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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTRATION, REGIONAL OFFICE NO. IV-8 (MIMAROPAY PALAWAN IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, PALAWAN INSPECTION REPORT PARTICULARS: Labog Communal Irrigation System LOCATION: _Sofronio Espafiola, Palawan Name of Proj fame of Project: construction of Slope Protection at Diversion Dam Contractno: PALIMO-REPAIR-LABOG-3M-C¥23-14 NTP Received: June 7, 2023 During the field inspection conducted last July 13, 2023. The following was encountered. ERVATION/FINDI (ENDATION _ PARTICULARS ‘OBSERVATION/FINDINGS RECOMMI iON |. During inspection it was observed that half the Protection has been washed out | 1. Remove and Replace the {and the backfil of the remaing Protection} Remaining Protection. 1. Damaged Slope Protetioninthetet | acter aoveecest ee 2Scouringof | 2. Duringinspection it was observed that}, Redesien the Slope embaninertat | arbulnt ow of water leadsoscourng| Potente make tmore downstream efsde. | ofl embankenent sve, | sPPopritceeordag has bet [actual condition. Reviewed and Checked by: Project In-Charge Senior Engineer A Noted: Division Manager A- Pelowen IMO Rafols Re, Gry. ta Monica, Pere Pincers Cty, Palswan Phipoines “elt No: (04) 435-4968 Ea Ad palawan-ro(ne gov 5A paeeanmedomal ca ‘Tw00078570000 VARIATION ORDERNO.1 (CHANGE ORDER) Name of Project: Construction of lope Protection at Diverston Dam of Labog CS Contract No. PALIMOREPARLABDOG INCI I4 Lacan _“Sffonio spa, Palawan Date aly 18,2023 IFICATION, oro the ollowang dessnbee work chien the PLANS an! SPECIFICATION. REASONS FOR CHANGE Rao Re. Brgy. Sta. Mons, Fuerto Paces hy, Patan, REPUBLICOF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTRATION. -MIMAROPA REGIONAL OFFICE PALAWAN IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE [CONSTRUCTION OF SLOPE PROTECTION AT DIVERSION DAM OF LABOG cis pe] escrow oF Won onan coxraacr sve conTmacr an quarry | oar cost | ——vorar | wait [ean] on ant | aaa loneRson wos seas Conme Jam | sap0|“isosaso| aenoson fam | soto] ~saosngo | tanaaasan aleantrcng sl |frsshng on sng sama| col wins fee | cosa | eno] ——onamans ct nd tre sanze| i250 9 fa | —soeame | a0 | ersinae Sleteia ea aasace | vesi2000 rum | s200| —sanoo| ——azzsenon lovee maar ofa = uusio | a1s0400 fen | zane | 500 | staneae slocwtring ln anace| —reeso00 la 200 | —7amag0 | sovasane slsovcur taser lam asco | ssi fem | ees] too |] vanes [sae Bc wth Gain = un | azsaus lum | izes | toon | pases slenstannet onarcion nd nga eum esse] warzas0 [am | sa] wasp] wnasreos lovato fcoxrte rom : a : sw| —aarase | sreranr TOTAL ama aaeas 1 |CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH :[eesonne Preece Equipment fs i0| ame | aeeasle ta | —guanae | saan SUE TOTAL men mans © [Fenonanv ences 1 fremporany sis = io | 7000 ao is in| semana | saseane sunToTAL se7a00 sa70000 TOTAL CONTRACT COST “zenareso| zl 71735807 