April05 Ezine

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Volume 2, Issue 4

April 23, 2005

Ahhhh...Spring Has Sprung...
Hello, Friends… baseball, cleaning out the ing. What a blessing a baby
flower beds and getting the is! I made her a baby blanket
Well, can you believe it is yard ready for a few weeks ago and I’ve
already April summer. It is all been waiting to share the
23rd??? about Spring! photo of it until I could an-
There are so And, speaking nounce Miss Kylie’s arrival.
many things of new life my This blanket is found in our
that make good friend, Babies Vol. 1 Collection.
April one of Stacy, had her
first child early I also have a nice surprise
my favorite for you...one of our mem-
months and this month. A
beautiful baby bers, Henry, who lives in
then there is New York, went to a Knit-
the ONE thing that makes it girl. I knew her due date was
April 15th so I stopped in to Out Event and sent in an
a dreaded month as well, at article and photos. You will
least in the US is TAX see her on the 13th, but she
wasn’t in her office. What a really enjoy reading it!
DAY! With that looming in
the air, I am very behind on difference a day makes...I Also, see if you can find the
my ezine. But let’s focus on found out that little Miss hidden message in the word
the positive, right? Kylie, a 7lb. 4 oz. baby girl, search this month. ;-)
had arrived early that morn-
April is full of new LIFE, Blessings,

On This Day...

1564 - William Shakespeare National Assembly had its first major league home run
was born. first meeting in Ankara. on this day.
1772 - Claude Joseph 1942 - Sandra Dee was born. 1981 - Johnny Cash, Jerry
Rouget de Lisle wrote "La Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins
1948 - Johnny Longden be-
Marseillaise." It is the na- reunited in Stuttgart, Ger-


came the first race jockey to

tional anthem of France. many and recorded "The
ride 3,000 career winners.
1826 - Missolonghi fell to
1954 - Lucille Ball appeared
Egyptian forces. 1997 - The Four Tops re-
solo on the cover of "TV
ceived a star on the Holly-
1908 - U.S. President Theo- Guide" for the first time. Ball
wood Walk of Fame.
dore Roosevelt signed an act eventually made appearances
creating the U.S. Army Re- on 34 "TV Guide" covers.
1954 - Hank Aaron of the
1920 - The Turkish Grand Milwaukee Braves hit his

Inside this issue:

Vintage Recipes 2
What Others Are Saying 2
Spring Word Search 3
Featured Member Project 3
Knit-Out Article 4
Vintage Knitting Pattern 5
Vintage Crochet Pattern 6
Helpful Resources 7

Copyright © 2004, Garrison Hollow Publishing. You may forward or reprint this publication only in its entirety, without alteration.
Vintage Recipes from 1914...
This month’s recipes are from The Pure Food turn upside down to drain (About 5 min.). Strawberry Charlotte
Cook Book — Good Housekeeping Recipes, Then sprinkle with pepper and finely
originally published in 1914. You’re going to chopped parsley. Break a raw egg into the Mash one box of prime berries through a
love these! Keep in mind I am copying these tomato and add salt and pepper. Arrange the colander, add two-thirds of a cupful of
exactly as they are in the recipe book, so I’ve prepared tomatoes (not too close together) in powdered sugar, and stir until it is dis-
put in parenthesis my suggestions. a buttered pan and place in a hot oven for a solved. Soak a half-box of granulated gela-
few minutes. tin in a half-cupful of cold water for thirty
Nut Bread minutes, then melt it over hot water. Add
the strawberry juice, and stir continually
Sift together four cupfuls of flour and four
until the mixture begins to thicken, then
teaspoonfuls of baking powder. To one-half of
fold in a pint of cream whipped. Pour into a
this, add one cupful of chopped walnut meats
mold, and stand on ice to harden
and half a cupful of raisins. Now beat together
(refrigerate). Serve plain.
three-fourths of a cupful of sugar, one and one-
half cupfuls of milk, and one egg. Add the
sifted flour, then the flour containing the nuts
and raisins. Put it in two well-greased (loaf)
Cherry Salad
pans, let it stand about twenty minutes, and
bake for nearly an hour in a moderate (350 Ripe red cherries, one head of lettuce, quarter
degree) oven. of a pound of filberts, and mayonnaise dress-
ing. Blanch the filberts by soaking in boiling
An English Egg
water and rubbing off the skins. Remove the
Select a small, firm tomato. (As many as you stones from the cherries and replace them
will need) Cut out the stem end and scoop out with the filberts. Arrange lettuce leaves in
the seeds and soft center. Sprinkle with salt and nests, place cherries in center, and serve with
mayonnaise dressing.

