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☆ TM's Q bank ☆

2 edition

As per CBME curriculum

》Including AETCom & Yoga,
exercise physiology
》Revised edition

By: Shiva Rayakanti & Nithin koushik

》》5 star indicates most repeated question in university
》》 3 star indicates less commonly repeated question.
》》 1 star indicate important questions having a scope.
》》 Topics with no stars are minor topics, you should read
total questions.

》》From recent years they are asking SAQs for LAQ with
case study, so you need to focus on every question as it is
100M paper they can ask you from any corner.

Previous reviews:
• ***Action Potential, its origin, phases and ionic phases of action
potential. How does it differ from graded potential.
• Define various transport mechanisms across a cell
1. Diffusion (*factors affecting rate of diffusion)
2. ***Facilitated diffusion
3. *****Active transport (secondary AT, vesicular AT)
• Homeostasis and feedback mechanisms(feedforward)
• Apoptosis
• Intercellular communications or cell junctions.
• Fluid compartments of the body(body water distribution)
• Resting membrane potential
• Fluid mosaic model
• Physiological significance of osmosis and normal osmolality.
• Fick’s law of diffusion
• Refractory period
• Ionic distribution in our body.
• All or none law
• Rheobase, chronaxie
• *****Erythropoiesis & its stages, factors affecting it.
• ***Describe ANEMIA. Classification of anemia, its causes.
• *****Physiology of clotting mechanism and applied aspects.
• ***Define jaundice. Mention types of jaundice and causes.
• *Physiological basis of blood grouping, types of blood groups.


• *** plasma proteins and their functions of plasma proteins

. Add a note on A:G ratio.
• *****Rh
• ***Types of leucocytes & their
• *****Anticoagulants and their mechanism of action
• ***Landsteiner’s law
• ***Immunoglobulin structure & types
• *****Haemophilia and thalassemia types
• *Functions of lymph
• *Functions of platelets and their role in hemostasis
• ***Fate of Haemoglobin
• *****Differences between B-cells & T-cells
• *****ESR-clinical significance
• ***Red cell indices
• ***HB-variants
• *****Folic acid deficiency anaemia and Pernicious anaemia
• *****Neonatal jaundice
• *****Fibrinolytic system
• ***Bleeding disorders
• *****Blood transfusion-indicators and complications
• ***Humoral immunity
• ***Cell-mediated immunity
• *Types of tissue grafts
• ***Blood banking
Nerve muscle physiology

• *****What is NMJ, explain the events occurring at

NMJ, describe with diagram. Drugs acting at NMJ(
NMJ blocking agents). Write A note on myasthenia


• *****Classification of nerve fibers

• ***Properties of nerve fibers
• *****Degeneration& regeneration of nerve fibers.
• ***Structure of skeletal muscle & it’s properties
• *****Excitation contraction coupling
• *****Types of muscle contraction(isotonic And
• ***Properties of motor unit.
• *****Properties of cardiac muscle
• ***Energy sources for muscle contraction
• ***Denervation hypersensitivity
• *Latch bridge mechanism
• ***Excitatory junction potential
• ***Types of smooth muscle
• *Frank startling law
• ***Rigor mortis
• ***Muscular dystrophies
• *****Sarcotubular system
• *Miniature end plate potential
• ***** Wallerian degeneration
• *Multiple sclerosis
• ***Lambert eatson disease.
• *****Saltatory conducting
• ***Ca+2 role in muscle contraction
• ***Molecular basis of muscle contraction
• *Pre load and after load
• ***Tetany& tetanus
Cardiovascular system(cvs)

• .***Write in detail about properties of CARDIAC MUSCLE.
• *a)Draw the labelled diagram of the conduction system of

b)Explain the pathway and its importance.

c)Add a note on Cardiac action potential

• *****Cardiac output. Factors affecting it. Measurement of

cardiac output
• *****CARDIAC CYCLE phases and describe volume & pressure
changes in them in graphical representation
• *****a)What is Blood Pressure ?

b) What is sBP, dBP, mAP,PP?

c) Different methods of regulating Blood pressure.

d) Mechanisms of regulation of Blood pressure. (short

term, intermediate, long term mechanisms)

• ***Shocks – types and causes and compensatory


• ***Define HYPERTENSION. Describe briefly the physiological

principles underlying pathogenesis and management of

• ***a)ECG- waves, intervals and their significance (lead 2)

b) Abnormal ECG ( heart blocks, new rhythm centers)

