construction (NCC) Registration.................................................................................................12
LOAN SERVICES...................................................................................................................................................................13
 Emergency Loans.....................................................................................................................................................13
 Microloans for Businesses.......................................................................................................................................13
 Personal Loans:.......................................................................................................................................................13
 Flexible Terms and Conditions.................................................................................................................................13
ADDITIONAL SERVICES OFFERED.........................................................................................................................................14
Printing, Photocopying, and Typing.................................................................................................................................14
Zanaco Services:..............................................................................................................................................................14
Account Fixing Processes:............................................................................................................................................14
Xpress Guidance..........................................................................................................................................................14
Business Literacy.............................................................................................................................................................14
Business Plan Creation................................................................................................................................................14
Business Consultancy..................................................................................................................................................14
Phone Charging and Maintenance..................................................................................................................................14
Phone Application & Computer Software Installations...................................................................................................15
Mobile Money Services...................................................................................................................................................15
Sim Card Replacement/Registration...............................................................................................................................15
DStv/Top Star Services:...................................................................................................................................................15
TARGET MARKET................................................................................................................................................................. 16
TYPOGRAPHY...................................................................................................................................................................... 17




type, 100 font size, bold and Italian.


1. The logo features a dark-skinned hand (Zambian), symbolizing the concept of giving (Buying) and
taking money (Selling)
2. Green money is within the hand, representing Wealth and Prosperity.
3. Below the hand holding the money is “Kamusaki Money Ventures” displayed in capital letters,
underlined and in bold font for emphasis.
4. Beneath the business name, the motto “Every coin counts” is written in bold, emphasizing the
importance of each individual contribution to financial success.
Embarking on a journey with Kamusaki Money Ventures means leveraging cutting –edge technology to
strengthen family bonds and pave the way to Generational Wealth. Through our transformative solutions,
families seamlessly Share Knowledge and Opportunities, fostering collaboration across generations, we are
building a Global Network where every connection enriches lives and opens doors to countless avenues of
prosperity. Join us in creating a legacy of abundance and interconnectedness that transcends time.”

Our Mission is to Advocate for Economic Empowerment and Social Equity by leveraging innovative
Technology Solutions. Rooted in our commitment to Transparency and Social Justice, we strive to bridge the
gap between financial privileges and underserved communities. Through inclusive policies and accessible
opportunities we aim to Democratize Wealth Creation and build a more Equitable Society. Together, we
work towards a future where every individual has the tools and resources to thrive Economically, Socially and
Discover the essence of Kamusaki Million Ventures through our core values;

Commitment to honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all business practices.
Empowering individuals and families to take control of their financial futures and achieve prosperity.
Embracing innovation and technology to create cutting-edge solutions that drive financial inclusion and
Fostering collaboration and partnerships within the organization and with stakeholders to achieve shared
Promoting inclusivity and diversity, ensuring that everyone has equal access to financial opportunities
regardless of background or circumstance.
Taking responsibility for the impact of actions on customers, communities, and the environment, and
striving to make positive contributions.
Putting customers at the center of everything we do, prioritizing their needs, and delivering exceptional
service and value.
Committing to continuous learning, growth, and improvement, both individually and as an organization.
Engaging with and giving back to the communities we serve, supporting initiatives that promote
financial literacy and economic empowerment.
Maintaining a long-term perspective and making decisions that align with sustainable growth and the
creation of generational wealth.
A Journey of Redemption and Prosperity
In the heartland of Zambia, the humble neighborhoods of Kabwe, there exists a story of resilience,
determination, and the unwavering pursuit of success. This is the narrative of Kamusaki Million Ventures, a
testament to the indomitable spirit of one’s family's quest to transcend the shadows of adversity and reclaim
their rightful stature in the realm of wealth and influence.

