Sweat-Pore Fingerprint

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RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Selections from the

scientific literature

NEURO SCIENCE 100 in Asia, North Africa

and Europe as of 26 April,
White matter


according to the World Health
matters in autism Organization. There are no
vaccines or drugs for the virus.
A genetic mutation that causes Wayne Marasco at the
defects in the insulation of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
neurons may contribute in Boston, Massachusetts, and
to the cognitive deficits Ralph Baric at the University
seen in autism and other of North Carolina in Chapel
neuropsychiatric disorders. Hill and their team identified
Pratik Mukherjee of the seven human antibodies that
University of California in recognize different parts of
San Francisco and his a key MERS coronavirus
colleagues used magnetic protein and prevent it from
resonance imaging to study recognizing and entering
the brains of 23 children with human cells in culture.
a deletion in a region of the Another team, led by Linqi
genome associated with such Zhang at Tsinghua University
disorders. in Beijing, identified two more
The authors found that neutralizing antibodies. The
in these children, the white molecules recognize different
matter, which helps signals portions of the same MERS
travel between neurons, was coronavirus protein and work
structurally defective. The together to block the virus’s
children scored lower on M AT E R I A L S ability to infect cells.
non-verbal IQ tests (such If the antibodies prove
as visual recognition and
memory) than those without
the genetic deletion.
Sweat-pore fingerprint to be safe and effective for
human use, they could be
administered to prevent or
J. Neurosci. 34, 6214–6223 A polymer that is sensitive to sub-nanolitre volumes of water treat MERS coronavirus
(2014) could be used to map sweat pores for fingerprint analysis. infections, both teams say.
Jong-Man Kim and Chan Woo Lee at Hanyang University Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA
CRYO SPHERE in Seoul and their colleagues developed a thin film made of http://doi.org/smr (2014);
caesium polydiacetylene that changes from blue to red in the Sci. Transl. Med. 6, 234ra61
Tipping point for presence of water. The authors found that a fingertip pressed (2014)
Antarctic melting on the blue film produced a pattern of red dots (pictured) that
coincided with sweat pores and was visible using an optical M E TA B OL I SM
Loss of a crucial ‘plug’ of ice microscope.
in Antarctica could result in The sensor technology could be used to identify people by Hunger marks
massive sea-level rise, with
the discharge of a huge ice
their fingerprint even if only a small part of it was visible, the
authors say.
offspring’s genome
sheet. Nature Commun. 5, 3736 (2014) Male mice that are
The Wilkes Basin in East undernourished while in the
Antarctica contains enough womb sire offspring with an

ice to raise global sea levels from the region, the Wilkes V I R OLOGY increased risk of metabolic
by 3–4 metres. Anders Basin ice sheet would be disorders such as diabetes.
Levermann and Matthias destabilized, creating a self- Antibodies for Josep Jiménez-Chillarón at
Mengel at the Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact
sustaining discharge of the
whole basin over 10,000 years
Middle East virus the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital
in Barcelona, Spain, and his
Research in Germany and leading eventually to Two independent teams have colleagues underfed pregnant
used topographic data and global sea-level rise on the identified antibodies that can mice and found that male
simulations of ice dynamics metre scale. vanquish a deadly virus first offspring had a chemical
to investigate the basin’s However, the ice sheet would reported in the Middle East. modification on the Lxra
vulnerability to climate remain stable if the equivalent Since it appeared in 2012, gene, which regulates fat
change. They found that if a of less than 60 millimetres of the Middle East respiratory metabolism in the liver.
key plug of ice — equivalent sea-level rise were lost. syndrome (MERS) coronavirus This ‘epigenetic’ change
to 80 millimetres of global Nature Clim. Change http://dx.doi. has caused disease in at least was transmitted through the
sea-level rise — were to be lost org/10.1038/nclimate2226 (2014) 261 people and killed nearly offspring’s sperm to the next

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