freee chad Append rch Sar ier er eng "le a yt Moke Pts Penne Cy. Pee, Pipes ate e088 nat et palmer sentra, REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES | NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTRATION, ‘MIMAROPA REGIONAL OFFICE PALAWAN IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE ITEMIZED COST OF REVISION | CovsTRUCTONFSLZPRPRETECTIN A VESn DANO LANs | re ScorF oF Wonk = = | a RECT Tar aa aaron OUTST | — ALT acon “DIVERSION WORKS - | Ks Cae aa io] toe | Tae] a ma ieniorsg Se a Sencha Sapp | S| ae | aa ae Tama Bt et Pe ‘te [—savras| 199] snows ik] tase wsisae ite com 400] sao | —asnzoo0| uns iziseion Beer onl re am | tana | 500 | seo0] ase 309 Deeg aye | zoo | —7an006 | onan] een Tsao [rece aman care | ——teare |r rss] tase ies8530 | ar wi Cin um | 487s | a | snea} tat 250 soaanknent onractn nd Cmpicion [eu | ——sna77 | —nass [aos sea] a Hasteon Seminon fcr = Tense Sat | srs Ison Tora aaa Tasroca8 _B|CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH i esos rie ion Te ae] aes | ea] a aa Bunrorar t zane] Han i {ae 1 emperor t Toe saree | ee | — Ra aa ium: rors. t eT se7030 ‘Orignol Sum Lnolved nts Rev_————2.07,17 50 New Sum Involved in Revsen 2717,15507 Diference in Cost 1998057 Prepared by ‘Checked by: Approved by RENZ: 1. cacno CTAGENA ‘ARMANDO} Iincharge ‘Seni Engineer ‘Deon Mopsger A ae {efor St. Moni, Puerto Princesa ly, Palawan, Pipreselfa No: (O48) 433-3686 ma Add: ho.palmensmo@riago Phineas} TELM sess x0 a0} Na: PALMO-REAIRCAMDE ANE Por CoNSTHUCTON oF SPs FEOFECTON AY VERSION DAMOFLAROG As aoe [ONTRACTON EAR Tain contretne a eS Z REPUSLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTRATION MIMAROPA REGIONALOITICE PALAWAN IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE SOmROIO ESPANOL PLAWAN oRKHESCHPO QE ORA [aN CT] —— aw "TO BEADOED eee sean = Emaborknent contractor snd Compactor | TE] “cua Tas Demelton of Concret ioe | ae ssrA [TOTAL OF WoRK To BEBO es.a240 ASTORE REMOVED eres eee (Gas 7 Concrete Tag] aa] Tea am] Ientrng ee suming and Sostpag 8g] | b.Cu bends ce (ase hes | (469.5) itera (20) cu 00 Srurare Bran (2429: (8622) Sure eel wih Cams 2420] sem] sts] sbrknen Construction sed Compan au 339 = [TOTAL OF WORK TO EREWOVED. Tae (Toa dota Waren ba Rome aaa Hota cost of Worer tobe Dose 95240 rian cast 1530087 Prepares Sumiued Prokkin charge 7 SeiarEopoer A spproee y snwanogtvones atta bre ta. Mone, Poo Prnes iy Palawan, Pipl O18 0-4ra Ad glo gov gh ne REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTRATION REGIONAL OFFICE NO. IV-B (MIMAROPA) PALAWAN IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFTICE PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, PALAWAN NOTICE TO PROCEED May 31, 2023 RAFFY P. AUSTRIA Owner RAK Trading and Construction Purok Magalang, Brgy. Sta. Monica, Puerto Princesa City Sir; Notice is hereby given that you can proceed with the Contract No, PALIMO- REPAIR-LABOG-3M-CY23-14 for