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Jiffy Childs Dressing Gown

peat from * ending p 3. If for a boy, work same, but make

7th Row: Same as 5th Row. 4 buttonholes, the first at 15” and
8th Row: Purl. every 1 1/2” thereafter, by casting
These 8 rows form pattern. off the middle st in border and cast-
Back ing it on again on the return row.
On No. 1 needles, cast on 45 sts Right Front
loosely and work in ms for 3 rows. Work same as Left Front having 3
Then work in patt as above dec 1 st ms border sts at end of the row right
each side every 3”, 6 times, being side of work instead of at the begin-
careful to keep continuity of pat ning. If for a girl, make button-
when shaping (33 sts). Work even holes in front border as given in
till back measures 18” from lower Left Front. Sew seams. Make loops
edge, then cast off 2 sts beg next 2 at waist (2” down from underarm)
Crochet this Dressing Gown, origi- rows. Dec 1 st at end of next 4 rows for belt.
nally published by the Corticelli, (25 sts). Work even till armhole Sew on Buttons.
in 1940’s. measures 4 1/2: straight up from Collar
underarm. Then place 7 sts at each Pick up 27 sts from holders and
side on holders for shoulders and work in ms for 1 1/2:. Cast off
For more patterns from the past, rem 11 sts on another holder for loosely in ms.
visit us at: back of neck. Belt or Sleeves Twist yarn to form belt and make Cast on 15 sts loosely and work in Tassels.
Please share this pattern with all ms for 3 rows. Then work in patt as
your crochet friends! above, inc 1 st each side and rep Finishing
every 4th row, 3 times more, being + — Weave: Take the two sets of
(Note: These products may no longer careful to keep continuity of patt sts for weaving, slip sts off stitch-
be available. You’ll need to substi- (24 sts). Work even till sleeve holders and immediately press on
tute with yarn and colors of your measures 9” from lower edge, cast wrong side to prevent sts from
choice.) off 2 sts beg next 4 rows. Dec 1 st dropping. Thread tapestry needle,
end of every row to 10 sts. Cast off, hold work with right side facing.
Materials: working first and least 2 sts tog. Pass needle from back to front
6 skeins Corticelli Fluffydown Work other sleeve same. through first loop in front row of
Wool, Onion Blue Left Front sts, then pass needle from back to
1 pair No. 1 Needles Cast on 27 sts loosely and work in front through first loop in back row
ms for 3 rows. Then work in pattern of sts. Pass wool through former
Tension 2 3/4 sts and 3 1/2 row = 1 keeping first 3 sts on right side of and next loop in front row, then
inch. work in ms for border. Dec1 st at through the former and next loop in
Pattern: (Multiple 6 plus 3) side edge every 3”, 6 times (21 sts). back row. Continue thus until all sts
Size 2 to 3 Yrs have been worked.
If for a girl, work even till front is
1st Row: K 1, *p 1, K 5; repeat same length as back, then cast off 2 Edges
from* ending p 1, K 1. sts for underarm. Dec 1 st at arm- In Garter: Slip the first stitch knit-
2nd Row: * K 1, p 1, K 1, p 3; re- hole edge every other row till 15 sts wise( as if to knit).
peat from * ending K 1, p 1, K 1. rem. Work even till armhole meas- In Stockinette (SS): Slip the first
3rd Row: Same as 1st Row. ures same as back. Slip first 4 sts at stitch knitwise on a purl row and
4th Row: Purl neck edge to holder. Weave+ the purlwise on a knit row.
5th Row: K 4, * p 1, K 5; repeat rem 7 shoulder sts with correspond- In Moss (MS): Slip the first stitch
from * ending p 1, K 4. ing shoulder sts on back. purlwise for a purl stitch and knit-
6th Row: * p 3, K 1, p 1, K 1; re- wise for a knit stitch.


Copyright © 2004, Garrison Hollow Publishing. You may forward or reprint this publication only in its entirety, without alteration.

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