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Speak Out Upper-Intermediate.

Final Speaking. Units 1-10

1. My character/personality.

2. The activity to do before you die.

3. Present the pie chart of your average weekday. Do you think you have a balanced
life? Is there anything you should spend more/less time doing?

4. Surveillance technology: keeping us safe or an invasion of privacy?

5. Think of a game/sport/show/hobby you know. Describe it (is it individual or team

competition, the number of players, the procedure, the aim, the best thing about it).
Would you be suited to it? Why? Think about your personality, abilities and skills.

6. Choose one of the topics below (speak about its pros and cons):
Violent video games/ Cosmetic surgery/ Downloading and sharing films./
Compulsory school uniform. / Women and men competing in the same teams and
leagues in sports. / Laws that say that companies should have 50% men and 50%
women as directors. / Husbands and wives sharing household chores equally. / Full
salary for whichever parent stays at home with children. / Gender-blind hiring – your
name, gender and photo do not appear on job applications. /Compulsory school
uniforms, identical for boys and girls.

7. Tell a story about an experience in your life that illustrates a saying/disproves a


8. Tell the life story of somebody you know or of a famous person (use multi-word
verbs, the structures “I wish”, “If only”).

9. The happiness formula. Tips for being happy (Tip? Why this helps? How to do it?)

10. Designing a perfect getaway for a groupmate (name of the holiday; location;
means of transport; length of time; accommodation; main activities; clothing,
equipment, climate, health, preparation, items to bring). Use at least five sentences
with future forms (five different rules).

11. The world’s best/worst/… invention.

12. How I envisage myself in ten years’ time.

13. How to live to 101?

14. How to scam-proof yourself?

15. My favourite TV programme.

16. What’s the most exciting/ moving/ scary/ film you have ever seen or the film you
never get bored with? Present a film review. Speak about your favourite

17. What’s the best gig/ concert/ dance performance/ show/ play you have ever been

18. Choose one of the topics: What’s the best music album ever made?/ Who is the
funniest comedian you know? / What’s the most memorable exhibition you have
been to?/ What’s the best photo you’ve taken?/ Who’s the painter or other type of
artist you most like? What’s your favourite work of his/hers?/ Describe your
favourite work of art or building (a statue/ sculpture/ fountain/ bridge/ room, etc.).

19. Design a one-hour walking or cycling tour of a town/city you know for a visitor.
Include four or five places to see; a fact or personal opinion about each place; some
approximate numbers associated with the place (how many people visit it; how much
it costs; how old/long/high/etc. it is).

20. Design an artistic project for your town/city.


 Each topic should include at least 10-15 words of your target vocabulary.

 The presentation should be well-structured (introduction, main body and


 The topic should be presented with confidence (notes are not allowed).

 The following aspects of your presentation will be assessed:

- Grammar accuracy
- Vocabulary
- Pronunciation
- Content
- Interaction

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