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ASEAN economies’

exposure to climate
transition risks
Applying taxonomy
to enhance climate

The views set out in this paper are those of the Glossary
authors and may not represent the views of the
Table of Contents
ADB Asian Development Bank
advisers or their organisations. 1. Introduction 5
AMS ASEAN member states
2. Transmission of climate-
AuM assets under management related risks and impact on financial
stability 6
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
3. Global and local drivers of
BICS Bloomberg Industry Classification Systems
transition risk 7
BIS Bank for International Settlements
4. Quantitative analysis of loan and
BSP Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas bonds data 10

CBAM carbon border adjustment mechanism 5. ASEAN central banks, taxonomy

development and reducing climate
COP Conference of the Parties (of the United
transition risks 17
Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change) Annex 18

ESG environment, social and governance Endnotes 19

GFANZ Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero

GWh gigawatt-hour (of energy)

IEA International Energy Agency

ISSB International Sustainability Standards


MDB multilateral development bank

Mt megaton

OJK Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Services

Authority Indonesia)

PV photovoltaic

LLC limited liability company

PLN Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Indonesian

power utility)

PPAs power purchase agreements

SBV State Bank of Vietnam

TCFD Task Force on Climate-Related Financial


SIC standard industrial classification

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change

V20 Vulnerable Twenty

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 2

This report aims to increase the awareness Analysis of AMS exposure to Table 3 (page 12) aggregates the 1051 corporate
of ASEAN financial policymakers and market carbon risk loans extracted from the Refintiv database.
participants about the threat posed by climate Because Refinitiv excludes many loans, the total
One way to quantify financial risks stemming
transition to commercial and public finances. lending for the three countries is lower than in
from a high dependence on fossil fuels is to look
ASEAN Member States’ (AMS) Joint Statements on ES1. There are also differences in classification,
at data about how carbon-intensive sectors are
Climate Change to the UNFCCC COPs and individual making the comparison between individual
financed. We extracted data on large, syndicated
NDCs reflect the region’s ambitions to contribute items difficult. These problems in comparison
loans by AMS entities from the Refinitiv database
towards global climate targets. But the efforts to across data sources underline the importance
and categorised these according to the
meet the carbon reduction targets both by ASEAN of developing a taxonomy to allow comparison
international Standard Industrial Classification
countries and by investors and trading partners of climate risks on agreed and standardised
of economic activities (SIC) to aggregate across
may pose challenges for ASEAN economies. definitions. A similar analysis was done on
high-carbon activities that include mining, some
bond data from Bloomberg’s commercial
parts of manufacturing and the power sector. The
Transmission of climate risk data are partial and only cover large, syndicated
database. This was compared to top-down data
on corporate bond issuance gathered by Asia
Climate change manifests in the real economy loans, but they provide insight into the extent
Development Bank.
either as physical risks: damage or disruption of carbon-intensive borrowing, its distribution
through climate change events or as transitional across AMS, and the proportion financed The databases contain other valuable fields,
risks: in the form of policy, technology by foreign capital. We sought to answer the including the start date and tenor of loans
development and sentiment changes as following questions: and bonds, their currency, and the names of
society transitions to a lower-carbon economy. the lending banks in the case of loans. These
• How large are the debts to carbon-intense
Figure 2 shows how physical and transition allowed us to infer whether loans were domestic
sectors as a share of total borrowing and GDP?
risks are transmitted through the micro- or overseas. The data on bonds discriminated
economy (households and businesses) and the • Do domestic or foreign investors supply between local currency issuance and foreign
macroeconomy (national and international). money? currency issuance. We also looked at the three
These eventually manifest as financial risks to largest entities borrowing money in each country.
• Is this debt in the private sector or public
lenders and investors. In Indonesia, these were state-owned; in the
Philippines, they were private sector, and in Viet
In AMS local and international factors are
• When are the loans and bonds scheduled Nam, there was a mixed picture.
possible sources of transition risks. The demand
for refinancing?
for coal, despite the short-term post-COVID-19 We find that:
increase in demand in 2020, is likely to fall We looked at the data submitted to the central
1. Carbon-intensive corporates raise more
internationally as countries look to reduce bank in Indonesia, the Philippines and Viet
finance from bonds than loans, particularly
emissions and international investors come Nam. The results are given in Table 2 (page 11).
under pressure to divest. Policies like carbon These submissions do not disaggregate data
pricing and carbon border tariff adjustments beyond broad-brush industrial classification. 2. Around a quarter of corporate bond issuance
could reduce demand for carbon-intense This gives an indication of the size of the risk in the region is from carbon-intensive sectors.
ASEAN exports. The continued fall in the price exposure but not the level of lending within the
3. Approximately 50% of the loans within our
of solar PV modules and storage will increase sector to transition away from fossil fuels. The
dataset will need to be refinanced; this figure
renewable power take-up and put downward data for bond issuance had even less industrial
rises to around 60% by 2030 and 85% by 2035.
pressure on wholesale power prices, impacting disaggregation.
thermal power stations’ utilisation rates and 4. Countries like Indonesia, whose bond market
The data from the commercial databases was
profitability. Substantial numbers of new fossil- has been historically reliant on foreign investors,
at the individual deal level and used different
fuel power plants are planned in AMS (though will need to consider how the decreasing
proprietary industrial classification systems to tag
many will be cancelled), creating a transition institutional investor appetite for coal will impact
each loan. However, the classification systems
risk on the financial system spanning decades. their borrowing costs.
again either did not discriminate between
Investors in competitive energy markets will bear
energy-intense sectors that were carbon neutral 5. For countries where fossil fuel-sector borrows
the cost of this stranding of carbon-intensive
(like generation through solar PV) or carbon- locally, central banks must immediately consider
assets. Or it could be borne by electricity
intense (like fossil fuel). The classification system how transition risks will affect investors balance
suppliers or consumers depending on how the
did have suitable disaggregation in some cases, sheet, as this may pose a substantial risk to the
energy market is regulated. Long term power
but it was misapplied. stability of the financial system.
purchase agreements may transfer these risks to
consumers. In countries where carbon-intensive 6. Therefore, central banks need to think
companies are government-owned, such as about how these very large entities which are
Malaysia’s Petronas or Indonesia’s PLN, the collectively borrowing about 15% of all credit in
transition risks might be borne by the tax-payer. the country are going to be refinanced.
Fitch Ratings’ Sovereign Rating Model suggests
7. The debt markets in ASEAN have high
a fall by one notch by 2040 and two or three by
exposure to the fossil fuel industry. Net-zero
2050 for a major oil exporter.
climate transition strategies will become
increasingly prominent in the financial sector and
in countries worldwide. Financial regulators must
be cautious of the risk that continued financing in
this sector can create for their economies.

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 3

ASEAN central banks and • Help incentivise transition plans whilst
taxonomies operating within their remit by applying
the taxonomies to encourage and ease the
Commonly used classification systems like
issuance of green bonds, transition bonds and
government statistical offices’ SICs or proprietary
other innovative financial instruments through
classification systems like BICS are ill-suited
asset purchase programmes or other policy
to discriminating between activities that pose
purchases of assets. For example, in 2020, the
transition risk and those that do not. In the
ECB started accepting sustainability linked
ASEAN region, central banks are playing a
bonds as collateral.1
leadership role in developing official taxonomies.
The ASEAN Taxonomy Board and the central • Require financial institutions to make climate
banks of Malaysia - BNM, Singapore – MAS and risk disclosures, using the definitions of green,
Indonesia’s regulator – OJK, have all released transition and brown assets from the official
early iterations of their taxonomies. For these taxonomy described above and setting out
taxonomies to be helpful in assessing and strategies to manage climate risks and the steer
managing transition risks, they would need to finance to firms mitigating these risks. These
define not just sustainable (“green”) activities can follow the recommendations of the TCFD
but also non-sustainable activities (“brown”) (for
loans or use of proceeds bonds) and transition
taxonomies to assess entity-level strategies to
decarbonise a firm’s operations. Such transition
taxonomies are important for industrial sectors,
like steel, where fully ‘green’ technologies are
not viable or technically feasible, but where
innovation and investment can introduce Paris
Agreement aligned industrial processes.

To further accelerate this process, we

recommend central banks:

• Develop taxonomies to help banks and other

investors understand the transition risks from
harmful “brown” activities. We would contend
that to be decision-useful, definitions of
“brown” should be expanded beyond activities
that are already illegal and be applied to
activities that risk being stranded.

