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Poblacion 5, Midsayap, Cotabato



This Contract of Employment is executed as of this ___ day of ___________, 20__ at

_________________________ by and between:

AMARIAH FRIED CHICKEN HOUSE, a company duly organized and existing under laws of the
Republic of the Philippines, with principal office at Poblacion 5, Midsayap, Cotabato,
represented in this act by its owner/manager, ____________________, hereinafter referred to
as the EMPLOYER;

- and -

___________________, of legal age, Filipino, and a resident of ____________________, herein

referred to as the EMPLOYEE.


WHEREAS, the Employer is engaged in (nature of business)

WHEREAS, the Employee manifests and guarantees that he/she possesses the requisite
qualities and competencies needed by the Employer in the conduct and course of this business;

NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth
in this agreement as follows:



The employee is hereby appointed as ____________ under probationary status for a period of
six (6) months reckoned from the first day of actual work. During the said period, the superiors
will evaluate the performance of the employee to determine the fitness to assume the status of
regular employment. If you are found to be unfit or unqualified to assume the status of a
regular employee anytime during the probationary period, you shall be notified in writing of
such fact and your employment will terminate immediately from receipt of such notice.
While AFCH has given wide latitude to determine your fitness and qualification to assume the
status of a regular employee, the following factors are almost always considered as the major
indicators of fitness and qualification: punctuality, attendance, honesty, dedication, and
initiative, ability to comply with instructions and orders, positive work attitude and ethic, ability
to effectively work with papers and subordinates, skill and expertise, compliance with AFCH
rules and procedures and general office etiquette, ability to grasp problems and find solutions.


Should your superior determine that you are qualified to assume a regular employment status,
you shall also be notified of such fact and your employment with AFCH. A Contract of
Employment will be drawn to regularize relationship between you and AFCH.

It is not a policy of AFCH to increase the salaries or benefits of employees who are determined
fit and qualified to assume regular employment status.


However, if the employer is not yet able to regularize the employee based on company’s capability or
status, there will be an agreement between the employer and employee regarding:
(1) termination of the contract after six months (6 months); or
(2) renewal of the contract wherein the employee will formally write to the employer expressing
the intention to work again in the company, and then a new contract will be provided and


AFCH can transfer an employee at any time during his/her employment with the company,
regardless of status, to any position, place of assignment, and/or function provided the
employee transferred will not suffer any decrease in salary and/or benefits in real terms.


As compensation for services rendered under this agreement, the employee shall be entitled to
receive from the Employer a basic salary rate of _______________________________
(__________). If the employee’s duty does not reach eight (8) minimum hours per day, it will
automatically be deducted from their salary.


Whenever the Employee commits absences, it will automatically be deducted from their daily
basic salary. Moreover, a fifteen-minute late is equivalent to one hour charging deduction.

 Ask permission or communicate to the owner/manager in advance regarding absences
written or verbal whenever possible and state valid reasons.
 Unauthorized departure which means leaving the workplace without permission shall be
considered a one-day absence.
 No payment of salary shall be made in respect of any period in which the employee is
absent from his/her duty.


In addition to the above-mentioned, the Company may grant to the employee additional other
benefits anytime during the employee’s official engagement with the Company. However,
should the employee resign or abandon his or her work, or otherwise be terminated from work
due to his fault, the option shall be determined exclusively by the Company.


Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities that his position or job necessarily
entails, as may be contained in his job description, or as may be reasonably assigned to him by
the company from time to time. The specific duties and responsibilities of Employee are
contained in the corresponding Scope of Work and Job Description, which herein Employee
acknowledges to have read and understood as a condition for his appointment.
Employee is obliged to perform his duties loyally, independently, and industriously to help meet
the goals and objectives of the Company and is expected to carry out these responsibilities to
the best of his knowledge and abilities in order to protect and advance the interests of the
Company, its principals, and its employees.
In this position, delivering outstanding customer service will be your main objective.


All information relating to AFCH which are classified, or/are by their nature considered
confidential shall not be disclosed to any person or entity without prior written consent of your
superiors. The following are general considered confidential information.

 Salaries and benefits of all employees

 Minutes and records of meetings
 Contracts involving AFCH
(Whether directly or indirectly)
 Work methodologies
 Trades and Business Policies and Practices
 Marketing and Advertising Strategies and Materials
 Legal Documents
 Documents and Communications Classified as Confidential

An employee who allows himself to be employed a competing company without first procuring
an express waiver from AFCH may be deemed to have breached this policy. Any employee found
to be violating the policy on confidentiality shall be dismissed from employment by virtue of
such fact and may be assessed liquidated damages.


You shall abide by any policy or procedure AFCH will adopt to improve its business. In the
absence of any detailed policy or procedure covering a certain matter or situation, the generally
accepted standards for office behavior shall apply.


AFCH has adopted policy for multi-tasking. Under this policy, the company can require you to
perform multiple tasks and/or encourage you to acquire additional skills through training and
other available methods.

Should you undergo any kind of training at the expense of AFCH the latter may require you to
remain in its employ for a specific period. Should you fail to complete such period, you may be
held liable for the cost of your training. AFCH has the right to compel an employee to undergo a
particular training for the purpose of enhancing the employee’s productivity.


The employee recognizes that, upon employment by the Company, and even while the
employee is under probationary, the Company shall be incurring costs for training, self-
improvement, and professional development for the said employee’s benefits. Should the
employee resign or abandon his or her work, or otherwise be terminated from work for reasons
due to his fault, within six (6) months from the start of employment, the employee agrees to
pay the Company whichever is higher of: (1) actual training costs, including allowance, and
other benefits.


In accordance with the law, AFCH has adopted policies and programs to prevent drug abuse and
achieve a drug-free workplace. In this connection, all employees shall be required to participate
random drug tests that may be organized by the Company. You agree to extend your full
cooperation, and to execute such waiver as may be necessary to carry out this objective. Strict
confidentiality shall be observed regarding screening and the screening results.

In accordance with the law, a resigning employee must notify AFCH of such fact in writing thirty
(30) days prior to the intended date of effectivity. If you either fail or refuse to complete the 30-
day turn-over period, you shall be liable to AFCH for liquidated damages equivalent to your two
(2) months basic salary, chargeable in full or in part, against any amount that may still be due to
you. Moreover, unless the 30-day notice requirement is expressly waived by AFCH, your failure
to comply therewith shall be tantamount to absence without official leave. Hence, AFCH may
not be compelled to issue a certificate of employment, or similar document in your favor.

AFCH, however, shall have the sole option to either implement, or waive the 30-day turnover


Employee’s affixing of his signature on the herein Employment Contract means that:
1. Employee has read and fully understood the terms and conditions hereof and accepts
the same;
2. The terms and conditions of his employment have been clearly communicated to and
accepted by him/her at the time of his engagement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto affix our signature on the date and at the place first above

Employer Employee


Owner/Manager (Position)

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