Construction of Slope Protection at Diversion Dam of Labog Communal Irrigation System in Sofronio Espaiola, Palawan within seven (7) calendar days upon receipt hereof in accordance to the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement, General Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Plans and Technical Specifications of the items of works specified below: Noe | ITEM OF WORK UNIT | QUANTITY | UNIT CosT TOTAL CONTRACT WORKS ‘A | DIVERSION WORKS 1 | Class “A” Concrete i cam] 9990| 4305000] 1,303,695.00 [2 TReinforcing Stee! Bars | { a. Furnishing and Stockpil igs | 5317.23 | 63.00 | 441,335.07 | Cut, Bend and Piace igs | 5,317.29 17.30 91,989.12 3 | Filter Drain cum 64.00| 3,830.00 | 245,120.00 4 | Diversion and Care of Water cum| 230.40 | 135.00 31,104.00 5 | Dewatering days 26.00 | 7,300.00 | 189,800.00 6 | Structure Excavation cum] 148.74| 11800 17,551.32 [= 7 structure Backfill with Compaction cum| 148.74 190.00 28,260.60 | @ | Embankment Construction and Compaction | _cum| 326.77 _82359| 269,124.50 B | CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH | 1 | Personal Protective Equipment is 100 | 22,492.89 22,492.89 C | Temporary Facilities TOTAL — 1.00 [56,700.00 | 56,700.00 2,697,172.50 In this connection, you are advised to submit to the Office for approval a complete construction program for the orderly performance of the Contract Works, showing in F. Rafols, Jr, Road Government Center and Nature's Park, Bray. Sta, Monia, Puerto Princesa City, Phillppines. Telefax No (048) 423-4968, Wiebsts: ings ogni. gov.oh’ » Feoabook wa face cominiadtmaean ‘TIN: 00-795-370-000 . REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTRATION REGIONAL OFFICE NO, IV-8 (MIMAROPA) PALAWAN IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, PALAWAN detail the proposed program operation for each item of work including the use of equipment within seven (7) calendar days after of this notice. Please acknowledge receipt hereof. Very truly yours, Received: a Al L. FLORES pare leh Aste, Division Manage (Name Jn Print) Palawan IMO) Date: __6- 1-302 Page 2 of 2 sity Bases yasiguen ugg pseu oo Nevoce _frews _lncnpe loose __lowace cor favece [ocort [econ [oove | ovuee = z oe E | on | ous aes i eH | guumenn ouwor ston 0 spaoges ‘unsts | ees ewan | eee onINoULeas TOT INAV ELY SWALLL HOM AO ISITUALSYN NMA IVAL-VIQNVUST OINOWOS WILLSAS NOLLYDRNI TYNAWWOD DO8VT seonpryprrenpy worry PMO y safeuey psi poraidly pee lvevso's “loves | wea oot | osve zsuor — [svar [svar foose —[avoce ooze | veasos [ores | senna ‘voppai04g ad0ys doug Shion NOTA Leary ey cam) [Tay Cam WI, ox | wows wwestong “ ropaeewoy 9] wnsedt09 | neg son |s104so0m | cing ang |P™DNIS aigens | somnemaa | vonmnseey | ve mppeR | inne | BusIeNeG | Jo—zeD | garatins [any | NOWDOT wtom 40 WALL uowqwequg | anpans etoisona|uesqssi ws" ee “ONINOLLVLS tDt SRNL SW3.LI YOM AO LSITIALSYW GaSIATY NAVI ‘VIONWuS3 OINOUIOS WALSAS NOLLVONNI