• Suggest entity level transition taxonomies

to allow banks monitor if borrowers are
developing, monitoring and on-track in
delivering strategies to reduce their carbon
risks in line with agreed targets.

• Suggest green and transition taxonomies

that are based on scientific advice to ensure
they are sufficiently robust to deliver agreed
climate goals.

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 4

1. Introduction
This report aims to increase the awareness of Not only does this configuration contribute Indonesia has suggested that it could bring
ASEAN financial policy decision makers and substantially towards the ASEAN region’s overall forward its phase out of coal-fired power plants
market participants about the threat posed by carbon footprint, but, as this paper will show, to 2040 (from 2056) if it gets sufficient financial
climate transition to commercial and public it implies that many of the region’s energy help from the international community to wind
finances. We assess the financial risks stemming utilities may face increasing financial pressures down and retire existing plants. With the support
from a high dependence on fossil fuels by looking due to climate-transition risks. This report of the initiatives such as the Asian Development
borrowing by carbon intense activities within the seeks to increase awareness among ASEAN Bank’s Energy Transition Mechanism to help Asia
ASEAN region and how high carbon investment financial regulators and decision makers about transition away from coal, we have a chance to
is financed. We have extracted data on large, the potential threats to financial stability and meet the Paris Agreement targets. Understanding
syndicated loans by AMS entities. economic growth posed by climate change and the risks of not doing so, but also the challenges
the global transition towards a low-carbon world. that will occur as this transition happen will be
The ASEAN member states (AMS) continue to
Our objective is to provide policymakers with critical pieces of information for policymakers.
demonstrate commitment to addressing climate
credible arguments and market data about the
change. The ASEAN State of Climate Change Chapter 2 of this document describes how
looming transition risks in ASEAN. Our findings
Report states that the region must enhance transition and physical risks from climate change
are targeted at ASEAN central banks and financial
mitigation actions to aim for net-zero emissions can transmit through the real economy to impact
regulators and other financial market participants.
as soon as possible in the latter half of the 21st on financial stability. Chapter 3 illustrates how
century and to meet the global Paris Agreement Borrowers and local financial institutions should international and local risks might manifest in
goal of 1.5–2°C.2 be encouraged to begin developing ambitious the ASEAN economies. Chapter 4 undertakes
and credible climate transition strategies so they quantitative analysis of the borrowing and
To accomplish this, ASEAN will need to develop a
can maintain their creditworthiness in a climate- bond issuance in ASEAN economies to assess
transition management vision for how fossil fuel-
changing world. the extent of financial institutions’ exposure to
related industries involved in mining, processing,
transition risks. Chapter 5 discusses climate risk
power generation and material use can smoothly Motivating the relevant stakeholders to
and weaknesses in the data could be addressed
and inclusively transition to a new mode participate in this transition will require building
through developing decision useful taxonomies
powered by low-carbon technologies, this is more awareness about the risks and challenges
which AMS central banks and regulators are in
particularly the case regarding energy generation, the climate transition presents. We supplement
the process of developing. These could better
which is a primary driver of the ASEAN’s climate our insights with some recommendations on
equip authorities and carbon intensive companies
footprint and a sector that is rife with climate- how the ASEAN Taxonomy, along with monetary
monitor and manage their risk exposures.
transition risk. Figure 1 below illustrates the policy and prudential regulation, can help to
composition of each ASEAN country’s electricity reduce these risks.
generation mix and the total production of
Governments and the private sector are
electricity, showing that fossil fuels in particular
making efforts to end coal financing. Indonesia,
coal and natural gas, are the primary sources
Philippines, and Viet Nam have signed the COP26
of fuel for electricity generation for all countries
Global Coal to Clean Power Transition Statement.
except Cambodia and Lao PDR.

Figure 1: Fuel mix and totals for ASEAN electricity generation

Coal Oil Natural gas Hydro Geothermal Solar PV Wind Biofuels Waste Generation

100% 300,000

80% 240,000

60% 180,000

40% 120,000
Annual generation GWh

20% 60,000

0 0
Brunei Cambodia Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 5

2. Transmission of climate-related risks and impact
on financial stability
Climate change manifests in the real economy Figure 2: Transmission pathways of climate-related risks
either as physical risks: damage or disruption
through extreme climate events or as transitional
risks: in the form policy, technology development Sources of variability
and sentiment changes as society transitions to a
lower carbon economy. These can be transmitted Geographic heterogeneity Amplifiers Mitigants
into financial risks through the impacts on
businesses and households and through their
impacts on the macroeconomy. This paper is
focused on transition risks where much of the
early policy and modelling work has taken place.3
Physical Economic transmission Financial
risk channels risks
• Policy change can drive transition risk through
Acute Microeconomic Credit risk
introduction of carbon pricing, removal of fossil
Climate risk drivers impact • Defaults
fuel subsidies, bans on certain technologies Chronic
households, businesses and state- • Collateral
and so on. Speed of introduction can
owned entities depreciation
exacerbate the risks – sudden introduction of Transition • Property damage and business
climate policies (such as in the NGFS disorderly risk disruption
Market risk
transition scenario of late action), could create • Repricing of assets
Policy change • Asset stranding
a financial shock in affected sectors, causing Underwriting risk
• Changing demand and costs
asset stranding and high cost of compliance. Technology • Insurance losses
• Loss of income
development • Increasing
• Technological development in renewable
Macroeconomic insurance gap
energy, energy storage, electrification and Sentiment
National Operational risk
smart technology can reduce the market share change
• Sector stagnation • Supply chain
or utilisation rates of electricity generators with • Investor
• Price shifts, Productivity changes disruption
higher marginal production costs including • Consumer
• Government tax base & borrowing • Facility closure
thermal power plants. As the cost of renewable
technologies falls and the share of renewable Liquidity risk
generation capacity rise thermal power plants’ International • Increased demand
economic viability will worsen. • Exchange rates for liquidity
• Sovereign credit rating • Refinancing risk
• Changes in public sentiment can reduce
demand for certain products, such as internal Climate and economy Economy and financial
combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and meat. It feedbacks system feedbacks
can also lead to changes in investment, as retail
investors and pension holders request greener
macroeconomy. These result in traditional exchange rate and currency valuations. Transition
investments and divestment from fossil fuels.
financial risks such as credit and liquidity risks. risks are more likely to have an impact on financial
These three risk drivers are also closely interlinked, stability when they are suddenly realised in the
The extent to which transition risks result in financial
for example, technological development and price economy – for example a sudden removal of fossil
risks depends on the real economy’s vulnerability
competitivity of renewable energy is supported fuel subsidies, however incremental changes
and on real economy-financial economy feedbacks
by policies such as feed-in-tariffs to bring can have an impact too. For example, increasing
like a worsening credit rating raising the cost of
costs in line with fossil fuel-fired power. Public renewable energy installations, even if not
finance. Vulnerability is linked to the percentage of
sentiment can also drive technology uptake, seeming to account for a large proportion of the
fossil fuels in the energy mix, level of international
with consumers willing to pay a premium on energy mix, can reduce the working hours required
lending and investment and domestic banks’
green products, and drive policymaking as the of a coal plant.5 This would impact profitability
exposure to assets vulnerable to transition risks.
electorate demand environmental action. and pose potential default risk if profit margins are
Energy market structure can also make a significant
already tight, therefore posing a risk to the lender.
Climate physical risks are also very important, difference. For instance, in countries where energy
especially in several of the ASEAN economies generation is rewarded by a regulated price based Transmission of risks to local banks will occur
which are highly vulnerable to climate risks. on a pre-agreed rate of return on investment more through the microeconomy if fossil fuel
(“regulated asset base” pricing of power) rather assets are mostly privately owned, and through
Figure 2 shows a stylised depiction of how physical
than whole energy market consumer rather than the macroeconomy if publicly owned. This is
and transition risks on the right-hand side of the
investors will bear the costs of transition risks.4 because reduced profitability of a state-owned
diagram are transmitted through the micro-
energy company will directly reduce government
economy (households and businesses) and the Risk transmission channels will also vary widely
revenue, increasing its borrowing requirements.
macroeconomy (sector-level, changes in price depending on a country’s reliance on foreign
and exchange rates, and credit worthiness of the investors – net fossil fuel exporters will have very The interconnectedness of the global financial
sovereign). Impacts on microeconomic agents different vulnerabilities to net importers who may system means that financial risks can be transmitted
create financial risks for investors and lenders in find benefits from a global reduction in demand globally, as seen during the Asian Financial Crisis
stocks and corporate bonds, while impacts such as but will be highly exposed to price shocks. and Global Financial Crisis. Economies are also
carbon pricing, productivity change and sovereign Similarly, foreign market exposure will impact how exposed to transition risks, such as changes in
credit rating downgrade occur in the broader much risk can be transmitted through changes in innvestor sentiment, that materialise overseas.

