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Name Srinika Saha Section A___ Date 12-07-21__

I. Answer the following questions about the text:

i. Who is Greta Thunberg? [1]
Greta Thunburg is a girl who had suffered all of her life but became a very famous
person in the world by her confidence, aim and strong deciding of life.
ii. Do you think Greta was a rebel? Give reasons to support your answer. [ 1 ]
Yes, I think Greta was rebel, because she was so brave that she even wounded her
path to protest in her school refusing her classes, chanllenged her parents and said
her parents to change their diet just to save the earth.
iii. What message did Greta want to give to the world? [ 1 ]
Greta wanted to say to just save the world from the harmful climate change by just
following some safety measures for the earth like having vegan diet, using less hot
water and for the governments taking immediate action around the world on climate
change etc.
iv. Do you think Greta Thunberg’s methods were right? Justify your answer in a few
sentences. [ 1 ]
Yes I think Greta Thunberg’s methods are right because without hurting anybody,
protesting in close areas, spreading awareness so politely is too good ways to save
the world.
v. If you were given a chance to ask Greta Thunberg one question then what would
that be and why? [1]
If I were given a chance to ask Greta Thunberg one question I would ask her how did
she get into the intention of protesting about climate change, because if I would had
known this answer then her struggle, kindness about the earth and way of her
success would be fully clear to me.
II. Find words in the passage that mean the following and make sentences with the
i. a person who does not eat meat or any other animal products: Vegan
Vegan- We all should maintain a vegan diet because they provide us many nutrients.
ii. a mental condition in which a person finds it difficult to communicate with other
people: Depressed
Depressed- He is looking very depressed.
iii. the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social
change: _______________
iv. very unhappy: Upset
Upset- she has no mood to go to play because she is upset.
III. We all can be Greta. Design a poster with a slogan, making people aware about
the change in the climate and harmful effects of plastic so that we all get inspired to
change for the planet. This activity can be done using Jamboard or Padlet .


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