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1-ScopeMgmtPlan (2)

Scope Management Plan

"Proyek Membuat
Aplikasi serta mengedit
Project Title: SansApp Project Working Title:
tanpa kodingan"

Proponent Director: Nanda Sans Proponent Department: BangSans Startup

Ogie sepri Miftakhul 21/Oktober/2023

Prepared by: Date / Control Number:
Hasan PRJ-001-2023
The purpose of the scope management plan is to:
- Describe how project scope will be managed,
- Describe how scope changes will be integrated into the project,
- Provide an assessment of the expected stability of the project scope,
- Clearly describe how scope changes will be identified and classified.

Change request forms should be used to submit any requests to change the project scope,
budget, or schedule. The change request form can be found at:

All change requests should be tracked in the change request log. The change request log is part
of the project workbook and can be found at:
Roles and Responsibilities
• Developing scope management plan
• Developing a clear description of how scope changes will be identified
and classified
• Assessing scope stability
• Identifying and evaluating scope change requests and estimating
Project Manager
impact to scope, schedule and budget
• Taking change requests to change review board
• Monitoring change requests
• Logging change requests
• Communicating scope change impacts and decisions to stakeholders
• Developing scope management plan
• Identifying and evaluating change requests and estimating impact to
Project Team
scope, schedule, and budget

• Evaluating change requests and making decisions as to whether they

Change Review Board:
are accepted, rejected, or deferred

Project Sponsor • Approving scope management plan


5.1 Scope Planning (5.1-ScopeMgmtPlan (PLN)) Create project scope plan that documents
(PLN) how project scope will be defined, verified, and controlled.

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5.1-ScopeMgmtPlan (2)

(5.2-ScopeStatement (PLN)) Develop a detailed project scope statement

5.2 Scope Definition as the basis for future project decisions. The detailed scope statement is
(PLN) the output of the work performed during the initiation process,
specifically requirements elicitation, analysis, specification and validation.

(5.3-WBS-Table (PLN)) Decompose the major project deliverables into

work packages (project deliverables). Each package is assigned to
5.3 Create WBS (PLN) project manager(s) to assure that the work is comleted on time and
budget and according to the requirements. Work performed on a package
should not begin until work authorization has been documented.

(5.4-FormalAcceptance (CTL)) When a work package is completed,

5.4 Scope Verification formal acceptance of the completed work package i.e. project
(CTL) deliverables is obtained by the primary stakeholders (project sponsors)
through a written or digital signature.

(5.5-ScopeChange (CTL)) Control changes to the project scope through a

5.5 Scope Change formal procedure. Any changes to the scope must be documented at
Control (CTL) minimum through an email request to the person responsible for the
specific work package under review.

Project Archives
Proyek ini bertujuan untuk menghadirkan solusi yang dapat merangsang inovasi
di berbagai industri dengan memungkinkan orang-orang tanpa latar belakang teknis
untuk menciptakan aplikasi dan mengeditnya dengan mudah. Kunci keberhasilan proyek
ini adalah mendekati perencanaan, pengembangan, dan pengujian dengan cermat serta
selalu merespons umpan balik pengguna untuk memastikan aplikasi mencapai tujuannya.
Ogie sepri Miftakhul
Nanda Sans
Name Name Hasan
President Director Of Foreman
Title Title 21/Oktober/2023
Date 21/Oktober/2023 Date PRJ-001-2023

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