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 6

3. Global and local drivers of transition risk
The ASEAN region is economically and culturally there can be no new development of fossil fuel Technological
diverse and it is expected that the transition fields from 2021 and that unabated coal power advancements
risks and impacts of climate change will not be must be phased out by 2040 and electricity create asset
distributed equally between the ASEAN nations. generation to be net zero by 2040.8 stranding risk
While all ASEAN nations are vulnerable to the
Countries will need to reconsider how they Asset stranding occurs
impacts of climate change, the pathways for
plan fiscal income and expenditure in an era of when tangible and
transition risk will be unique to each country.
transition away from coal. Indonesia is a large intangible assets are
ASEAN economies are exposed to a wide-range of fossil fuel exporter, exporting USD30.4bn of under-utilised or become prematurely obsolete
global and local climate-related transition risks. mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their due to the green transition or economic
The extent to which these risks impact a country distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes nonviability. Stranded assets are generally
will vary according to national characteristics in 2021. Its largest importer is China (USD11.4bn), considered to be those assets which at some
and the configurations of local economies but which has set a net zero target of 2060.9 time prior to the end of their economic life (as
will also be subject to the influence of policies assumed at the investment decision point), are
90% of ASEAN coal is exported by Indonesia,
such as carbon border taxes proposed in the no longer able to earn an economic return (i.e.
while 7% is exported by Viet Nam. Indonesia is
EU and the changing sentiments of investors meet the company’s internal rate of return), as
the world’s top exporter of coal, exporting 405 Mt
globally. Understanding these risks is the first a result of competition from cheaper sources,
in 2020,10 and China’s largest overseas supplier.
step to managing them. This section highlights changes associated with the transition to a
Coal is especially exposed to transition risks due
the global drivers of transition risk which are low-carbon economy (lower than anticipated
to global coal-fired power phaseouts. The IEA
most likely to impact the individual AMS and the demand / prices).14
predicts a 1.9% annual decline in global thermal
ASEAN as a whole.
coal trade over the next three years as China and Fossil-powered countries will increasingly
India raise domestic production to reduce import face stranded asset risks. In some markets,

reliance, and as the European Union, Japan and renewable energy facilities have become
policy presents Korea reduce their coal-fired power generation. competitive against carbon-intensive energy
coal-related 11
Ultimately, global transition plans to meet the assets, irrespective of supportive policy tools
market risk Paris Agreement will result in stranded asset risk such as carbon pricing or command-and-control
The global coal industry as coal producers face shrinking markets. environmental regulation.15 For countries such as
is at a critical juncture. Viet Nam, building new solar PV could become
The current war in Ukraine has seen widespread
In 2020, global coal cheaper than operating existing coal plants as
sanctions applied to Russia, and European/
demand fell by 4.4% as economies were shut early as this year.16
global attempts to rapidly reduce purchases
down by COVID-19. The ensuing economic
of Russian energy exports. This may lead to an Power plants under construction and planned in
recovery resulted in a 9% rebound for coal-fired
increase in demand for ASEAN fossil fuels - the Southeast Asia as of 2020 will more than double
generation in 2021.6 In the short run, coal-
EU has signalled that it needs to diversify its the region’s fossil fuel power generation capacity.
dependent economies have benefitted from
imports away from Russia. However, the situation Southeast Asia’s power sector emissions will
Asia’s urgent need to ramp up power generation
is highly volatile and uncertain and, combined increase by 72% from 2020 to 2030 and long-term
to rebuild their economies, and various
with long-term EU decarbonisation plans, cannot committed emissions will double, if all fossil fuel
geopolitical events have leant favourably towards
be relied on by fossil fuel exporters for long term plants under development are built.17
ASEAN’s coal sector. For example, China’s ban on
economic security. The IEA’s 10-point plan for
Australian imports directly increased demand for Moreover, in Indonesia, Viet Nam, and the
cutting the EU’s dependency on Russia does
Indonesian coal. Philippines, projected electricity generation from
include ramping up LNG imports but does not
fossil fuel plants under development, combined
However, countries are sending strong signals include fuel switching from gas to coal, due to
with generation from renewable capacity targets
about their transition strategies to meet the the emissions impact of such a move.12 The EU’s
and existing power capacity, will exceed future
Paris Agreement objectives. Europe and the USA REPowerEU plan for independence from Russian
national electricity demand. As a result, fossil fuel
have already peaked their coal-based power gas before 2030 also includes diversifying gas
plants will likely be underutilized and/or become
generation. Despite the short-term gains from supplies, but largely focuses on renewables and
stranded assets while also potentially crowding
short-term recovery efforts, coal’s share of the energy efficiency measures.13
out renewable energy deployment.18
global power mix in 2021 was approximately 36%
Therefore, countries such as Indonesia that
– 5 percentage points below its 2007 peak. There If the energy supply in ASEAN outstrips demand,
may experience windfall sales in the short term,
is a slow, but steady phase out of coal globally. curtailment will be expected. Curtailment in
should think about using these profits to diversify
China, which accounts for approximately one- competitive electricity markets might leave coal
their economy, as the war is unlikely to slow
third of global coal consumption, has announced power generators at risk of being underutilised
decarbonisation trajectories.
its target to reach net-zero by 2060. China’s and facing early closure. But in regulated market
Taxonomy for sustainable finance excludes generators are often allowed a guaranteed rate
investments in coal-based generation from its of return on investment irrespective of whether
green infrastructure plans. the power company is only partially utilised and
consumers pay the cost of stranded capacity.
Fossil fuel exporters are expected to see declining
This, and the global shift away from coal will
demand as countries decarbonise their energy
also have long-term implications for producing
systems. The Inevitable Policy Response projects
countries. Ultimately, technological changes may
global fossil fuel use falling by as much as 60%
be considered by central banks as market and
and coal demand to fall 75% by 2050.7 The IEA
credit risk. Technological innovation that results
has found that to limit global warming to 1.5°C,

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 7

in a decline in renewable energy costs reduces If this leakage continues to persist, the EU ASEAN nations may find it increasing difficult to
the market share and pricing power of fossil has proposed a Carbon Border Adjustment finance their activities and/or face an increasing
fuel-fired power companies and other companies Mechanism (CBAM), for selected sectors.22 The cost of capital, to the extent that they continue
in the value chain. The reduced sales and profits introduction of a CBAM compliant with World to rely on international capital markets to
of “brown” companies lead to decreased asset Trade Organization rules could significantly finance fossil fuel activities. This reflects an
value (market risk) and/or higher default rates dampen the export competitiveness of local increasing trend among major international
and loss given default (credit risk) for FIs.19 manufactures in the medium to long-term. banks and other financial institutions towards
The CBAM would impose a carbon price on of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
PPAs present imports equivalent to the price experienced investing, partly driven by increasing regulation.
liability risk by local producers in markets where carbon The principles laid out by the Task Force on
which impedes prices exist and would likely result in Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in
the transition reductions in the competitiveness of exporting 2017 have been influential in forcing financial
manufacturers in countries that have not institutions to build capacity within organization
Navigating the climate-
internalized the cost of carbon.23 to assess, measure and ultimately manage
transition will not be
their climate physical and transition risks. Such
straightforward. Existing Worse still, this transition risk is also particularly
disclosures are often voluntary but there is an
contractual arrangements and policies may impactful, because unlike a local carbon tax or
increasing push to make these mandatory,
pose frustrate the process. For example, power ETS, the revenue from the pricing is captured
spearheaded by the EU and China.
purchase agreements could pose a lock-in by the importing nation putting their local
challenge for ASEAN nations. The reliance manufacturers on an equal footing. To mitigate There are also moves towards greater
on long-term PPAs to support coal power this risk to the exporting country, exporting standardisation of disclosures at an international
investments, while historically helping to stabilise government will have to decide whether to level, which will increase the transparency with
energy costs and supply, will also restrict the introduce national carbon pricing or allow their which firms report these risks and increase
ability of governments to transition away from exporters to face higher taxes when entering comparability across different markets for
high-emissions coal assets without severe markets with existing carbon prices like the EU.24 international investors. The International
financial damage. Not only do PPAs on fossil Financial Reporting Standards Foundation
fuels discourage renewable energy investment Investor announced the formation of a new International
and increase the likelihood of a disorderly sentiment risk Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) at COP26
transition and such a transition’s associated risks, constrains to develop a comprehensive global baseline
it also threatens financial stability. liquidity of high-quality disclosures around climate and
other sustainability issues intended to bring
Indonesia, Philippines and Viet Nam are the first ASEAN companies
transparency, accountability and efficiency to
targets of ADB’s energy transition mechanism, are dependent on
financial markets around the world.29 Retail
which aims to buy and retire high-emissions international financial
investors are also putting pressure on financial
coal fired power. However, these countries markets which are undergoing dramatic
institutions to offer green financial products,
have complex coal lock-in, with 66%, 58% and change in investor sentiment and behaviour.
which do no environmental harm and meet
83% of installed coal power under ten years old The transition risks mentioned above are
climate objectives.
respectively and with a combined coal pipeline of increasingly driving institutional investors to
45GW. There is a danger that as older plants are reduce their fossil fuel exposure – the members
Credit Risk