The name "Kamusaki" reverberates with more than mere identity; it echoes a lineage, a heritage that binds
generations together with a common purpose. For Kamusaki Kayula, the founder and CEO of Kamusaki
Million Ventures, the journey began in the modest surroundings of Kabwe's railways. Born into a family that
once knew the taste of opulence, Kayula bore witness to the capricious whims of fate as his family's fortunes
plummeted, relegating them to the depths of destitution.

But from the depths of despair emerged a steely resolve, a burning desire to rewrite the narrative and reclaim
what was lost. For Kayula, the pursuit of wealth was not merely a quest for material gain but a quest for
redemption – a chance to break free from the shackles of poverty and secure a future of abundance for his
family and generations to come.

Driven by a rich mentality instilled by his family even in times of destitution, Kayula embarked on a journey of
self-discovery and business acumen. Despite the limitations of resources in a country like Zambia, Kayula saw
a myriad of opportunities to create wealth by connecting people with the things they desired most.

With a vision as simple as it was profound – to amass riches through ethical and judicious means – Kamusaki
Million Ventures was conceived. But for Kayula, the mission extended far beyond mere financial gain. It
revolved around empowering individuals to find contentment and satisfaction in their present circumstances
and leveraging that contentment to catalyze prosperity and abundance.

For Kayula, the symbiotic relationship between making money and making humans was undeniable. The more
humans there were, the more opportunities for wealth creation abound. Thus, Kamusaki Million Ventures
endeavored to resolve the perennial conundrum of human abundance juxtaposed with resource scarcity by
endowing individuals with the means to engender prosperity and enhance their quality of life.

As Kamusaki Million Ventures continues to chart its course in the ever-changing landscape of business, one
thing remains clear – it is not just a company; it is a beacon of hope, a symbol of possibility, and a testament to
the power of perseverance and unwavering determination. In the footsteps of Kamusaki Kayula, the journey
towards redemption and prosperity continues, lighting the way for others to follow in pursuit of their dreams.

PRODUCT AND SERVICES for Kamusaki Million Ventures:

Company Registration Services:

Kamusaki Million Ventures provides comprehensive company registration services to help individuals and
businesses establish legal entities in Zambia. Our team of experts guides you through the entire registration
process, ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations and requirements.

PACRA Registration:
PACRA (Patents and Companies Registration Agency) is responsible for registering and regulating companies,
partnerships, and other business entities in Zambia.

Kamusaki million ventures aims at enabling legal recognition and protection for businesses, fostering a
conducive environment for entrepreneurship and investment in Zambia by offering assistance to;

 Company Registration: This involves registering various types of business entities, including private
companies, public companies, partnerships, sole proprietorships, and non-profit organizations. It
includes the issuance of a Certificate of Incorporation or Registration.
 Business Name Registration: Individuals or entities wishing to conduct business under a specific name
can register a business name with PACRA. This registration provides legal recognition of the business
name and protects it from unauthorized use by others.
 Patent Registration: Inventors and innovators can register patents with PACRA to protect their
intellectual property rights over inventions or discoveries. Patent registration grants exclusive rights to
the inventor for a specified period, allowing them to control the use and commercialization of their
 Trademark Registration: Individuals or entities can register trademarks with PACRA to protect their
brand names, logos, slogans, or symbols. Trademark registration provides legal recognition and
exclusive rights to use the trademark in commerce, preventing others from using similar marks that may
cause confusion.
 Copyright Registration: Authors, artists, musicians, and other creators can register their original
works, such as literary, artistic, musical, or audiovisual works, with PACRA to protect their copyright.
Copyright registration establishes ownership and provides legal protection against unauthorized use or
reproduction of the work.

Tax Registration Services:

Kamusaki Million Ventures assists individuals and businesses in registering with the Zambia Revenue
Authority (ZRA) for tax compliance. Our dedicated team ensures timely registration and compliance with tax
laws and regulations.*

ZRA Registration:
The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) oversees tax administration and collection in Zambia, including
registration of taxpayers for various tax obligations. Facilitating tax compliance and revenue generation,
essential for funding public services and infrastructure development, driving economic growth.