What Others Are Saying...

Dear Tabitha: I downloaded the first one same kind of patterns. I have collected Thanks, Tabitha, for the free patterns. I
and my mom was so so so excited. She is some on my own at yard sales, etc. just downloaded them successfully and
the one that loves crochet...in fact, for It's a wonderful way to save our heri- am tickled with them. I am looking for-
my mom, crochet is her passion, she is tage. Thank you. Kay ward to ordering the other patterns
so excited and happy...Thank you soon- in the rug collection I saw a cro-
Tabitha for being such a nice person, for
cheted rug with a sailing ship design- for
sharing your patterns with millions of
many years my mother had a rug in that
Hi, Tabitha. I absolutely loved the pat-
terns and it was exactly what I was
very pattern in one of the bedrooms at
women around the world. Thanks for
looking for. I found several patterns that home. Thanks so much - this is a won-
being such a wonderful person and for
my own grandmother had made and it derful work you are doing!
sharing you amazing crochet patterns
was worth every penny. I can't wait to Kalli
with us! God bless you and THANKS!!!!!!
start working out of the books I received
Elisa G. and I am definitely going back to the
site to buy more! Thanks, Stephen S. Hi Tabitha, Thank you so very much.
My Mother used to have one of these
Hello Tabitha, so it is so nice to have a copy. Thanks
I just had to email you to say thank you Dear Tabitha, again. Barbara
for the Vintage Afghans CD. I have only I enjoy your monthly e-zine so
looked at the first booklet and I am just much! Not only do I love the pat-
awed by these gorgeous afghans! Even Tabitha—Thanks so much fir the
if I never make one I will enjoy just look-
terns, I love the recipes and the
ing at them. Thank you so much, Elaine little word searches and "extras" "betweens" patterns! I enjoy them so
you put into it. It is so wonderful that much.The patterns book are great I
you put so much time and love into just can't crochet fast enough to do
Tabitha, each issue. Iall I want to do LOL. Angela
I love my CD. It brought back many God Bless you and thank you for
memories of my childhood and watch- such a wonderful thing that you are
doing in making these ezines. They
ing my mother and aunt use these
always brighten my day. Christa Thanks guys! Blessings, Tabitha

V O L U M E 2 , I S SU E 4 Page 2

Copyright © 2004, Garrison Hollow Publishing. You may forward or reprint this publication only in its entirety, without alteration.
Have Fun With This Spring Time Word Find...
S P R I N G R G I S A W S O S Spring Tulip

N D E R F U L O N T I D M W R Daffodil Flowers
April Showers
Rainbows Robins
F N E T W L I F E I M B B A W Dogwood Sunshine
Birds Bunnies
Blooming Dandelions










Featured Member Project...

What wonderful friends I’ve made since

starting this business. And I can’t think of
a better one than the sweet lady who made
this month’s featured project. This doily is
called “Deep Lagoon” and it is found in
the Doilies Vol. 1 collection. It was made
by Shrabani who lives in New York. She
is without a doubt one of the sweetest peo-
ple I’ve ever met (at least via computer!)
She actually made two of these and sent
them to me for my living room.
Shrabani, I want to take this opportunity to
say “Thanks!” to you publicly, not just for
being a great member, but a good friend.
You are a treasure! May you be blessed
many times over, like you have blessed
me! ;-)