retired, many plants will still enter the generation of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero
mix, backed by long term PPAs.20 Therefore it is (GFANZ) who account for USD130tn AuM, have Fossil fuel exporters
important that the risks posed by PPAs, long term made strong commitments to phasing out their could also face significant
offtake agreements and the investment pipeline investments in fossil fuels.25 creditworthiness
is taken into account when exiting coal on the risks which can be
This is particularly the case for coal finance,
journey to net-zero. compounded by investors
where over 100 globally significant banks,
pre-emptively demanding
insurers, asset managers and asset owners
Carbon price have announced coal divestment.26 Indonesian
a higher risk premium.30 Cost of capital has
pose policy risk and other ASEAN coal companies (coal mine
consistently proven a barrier to growth in
to credit and owners, operators and coal-fired utilities) could
developing countries as lower credit scores
liquidity increasingly face external financial constraints.
place them at a disadvantage in international
money markets. Climate-related risks are likely to
Carbon pricing is becoming Combined with falling demand, this could
exacerbate this. Physical risks have been shown
an increasingly popular increase loan defaults, constraining balance
to have increased cost of capital in vulnerable
tool for capturing the sheets and creating liquidity problems.27
countries – by 117bp in the V20, costing USD62bn
negative externalities associated with carbon-
Local fossil fuel companies that borrow from in higher external interest payments over 10
intensive industries and processes. Governments
international lenders are likely to see an years,31 but transition risks will also have an
around the world, including in the ASEAN region
increasing cost of capital as demand for their impact as international lenders look to reduce
are at various stages of adopting carbon prices
bonds/equity decreases, or lenders demand their fossil fuel exposure.
either through carbon taxes or emissions trading
higher interest rates. International banks have
schemes.21 However the European Union has stated ASEAN nations face financial related risks due
seen shareholder revolts over fossil fuel funding,
that there is a risk of carbon leakage as the means to reducing investor appetite for fossil fuel
with investor resolutions resulting in phase-
of production are transferred from the markets assets and increasing costs of capital across the
out commitments – see the HSBC 2021 coal
with carbon prices to other countries with weaker economy. These risks may appear on banks’
phase-out commitment which was prompted by
actions on emission reductions, or because products balance sheets as traditional financial risks such
shareholder action.28
manufactured in countries with carbon prices, are as credit and market risk.
replaced by more carbon-intensive imports.

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 8

Compounding This can result in further risk of NPAs on the A report by Fitch Ratings finds that climate
of Risks to the balance sheets of both local and international change stranded-asset risk is material for
Financial System lenders. It is expected that the capital available sovereign creditworthiness and ratings. The
for these assets will shrink as international impact could be higher for some sovereigns in
A growing
investors look to decarbonise their portfolios. the event of additional shocks such as financing
carbon bubble
Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have stress, devaluation or political instability, or
There are a number of also publicly announced their plans to end coal lower in the event of strong fiscal consolidation
financial risks to ASEAN countries arising from investments. Local lenders (for example national and/or successful economic diversification.
a continued dependence on fossil fuels in its development banks) that step in to plug the Although Fitch Ratings has not yet downgraded
energy mix, and which are likely to accumulate financing gap for coal assets will be left with any country’s Sovereign Rating based on
under a business-as-usual approach as regional stranded assets. climate change stranded-asset risk, or broader
energy demand increases driven by fast transition risks, it does expect that such risks
Increasing sovereign risk can affect the
economic growth. The risk of a carbon bubble will lead to more ratings changes as and when
central bank and commercial bank balance
in the valuation of regional fossil fuel companies the effects of physical and transitionary risks
sheets through several transmission channels
will increase. If investors believe that fossil of climate change become clearer, closer
which can lead to losses on government debt
fuel reserves and physical infrastructure can and more material. For countries dependent
and a weakening of a bank’s balance sheet.
continue to be commercialised, the stocks of the on international investors this will become
Higher sovereign risk reduces the value of
underlying companies are likely to be overvalued increasingly important over time.36
collateral and central bank liquidity. Sovereign
- a so-called carbon bubble. This creates a risk
downgrades flow through to domestic bank Sources of vulnerability will vary between
that a step-up in climate policy or faster adoption
ratings, increasing wholesale funding costs. ASEAN economies. For example, losses by
of low carbon technology could lead to a sudden
Such impacts were seen in some nations state-owned fossil fuel companies, will result
fall in the value of fossil fuel bond and share
following the Global Financial Crisis.32 in direct government revenue losses, whereas
prices, and an increase in the proportion of non-
in countries where the risk sits with the private
performing loans. Credit rating and sovereign risk impacts will be
sector, risk transmission will occur through
felt across the economy. Countries with high
Regional economic stability loan defaults and loss of value of private sector
fossil fuel exposure, may experience capital
assets. This will determine the central bank
At the ASEAN regional level, there is a direct risk to constraints across the economy, as investment
response. When vulnerability is concentrated in
financial stability of these economies from non- appraisals will consider the country’s sovereign
the public sector, the central bank will need to
performing loans and the value of financial assets risk.33 This can pose a challenge to financing the
assess its government bond exposure. When it
held by banks and other financial institutions, transition, given the scale of investment needed
is concentrated in the private sector, the central
particularly as ASEAN countries seek closer to finance renewable energy development,
bank may more easily reduce its exposure to
financial integration. In 2015, ASEAN countries electrification etc.
the risk – changing risk weightings or capital
adopted a regional ASEAN Bank Integration
Sovereign borrowing costs requirements on fossil fuel assets.
Framework (ABIF) to allow banks qualified in one
member jurisdiction to operate freely in another. For some ASEAN countries, the state is heavily A number of central banks have highlighted
This is intended to promote an easier flow of involved in the ownership and development of that climate risk and impacts will be considered
capital between member countries to increase fossil fuel resources and there are implications in their investment decisions alongside standard
economic efficiency through economies of scale, for sovereign bond ratings. For example, in criteria of liquidity, credit risk and return
network externalities and greater competition Malaysia, state-owned Petronas controls and considerations. For example, in September 2021,
through the entry of foreign banks. develops the country’s oil and gas reserves. It the Bank of Finland announced a goal of carbon
has generated 20% of Malaysian government neutrality by 2050 for its investment activities,
At present, larger private fossil fuel companies in
revenue in the past three years, and generates which will involve restricting investments in
the region rely on international capital markets
substantial foreign currency earnings through oil fossil fuel companies, and hinted that the goal
which transfers the risk of stranded fossil fuel
and gas exports. In Indonesia, state-owned PLN, extends to sovereign debt purchases for their
assets from the domestic banking system to
has a monopoly over electricity generation and foreign exchange reserve fund.37 This increases
international lenders. However, this could
supply the majority of which is coal based. For the risk of higher sovereign risk premium
change going forward with a greater regional
these countries, there could be an increase in the attached to the debt of countries that are not
concentration of cross-border funding if regional
risk premium attached to their sovereign debt, seen to be aligning their growth strategies with
banks are preferred over foreign banks. This
reflecting climate risk considerations and/or the their Paris Agreement commitments.38
also increases the potential channels of financial
willingness of other governments and private
contagion so that stranded fossil fuel asset risks
investors to hold these assets. In fact, the 20
in one ASEAN country could pose a financial risk
sovereigns with the highest ratio of net fossil fuel
to domestic banks in another, and raise systemic
exports to GDP suffered a median net downgrade
financial risks in the region as a whole.
of 1.6 notches 2015-2020 and two defaulted.
National economic stability Fitch Ratings’ Sovereign Rating Model suggests
a fall by one notch by 2040 and two or three by
Fossil fuel exporters such as Indonesia are expected
2050 for a major oil exporter. 34
to see a declining external demand for fossil
fuels, leading to loss of GDP, government revenue For example, Australia was warned by
and export receipts. Whether it is a coal-fired government advisers that if it did not adopt a net
power generator that is unable to compete with the zero strategy, its cost of borrowing could increase
falling cost of renewable energy, or the coal mine significantly. They predicted that the country’s
operator who faces a shrinking export market, the cost of capital could increase 100 basis points in
climate transition will increase the risk of asset an adverse climate-change scenario without a
stranding for firms in the fossil fuel industry. net zero strategy.35