In Zambia, the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) oversees tax administration and collection, including
registration of taxpayers for various tax obligations. The types of registration offered by ZRA cater to both
individuals and businesses. Below are the common registration types for personal and business entities:

 Taxpayer Identification Number (TPIN) Registration: Individuals who earn income in Zambia, such
as employees, self-employed individuals, and investors, are required to register for a Taxpayer
Identification Number (TPIN) with ZRA. This TPIN serves as a unique identifier for tax purposes and is
used when filing tax returns, making tax payments, or engaging in other tax-related activities.

For Businesses:

 Company Income Tax (CIT) Registration: Companies and other legal entities engaged in business
activities in Zambia are required to register for Company Income Tax (CIT) with ZRA. This registration
is mandatory for entities earning income from business operations, investments, or other sources within
 Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration: Businesses meeting certain turnover thresholds are required to
register for Value Added Tax (VAT) with ZRA. VAT registration enables businesses to charge, collect,
and remit VAT on their taxable supplies of goods and services. VAT-registered businesses may also
claim input tax credits on their purchases.
 Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) Registration: Employers are required to register for Pay-As-You-Earn
(PAYE) with ZRA if they have employees earning taxable income in Zambia. PAYE registration
enables employers to deduct and remit income tax from their employees' salaries or wages to ZRA on a
monthly basis.
 Turnover Tax (TOT) Registration: Small-scale businesses with annual turnover below a certain
threshold may opt to register for Turnover Tax (TOT) with ZRA. TOT is a simplified tax regime
designed for micro and small businesses, offering a flat rate of tax based on turnover rather than profits.
 Customs and Excise Registration: Businesses engaged in importing, exporting, manufacturing, or
dealing with excisable goods are required to register for Customs and Excise with ZRA. This
registration enables businesses to comply with customs and excise regulations, including the payment of
duties, taxes, and levies on imported or locally produced goods.

It's important for individuals and businesses to register with ZRA for the appropriate tax obligations based on
their income, activities, and legal structure. Failure to register or comply with tax requirements may result in
penalties, fines, or other enforcement actions by ZRA. Therefore, it's advisable to seek professional advice or
guidance when registering for tax obligations with ZRA.

EIZ Registration: - The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) regulates the engineering profession in Zambia
and ensures that engineers meet prescribed standards of competence and ethics.

Ensuring competency and professionalism in the engineering sector, critical for infrastructure development,
safety, and quality of construction projects.

 Engineer Registration: Individuals with engineering qualifications and experience can register with
EIZ as professional engineers. Engineer registration involves assessment and verification of
qualifications, experience, and competency in engineering practice.
 Engineering Firm Registration: Engineering firms or consulting firms offering engineering services
must register with EIZ. Firm registration involves evaluation of the firm's capabilities, resources, and
adherence to professional standards and ethics.
 Engineering Technician Registration: Individuals with technical qualifications and experience in
engineering can register with EIZ as engineering technicians. Technician registration involves
assessment of qualifications and experience in technical aspects of engineering practice.

ZPPA Registration - The Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) regulates public procurement processes
in Zambia and registers suppliers, contractors, and consultants for participation in government procurement.

Kamusaki Million Ventures aims to promoting transparency and fairness in public procurement processes,
supporting equitable access to government contracts and opportunities for businesses by offering assistance to;

 Supplier Registration: Businesses interested in participating in government procurement contracts

must register as suppliers with ZPPA. Supplier registration involves a process of evaluation and
classification based on eligibility criteria, such as financial stability, technical capability, and
compliance with ethical standards.
 Contractor Registration: Construction companies and contractors seeking to bid on government
construction projects must register with ZPPA as contractors. Contractor registration involves
assessment and classification based on qualifications, experience, and technical expertise in the
construction industry.
 Consultant Registration: Individuals or firms providing professional services, such as engineering,
architectural, legal, or financial consulting, to government agencies must register with ZPPA as
consultants. Consultant registration involves evaluation and classification based on qualifications,
experience, and expertise in the relevant field.

