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Cuya, Ma. Bea Bianca C.

Bernal, Abigail
Arnaldo, Hannah Faye B.
In the modern era, our digital lives are complex and deeply connected with almost every
area of our everyday existence. Digital technologies play a vital role in our daily lives,
influencing everything from how we communicate, work, learn, shop, and enjoy
ourselves to how we manage our health and take part in civic activities.

In my own viewpoint, digital communication technologies are advancing rapidly,

transforming how people interact, work, and access information. In addition, digital
developments are shaping a future where digital communication is more integrated into
daily life, more immersive, and more secure.


A communication aid refers to any device or system that helps individuals communicate
more effectively. Communication aids are also referred to as AAC devices. AAC refers
to Augmentative and Alternative Communication.

Communication aids are a way to communicate for individuals who have difficulties
communicating with other people. Communication aids are tools to help individuals
express their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and words they want to convey. They
provide individuals with different methods of communication, depending on their abilities
and needs. Ultimately, communication aids play a crucial role for individuals who have
trouble speaking, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to be heard and



AIDED COMMUNICATION: Aided communication uses equipment, but this ranges from
low-tech to high-tech methods, with pictures and symbols often used instead of, or
together with words and with alternative hardware options available to provide access.

Aided mode of communication is approaches that require some form of external support
such as a communication board with symbols, objects, pictures, photographs, lines,
graphs, etc. It can be computers, devices, or tablets that generate speech or language
through the way of producing naturalized devices.

UNAIDED COMMUNICATION: Unaided communication does not use additional

equipment. Body language, gesture, vocalization, and signing are typically used.
Unaided mode of communication which means 'non spoken' comes naturally. These
include gestures, facial expressions, as well as manual signs. These techniques of
communication frequently necessitate appropriate motor control and communication
partners who can understand the intended message.


Communication is the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver.

Communication is fundamental to every individual interaction, enabling individuals to
express themselves, collaborate, and build relationships.

Communication strategies are the blueprints for how information will be exchanged.
Communication strategies are techniques or methods used to convey information
effectively and efficiently. It is a way for individuals to communicate with other people
effectively. They can speak in a formal way with a clear voice for them to be
understood, organized, and achieve the desired goal outcome of the said

By utilizing these different methods, individuals can ensure that their message is clearly
understood by others. Effective communication strategies are essential to avoid
misunderstandings and foster positive relationships.


VERBAL COMMUNICATION: Verbal communication strategies can be broken down

into the two categories of written and oral communication.

Verbal communication refers to the words and sounds that come out of our mouth when
we talk, including tone of voice and expressions such as sighs and groans. There are
two majors of verbal communication, it includes written and oral communication. Written
communication includes traditional pen and paper letters, texts, e-mails, and anything
that is conveyed through written language. However, oral communication is exchanging
information of ideas verbally from one person or group to another.

NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: Nonverbal communication strategies consist of

mostly visual cues, such as body language, facial expressions, physical distance
between communicators, or the tone of your voice.
Nonverbal communication is a transfer of information from one person to one another
without the use of words or spoken language. This includes facial expressions,
gestures, and body posture or position.

VISUAL COMMUNICATION: Visual communication strategies can be seen through

signs, web pages, and illustrations.

Visual communication is the use of graphics to represent information for the purpose of
communication. This includes art, drawing, painting, sculpture, and photography. Visual
communication can be formed into video, slide presentation, memos, paper handouts,
and prints.


Multimodal refers to something that involves or uses multiple modes or methods to

convey information or to achieve a particular function. This approach recognizes that
people may have different preferences for how they receive information and aims to
cater to those preferences. By incorporating multiple modes of communication, the
message can be more effectively conveyed and understood by a wider range of


PRINT-BASED MULTIMODAL: Print-based multimodal texts are physical or printed

materials that combine various modes of communication to convey messages. Unlike
purely textual documents, these texts integrate multiple forms of media, such as
images, graphs, charts, typography variations, and spatial layouts along with traditional
written text.

LIVE MULTIMODAL: A multimodal text can be live – a performance or an event. This

type of multimodal text is an actual event that is happening— face to face.

DIGITAL MULTIMODAL: Digital multimodal texts include slide presentations,

animation, book trailers, digital storytelling, live-action filmmaking, music videos, ‘born
digital’ storytelling, and various web texts and social media. An example of this is
filmmaking that includes actions, emotions, stories, and sounds. From filmmaking to
watching is a way to communicate what the story was trying to comprehend to its
TRANSMEDIA MULTIMODAL: A multimodal text can be transmedia– where the story
is told using ‘multiple delivery channels’ through a combination of media platforms, for
example, book, comic, magazine, film, web series, and video game mediums all
working as part of the same story.

A multimodal text can also be transmedia, which means that the story is conveyed using
multiple delivery channels' across a variety of media platforms, such as books, comics,
magazines, films, web series, and video games, all working together to tell the same

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