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 9

4. Quantitative analysis of loan and bonds data
In chapters 2 and 3 we argue that as ASEAN GDP 2020 Ownership of fossil- Fossil-fuel trade balance
countries and the world transition to a low carbon (USD bn) fuel sectors
energy system, fossil-fuel companies will become
Indonesia 1,059 Public ownership Exporter of coal, oil and gas
vulnerable to climate transition risks and have
negative consequences on their creditors. This Philippines 362 Private Importer of fossil fuels
chapter examines the scale and nature of this issue.
Viet Nam 272 Mixed public and private Importer of fossil fuels
Energy is a strategically important sector; in some
countries, notably Indonesia, governments have A more detailed analysis of three countries, The top-down and bottom-up data both
taken a large direct stake in the sector. Hence any Indonesia, Philippines, and Viet Nam, provides have strengths and weaknesses. Top-down
climate transition risks might sit on the government’s a flavour of how climate transitions risks data gives a complete and up-to-date picture
balance sheet through implicit or actual guarantees. manifest in countries with markedly different of overall picture of lending and issuance.
Transition risks will often crystallise when the sizes, patterns of government ownership and However, there is little sectoral disaggregation,
loans or bonds mature and the company seeks share of energy in their exports. The table above so it is not possible to discern exposure to
refinancing. This is when investors re-evaluate summarises these differences. transition-vulnerable assets. These data provide
whether and at what price it offers finance. little insight into how much is lent to say,
This chapter includes results of analysis of loans
renewable vis-à-vis fossil-fuel power producers.
The chapter undertakes quantitative top-down and bonds data. The analysis uses:
But it does provide context about the
and bottom-up analysis of loans and bonds data.
a. top-down data on the total lending obtained materiality of observed exposures to carbon-
This seeks to answer the following questions:
from i. Bank for International Settlements (BIS), intensive sectors.
• How large are the debts to carbon intense ii. central banks and iii. Asia Development
The bottom-up deal level data uses information
sectors as a share of total borrowing and GDP? Bank’s (ADB’s) publication Asian Bond Monitor,
gleaned from individual loans and bond
• Is money supplied by domestic or foreign investors? issuances. But the picture is incomplete as
b. bottom-up, deal-level data from public the Refinitiv database only captures large or
• Is this debt in the private-sector or public-sector?
databases: corporate loans from Refinitiv-Eikon syndicated loans. This is particularly an issue in
• When are the loans and bonds scheduled and bonds issued by energy intensive sectors sectors where individual loans are small such as
for refinancing? from Bloomberg. agriculture. A second weakness is the database
captures the sum originally borrowed, not the
outstanding balance. Overall, the loans data
Figure 3: Local and foreign currency outstanding corporate bonds probably overstates the amount of money still
at Q3 2021 owed for individual transactions but understates
250 the number of transactions.

Local currency Bloomberg focuses on bonds that are listed

200 45 on public exchanges and tend to have weaker
Amount Issuance (USDbn)

Foreign currency coverage of countries with substantial private

placements. We only extracted data for carbon
22 intensive corporates.
Aggregate lending to, and
50 65 117 bond issuance by the ASEAN
23 3 corporate sectors
0 30 28 21
Figure 3 shows the distribution of USD783bn
Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam non-government outstanding bond issuance
Source: Asian Bonds Online49 & Asian Bonds Monitor
across the major ASEAN economies.39 This
comprises USD524bn local currency and
Figure 4: Lending to non-financial corporates in major ASEAN USD258bn foreign currency bonds (there were
economies, Q2 2021 incidentally USD1,288bn of government bonds
outstanding at the end of 2021). Malaysia and
Singapore are the largest regional issuers of
bonds. Local currency bonds predominate,
except in Indonesia where the local currency
Amount Lending (USDbn)

510 bond market is underdeveloped.

Figure 4 shows the same economies’ banks
200 provided USD1,745bn of credit, over twice the
288 267 275 amount of corporate bond issuance. All the
100 countries, except Malaysia, rely much more
152 on bank credit than bond issuance to provide
0 corporate credit. We excluded lending to
Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam financial corporations from the lending data, but
it is included in the bond data.
Source: Bank for International Settlements, supplemented with SBV (Viet Nam), BSP (Philippines)48

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 10

We made a top-down assessment of the
outstanding bank lending as reported to the
Table 1: Outstanding lending to carbon intensive industrial sectors in
national central banks to obtain a more detailed
December 2021 (USDbn)
industrial breakdown than could be gleaned from
Indonesia Philippines Viet Nam
the BIS data. Data had a good level of industrial
disaggregation in Indonesia and Philippines, Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery 30 5 35
but little disaggregation in Viet Nam. Table 1
Mining and Quarrying 9 1
summarises the findings for the three countries
of focus. Indonesian data reported loans in Manufacturing Industry 63 23 85
Indonesian Rupiah and FCX. This showed a
Electricity and Gas Supply 10 22
radically different pattern across sectors with 76%
of outstanding debt to mining, 57% to electricity Transportation and storage 12 7 12*
and gas supply being in foreign currency. For the
other sectors only around 10% of lending was in *lending to Viet Nam ‘Transportation and storage’ also includes telecoms Sources: Bank of Indonesia, BSP, SBV, exchange rates from

foreign currency. The total lending to Indonesian

broad-brush carbon intensive sectors was Total lending from the Refinitiv database is much The Refinitiv database categorises borrowers using
around USD124bn at the end of 2021, USD57bn lower for the three countries than the banks four-level SIC, NAIC and its own proprietary ‘sector’
for Philippines and USD132bn in Viet Nam. This submit to their supervisor in Table 2. There are class. Many of the renewable energy loans were
provides a useful check against the deal-level also differences in classification systems making misclassified so it was not possible to aggregate
bottom-up data described later. comparison between individual rows difficult. green lending. The level 3 SIC classification was
This underlines the importance of developing used to identify brown sectors. The codes are
Bottom-up data extracted a taxonomy to allow comparison of climate listed in the Annex. In practice, the Refinitiv data
from databases risks on agreed and standardised definitions. was better classified for our purpose, and it was
We therefore make only minimal comparisons easier to identify the ‘brown’ economy. Because of
Table 2 sets out information about the loans
across different datasets in the analysis below. misclassifications of individual deal level records
and bonds that were extracted from the two
neither database was suitable for identifying pure-
databases. These are only a subset of total debt The two databases use different industrial
play green companies.
in the economies for the reasons given. Loans classification systems to categorise individual
recorded in Refinitiv represents around 20% of transactions. These are applied at the ‘entity’ The full list of our definitions of green and brown
bank credit. Bonds in Bloomberg represent 25% level and classify the issuer or borrower rather is given in Annex 1.
of bond issuance. than the purpose of the deal. The Bloomberg
data set uses a two-level BICS and its own
It is hard to draw any firm conclusions when
proprietary four-level BClass system. We used
comparing Table 1 - which aggregates across the
BICS level 2 classes to assign issuers as either
1051 corporate loans extracted from the Refintiv
Brown or Green. The Brown sectors included
database, with the two top-down data-sources
industries like ‘Airlines’ and ‘Integrated oil’. The
depicted in Table 2 - the data banks submit to
Green sectors comprised ‘renewable energy’ and
their supervisor, and Figure 4 data submitted by
‘waste and environmental services’.
the AMS to BIS.