NAC Registration: - The National Arts Council (NAC) is responsible for promoting and protecting artistic and
cultural expression in Zambia, including registration of copyright and related rights.

Kamusaki million ventures aims at protecting intellectual property rights and promoting cultural expression,
contributing to creativity, innovation, and cultural heritage preservation by offering assistance to;

 Copyright Registration: Individuals or entities can register their original works, such as literary,
artistic, musical, or audiovisual works, with the NCC to protect their copyright. Copyright registration
provides legal recognition of ownership and exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly
perform the work.
 Related Rights Registration: Performers, producers of sound recordings, and broadcasting
organizations can register their related rights with the NCC. Related rights registration grants legal
protection and exclusive rights to performers, producers, and broadcasters over their performances,
recordings, and broadcasts.
 Arts Organization Registration: Arts and cultural organizations, such as theaters, galleries, museums,
and cultural centers, can register with the NCC. Organization registration provides recognition and
support from the NCC and may include eligibility for funding, grants, or other assistance programs.
 Cultural Heritage Registration: Individuals or communities with cultural heritage assets, such as
traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts, can register them with the NCC. Cultural
heritage registration helps preserve and protect cultural heritage assets for future generations.

HPCZ (Health Professions Council of Zambia): - Regulating healthcare standards and professional conduct,
safeguarding public health and ensuring quality healthcare services for all.

 Practitioner Registration: Healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists,

and other allied health professionals, must register with the HPCZ to practice legally in Zambia.
Practitioner registration involves verification of qualifications, experience, and adherence to professional
standards and ethics.
 Health Facility Registration: Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, and other healthcare facilities
must register with the HPCZ to operate legally in Zambia. Health facility registration involves
evaluation of infrastructure, equipment, staffing, and compliance with healthcare standards and
 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Registration: Healthcare professionals are required to
participate in continuing professional development (CPD) programs to maintain and enhance their skills
and knowledge. CPD registration with the HPCZ involves enrollment in CPD activities and
documentation of CPD credits earned.
 Student Registration: Students enrolled in accredited healthcare education programs must register with
the HPCZ as student practitioners. Student registration allows students to gain practical experience
under supervision and prepares them for future professional registration.

National Council for Construction (NCC) Registration Services:

 Contractor Registration: Facilitates the registration of construction contractors, ensuring compliance

with regulatory standards and promoting professionalism and quality in the construction industry.
 Consultant Registration: Registers construction consultants, including architects, engineers, quantity
surveyors, and project managers, to ensure competency and adherence to professional standards in
construction projects.
 Supplier and Manufacturer Registration: Registers suppliers and manufacturers of construction
materials, equipment, and products, promoting transparency and quality assurance in the supply chain
for construction projects.
 Training Provider Registration: Registers educational institutions and training centers offering
construction-related training programs, ensuring the delivery of high-quality training and development
opportunities for industry professionals.
 Construction Worker Registration: Facilitates the registration or certification of construction workers,
including artisans, technicians, and tradespeople, to promote safety, skills development, and
professionalism in the construction workforce.

Through these registration services, the National Council for Construction plays a vital role in regulating and
promoting standards, safety, and quality within the construction industry in Zambia, ultimately contributing to
sustainable development and infrastructure advancement.
By offering these registration services under PACRA, ZRA, NAC, EIZ, ZPPA, and NCC, Kamusaki Million
Ventures aims to simplify the registration process and ensure compliance with relevant regulations, enabling
individuals and businesses to establish legal entities, fulfill tax obligations, obtain professional recognition, and
protect their intellectual property rights effectively.