V O L U M E 2 , I S SU E 4 Page 3

Copyright © 2004, Garrison Hollow Publishing. You may forward or reprint this publication only in its entirety, without alteration.
A Great Time, For A Great Cause...
I love hearing from our members! made my nervous trip to West I left the KNITOUT event with a
Henry lives in New York and offered 23rd Street. I took the elevator and deep emotional feeling of joy. I am
to share a story about his experience when I entered not a major part of or-
participating in a Knit-Out event in the CancerCare ganizations, but the
New York. Enjoy! office, I was feeling of using my tal-
treated with ents with other people
smiles. My nerv- to make caps for chil-
ous feeling was dren or adults with can-
left at the cer made me anxious
KNITOUT! door. I was given to make more beanies
March 5th, 2005 a set of yarn balls and sign up for the 3rd
and a pattern and annual KNIT-OUT and
My name is Henry Lopez III, a 27 made my way create extreme caps like a true ex-
year old male in into the gathering. The first thing I perienced knitter.
New York City noticed...I was the only man among
who recently over a hundred women sitting, talk- Henry Lopez III
learned how to ing and more importantly, knitting New York City, NY
knit and discov- beanie caps! I found a table and
ered a love for introduced myself and felt comfort-
knitting able. I sat next to a window with a
accessories and beautiful clear view of a blue sky
a dream of and I could actually see the Statue
sweaters for me of Liberty; I was ready. :)
and friends. In
early November
last year, on The pattern was tough for me, at
one of my knit- first, with the rib knit.
ting-store shopping days in the Up- Two knits followed by
per East Side of New York City, I two purls. I messed
had bought a few wool rolls and a around at first, but my
large pair of needles to make table pal showed me an
scarves for friends as Christmas easier way to mentally
gifts. At the register, I spotted a control the rib stitch.
postcard with the words "2nd Annual The women were super
KNITOUT!" on the front. I flipped the friendly and I had some
card and read that on Saturday, bagels, coffee and
February 26th, an organization muffins as a great
named CancerCare (which helped breakfast. I met people
to provide financial assistance and who lived near by and
counseling) was promoting a knitting we
gathering day to make hats for peo- spoke about our previous knitting ac-
ple who have lost their hair as a re- cessories and I felt at home.
sult of cancer
treatment and A little after the great ham
stay warm for and cheese, tuna, and tur-
the winter key sandwiches
days. and wraps I was half way
from finishing my first
My immediate beanie.
response was
"I want to be The patterns had two op-
part of KNI- tions: child or adult. I
TOUT!" I had chose child and made a
learned how to knit a few months small knitted cap to donate for a child.
before and basically stuck to knitting I walked around and talked to other