Table 2: Aggregate data on large corporate debt, values in (USD bn)

Country Refinitiv loans Bloomberg bonds
(by carbon intensive sectors)

Number Value Number Value

Brunei Darussalam 2 0.4

Cambodia 3 0.1 2

Indonesia 228 76 440 51

Lao PDR 21 6 24 1

Malaysia 105 38 1,217 79

Myanmar 1

Philippines 64 20 298 13

Singapore 398 140 103 15

Thailand 129 24 378 38

Viet Nam 101 34 69 1

Grand Total 1,051 338 2532 198

Source: Authors’ analysis of the Refinitiv and Bloomberg datasets

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 11

Borrowing and bond issuance of Figure 5: Corporates loans* by broad sector
the carbon intensive sectors
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Manufacturing Mining
Figures 5 and 6, drawn from our bottom-up
analysis, show the value of corporate loans and Transportation, Utilities, Sanitary Other GDP
bonds extracted from the database relative to 140 1400
GDP across the ASEAN economies by broad level
1 BICS and SIC classification.
120 1200
Figure 5 shows recorded bank lending to
corporates is large as a share of GDP in
Singapore, Viet Nam and Malaysia. Singapore 100 1000
has by far the largest value of corporate loans,
almost double the next highest, Indonesia.
Across ASEAN, ‘Transportation, Communication, 80 800
Electricity, Gas and Sanitary Services’ is the
largest borrower receiving USD158bn of the

GDP at current prices (USDbn)

60 600
USD338bn lending; the mining sector receives
USD51bn of lending, the second highest sector.
Bank Lending (USDbn)

Table 3 looks at the quantity of lending to carbon- 40 400

intensive (“brown”) sectors as set out in the Annex
in the major ASEAN countries and contrasts it
20 200
with all other ‘large corporate loans’ recorded on
the database. Across the region, 47%, USD159bn
out of USD338bn, of the large loans are to energy 0 0
intensive sectors: 25% to the utilities, 19% to
fossil fuel extraction and production. This varies Indonesia Laos Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam
significantly between countries with 79% of
Singapore credit to non-carbon intensive activities
and at the other extreme one third of Vietnamese Compared to the total corporate lending as The total lending to energy intensive sectors
and all of Laos’s lending to non-energy intensive reported to the central bank (identified in identified in Refinitiv is USD159bn which is lower
activities. Malaysia is unusual in the high level Figure 4) lending to carbon intensive sectors than the USD198bn bond issuance identified
of exposure to fossil-fuel production 40% of is 16% in Indonesia, 10% in Philippines and from the Refinitiv data. This suggests that bond
corporate bank lending. 9.5% in Vietnam. investors (in international currency) are bearing a
high level of transition risk.

Table 3: Bank lending to carbon-intensive sectors (USD bn)

Indonesia Lao PDR Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Viet Nam TOTAL

Agricultural Production- Crops 0 0 0 0 0.3 0 0 0.3

Chemicals and Allied Products 0.5 0 1.8 0 0 0.9 3.2 6.4

Coal Mining 4.6 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.8 5.7

Electric, Gas, and 34.5 5.7 2.8 12.1 4.5 9.5 14.7 84
Sanitary Services

Oil and Gas Extraction 5.2 0 9.2 0 23.8 0.7 4.9 43.9

Petroleum Refining and 0 0 9.9 2.5 0.5 0.1 0 13

Related Industries

Pipelines, Except Natural Gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5

Primary Metal Industries 0.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.3 1.8 2.4

Stone, Clay, Glass, and 2 0 0 0.3 0 0.2 0.2 2.8

Concrete Products

Total Energy Intensive 47 5.7 23.9 15 29.2 11.9 26.1 159

Other loans on Refinitiv database 29.1 - 14.4 5.4 110.6 11.7 7.7 179

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 12

Figure 6 shows how the USD197bn of bonds Figure 6: Outstanding carbon intensive sector bond issuance
issued from the region was split by country and and GDP
BICS sector. Malaysia (USD79bn) is the largest
Consumer Discretionary Energy Industrials Materials Utilities GDP
issuer followed by Indonesia (USD51bn) and
Thailand (USD30bn). Data for Viet Nam and
80 1000
Philippines cannot be relied upon as there the
size of issuance was missing for three-quarters of
the bonds listed in the database.

Combining results from the Bloomberg bottom-

up data and the Bonds online top-down data, 60 750
bond financing by energy intensive companies of
USD 197bn represents around a quarter of all the
USD783bn corporate bonds issued in the region.

GDP at current prices 2020 (USDbn)

40 500
Can ASEAN debt be refinanced?
Loan and bond financing for constructing long
Amount Issuance (USDbn)

term infrastructure assets like power stations,

mines and energy production is of much shorter
duration than the life of the assets. The loans will 20 250
need to be refinanced or rolled over. Accessing
funds to refinance represents a ‘network risk’
since if the sentiment for investing in the class of
asset has changed, the borrower may face very
different terms and conditions. 0 0

To understand if this is a risk, we need look at Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Viet Nam
whether the funding for corporate borrowing is
sourced locally or internationally, whether the
lenders are likely to be willing to refinance the Over 100 banks are named in the loan international banks have signed up to UNEP’s
debt and timing of refinancing. documents as arranger, sole lender or net-zero banking alliance and will be under
participant. The most commonly named, ranked pressure to cease lending to fossil fuel projects
by frequency, were Kasikornbank Public Co from their stakeholders.
Figure 7 shows that, except in Thailand, most of Ltd, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd, BNP
Data on the duration of the loan was available for
the large corporate loans in ASEAN are in foreign Paribas SA, Bank of Ayudhya Ltd, Australia & New
923 of the 1051 loan records. The average tenor
currency, chiefly USD at 61% and just 31% in Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ), Japan Bank
of loans is 9 years. Loan tenor ranges from 6 years
local currency. In many ASEAN countries, the for International Cooperation, Bank of China Ltd,
in Singapore (where almost half of borrowers
domestic banks are small and lightly capitalised DBS Bank Ltd, Export-Import Bank of Korea and
were in the business sector) to 10 years in other
and do not have the balance sheets to make CTBC Bank Co Ltd. Of these, only three of these
countries. The average tenor of all the loans is 11
large corporate loans. are headquartered in the region. Several of these
years, and 14 years for loans to infrastructure.

Figure 7: Proportion of bank lending in different currencies

Local currency USD Others






Brunei Cambodia Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Viet Nam Grand Total

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 13

Figure 8: Value currently outstanding energy intensive sector loans by maturity year
Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Cumulative borrowing

20 100%

16 80%

12 60%
Amount Lending (USDbn)

8 40%

Cumulative %
4 20%

0 0












































Figure 8 shows that around half of energy Figure 9: Currency of outstanding carbon intensive corporate bonds
intensive sectors loans are due for refinancing by
2027, and 75% by 2034. Only 115 of the 396 loans Local currency USD Others
to infrastructure have maturity dates beyond 100%
2030; 119 of these loans mature by 2025.

Bonds 80%

The corporate bond markets of several countries

make much greater use of local currencies, 60%
especially Malaysia, Viet Nam and Thailand. The
corporate bond markets outside of Malaysia
are quite small and the average size of bond 40%
USD89mn well below benchmark size for
international investors. As we see in Figure 3, 20%
except for Indonesia, bonds are most commonly
issued in local currency. According to Asia Bond
Monitor,40 more than 90% of local currency bonds 0
are purchased by domestic investors and so any Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Viet Nam Others
climate risks are held locally.

Figure 9 shows that by 2027 around half The average tenor of the bonds is 10 years, and 2025. Most issuers will need to refinance their
the outstanding bonds issued by energy this is skewed by Malaysia’s average of 12 years. borrowing within eight years. Since many of
intensive companies will need to be refinanced, In all other countries the tenor is fewer than 10 these bonds are held domestically, this could
and 75% by 2030. This is true across all the major years. Altogether, only 20% of the bonds had pose a significant risk to financial stability.
ASEAN countries. maturities beyond 2030, and about 50% beyond

Figure 10: Value currently outstanding carbon intensive sector bonds by maturity year

Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Singapore Thailand Viet Nam Cumulative borrowing

10 100%

8 80%
Amount Issuance (USDbn)

6 60%

4 40%
Cumulative %

2 20%

0 0

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 14

Major borrowers Table 4: three largest corporate borrowers in three ASEAN countries
in target countries
Loans Country Company Loans (USD bn) Sector Ownership

Table 4 lists the corporates that are the three Indonesia Perusahaan Listrik Negara 14.3 Power State
largest borrowers in three ASEAN countries. (Persero) Pt

In Indonesia, many of the borrowers are either Indo Raya Tenaga Pt 4.6 Power SOE
special purpose companies or Joint Ventures of
Pertamina (Persero) Pt 4.5 Oil State
the state-owned electricity and oil companies
Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) and Pertamina Viet Nam Nghi Son Refinery And 4.9 Oil mid-stream 25% State;
that play such a central role in the Indonesian Petrochemical LLC 75% private
economy. PLN has secured a USD500mn green
Long Son Petrochemicals Co Ltd 3.2 Petro-Chem Private
loan to fund hydro and geothermal development
from international banks guaranteed by the World Viet Nam Electricity (EVN) 3.1 Power State
Bank’s guarantee agency41 showing a foreign
Philippines Petron Corp 2.4 Oil Private
investors appetite for a transition narrative backed
by on the ground investment. Both SOEs have put Atimonan One Energy Inc 2.2 Power Private
out a transition roadmap but are still largely reliant
SMC Consolidated Power Corp 1.3 Power Private
on coal technology or gas as a transition fuel.