Loans serve as bridges, connecting dreams to reality, and aspirations to achievements. At Kamusaki Million
Ventures, we recognize the transformative power of accessible financing. By providing tailored loan solutions,
we empower individuals and businesses to navigate through life's challenges, seize opportunities, and pave the
way for a brighter future. Together, let's build bridges to success and prosperity. Absolutely, incorporating loan
services into Kamusaki Million Ventures' offerings aligns with the mission of providing comprehensive support
to individuals and businesses. Here's how we can integrate loan services into the portfolio:

 Emergency Loans:
 Providing small individual loans to address basic emergencies, such as medical expenses, urgent
repairs, or unexpected bills.
 Offering quick and accessible financial assistance to individuals facing temporary financial challenges,
promoting stability and resilience in times of need.
 Microloans for Businesses:
 Extending microloans to small businesses and entrepreneurs to support business growth, investment in
equipment or inventory, or expansion of operations.
 Fostering entrepreneurship and economic empowerment by providing access to capital and financial
resources to start or scale businesses.

 Personal Loans:
 Offering personal loans to individuals for various purposes, such as education expenses, home
improvements, or debt consolidation.
 Empowering individuals to achieve their personal goals and aspirations, whether it's pursuing further
education, renovating their homes, or managing their finances more effectively.
 Flexible Terms and Conditions:
 Providing flexible repayment terms and competitive interest rates to ensure affordability and ease of
repayment for borrowers.
 Customizing loan packages to meet the unique needs and financial circumstances of borrowers,
promoting financial inclusion and responsible lending practices.
By offering loan services, Kamusaki Million Ventures expands its reach and impact, providing essential
financial assistance to individuals and businesses while contributing to economic growth and prosperity in

ADDITIONAL SERVICES OFFERED by Kamusaki Million Ventures:

As Kamusaki Million Ventures, we go beyond just registrations and business, as it is in the name, they are
millions ways of making money and we aim at making by;

 Providing access to diverse entertainment content, promoting leisure and relaxation, fostering cultural
exchange and appreciation.
 Supporting business operations and efficiency, enabling focus on core activities and strategic initiatives
for growth and success.

Printing, Photocopying, and Typing:

Kamusaki Million Ventures provides professional printing, photocopying, and typing services for individuals
and businesses. Whether you need documents printed, copied, or typed, our efficient and reliable services
ensure high-quality results.

Zanaco Services:
Account Opening Processing: We assist individuals and businesses in the seamless opening of Zanaco bank
accounts, guiding you through the application process and ensuring compliance with all requirements.

Account Fixing Processes: Our team helps resolve any issues or discrepancies with existing Zanaco accounts,
facilitating account fixing processes for a smooth banking experience.

Xpress Guidance: Kamusaki Million Ventures offers personalized guidance and support for navigating Zanaco's
agent services and products, ensuring you make informed financial decisions.

Business Literacy:

Business Plan Creation: We specialize in creating comprehensive business plans tailored to your specific needs
and goals, providing strategic guidance and financial projections to support your entrepreneurial ventures.

Business Consultancy: Our experienced consultants offer expert advice and support on various aspects of
business management, including marketing strategies, financial planning, and operational efficiency.

Phone Charging and Maintenance:

Kamusaki Million Ventures provides convenient phone charging facilities to ensure your devices stay powered
up when you're on the go. Additionally, we offer basic maintenance services to keep your phones in optimal

Phone Application & Computer Software Installations

Our skilled technicians assist with the installation and setup of phone applications and computer software,
helping you leverage technology to enhance productivity and efficiency in your personal and professional

Mobile Money Services:

Kamusaki Million Ventures offers mobile money services, enabling you to send and receive money
conveniently using your mobile phone. Our secure and reliable platform ensures seamless transactions for your
financial needs.

Sim Card Replacement/Registration

We facilitate sim card replacement and registration processes, ensuring compliance with regulatory
requirements and enabling you to stay connected with your mobile network provider.

DStv/Top Star Services:

- Kamusaki Million Ventures offers assistance with DStv and Top Star services, including subscription
renewals, troubleshooting, and guidance on available packages and channels.

Dive into entertainment with our selection of movies, music, and series available for streaming or purchase. We
provide access to a wide range of content to suit your preferences and interests.