V O L U M E 2 , I S SU E 4 Page 4

Copyright © 2004, Garrison Hollow Publishing. You may forward or reprint this publication only in its entirety, without alteration.
Margarita Knitted Sequined Stole From 1957...
over twice, k 3, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k
1, psso, k 5 (137 sts). 17th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, 2 tog. Repeat from * to last 17 sts, yarn over
(Note: These yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 4, * yarn over twice, k 3, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1 psso, k 2
products may no twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, sl 1, k 2 tog, tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1,
longer be avail- psso, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over psso, k 5 (128 sts). 39th Row: K 5, k 2 tog,
able. You will twice, k 9. Repeat from * to last 24 sts, yarn yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1 , O, sl 1, k
need to substi- over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, sl 1, k 2 1, psso, k 2 tog, * yarn over twice, k 5, yarn
tute with yarn tog, psso, O, sl 1, k 1 psso, k 2 tog, yarn over over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2
and colors of twice, k 4, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl
your choice.) psso, k 5 (137 sts). 19th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog. Repeat from * to last 19
yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3, k 2 tog, * sts, yarn over twice, k 5, yarn over twice, sl 1,
yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn over
Materials: O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (141 sts). 41st
Coats & Clark’s Red Hear Nylon & Wool, 3 k 1, psso, k 2, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, k 3, k 2 Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1,
Ply, Art. E-270: 14 skeins (1oz. “Tangle- tog. Repeat from * to last 23 sts, yarn over psso, k 3, k 2 tog, * yarn over twice, k 7, yarn
Proof” Pull-Out Skeins) of No. 818 Blue twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, O, sl 1, k over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, sl 1,
Jewel. Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 8 (5mm size). 1, psso, k 2 tog,, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, k 3 tog, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog.
Plastic Crochet Hook No. 4 . Gold Beads, psso, k 3, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, Repeat from * to 21 sts, yarn over twice, k 7,
sequins and small glass beads. psso, k 5 (142 sts). 21st Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3, k 2 tog,
yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (137 sts).
Gauge: Garter st (k each row); 5 sts make 1 psso, k 2 tog, * yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, 43rd Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl
inch; 8 rows make 1 inch. k 2 tog, k 1, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over 1, k 1, psso, k 3, k 2 tog, * yarn over twice, k
twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn 9, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O,
Starting at narrow end, cast on 119 sts. Work
over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, k 1, k 2 tog. sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog.
in pattern as follows:
Repeat from * to last 23 sts, yarn over twice, sl Repeat from * to last 23 sts, yarn over twice,
1st Row: K 5, k 2 tog (border), yarn over 1, k 1 psso, k 2 tog, k 1, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, k 9, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3, k 2
twice, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, * yarn over twice, sl yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (139
1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn over k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 sts). 45th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over
twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k (140 sts). 23rd Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2, k 3 tog, * yarn over
2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso. twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2, k 2 tog, yarn over
Repeat from * across to last 7 sts for border, tog, * yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, sl 1, k 2 twice, k 3, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1,
yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5. tog, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, k 1, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog. Re-
psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, peat from * to last 25 sts, yarn over twice, sl
2nd and all Even Rows: K across, knitting sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog. 1, k 1, psso, k 2, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, k 3,
the first st and purling the 2nd st of each dou- Repeat from * to last 21 sts, yarn over twice, sl k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, k
ble yarn over. 3rd to 10th Rows incl: Repeat 1, k 1, psso, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, k 2 tog, yarn 2, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5
first and 2nd rows alternately. 11th Row: K over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 (133 sts). 47th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over
5, K 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (128 twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, k 3 tog, * yarn over
1, * yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, sts). 25th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn
O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, * over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, k 1, k 2 tog,
psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over yarn over twice, slip next 2 sts, k 3 sts tog, pass yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3 tog, k 2
twice, k 3. repeat from * to last 24 sts, yarn the 2 slipped sts over the st just knitted, yarn tog. Repeat from * to last 25 sts, yarn over
over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn
tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, k 1, k 2 tog,
1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, k 1, k 2 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog . Repeat from * to 19 sts, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, k 1, k 2
tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (131 yarn over, slip next 2 sts, k 3 sts tog, pass the 2 got, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (133
sts). 13th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over slipped sts over the st just knitted, yarn over sts). 49th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over
twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2, * yarn over twice, sl twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog, twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 3 tog, * yarn over
1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog, O, sl 2, k yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (116 sts). twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog,
1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn 27th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k
over twice, k 5. Repeat from * to last 25 sts, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, * yarn 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, slip 2 sts, k 3
yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k over twice, sl 1, k twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, tog, pass the 2 slipped sts over the st just knit-
1, k 2 tog, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog. Repeat from * to ted. Repeat from * to 26 sts, yarn over twice,
psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, k 2, k 2 tog, last 17 sts, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn
yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (137 sts). yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1,
15th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 2 tog,
k 1, psso, k 3, * yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso,
(116 sts). 28th Row: Repeat 2nd row. 29th to
psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, k 1, k 5 (121 sts).
36th rows incl: Repeat 27th and 28th rows
O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, k
alternately. 37th Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over
7. Repeat from * to last 25 sts, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2
twice, sl 1, k 1 psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, sl 1, k 2 tog, * yarn over twice, k 3, yarn over twice, sl Continued on Page 6...
tog, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog, yarn over

V O L U M E 2 , I S SU E 4 Page 5

Copyright © 2004, Garrison Hollow Publishing. You may forward or reprint this publication only in its entirety, without alteration.
Margarita Knitted Sequined Stole From 1957...
Continued from page 5…
51st Row: K 5, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 3 tog, psso, * yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k
2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso. Repeat
from * to last 25 sts, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, O, k 1, k 2 tog,
yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 1, O, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 2 tog, yarn over
twice, sl 1, k 3 tog, psso, yarn over twice, sl 1, k 1, psso, k 5 (119 sts). 52
Row: Repeat 2nd row. The last 52 rows constitute the pattern. Work in
pattern until piece measures approximately 79 inches, ending with 6th row
of pattern. Bind off loosely. Embroider stole with sequins as illustrated,
outlining leaf pattern. Sew a gold bead to each center yarn over of pattern.
Attach yarn to first st of one narrow end, sc in first st, * ch 3, skip 1/2”, sc
in next st. Repeat from * across. Work other side the same way. Fringe:
Cut 8 strands, each 10” long. Make a fringe in first loop and in one loop
every 1” thereafter along narrow edge—see picture. Making knots 1 1/4”
below previous knots, complete fringe.