Indonesia’s biggest corporate borrower – with

mines. Independent assessment suggests these electricity provider. Many of the planned new coal
USD14.3bn of loans - is the state-owned
coal mines face a large debt maturity wall in 2022 plants have been cancelled or postponed. There
integrated electricity utility PLN which
and lacked clear refinancing plans.43 are several independent, foreign owned power
monopolises the distribution of power. It
generators that develop and run thermal or solar
operates 40 GW of (mostly coal-fired) power In Philippines the largest borrower is the private
plants. These are also substantial borrowers, for
stations but plans to stop building new coal sector oil refining and distribution company Petron
instance Van Phong Power Co under-construction
plants in 2023. Much of the existing generation Corp at USD2.4bn. The next two largest borrowers
1.3 GW coal-fired plant has borrowed USD2.0bn.
capacity is underutilised. Customer tariffs are the private electricity utilities Atimonan One
These developments are being challenged by the
are subsidised by the government so risks of Energy Inc (USD2.2 bn) and SMC Consolidated
government’s policy of switching from thermal
stranding sit with the public. The next two largest Power Corp (USD1.3bn). Power Sector Assets and
plant to solar and wind - Power Development
biggest corporate borrowers are public-private Liabilities Management Corp (PSALM) borrows
Plan 8. This policy aims to increase the share of
partnership entities that build and operate USD1.1bn and is a government owned non-bank
renewables to 47 percent by 2030.
Indonesia’s coal fired plants: Indo Raya Tenaga financial corporation established to manage the
(USD 4.6bn) and Bhimasena Power Indonesia privatisation of National Power and the orderly Bonds
(USD3.4bn). Such state owned enterprises’ usual management of the debt taken to finance its losses.
For the three focus countries we looked at some
investors are pension funds, sovereign wealth
In Viet Nam the largest borrower is Nghi Son of the largest fossil fuel issuers:
funds, insurers and banks from within southeast
Refinery and Petrochemical LLC (USD3.2bn)
Asia. If western financial institutions exit coal Indonesia’s largest issuers of bonds are the
which is part-owned by the government owned
finance there may be a systemic risk of stranded government owned oil and gas producer
PetroViet Nam. Long Son Petrochemicals
coal assets42. Indonesia’s state-owned oil and gas Pertamina (USD14bn) and Asahan Aluminium
Company Limited (LSPCL) is externally owned by
producer Pertamina borrows USD4.5bn. Many Persero (USD5bn), a state-owned aluminium
the Siam Cement Group (SCG) of Thailand. Viet
smaller companies operate Indonesia’s coal smelter with associated hydropower production.
Nam electricity is the government owned vertical

Table 5: Bond issuance by fossil-fuel intensive sectors in the major ASEAN economies (USDbn)
Indonesia Lao PDR Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Viet Nam Total

Airlines - - - - - - 0 0

Automobiles Manufacturing - - - 0 - - 0 0

Chemicals 2 - - 0 0 5 - 7

Construction Materials 0 - - - - 7 - 7

Exploration & Production 3 - 1 - - 2 - 6

Integrated Oils 14 - 14 - - 4 - 32

Metals & Mining 7 - - - - 0 0 7

Oil & Gas Services & Equipment 0 - 3 - 2 0 - 5

Power Generation 1 1 18 5 1 5 - 31

Refining & Marketing - - 1 4 - 6 - 11

Grand Total 26 1 37 9 3 30 0 95

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 15

In Philippines, SMC Global Power Holdings Key findings
USD4.2bn, San Miguel Corporation and Petron
The overview of industrial disaggregation of
(the country’s oil refining and marketing
lending and bonds data shows:
company, controlled by SMC) are the three
largest issuers. SMC is a vertically integrated • Carbon intensive corporate raise finance more
power company with 2,200 MW thermal coal from bonds than loans across the region, and
and gas plants and 345 MW hydroelectric power. particularly Malaysia.
It is discontinuing its planned construction
• Around a quarter of corporate bond issuance in
of three further coal fired plant following the
the region is from the carbon intensive sectors.
government’s ban on greenfield coal projects.
The fourth largest issuer Aboitiz Power Corp is a • 62% of lending is to large corporates is to carbon
power generator and distributor which is seeking intensive Mining and Utility, Transport sectors.
to rebalance its generation portfolio to half
• The figure is higher in Indonesia (76%),
thermal, half renewable by 2030 and is investing
Philippines and Viet Nam (both 71%) and lower
heavily in solar PV.44
in Malaysia and Singapore.
In Viet Nam there is no significant issuance
• Loans are largely issued in foreign rather
of corporate bonds listed on the database.
than the local currency. Thailand is the
However, AsianBondsOnline data shows
exception where two-thirds of borrowing
corporate bonds outstanding in February 2022
is in local currency.
to be USD27.44bn.45 This resource does not give
issuer details. • Across the region the bond market is
half in local currency (51%) and half in
Outside of the three main countries of interest,
foreign currency, though this picture varies
Malaysia has a well-developed corporate bond
substantially between countries; for instance,
market. Its biggest issuer is the government
in Indonesia over 80 percent of bond issuance
owned Petronas Capital Ltd (USD13.75). There
is in USD.
are also some major power company issuers,
including Sarawak Energy (USD 3.3bn) a thermal • In Philippines the largest carbon intensive
power provider, Sarawak Hydro (US 1.4 bn) and companies are private sector; in Indonesia they
Jimah East Power Sdn Bhd (USD2.1bn) a 2,000 are government owned and in Viet Nam there
MW coal fired power station. The company is is a mixture.
owned by the state of Sarawak and serves the
• Within the next four years, approximately 50%
state’s population.
of the loans within our dataset will need to be
We also sought to identify the amount of refinanced, this figure rises to approximately
borrowing by pure-play green companies that 60% by 2030 and 85% by 2035.
were solely engaged in low carbon activities
• Countries such as Indonesia whose bond
like renewable power generation. Across the
market has been historically reliant on foreign
ASEAN countries, USD3.4 bn was lent to such
investors will need to consider how the
companies, these were chiefly hydropower
decreasing institutional investor appetite for
generators in Lao PDR (USD2.7bn), Viet Nam
coal will impact their borrowing costs.
(USD0.36 bn) and Indonesia (USD0.26bn).
• For countries where fossil fuel-sector borrows
ASEAN bond investor populations also vary
locally, central banks must immediately
significantly between AMS. Asia Bond Monitor
consider how transition risks will affect investors
data finds that foreign investors are significant
balance sheet, as this may pose a substantial
holders of Indonesian, Malaysian and Thai
risk to the stability of the financial system.
bonds. However, local currency bonds issued
Viet Nam and Philippines governments see
limited foreign investment.46 This suggests
that Indonesia may be more exposed to
international investor sentiment and divestment
risks than Viet Nam and Philippines. However,
domestic investors, particularly pension funds
and insurers, may also be greening their
investment strategies.