At Kamusaki Million Ventures, we are committed to providing a diverse range of services to meet your
everyday needs and empower you to thrive in both your personal and professional endeavors. we strive to be
your trusted partner, providing essential services and solutions to drive progress and prosperity in Zambia.
Whether it's starting a business, staying compliant, or enjoying quality entertainment, we are here to support
your journey towards success. Contact us today and let's embark on this journey together.
The target market for Kamusaki Million Ventures encompasses a diverse range of individuals, businesses, and
organizations seeking innovative solutions, strategic guidance, and opportunities for growth and prosperity. Key
segments of our target market include:

Startups and Entrepreneurs: Kamusaki Million Ventures caters to aspiring entrepreneurs and startups looking
to launch, scale, or optimize their businesses. We provide comprehensive services ranging from business
planning and strategy development to funding assistance and mentorship.

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: SMEs represent a significant portion of our target market, as they often
require specialized expertise and support to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable growth. We offer
tailored solutions to help SMEs streamline operations, increase efficiency, and expand their market reach.

Corporate Clients: Large corporations and established enterprises seeking strategic insights, market analysis,
and innovative solutions turn to Kamusaki Million Ventures for guidance. We collaborate with corporate clients
to identify opportunities for innovation, optimize processes, and drive business transformation.

Investors and Venture Capitalists: Kamusaki Million Ventures attracts investors and venture capitalists
interested in partnering with promising startups and high-growth businesses. We facilitate connections between
investors and entrepreneurs, providing access to funding opportunities and strategic partnerships.

Individuals and Professionals: Our services extend to individuals and professionals seeking personal and
professional development, career advancement, and financial empowerment. Whether it's through coaching,
training, or investment opportunities, we empower individuals to realize their full potential and achieve their

Industry-specific Niches: Kamusaki Million Ventures targets specific industries or niches where our expertise
and resources can make a significant impact. This may include technology, healthcare, finance, education,
sustainable development, and more.

By catering to these diverse segments of the market, Kamusaki Million Ventures aims to address a wide range
of needs and aspirations, fostering growth, innovation, and prosperity across various industries and
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1. CEO (Chief Executive Officer):

 Responsibilities:
 Sets the overall vision, strategy, and direction of the company.
 Leads the executive team in decision-making processes.
 Acts as the primary liaison between the board of directors and the executive team.
 Ultimately accountable for the company's performance and results.

2. Board of Directors:

- Composed of influential individuals, investors, and advisors.

- Provides oversight and guidance to the CEO and executive team.

- Approves major strategic decisions and ensures alignment with shareholder interests.

3. Executive Team:

 Reporting directly to the CEO, the executive team consists of senior leaders responsible for various
functions within the company, tailored to the products and services offered:
 Chief Product Officer (CPO): Oversees the development and management of all products and
services offered by Kamusaki Million Ventures.
 Chief Technology Officer (CTO): Ensures technological infrastructure supports the delivery of
products and services.
 Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Develops marketing strategies tailored to each product/service
and oversees branding efforts.
 Chief Sales Officer (CSO): Leads sales strategies and client relationship management.
 Chief Operations Officer (COO): Manages operational aspects related to product/service delivery,
including supply chain management and customer support.
 Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Manages financial aspects related to product/service development,
pricing, and revenue generation.
4. Functional Departments:

 These departments support the overall operation of the company and its product/service offerings.
Examples include:
 Research and Development: Responsible for innovation and product/service improvement.
 Marketing and Communications: Handles promotional activities, advertising, and customer
 Sales and Business Development: Focuses on acquiring new clients and partnerships.
 Customer Support: Provides assistance to customers post-purchase.
 Finance and Accounting: Manages financial resources, budgeting, and accounting activities.
 Human Resources: Responsible for recruitment, training, and employee relations.

This structure ensures that each aspect of the company's operations is aligned with the development, delivery,
and support of its products and services, with the CEO overseeing the entire process.

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