Placement of beads & sequins

Crocheted Daffodil Doily Set From 1950...

same lp, thread over and pull thru all lps on Repeat from * around. End with sl st in 1st
hook (a Cluster made), ch 5, tr in same lp, tr sc, a picot. Fasten off.
in next lp, ch 5. Repeat from * around. Join
to 5th st of ch-10. 10th Row: (5 sc in next Frill — 1st Row: Turn, * join in 8 sc to
sp, ch 5 sk Cluster, 5 sc in next sp) repeated right of one picot, (ch 5, tr) 11 times in
around. Join and fasten off. 11th Row: In picot, ch 5, skip 7 sc, sl st in next 8 sc. 2nd
White, sc in a ch-5 lp, * ch 8, a 3-dtr Clus- Row: Turn, (ch 7, dc) twice in each ch-5
ter in 8th ch from hook, ch 9 a Cluster in lp, ch 7, skip 6 sc, sl st in next 8 sc. 3rd
8th from hook, ch 1, sc in next point. Re- row: Turn, (ch 6, dc in next lp) repeated
around, ch 8, sk 6 sc, sl st in next 8 sc. Re-
(Note: These products may no longer be peat from * around. 12th Row: Ch 6 for a
tr, (ch 8 a Cluster in 8th ch from hook, ch 1 peat Row 3 three times with loops of 9-ch,
available. You will need to substitute
tr between next 2 Clusters) repeated around. 10-ch and 11-ch. Fasten off. Repeat every
with thread and colors of your choice.)
Join to top of 1st ch-6. 13th Row: Ch 6 for 2d p (8 Frills).
Materials: Lily Merchrochet Cotton size a tr, (ch 10, a 3-tr tr Cluster in 10th ch from
20:—1-ball each Dark Yellow and Bright Daffodil — Petals: In light Yellow, ch 18,
hook, ch 1, tr between next 2 Clusters), sl st in 1st st. * Ch 22 making sts looser
Nile Green; 2-balls Light Yellow and 3 repeated around. Join to top of 1st ch-6.
balls White Crochet hook size 13. Stamens than usual. Skip last ch and working tightly
14th Row: Ch 6 for a tr, (ch 11, a 3-tr tr again, make sc in next ch, hdc in next.
Large Doily — (Size –18”) 1st Row: In Cluster in 10th ch from hook, ch 2, tr be- Holding back last lp of each dc on hook,
Lt. Yellow, ch 8, sl st in 1st ch. Ch 3, 15 dc tween next 2 Clusters) repeated around and make dc in next 2 ch, thread over and pull
in ring, sl st in top of ch-3. 2nd Row: (Ch join. 15th Row: Ch 7 for a dtr, * ch 10, (a thru all 3 lps on hook (a Cluster made), tr in
5, sc in next dc) 15 times, ch 2 dc in next st. 3 tr, ch 3, 3 tr shell) in next tr, ch 10, dtr in next 2 ch, (dtr in next 2 ch made into a
3rd Row: (Ch 5, sc in next lp) repeated next tr. Repeat from * around. Sl st in 7th st Cluster, dtr in next 2 ch) twice, tr in next 2
around with ch 2 and dc in final lp. 4th of 1st lp. 16th Row: Ch 6 for a tr, (ch 11 a ch made into a Cluster, tr in next 2 ch, dc
Row: Repeat with ch-6 lps. 5th Row: Ch- shell in sp of next shell, ch 11, tr in next dtr) in next 2 ch made into a Cluster, hdc in next
7 lps with ch 3 and dc in final lp. 6th Row: repeated around. Join to 6th st of 1st lp. (end) ch, sc in ring. Ch 1, turn, sk sc, sc in
Ch-8 lps. 7th Row: Ch-9 lps with ch 4 and 17th Row: Like last row but with ch-12 next 15 sts, 2 sc in end sc.
tr final lp. 8th Row: (Ch 9, dc in 6th ch lps. Make 7 more rows with lps 1-ch longer
from hook, ch 4, sc in next lp), repeated in each row (ch –19 in final Row 24). 25th
around. Fasten off. 9th Row: In Dark Row: Ch 1, sc in same st with sl st, * 20 sc Continued on page 7...
Yellow, sc in one lp, ch 10, * holding back in next lp, 9 sc across shell, 20 sc in next lp,
the last lp of each tr on hook, make 3 tr in sc in tr, ch 6, sl st in last sc for a picot.