• *****Coronary circulation – Anatomy and factors affecting

it, Phasic blood flow through the coronary arteries during
cardiac cycle
• ****JVP curve
• ***Left ventricular pressure- volume curve.
• ***4 heart sounds and difference between 1st and 2nd heart
• ***WPW syndrome
• *****Myocardial infarction (MI)
• *Effects due to change in ionic composition of blood
• ***Korotkoff’s sounds
• *Windkessel effect
• *Resistance vessels
• ***AV anastomosis and it’s importance
• *Laplace law
• *Bain bridge reflex
• ***Venous return and factors affecting it
• *****Peripheral resistance
• *****Baroreceptor reflex
• *****What is Marey’s law? Factors affecting heart rate
• *Foetal circulation
• *Orthostatic hypotension
• ***Fick’s principle
• *Vaso vagal syncope
• *Heart failure it’s pathophysiology
• ***Cardiac reserve and cardiac index
• ***Einthoven’s law

Note: CVS is very important and scoring chapter so every one

should go through it.
Respiratory physiology

• *****Oxygen dissociation curve, factors effecting ODC,

transport of Oxygen in blood.
• *****Mechanism of inspiration and expiration and add
a note on pressure changes in lungs during respiration.
• *****Carbon dioxide transport in blood and write
about hamburgers phenomenon.
• *****Respiratory centre and neural, chemical
regulation of Respiration, Hering-Beruer reflex.
• ***Hypoxia and types with few characteristics and
• ***Respiratory volumes and respiratory capacities.
Explain the significance of FVC in obstructive and
restrictive Lung disorders. Add a note on FEV.

• *****Respiratory/lung compliance and it’s measurement.
• ***Methods of artificial ventilation.
• *****Haldane effect
• *Respiratory unit
• *Non respiratory functions of respiratory system.
• *****Lung surfactant and it’s composition , functions. Add a
note on Respiratory distress syndrome
• ***Asphyxia
• *****Vital capacity and factors effecting it.
• *****FRC, significance and factors effecting it.
• *****Dead space
• *****V/P ratio
• ***Intrapulmonary pressure and factors effecting it.
• *****Intrapleural pressure.
• ***Peak expiratory flow rate
• *****Apnea and dyspnea
• *****Periodic breathing a) cheyne stokes Respiration b) Biots
• *****Cyanosis, causes and treatment.
• *****Acclimatization
*****Caissons disease or decompression sickness. Add a note

Renal physiology


• *****Define GFR and describe the factors influencing

glomerular filtration ? Add a note on GFR measurement.
• *****Describe role of counter current mechanism in kidney/
formation of CONCENTRATED URINE .Describe mechanism of
acidification of urine

• *Functions of kidney.
• *****JG apparatus(JGA)
• ***Artificial kidney & add a note on dialysis
• ***Difference between cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons.
• ***Peculiarities of renal circulation
• *Auto regulation of renal blood flow
• *****Describe Reabsorption of glucose, Na+, H2o
• ***Nephrotic syndrome
• *****Transport maximum(Tmax)
• *****Tubuloglomerular feedback & Glomerulo tubular Balance.
• *****Draw and explain Cystometrogram
• *****Micturition reflex and Abnormalities of micturition.
• ***Bladder innervations/Nerve supply of Bladder
• *****Automatic and atonic bladder
• ***Tubular maximum for glucose
• ***Obligatory and facultative H2O absorption
• *****Clearance tests(Urea, Inulin, PAH).
• ***Add a note on Diuretics of kidney
• *****Renin: Angiotensin Mechanism [RAAS]
• *****Splay
• *Difference between osmotic and H20 diuresis
• *RFT, renal flow measurements
• *Add a note on renal circulation
• ***Erythropoietin
• ***Ultrafiltration

Git physiology
• *****Pancreatic juice- composition, functions and regulation
of secretion
• *****Gastric juice – composition, functions and phases of
gastric secretion
• *****HCL secretion regulation and phases. Add a note on
• ***Different types of intestinal movements ( small and large
intestines). Mention methods used for study of intestinal