TYNAWWOD D08VT vorrei cin sorptiiny posorpyy PROJECT: LABOG COMMUNAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM LOCATION: SOFRONIO ESPANOLA, PALAWAN COST OF DEMOLITION OF CONCRETE _ Equipment to be used: Compressor, 160 cfm with 2 Jackhammer Capability 800 cum/day Working hrs/day = 7.00 hrs./day Operated Rental Rate Compressor = 450.00 Jackhammer = 195.84 =P 645.84 / hour Equipment Rental = 645.84 / hour ae 114 cumshi LABOR COST: Crew : 1 Laborer @ 355.00 /day Capability: 0.50 cum./day /laborer Labor Cost = 355.00 /day - SiS a arbor ‘cum /day/laborer ‘SUMMARY: ESTIMATED DIRECT COST (EDC) 1 Rental Cost ae ‘TOTAL ESTIMATED DIRECT COST P INDIRECT COST: ‘OGM (159% OF EDC) PROFIT (109% OF EDC) VAT (5% OF EDC+OCM & PROFIT) ‘TOTAL INDIRECT COST ‘TOTAL CONTRACT UNIT COST owe 55,823.00 24,286.00 565.11 /cum 71000 /cum 565.11 /eum T7511 feum Jeum. foam, feum ‘Youn team National Irritation Admminiatratl LABOG COMMUNAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM 'SOFRONIO ESPANOLA, PALAWAN, REVISED VOLUME COMPUTATION A.CUTOFF WALL R/S Volume 7.20 cum. 576 cam LS Volume « 0.15m x 1.90m.x32m 942 cum, 192 cum 2.SIDESLOPE Volume= 020mx4.24mx64m S427 cum 3T0P SLAB Volume = 0.1m: 1.0mx 64m 9,60 cum 4.CUT OFF WALL OF D/S APRON ‘Vohime = 0:20mx 150m :x7.S0m 225 cum. ‘5. WEARING SURFACE OF D/S APRON Volume = 0.2m x 05x (720m + 3.65m) x7.35m 797 cum. ‘TOTAL VOLUME 98.10 com [REINFORCING STEEL REQUIREMENTS L.CUT OFF WALL HOR BAR = No. of pes= 32 meters / 5.60 meters S71 Multiplied by 7 pes = 40.00 say Multiplied by 5:328 kgs. / 6.00 meters Length ‘VERT. BAR= No.of pes. = 32 meters / 020 meters: 16000 say ‘Length of VERT, BAR =1.20m Multiplied by 166 pes. = 19200 say No.of 12mm dla Bar. = 192m /6m Multiplied by 5.328 kgs / 6.00 meters Length HOR BAR= No. ofpes= 32 meters / 5.60 meters S71 Multiplied by 10 pes = STs say Multiplied by 5.328 kgs. 6.00 moters Length VERT. BAR= No. of pes. = 32 meters / 0.20 meters 160.00 say Length of VERT, BAR = 190m) Multiplied by 160 pes. = 30400. say No. of 12mm dia Bar.~ 304m /ém Multiplied by 5.328 kes. /6.00 meters Length HOR. BAR= No.of pes= 64 meters / 5.60 meters 143 Multiplied by 4 pes = 4571 say Multiplied by 5.328 kgs. / 6.00 meters Length VERT. RAR= No. of pcs. = 64 meters / 0.20 meters = 32000 say ‘Length of VERT. BAR = 0.60m Multiplied by 320 pcs. . 19200 say No.of {2mm dia Bar. 192m /6m Multiplied by 5.328 kgs / 6.00 meters Lengts 2. s1De sLoPE MAIN BAR No.of pes.= 64 meters / 0.20 meters = 32000 sey Length of VERT. BAR = 4.15m Multiplied by 305 pes - 137800 say No.of 12mm dia Bar. 1,266m Multiplied by 5.328 kgs. / 6,00 meters Length ‘TEMP. BARS No. of pes= 64 meters / 5.60 meters 143 ‘Multiplied by 21 pes ~ 24000 say 15m x1.50m x32m Voluene = 0:15m x 0.60 64m Volume = 640sqm x 0.152 40.00 213.12 160.00 pes. 192.00 32.00 17050 58.00 309.02 160.00 pes. 30400 5067 269.97 4500 245.09 32000 pes. 19200 32.00 17050 32000 pes. 137800 22133 1,179.25 240.00 | | | | | Multiplied by 5.328 kgs. / 6.00 meters Length 3.0? SLAB MAIN BAR = No.of pes= 64 meters / 5.60 meters 1143 Multiplied by 5 pes sua say Muldplied by 5.328 kgs. / 6.00 meters Length VERT. BAR= No.of pes. = 64 meters / 020 meters = 2000 say Length of VERT. BAR = 120m Multipied by 305 pics 38400 say No.of 12mm dia Bar. = 366m / 6m Multiplied by 5328 kgs. / 6.00 meters Length 4.CUT OFF WALL OF B/S APRON HOR RAR= No.of pes= 7.1 meters / 5.60 meters 127 Multiplied by 7 pes x2 1778 say Multiplied by 5.328 kgs / 6.00 meters Length VERT. BAR= No.of pes.= 7.1 meters / 0.20 meters 3850 say Length of VERT. BAR = 1.20 Muhtptiog by 36 pes x2 8640 say No.of 12mm dla Bar. 152m / 6m Multiplied by 5.328 kgs. / 6.00 meters Length 5. WRARING SURFACE OF D/S APRON MAIN BAR = ‘No.of pos 7.4 meters / 5.60 mecers 127 ‘Malplied by 30 pes 38.10 say ‘Multiplied by 5.328 kgs. / 6.00 meters Leagth VERT, BAR= No. ofpcs.~ 7.1 meters / 0.20 meters = 3850 say ‘Length of VERT, BAR = 00m Multiplied by 5.328 kgs. / 6.00 meters Length ‘TOTAL REINFORCING STEEL REQUIREMENTS (KGS) FILTER DRAIN & WEERHOLES Downstream: (Let Side) Volume: 32 pes 050 cusm/pcs. 116.00 cum Upstream: (Let Side) Volume= 32 pes «050 cum/pes. 16,00 cam ‘Total Volume= 32.00 cum DIVERSION & CARE OF RIVER Downstream: (Left Side) ‘Volume = 0:50x (2 m +4an)x1.2:mx 32x 1 scheme 115.20 cum Upstream (Left Side) ‘Volume = 0.50.2 m *4m)x1.2msx32mx 1 scheme 115.20 cum Total Volumes 23040 cum —_/ DEWATERING Downstream: (Lef Side) Volumes (82 mx16mx 13m) 66.56 cum 16656000 liters Pump Capacity 5483.20 Liter/ day 1223 Noofdays 13.00 days Upstream: (LefSide) Volume= (32 mx 16 13 m9) 6656 com 66,560.00 liters Pump Capacity 5,443.20 Liter/ day. 1223 Nootdays 13.00 days 127872 58.00 309,02 520.00 pes. 384.00 6400 340.99 18.00 95.00 36.00 pes. 8700 1450 7726 3900 207.79 36.00 pes istat 5058.94 kgs. pes. gs. es. ‘Total Volume 2600 days EARTHWORKS VOLUME COMPUTATION ‘sea Volume o 322 s 2622 16105 10 831 8633, 18 tos 4688 20 1332594 25 16757518 2 1208 3037 Volume= 47921 cam 30% 62297 cum 2, STRUCTURE EXCAVATION Volume = Ares Volume ° 198 s ast 878 0 135718 1s 526 1653, 20 6st 2943 25 ses 31s 2 66 3138, Volumes 12445 cum. 3. EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION & COMPACTION Volumes 622973 cum. 128.45 cum, Volume= 49852 cam. Prepared by: RENZ MICHAPLL CACHO Engineer A Nationel lnigetion Adoninistrat: LABOG COMMUNAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM SOFRONIO FSPANOLA. PALAWAN VOLUME COMPUTATION DEMOLITON 1LCUTOFF WALL. ‘R/S Volume = 0.15m.x 1.50mx15mx2 Volume = 0:15m x0.500m x 15mx2 675 com. 220 cam, 2.SIDESLOPE Volume = 0.20mx 4.24mx 15m 1272 cam, STOPSLAR Volume = 0.15mx 1.0m: 15m 225 cum. 4. CUT OFF WALL OF D/S APRON ‘Volume » 0.20 1.50m x7:50m, 225 cum. 5. WEARING SURFACE OF D/S APRON Volume = 0.2mx 05x (720m +3.65m) x7.35m 797 cam, ‘TOTAL VOLUME = 3464 cum. Prepared by: a

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