V O L U M E 2 , I S SU E 4 Page 6

Copyright © 2004, Garrison Hollow Publishing. You may forward or reprint this publication only in its entirety, without alteration.
Crocheted Daffodil Doily Set From 1950...
Stem 1/2” from bottom end, turning left- Stems — Make 6 , starting with ch 40.
hand leaves wrong-side-up.
Leaf — Ch 37, sk last ch, (2 sc, 2 hdc, 2 dc,
Dip doily in hot, thick starch. Roll in a 4 tr, 14 dtr, 3 tr, 3dc, 3 hdc, 2 sc and 1 sl st)
cloth to absorb excess. Stretch until pattern on ch. Fasten off. Make 12. Sew on bottom
is opened up and pin right-side up in a true of Stems.
circle. Press center thru a cloth. As starch
sets, arrange Frills in even ripples. Rub Make 6 Daffodils. Assemble and starch as
back of Daffodil petals and inside of cups for Large Doily. Make 2nd Small Doily.
with starch. Pin petals down flat with cups
Continued from page 6… tipped over at an angle. When dry, sew
stamens in place and tack flowers at top of
Ch 3 turn, sl st in last sc, sc in next sc, hdc
stems between Frills.
in next, 2 dc in next, tr in next 2 sc, (2 dtr in
next sc, dtr in next 2 sc) twice, 2 tr in next Small Doily — Size 12”
sc, tr in next 2 sc, 2 dc in next sc, hdc in
next, sc in ring. Repeat from * 5 times. Cut 1st Row: In light Yellow, ch 8, sl st in 1st
8: long to use in sewing petals and cup to- ch. Ch 1, 12 sc in ring, sl st in 1st sc. (Ch 5,
gether. sc in next sc) 11 times, ch 2, dc in next sc.
Repeat Rows 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 9th
Cup — In Dark Yellow, ch 7, sl st in 1st st. Row: Sc in White in one point, (ch 8, a 3-
Ch 3, 12 dc in ring, sl st in top of ch-3. Ch dtr Cluster in 8th ch from hook, ch 10, a
3, dc in same st, (2 dc in next dc) 12 times, Cluster in 8th ch from hook, ch 1, sc in next
sl st in top of ch-3. (Ch 2, hdc in next 25 dc, point), repeated around. 10th Row: Ch 6,
sl st in top of ch-2) for 6 rows. 9th Row: for a tr, (ch 9, a 3-dtr Cluster in 8th ch from
(Ch 8, sl st in starting st of ch-8, ch 7, sl st hook, ch 1, tr between next 2 Clusters) re-
in same st, ch 7, sc in next hdc, ch 5, sc in peated around and join to top of 1st ch-6.
next hdc) 13 times. Fasten off. Insert Row 1 11th Row: Ch 7 for dtr, * ch 7, (a 3 tr, ch
of Cup thru ring of petals and sew in place. 3, 3 tr shell) in next tr, ch 7, dtr in next tr.
Make 8 Repeat from * around. Join to top of 1st ch-
7. 12th Row: Ch 6 for a tr, (ch 9, a shell in
Stem — In Green, ch 55, sk last 2 ch, hdc
sp of next shell, ch 9, tr in next dtr) repeated
in each ch to end. Fasten off. Make 8.
around and join. Continue for 5 more rows Flower and stem placement
Leaf — In Green, ch 50 loosely, sk last ch with lps of 11-ch, 12-ch, 13-ch, 15-ch and
and working tightly again, make (2 sc, 2 16-ch. 18th Row: Ch 1, sc in same st with
hdc, 2 dc, 4 tr, 23 dtr, 4 tr, 4 dc, 4 hdc, 3 sc sl st, (17 sc in next lp, 9 sc across shell, 17
and 1 sl st) on ch. Fasten off. Make 16. sc in next lp, sc in tr, a 6-ch p) repeated
around. Sl st to 1st sc a p. Fasten off.
Tack a Stem up each line of tr between
Frills, starting at Row 14 (final Cluster Frill — With work right-side-up, repeat
row). Tack a Leaf on each side of each Frill beginning at * but omit final row of
11-ch lps. Make 6 Frills.

Helpful Resources:
Garrison Hollow Marketing Coats & Clark
9052 East Garrison Hollow Rd.
Salem, IN 47167 www.coatsandclark.com

Phone: 812-967-5048 Lion Brand Yarn

Fax: 888-334-4407
Email: tabitha@wcrtc.net www.lionbrand.com

Crochet Guild of America

“We’re all connected, in some way,
by a single thread...” Herrschners

V O L U M E 2 , I S SU E 4 Page 7

Copyright © 2004, Garrison Hollow Publishing. You may forward or reprint this publication only in its entirety, without alteration.

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