• ***Gastric emptying and factors affecting it
• ***Vomiting mechanism
• ***Hirschsprung's disease
• *****Defecation reflex
• ***Nerve supply of GIT
• *****Saliva: composition, functions, regulation of its
secretion, mechanism of its secretion
• *Frey’s syndrome
• *Peptic ulcer. A) pathophysiology B)Difference between
peptic and duodenal ulcer
• ***Gastrin , secretin , CCK- actions and factors affecting
their secretion
• ***Functions of gall bladder
• ***Composition of bile and it’s functions
• ***Functions of liver
• *****Enterohepatic circulation
• *****Phases of deglutition (2nd phase is important)
• ***Hunger contractions
• ***BER & MMC ( migrating motor complex)
• ***Steatorrhoea
• ***Functions of SI & LI
• *Achalasia cardia
• *****Succus entericus functions
• *****Sham feeding
• ***Laws of intestine
• *****Importance of dietary fibre
• *****Peristalsis
• ***Myenteric reflex
• *****Deglutition reflex
• ***Zollinger Ellison syndrome
• *Pavlov’s pouch
Physiology of Central Nervous system


• *****Describe the lobes(divisions),structure and connections

of cerebellum along with nucleic. Also mention functions of
cerebellum. Write in brief about the features of cerebellar
lesions. Add a note on Dysdiadochokinesia.
• *****Write in detail about the physiological anatomy,
connections and functions of basal ganglia. Write a note on
• ***What is pain? Types of pain, pain receptors. Explain the
pain pathway with neat labelled diagram. Add a note on
referred pain.
• *****What are pyramidal tracts? Write in detail about
corticospinal tract with flow chart. Mention the functions of
pyramidal tracts. Add a note on hemiplegia.

• *****A)What is EEG, waves and features

B)Normal EEG pattern and EEG uses.
C) Types of sleep with their significance & draw sleep cycle
D)sleep disorders.

• ***A)What is synapse? Types of synapses with their

B)Describe events occurring at synapse.
C)What are the properties of synapse.

• *A)Describe classification of thalamic nuclei.

B)write about connections and functions of thalamus.
C) Thalamic syndrome.
• ***Write in detail about the internal capsule and effects of
its lesions.
• *Write about formation, composition and functions of CSF.
Add a note on hydrocephalus.
• *****Referred pain and theories of referred pain.
• *****Functions of limbic system
• *****Ascending tracts
• *****Descending tracts
• *****Brown sequared syndrome
• *****Differentiate between UMNL and LMNL
• *****Hypothalamus functions and connections.
• ***Hypothalamic regulation of food control.
• ***Blood brain barrier
• ***Spinal shock
• *****Decerebrate rigidity.
• ***Ascending reticular activating system. • *Properties of
• ***Spinothalamic tracts.
• *****Anterolateral sensory pathway and it’s functions.
• *Sterognosis.
• *****Babinski sign
• *****Physiology of Memory.
• *****Alzheimer’s disease
• ***Anterograde amnesia.
• *****Speech disorders.
• ***Broca’s area and wernicke’s area
• *****Connections of prefrontal lobe and mention its
What are the effects of prefrontal lobotomy.
• ***Huntington’s chorea.
• *Chorea and athetosis.
• *Meniere’s disease .
• *Tabes dorsalis.
• ***Differentiate Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
• ***Reflex arc and muscle tone.
• *****Withdrawal reflexes
• ***Clonus
• ***Stretch reflex and inverse stretch reflex
• ***Muscle spindle.
• *Synaptic inhibition.
• *Chemical and electrical synapses.
• ***Phantom limb
• *****Physiopathology of Parkinsonism
• *Functions of parietal lobe
• ***Lateral hemisection of spinal cord.
• ***Dorsal column leminiscus system.
• ***Papez circuit.
• *Differentiate monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex.
• *Visceral pain
• ***Complete transection of spinal cord.
• ***Decorticate rigidity.
• *Kluver- Bucy syndrome.
• *****Functional areas of brain.
• ***Receptors, classification and properties
• *Sensory homunculus
• *Motor homunculus.

o From recent years they are asking SAQs for LAQ with case study,
so you need to focus on every question as it was M paper
they can ask you from any corner.
o We have included mostly all important questions from minor
topics also so please take this xerox and keep it with you.
o CNS is very important and scoring subject for 2 nd paper
Special senses


• *****Name the different parts of the Ear. Describe the

importance of MIDDLE EAR and Explain the mechanism of
• *****Explain with the help of a diagram of VISUAL PATHWAY.
Indicate the effects of lesions of the pathway at different