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 16

5. ASEAN central banks, taxonomy development and reducing
climate transition risks
This report identifies the sources and classification systems like BICS are ill-suited are important for industrial sectors, like steel,
transmission mechanisms of transition risks that to discriminating between activities that pose where fully ‘green’ technologies are not viable
operate in the ASEAN region. The post-COVID-19 transition risk and those that do not. They are or technically feasible, but where innovation
surge in energy prices, and the region’s growth organised around the product being produced, and investment can introduce Paris Agreement
in electricity demand to an extent masks longer not whether fossil-fuels or renewable energy aligned industrial processes.
term secular trends away from fossil fuels are used in the production process. The same
To further accelerate this process, we
globally. But the fall in demand for fossil fuel is is true of transport manufacture and use which
recommend central banks:
likely to manifest over the coming years. does not separate between internal combustion
engine vehicles and EVs. We found we could not • Develop taxonomies to help banks and other
The region is currently highly dependent on fossil
easily determine whether individual loans or investors understand the transition risks from
fuels for electricity generation and has one of
bonds were green or brown without examining harmful “brown” activities. We would contend
the world’s youngest fleets of fossil fuel power
the activities of the borrower or issuer itself. that to be decision-useful, definitions of
plant. Many more plant are in construction to
Banks and supervisors would encounter similar “brown” should be expanded beyond activities
meet growing electricity demand. This means
problems when using existing commercial data that are already illegal and be applied to
that these long-lived assets are likely to remain
sources or the filings that local banks submit to activities that risk being stranded.
on balance sheets after the world has largely
their supervisors.
decarbonised posing transition risks to investors • Suggest entity level transition taxonomies
in the fossil fuel supply chain. To remedy this, taxonomies would need to to allow banks monitor if borrowers are
define sustainable (“green”) and non-sustainable developing, monitoring and on-track in
A rapid diversification away from coal in power
activities (“brown”) (for loans or use of proceeds delivering strategies to reduce their carbon
generation is necessary to reduce the transition
bonds). We found that many of the largest risks in line with agreed targets.
risks facing ASEAN economies. The Philippines
issuers and borrowers in AMS were large quasi-
has already made strides towards the transition • Suggest green and transition taxonomies
monopoly companies that had a mixture of fossil
by banning greenfield coal power. As we see that are based on scientific advice to ensure
fuel and renewable assets. Finance through
in Chapter 4, loans to carbon intensive sectors they are sufficiently robust to deliver agreed
stocks, loans and most bond issuance is to the
account for between 9.5% of corporate lending climate goals.
entity and the publicly visible documentation
in Viet Nam and 16% in Indonesia. We also note
does not specify how the finance will be used. • Help incentivise transition plans whilst
that many of these carbon intensive sectors
To assess exposure to transition, lenders’ operating within their remit by applying
depend on foreign banks or government to
credit analysts will need to understand entity the taxonomies to encourage and ease the
supply them with capital.
level strategies to decarbonise the borrowers issuance of green bonds, transition bonds and
Can taxonomies be help investors steer finance operations. Conceptual work to define such other innovative financial instruments through
to encourage sustainability through green entity level transition is underway.54 ASEAN asset purchase programmes or other policy
bonds and green loans? Can they also help countries would need to develop comprehensive purchases of assets. For example, in 2020, the
foreign investors, under pressure to green their transition plans towards a greener economy, ECB started accepting sustainability linked
portfolios, identify suitable investments? Can and these should be formulated as early as bonds as collateral.56
they help large fossil-fuel companies finance possible to allow for a gradual transition to
• Require financial institutions to make climate
their strategies to decarbonise their assets by avoid the sorts of economic shocks set out in
risk disclosures, using the definitions of green,
replacing carbon intensive with carbon neutral Chapter 2. Such credible transitions are the sort
transition and brown assets from the official
activities? of information that international investors are
taxonomy described above and setting out
keen to invest in. The transition plans should
In the ASEAN region, central banks are playing strategies to manage climate risks and the steer
include steps to facilitate the reallocation of
a leadership role in the development of official finance to firms mitigating these risks. These
labour to other sectors, including capacity
taxonomies. The ASEAN Taxonomy Board, can follow the recommendations of the TCFD
building, a road map of alternative revenue
comprising finance ministries, regulators, central
mobilization, such as carbon tax, and additional Now is the time to act. A substantial portion of
banks amongst others, has released a high-level
financial regulation for bank capital buffers, given ASEAN debt is due for refinancing in the coming
set of principles50 for ASEAN member states to
risks from stranded assets. years. Ensuring that future borrowing is aligned
use when developing their own taxonomies. The
with the ASEAN’s transition plans to net-zero
central banks of Malaysia - BNM,51 Singapore – We have discussed measures central banks
will help to ensure that these borrowers/issuers
MAS52 and Indonesia’s regulator – OJK53 have can take using their policy toolkit in a previous
remain resilient to the climate transition.
all released early iterations of their taxonomies. publication.55 But ASEAN central banks can also
Significantly, Malaysia’s principles-based assist their economies transition through the
taxonomy identifies certain activities that should development and application of taxonomies.
be prohibited from being bank financed like illegal The taxonomies under development identify
deforestation leading to release of CO2 from the green activities that support the national
soil. Indonesia’s taxonomy also discusses red environmental priorities. For these taxonomies
(prohibited) as well as green activities. to be helpful in assessing and managing
transition risks, they would need to define not
The Indonesian taxonomy activities are defined
just sustainable (“green”) activities but also non-
using the Indonesia’s Standard Industrial
sustainable activities (“brown”) (for loans or use
Classification (SIC) system. But as we found
of proceeds bonds) and transition taxonomies
in Chapter 3 the classification systems like
to assess entity-level strategies to decarbonise
government statistical offices’ SICs, or proprietary
a firm’s operations. Such transition taxonomies

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 17

Annex 1 – Classification used by Bloomberg and Refinitiv databases
to identify green and brown sectors
Bloomberg Industrial Classification System Refinitiv
(BICS) Level 1 and Level 2 The Refinitiv database was more finely disaggregated and used SIC levels
Communications 2 and 3 with 52 and 100 categories respectively. We defined the brown
Wireless Telecommunications Services sectors using the following SIC 3 sectors:
Wireline Telecommunications Services
Field Crops, Except Cash Grains
Consumer Discretionary
General Farms, Primarily Crop
Agricultural Chemicals
Automobiles Manufacturing
Casinos & Gaming
Industrial Organic Chemicals
Department Stores
Miscellaneous Chemical Products
Educational Services
Plastics Materials and Synthetic Resins, Synthetic Rubber, Cellulose
Home Improvement
Soap, Detergents, and Cleaning Preparations; Perfumes, Cosmetics, and
Other Toilet Preparations
Retail - Consumer Discretionary
Metal Forgings and Stampings
Consumer Staples
Miscellaneous Products of Petroleum and Coal
Food & Beverage
Petroleum Refining
Supermarkets & Pharmacies
Iron and Steel Foundries
Miscellaneous Primary Metal Products
Exploration & Production
Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals
Integrated Oils
Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals
Oil & Gas Services & Equipment
Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, and Rolling and Finishing Mills
Refining & Marketing
Cement, Hydraulic
Renewable Energy
Glass and Glassware, Pressed Or Blown
Glass Products, Made of Purchased Glass
Bituminous Coal and Lignite Mining
Commercial Finance
Coal Mining Services
Consumer Finance
Ferroalloy Ores, Except Vanadium
Financial Services
Iron Ores
Real Estate
Miscellaneous Metal Ores
Chemical and Fertilizer Mineral Mining
Aerospace & Defense
Miscellaneous Non-metallic Minerals, Except Fuels
Electrical Equipment Manufacturing
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas
Industrial Other
Natural Gas Liquids
Machinery Manufacturing
Oil and Gas Field Services
Manufactured Goods
Combination Electric and Gas, and Other Utility Services
Electric Services
Transportation & Logistics
Gas Production and Distribution
Waste & Environment Services & Equipment
Pipelines, Except Natural Gas
Construction Materials Manufacturing
Containers & Packaging
Forest & Paper Products Manufacturing
Metals & Mining
Power Generation

ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 18

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Prepared by the Climate Bonds Initiative Design: Godfrey Design Climate Bonds Initiative © April 2022

Authors: Lily Burge, Lionel Mok, Prashant Vaze Suggested citation: Burge, L., Mok, L., Vaze, P.
ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition
Acknowledgments: IEEFA: Christina Ng,
risks: Applying taxonomy to enhance climate
Suzanty Sitorus; Climate Bonds: Bridget Boulle,
disclosures, Climate Bonds Initiative, April 2022
Joanna Cutler, Nabilla Gunawan, Sean Kidney,
Phi Minhnguyet, Cedric Rimaud

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The Climate Bonds Initiative is not endorsing, recommending or advising on the merits or otherwise of any investment or investment product and no information within this communication should
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ASEAN economies’ exposure to climate transition risks Climate Bonds Initiative 19

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