PLF Style - Notification List

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PLF Style: Notification List

Notification List Email 0

Purpose: Welcome to the Launch Notification List

Send On: Immediately after prospect joins launch notification list.
Send To: Only Launch Notification List

SUBJECT: Let’s Do This!



Thanks so much for letting me know you’re interested in [INSERT PRODUCT NAME]!

Even though I’ve only let the cat out of the bag on this course recently…

…I’ve been hard at work with my team behind-the-scenes for months and months
putting this together.

If you’re ready to [INSERT OUTCOME] so you can [ACHIEVE SPECIFIC GOAL], I’m
going to help you get there.

Here’s what you need to do next:

Because you are on the launch notification list, I’ll let you know just before [INSERT
PRODUCT NAME] goes live.

Keep your eyes fixed to your inbox!

I can’t wait to pull back the curtain on [INSERT SPECIFIC THING] and show you
step-by-step how to [ACHIEVE SPECIFIC GOAL/OUTCOME].

Stay Tuned,

Notification List Email 1

Purpose: Launch is soon.

Send on: 36-48 hours before launch
Send to: ONLY Launch Notification List

SUBJECT: [PRODUCT NAME] Important Update

SUBJECT: Just checking…

Hi There,

We’re almost there!

[INSERT PRODUCT NAME] will be live very very soon.

Please, please, please keep your eyes on your inbox!

I just want to check and make sure you received this very important update:

[INSERT HUGE NAME IN INDUSTRY] is joining us for 12 weeks of coaching as part


That means only 200 seats are available.

You’re on the launch notification list, so you’ll be the first to know when the doors
open up.

You’ll also get a head start so you can claim your seat before it’s open to the
general public.

We’re in the final stretch now!

Just a few technical issues to take care of and we’ll be live in a matter of days (or
less hopefully!).

Are you ready!?


P.S. Yes, I know there are only 200 seats—but you WILL get the absolute first
notification when [INSERT PRODUCT] goes live and you can get your seat.
Notification List Email 2

Purpose: Launch is Tomorrow

Send on: 12-24 hours before launch
Send to: ONLY Launch Notification List



Hey There,

Everything is set and ready to go!

We are going to launch [INSERT PRODUCT NAME] tomorrow.

Here’s the official date and time:


That’s tomorrow.

And that’s under [INSERT NUMBER OF HOURS] away.

We’ve worked for nearly a year to put this together. After seeing your incredible
feedback, piecing all the details together, and getting [INSERT HUGE INDUSTRY
NAME] onboard to coach you for 12 full weeks—we are FINALLY ready to go!

I can’t wait to see you inside the support group!

Also, I’ve been answering some questions about [INSERT PRODUCT NAME]. If you
have not seen the answers yet, you can check them out below.

· The #1 question about [INSERT PRODUCT NAME] was [INSERT QUESTION].

Here is where you can read my answer.

· #2 most popular question about [INSERT PRODUCT NAME] was [INSERT

QUESTION]. The answer surprised a lot of people. Read the answer here.

· There were a TON of other questions about [INSERT PRODUCT NAME]. I

answered as many as possible. Here’s a link to that crazy AMA session.
One more reminder:

Because space is limited to the first 200 who register, you’ll want to bookmark the
launch page.

Here is where you can register for [INSERT PRODUCT NAME] when it goes live at
[INSERT TIME] tomorrow:


Last reminder…

Launch day is tomorrow at [INSERT TIME]. That’s when the doors open!

See You Soon,

Notification List Email 3

Purpose: Launch live in a few mins

Send On: Launch Day, 60 Minutes to Cart Open/Page Live
Send To: Launch Notification List

SUBJECT: [PRODUCT NAME] Goes Live in 58 Minutes


This is it!

In 58 minutes, the doors open up for [INSERT PRODUCT NAME]!

Are you ready?

I’ve put together a page that explains absolutely everything about you’d want to
know about joining me to [INSERT SPECIFIC OUTCOME] during [INSERT

It explains everything that’s included.

All the [INSERT SPECIFIC DETAIL] are listed.

Every [INSERT SPECIFIC DETAIL] I’ll show you is described and details.

And the page itself walks you through everything you’ll discover as you move
toward [INSERT SPECIFIC OUTCOME] over the next 12 weeks.

Just to warn you, the page is pretty long.

Sorry about that! I wanted to make sure that you had all the info you’d need about
the program.

I’ve already talked to a lot of you who are ready to join—no questions asked, case

I can understand if you’re excited and ready to claim your seat right away.

So, if that’s you…

…just go ahead and skip to the bottom of the page and click the button to register.
Sign up right away and you can join me immediately inside of the exclusive
student-only support area before anyone else.

Now, if you need to take your time and read the whole page…I get it.

I’m fairly certain that the 200 seats inside of [INSERT PROGRAM NAME] will still be
around for a few hours.

You should have at least an hour or two to read the page before registration closes.
You can take your time.



Here is where you go at launch time:


At [INSERT TIME] the page will update (refresh your browser if you don’t see it
happen right at [INSERT TIME] and you’ll be able to register for [INSERT PRODUCT

Let’s go!

Notification List Email 4

Purpose: Product is live!

Send On: Launch Day, Right at Launch Time
Send To: Launch Notification List Only


SUBJECT: Join me right now!

Just wanted to remind you…

Registration for [INSERT PRODUCT NAME] has just opened!

We’re LIVE and accepting registrations right here:


I’ll see you in the members-only support group!

Let’s do this!

Notification List Email 5

Purpose: Reminder, Order

Send On: Launch Day, Launch Time + 1 Hour
Send To: Launch Notification List Only

SUBJECT: Registration Open


Super quick reminder, {{contact.first_name}…

[INSERT PRODUCT NAME] is now open for registration.

You can register right here:


I know this page is long. Considering just how is included in [PRODUCT NAME], I
think you’ll agree – longer is better.

Sorry the page takes up a lot of space.

See You Soon,


P.S. After you complete your registration, please join me inside our members-only
community. I’ll be answering questions all day today, tomorrow, and for the next
12 weeks!

Notification List Email 6

Purpose: Last Shot at this before the whole list gets it.
Send On: Launch Day, Launch Time + 3-4 Hours,
Send To: Notification List only


SUBJECT: Now that we have a minute…


Glad I can take a minute to breathe and send this out.

[INSERT PRODUCT NAME] has officially gone live.

Seats are filling.

It has been crazy around here. Absolutely insane. Emails pouring in. Registrations
are coming as fast as I’ve ever seen them.

A new registration for [INSERT PRODUCT NAME] was coming in every 30 seconds
for the first 20 minutes of the launch.

Fortunately, registrations have slowed down a bit. That means you’ll have your
chance at getting one of the first 200 seats and coaching from [INSERT NAME].

But fair warning:

I need to let you know – especially because you expressed interest in [INSERT
PRODUCT NAME] – that in just a few hours, I’ll be sending a notification out to my
entire list of 47,000 people to let them know we are live.

Up until this point, you were one of the ONLY people who knew [INSERT PRODUCT
NAME] was live.

Here’s a link to the page where you can get all the details about [INSERT PRODUCT


You can also register at the link above. Hurry! Only 200 seats are available.

See You Inside,


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