• ***Accommodation reflexes.
• *****Otolith organ
• ***Near response of eye
• ***Pupillary light reflexes
• *****Refractive errors of the eye
• ***Astigmatism
• ***Difference between rods and cones
• ***Electrical events in photoreceptors
• *****Colour vision and theories Young-Helmholtz theory
• *****Colour blindness
• *****Light & Dark adaptation and Night blindness
• ***Presbyopia
• ***Photopic and scotopic vision
• ***Near point and far point
• ***Functions of Iris
• *****Organ of Corti
• ***Impedance matching
• ***Tympanic reflex
• *****Types of deafness: Conduction deafness and nerve
• ***Rinne’s, Weber’s and Schwabach test.
• ***Vestibulo-ocular reflex and nystagmus
• *****Endo cochlear potential & cochlear microphonic
• *****Olfactory pathway
• *Structure of taste bud
• *****Taste pathway
• *****Visual acuity
• ***Basilar membrane
• ***Attenuation reflex
• ***Macula lutea
Endocrinology(Physiology )

• *****Explain the formation, secretion, transport and

metabolism and regulation of thyroid hormones. Add a note
on thyroid hormone functions.
• ***Explain the hormones regulating calcium metabolism. Add a
note on hypo and hyper parathyroidism
• *****A) Explain biosynthesis ,transport, metabolism and
excretion of adrenocortical hormones
B) Regulation of glucocorticoids seceretion and actions of

C) Actions of mineralocorticoids and their regulation. Add a

note on their applied aspects

• ***Explain the synthesis, metabolism, regulation and actions

of Adrenal medulla. What is phaeochromocytoma
• *****Write in detail about the growth hormone and it’s
actions. Add a note on acromegaly
• *****Explain the structure of insulin, it’s synthesis, excretion
and regulation and add a note on diabetes mellitus.


• *****Blood glucose homeostasis and GTT

• ***Anterior pituitary hormones and add note on prolactin
• ***Mention few local hormones with their functions
• ***Differentiate between Osteoporosis and Osteosclerosis
• *****Write about tetany
• *****Rickets v/s osteomalacia
• *****Hypo v/s hyperthyroidism
• ***Thyroid autoregulation
• *****Posterior pituitary hormones
• *****TSH
• ***Diabetes insipidus
• ***Glucagon and it’s actions
• *****Differentiate between pituitary dwarf and thyroid dwarf
• *****Mechanism of hormone action
• ***Hypoglycemia


• *****Gigantism v/s acromegaly

• *****Cushing’s syndrome
• ***Achondroplasia
• *****Milk election reflex
• ***Effects of hypophysectomy
• ***Iodine trapping Mechanism
• *****Anti thyroid drugs
• *****Goiter and goitrogenic agents
• *****Myxedema and cretinism
• *****Thyrotoxicosis
• *****Features of tetany
• *****Anti inflammatory Effects of glucocorticoids
• *****Conns syndrome
• *****Addison’s disease
• *****Adrenogenital syndrome
• *****Phaeochromocytoma
• ***Functions and control of secretion of melatonin
• ***Thyroid function test
• ***Adrenal function test

Note: This chapter is clinically very important, hence every clinical is important so
please read thoroughly.
Reproductive physiology
• ***Describe the hormonal, ovarian and uterine changes during
menstrual cycle
• ***Puberty. Mention changes that occur during puberty in
females and males.

• *****Contraceptives
• *Anovulatory menstrual cycle
• *****Spermatogenesis and factors influencing it
• *Blood testis barrier
• ***Seminal fluid and it’s composition
• *****Pregnancy tests
• *****Physiology changes during pregnancy
• ***Sex determination
• ***IUCD
• *****Cryptorchidism
• ***Functions of sertoli cells
• *****Actions of testosterone and it’s regulation
• *****Placental a) functions b) feto placental unit c) placental
hormones and their functions.
• *****Parturition reflex/ neuro endocrine reflex
• ***Graffian follicle and corpus luteum
• ***Actions of estrogen and progesterone
• ***Hormonal regulation of lactation
• *****Oral contraceptive pills & mini pills
• ***Indications of ovulation
• *Castration in males and females before and after puberty
• *****LH surge
Skin and miscellaneous topics


• *****Triple response
• ***Functions of skin
• ***Role of skin in regulation of body temperature
• ***Cardiorespiratory response to whole body Isotonic
• *Describe mechanism of fever.
• ***Heat stroke.

Integrated physiology
• *****Describe the cardiovascular changes during muscular
• *****Write about the respiratory changes during normal and
vigorous exercise.
• *Explain the consequences of sedentary life style
• ***Respiratory adaptations to exercise and yoga.
• *****Explain the physiology of high altitude or trekking.
• *Describe the physiological effects of meditation or yoga.
• ***Mention the role of Antioxidants and free radicals in aging.

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